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January 31, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-01-31

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The Michigan DaIly


No. ()().



Students and Alumni Will Pro-
test Against Conference Legis=
lation-Prof. Small Says here
Is Mistake in Minutes of the
tiirntoelandomre wiespeadgrlowst
II, ieaantthe radcalimno the
reelt Chicago fotiill cnterenlce -1A
_it mass imietinlg twill te hl by the
Chiag tentstat Miandelelha ll tomor
iniiandan idigatio n mee ating
ha, hii esalledl Iy (he Ciago auii
Iir 1h ciiane tinme-at til em~ltdsiilub.
It i ro ale tat le i t ntmeettg, will
da ihtt irtt gins t the tr-
posed tt-ti legslatin -kAccring to
tos list r a t i theii leil f the iadger
1.dtMatoint belligeretsthe liiesot-
liiroiik tiil ilepaei t te meet-
triin ale he alloted to contitut asi
a legi itite pati of the fooltall triigt
saon:itithat reliminary tii-agbtuali
1 \edas foriterly, or tht i definitt
lietbetfxedlwieut ati the temt intght
bgnwr;tit te inuimtie ot gamies
ite inc reased,. antu.ithlecasetoa is-
Or. ' Totma XV. Coodaiccthe 11
ci-ials-registrar.nitothas tinway hibelt
at fototialletihausiast delared at inight:
"IhliI it hatottlecomitteeswet
toofrinti propoistinguichanuges iniatlets.
I do ottseatelieceieets-of tabiolisinitg
lie traitingtabitleiof limtnig te gamutes
linle,tie ot tutug inwatsiit ll trc--
im tina- r ut act.It nwouldtbe rities-
a I s t tamt to nmeet a teami
tht hais ihadiifromiitwisato three weeks
storiee praetice tlnint ifhls. 1Ihiik these
tadeadto the confusionuesedibythle
steiti tprisigth tprofesos iwhiIo
ftat ahd le ietili iteIdaiatios oll
tisntti to Iabtutiiieieisndiierstninsilu
as t iht ii tullls toolactte i thei
inatl sesaionof thelicoifeiec. lThe
litest of i-e llteged ischirepancistas0a
pu-lu edti011ytsProfAlioi \.hutall,
Chicagos reresetativls it whesnI i
lie iec lisdthetoffiii111nts oithe i
meetng1romSecretarts IartonlloatIll
ani. ProtfesasortSniallidica-i taitt
tere mttlst binsattnist ialke iteliii1111
utein re ardiitoitha alavsionatoenedt
tl thefotbll season100 lilaseontitnrda11.1
betfore Thl-iansiing.i-
sawat-it toot end li cil ntthe fist at -ttri is
befosreank-isagiv-ig itadettofithlisee-
ond. thesit."I refusedtoitvstu fist
hei 'seeoiiaweek'lclaucieliantitiiiis Imi
opliniitliont-t seera-utothlisthetrsaIIer-
sentatiivs-didual iit~tisa 1 tid nail.ff1501
it- aitnitidll do nt atirovits t no.
is-.-vite ail to be l t a ni~iiitnu, I atiltirei
ther ti-is aitsitat.
ott CItNt ItS 1101DiSXOER.
llias iiira sokerlabytshelii'0) aigi
ierauetiinaedi tii iistsiejoahle
gatiriii-- at -so7EI-ta sh1isngtn street
ka t nighi. Xeui-atba of the ohit uetse
tile etila of tistk meetitg farte eks,
witjitani ieaIoflbraing'u1115te eeit.
Sit aeely tid tttthe 'ot) stll worka that
111111a1111urmurC eapsedtregardig the
soceial gather1illgutt serly o oclok
atoite -tie -ftethseaetyt-fisee net
Thie slokaer inleild refrehm~iets
folloaseibyitoa-s ntl -n adrss y
1'resilent (. C FrriCs.0 Boti itse aic
plaee of meeinlov5iied luat oplotn~e.
for they wsere unmolsttetdrig the et-
ire eveninlg

111111 Sittislit Colfaix at Iidiantpotis, RECITAL ON FRIDAY JOINT* CONCERT OF
geera l (:t t orttt Leaveinwrytiorttth'adBY RAOIJL PUGNO MUSICAL CLUBS
irostits-lit thli-e outryes. Il~e las usisi-
ll tintus o at ny tl- -iemin entwiters anti Eminent French Pianist to be Heard Events of "J" Hop Week Closed by
e hict a o ii sa etitti. itnildeal in Recital Program- Appears on Big Musical Concert-Program
sculptur tehe tasiprod-cedigresif Choral Union Series. Arranged.
; 1 it WIi tilltiilv t l sti a m d lt uu ai-ttirlillitist liii lnc, te e i sa-tFrech ni-of the p tr inilsoil even11 tst
C~ r.T f 111 es n fun sekr lianastitt i ttIpp a-s rayletin itt i i li tlij s h pi eek isth tultco etut 1a fi
fitil O l1 ltitalivettltwith g m sittihall i I1 rec I I ital liltgra s itn- theui vesi'tyi ee banjii o1111l i tit
t't'etii I iliat hli ail Itt lip tiitsi st '1 of Inib r ol let ve clitbis. tind tily arlii t int Iember.- of
tin am st t c tis ie sl iiial-ii-il I louuli a itisst-- lit lt-i-a t-itt 11111 1 i. ug o is th t ori zatt tn ' wo k iIng ha l Ia
Ilslcue\r alo nor ainad a rsn oet heAl -ei t- uitt ,afstatiessithIiuan la Iteller.
ofii mI oeli ghet- r 1by11the iisail- - - --- i :tim h M~1g te peettui 'hisesbiua-y tutus-and itiwil lit hed.ea-
on.t Ir. i Citlti i I l ettwi aist. ut hit iit toIa11111 I Arborli itsa n nt of 1 us-uail.in U nha i ivesiy -Xi. i leati aiftsici
rit i - tilv it titit texat-ptionti f-alt 11111I tr u I 'lt (lei I raneetu Franhi ,itt h ttee itsnuexcee t ii tppart11 i ii i r it(,si atitilt
115s trall ith llt l-tir it t ribaltueto- 1 h is or ututulatims lt tthe nrofbheitng -1111lstwnlspttole to <tuturla te tlen
111 -1 hitc s eturer. The i ceofighitsit-i- it i1 \ll iuuit islia moutter iihadi whichtiitsio favorabhut u iteutu-in othe
ad iso , Iltl b i f ~ ttyiets. 1 itle orl nolintrstii illhs a hr ctes Tite filloi-tut- litiltiiti1111ll. Iic
-OTHRNonthell itt v. \\a1 uttely devtedto iiriheeed
SITENATTITUD11E ltheiiarttnd ultuiuutilf thluingibut t llc elow i-il (1atheiI'i tutu--ee lts.
seehiss(t1 gr ilartst.11111 fr m tuite XlantilIi Cluib.
VINDICATED BY STONE As lilt atitit it itslst ccidedinh Iii ll istigeialy I Ael ewthit.
tutu tunthu I clu--lu -us-t of t-he pianoto i I a Xl iltgne Carmi-uuuuuuu- Cl u b h.
Says Similar Laws Follow Wherever ill hu it otil t o l i capicesit., meill 1I trol.1IaXliItuuCliib.
a Strong Race Meets a Weaker Rai ttl Pus--o tuuadtuu ziiituold elief Stilt, selted.
-Landladies in Rush. lamongtut the --u-it aurtists itf lmtotehut It emi ss-itus
Albet If Stoe, te slater pI ititienn.iI'n5is andLo do, ier 1o e uu aS ictu S trieigs-iltMa undo li l
a I p i i tutultauted ii siscondl an(I il uintitlis sationa11111 tktitd fcis notlullyti'St-at- Skits-Pah iiilckey.
laettirea-titshe lnegaroiqutioutit Tappna lltu rtisi 1h tt nd hatuso,]tut heut sa corn-it N egrou Ioae Song-QuarPtette, asslalt-u
lu-ctur tio- omtu esea ythsaftaurnoou. Xli tulser da i u t horul 1iy lon 11111sical ltiteris. hipy Itius.
I-en ut-u -uuauiuenc a n i tihtia tofthe le s 1hnorry rofssortal of thelii-P-t-sr ~ sistnc , f eiua 1uuhuhu li
ut-ti litir atuliaruedtoihIts t ic-ti tutu Il tat uhuti u fub Xusuu hue tutuy aote Suitga af AXhii --lii Ilh.
tumntu reu u1 ts ocuu tscurr thn t - tocn liltsucha i stincutuiton. T e Tlecuthis its airiihiaeben io
ltasi l l.tti-ihiit 5 chi-a ss a uuiittssid golleunmt O fiitheu I1 tulIiliiRept iic stat suitct-safit ii tth ufr se viiral years, :11d
at 11111r oitclca. omucofiithei studentusotiehul litith thu Cuross if tile Leguioin tuav e w ntha hic esct Ilprs whecrevser
tuit o at ticue fourthuhuuttre chuaugeld of Honortand-ti ar honorsuttia a-are con-thtety-apaa-red. lMit itaitmeinutart- prout
hut a hortiltotulandsladieea aeoto anuted t1o Ic i ur tut 1op 11 ii ii the tcourIs if 'Italhyuof tis arganiztion,11 andthue - ho
auus 511 5 htp ili it iu utt IitTiiut C u- teu a tiiitiirtp u

L~OrfADO tarT.
Students' Lecture Association Pre-
sents Noted Sculptor As Fourth
in This Year's Series.
oil aelutou t ti t 1 tutu ; la )C] C'l(<
ill ti all uuuutu 11 i ttii c enn Ltl
oXulio \nrhi 1111 Of-tier T f s cd(
*M Tai s atutu t ru a t t ofilull tis ,i
Ii-tituiiti-uts-u I th . ii ii iv111 till t
tuamlt Ii-1at theuteo Ill enaI(
hiss Ilec t tutuu m A eit uua t tcllutul sa huh

-a, it 1 atat(we tu i el
leain-the wes11111 llay to
Scuptre 1kwal it i11111fh
stui tre e r it i
betax:at ad tiolt oo
first hil/u ofujthe .tle.
hula tht it ar tth
Couutry andli becit mI i I S
euttuttesArtIt itt o
poitio hei htahldever
issul hio f Citt thu a11(it
Natil Sc ulptue lit-l

it itet here.i
ti tatifo
and Ilk'1mi-
tin IM It It

altaytilt hiutargumenitstwithithsetac th-
dethu liantit1 utcut the achoice seats.
Ifhowta-lee tuegeia tnututerti fstubduuuents
stralle ohi earh thetuclectuurc. Mt.Statue
pariitillytapptratci tte pesenceiof
th.ii e 11111 i rucu ting msst ot f hits le-
111111 at thueu .
'ietl1ade t aut devoutedi to Iaudis-
I utuatutiof ttoutctubitinshutcuesi
imellici thei tretfe ntucc fiitheut urt
ulu America le 111 hldithtt Xttut--
thr hhtahus licenauptuospeict uuf tlii
becomltiting tmiciiih satuong ilt il(-
nt legiha at ion111hats tollowtea- fixlu-ttu-hue
relaion111tt tu thelia-twat--esugenertullp-
iii t i t l"Initetiof1 tetnc il
AIt. Stoneitshtotwediitha t the raiculto-
le s ltinera ional oe, atutt
it itas foutndiat leu-ieu- tiastrongluerl leec
come1 s Ilaliticonita ltIwi t h aieran
snore backwartd itone.1 IHowevecact Ice de-
11111 ctlaot ofthis tm t he ii lo tcal as-
pet ola the probluhuetit A.grea i t musauf
at tit ll a s a -- Ieu ll t asi th e lii eaat
11111 holl as o l 1111 t si
I hut ifareiiuS ho aao utanries illthue
felted Statis" a tidi Xii Stoneut ",Iusut
111-h1 r of iil tese livein itthe thulasttats
(}f Geogia. aasiitpi andt iAlbama.t
Ilori - a--t- one111 ututi tt, 11n11elasvattotu
the uta-ruuinitthe Ui utecdlSuites.3There
-uc,. u-era-fewbets-us-uoat inttheucNets tiu(g-
l udtn iddleutlcntt c stteillcom-
pa llo wth t-eiwhitetchpoipulationtut si
us Misistptpt 5.jpercete Ifitil.tatali
1opultinls acit-i
A muuuuuuuuuufuub rpruiuse rathroiuusughu
11111 audice whut-ut-.liStonte dcledt
that if Ithere weratt-hue satmsutpruuportmaon
ilf wiittus antdihubla titeeat thue uuusmaei-
situy thtils hlaeis ounty, theue u-iaould
e 1(111110 itt-r-ias hutri-tillnd4,000 ishitesa
Anoether11115mluuortntt putse of slue- sutobt
Itn iius thatIIthut northserun uegrotisves
mtil li thelia-ela-subjseacitsospolice tandu
ot1er1rita ts:ulls ttthe souuthutse vslt
1111o111t11lieusnthue coluntry, free from
sull It stcallin1 t.This accotunts for the
tat ii tand ioleusce of thaeir crises.
lirtosneustdeicitlaredenpaptticallpy thau
(Continued on page a.)

I. A. tmt11,\\1\l(N= -
()t5Xhb(I.t *,PhRIZE
C.1. 1 Ilintit g. '6 awtIusa rsulthue an-
till Reeac cl itsi Ii ulasItub ln ''ight A tstc--
atittduaudienc I ahtru t tesa the
111con i stestu Rmn hiofthe iilaii butiluinug.
hirrtilt itrner.tntialse cetaryvtub
hio tillededand soketbriely of1th
1111 P1 i cn stiti ti uu a hth i u u
athetuta lu it t a llesss utint-
lni 1" treatedhi th e i li quor g~ttit q tsuhio i i
tuwd r'-nltu inis hamtuthod oftubat-
11Itt mI ts- rceivea cra tsh prmae rub
1111111 lii i 1ollahrs 11tnd iwill repuresenth
lthe utiltrstau t , h tae n est:to hue
helt linilldXiian1nxct Aptril.tf success-
flithere. hie wiiter-sate
cost tiniay.1atonl ottest jut
1I I . Truisler sits awardliiisecontd
plac an utu.h S. In11111hid llT-ejuduges
ieukey I:1IW.Stillke, ce. J. XI.
acso h n o altmiutl X iiI I tuiun ti lilttuis-
ii, aI:tv. lath . 11a11on1 Pruib. G.P.
PlhI OFFSSOR It h1(111O
h1:lIt N S 1 O ii.\VARL)t
mrf. :1. . Bl lo , to-residenit
lat re oit iltisuratn e-. 1i itt th rlw iepatrt-
met hht ust lcompu~uhltdatspeial~ti
cour-se tub li-chtures5it-ifut-e-tilejunliosr aindc
actujoiclathclastitlist sutre-tured toiiCatu-
brtitt-'Mss.Prfssr Hut-lowis it
utmbur uf het Itrvardilitt baeultyp andu
has achlievedi 1a1r1111taltionl it tile aiuto
oft -ThutaI fiii tub ii a i ttiltihhutatiie
111111 ithatiistntutuning ii iit tesevenutht
It i epuutohrv tedXatMaiusontuttDick
Isa 111 taheILuk), us stir cenmttr, las Ibeen
smutre tehthe positionuoftub bishall coachs
at Olihusneat year.

pirovtiutg'their hutuyat tt1 7ftile1-gli
3 11011 XXIII4 tICNG;
' ltSCI; l: 'vau lFD -l CES'AS;
(Oue week froumiFrimitus tuli catmwuill
be- vaer athiue 1007 hushwill be hue
All airrantgemseints fotr \-ichtigan'salug its-
mul ascial semtee-elttle eawcomlete,1 iium
it sea-elio'ocsk on. time es-cing obfFeb-
ruaury o, everything willbeuin usretinemuss
fur time recepsitiobofte gueists to-vu itse
hatter.'Thuis ya-is huopaeillhue attendted
my- aiboutsix hundredicmlehipletman tut 11
uoiimite'aspplins ituitue iat tmost suit-
Fur tfirmust tine1thin thy history oftht-
3Jiunior htop at-tMXtuhigan, hBarhcour gyni-
muasiuu wheae u cthesrreashumen-ts wihlhue
serv-ecd, aw ilhbc decoratecd.fThe differents
crowds arae puttinag belts eeery effort ini
mlii decoatmisin tubthuir imhoths arnoundu
XWtte rhmant gymniiasimum. WXheinthelighs
tee tiurtnedonithyscatetimemu tchubg gytni
tasmimwsiltltic a pretty cuts
Piour imeuscse eliectiucfhood lihts
asittlibeuhatt h owla upiton.theaiaincurs.
This petr.te fi mrsltusimetiu heietic
floodut l~igtsa mt swihve mccleimuedat lilt
hiop, calcuium liiinlul beet inituse bill
mieri-liiiTheciaupietotals'sbooth opposite
time entrlace int -tWt-ermtnigymmhIs
received h ar fasepstaaecusua-
ithee thiss-cerii its 1 decoa tionsa
planneud tie ceffective mm intetirCmlii
uAs timeumbetra of chit rs isrcovided i1n
time ibalaotiapfbr spectaiors is limaited, the
commaii Ittee assugeteti lhttomga-I a
steat authsiihuldmunake in effortm humconimc
leaulpy. ITh nitwaiitione~stlsueir i
gralliand t htusicueketsare-tel iruieln sail'
hue cdistribmutedllochaup
'flue sale hubreserved- seats Ion time
Coutmedy chlib enmter timetutwittlhue hueld
alt Sheclhan's o00Friday, frotm 9 toi-2
ca. m., atacltSarahltCa-siseli Atagellstil
1frotmaztto2Opin.,Sturdlay.'fhe nut-
tituee performaace isill comnmehnce
promptly at 2 p. m., Saturday.

jtiaM .I t freqm untluusly itn ini I ha
P111niz I s an tum t-hit oi al m ter
ei gtcl -us u s o a t,"suitl as t
his chotasie lmin I aaofesion. ~Togrushe
Flhesit bya hitaond h ntac
tubf list tuit it hil, It c te m d
C a go Rc mtmuum onl t hearI o tIars
Expoitionbi of Iitg wthu dlyqot
Hdis Histoury of XAmetrichaus Sculpturet
filtrm ed "a ci mou n umena111111 n
mats receimudcut mu l o ulutut a iot pris
bruoms tte sasharitacsa
i-.u 'I ft - iicular inludesli heut-

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