The Michigan DaIly sOL. XVI. No. ()(). WISCONS IN AND CHICAGO TO HOLD MASS MEETINGS, Students and Alumni Will Pro- test Against Conference Legis= lation-Prof. Small Says here Is Mistake in Minutes of the Meeting. tiirntoelandomre wiespeadgrlowst II, ieaantthe radcalimno the reelt Chicago fotiill cnterenlce -1A _it mass imietinlg twill te hl by the Chiag tentstat Miandelelha ll tomor iniiandan idigatio n mee ating ha, hii esalledl Iy (he Ciago auii Iir 1h ciiane tinme-at til em~ltdsiilub. It i ro ale tat le i t ntmeettg, will da ihtt irtt gins t the tr- posed tt-ti legslatin -kAccring to tos list r a t i theii leil f the iadger 1.dtMatoint belligeretsthe liiesot- liiroiik tiil ilepaei t te meet- triin ale he alloted to contitut asi a legi itite pati of the fooltall triigt saon:itithat reliminary tii-agbtuali 1 \edas foriterly, or tht i definitt lietbetfxedlwieut ati the temt intght bgnwr;tit te inuimtie ot gamies ite inc reased,. antu.ithlecasetoa is- Or. ' Totma XV. Coodaiccthe 11 ci-ials-registrar.nitothas tinway hibelt at fototialletihausiast delared at inight: "IhliI it hatottlecomitteeswet toofrinti propoistinguichanuges iniatlets. I do ottseatelieceieets-of tabiolisinitg lie traitingtabitleiof limtnig te gamutes linle,tie ot tutug inwatsiit ll trc-- im tina- r ut act.It nwouldtbe rities- a I s t tamt to nmeet a teami tht hais ihadiifromiitwisato three weeks storiee praetice tlnint ifhls. 1Ihiik these tadeadto the confusionuesedibythle steiti tprisigth tprofesos iwhiIo ftat ahd le ietili iteIdaiatios oll tisntti to Iabtutiiieieisndiierstninsilu as t iht ii tullls toolactte i thei inatl sesaionof thelicoifeiec. lThe litest of i-e llteged ischirepancistas0a pu-lu edti011ytsProfAlioi \.hutall, Chicagos reresetativls it whesnI i lie iec lisdthetoffiii111nts oithe i meetng1romSecretarts IartonlloatIll ani. ProtfesasortSniallidica-i taitt tere mttlst binsattnist ialke iteliii1111 utein re ardiitoitha alavsionatoenedt tl thefotbll season100 lilaseontitnrda11.1 betfore Thl-iansiing.i- sawat-it toot end li cil ntthe fist at -ttri is befosreank-isagiv-ig itadettofithlisee- ond. thesit."I refusedtoitvstu fist hei 'seeoiiaweek'lclaucieliantitiiiis Imi opliniitliont-t seera-utothlisthetrsaIIer- sentatiivs-didual iit~tisa 1 tid nail.ff1501 it- aitnitidll do nt atirovits t no. is-.-vite ail to be l t a ni~iiitnu, I atiltirei ther ti-is aitsitat. ott CItNt ItS 1101DiSXOER. llias iiira sokerlabytshelii'0) aigi ierauetiinaedi tii iistsiejoahle gatiriii-- at -so7EI-ta sh1isngtn street ka t nighi. Xeui-atba of the ohit uetse tile etila of tistk meetitg farte eks, witjitani ieaIoflbraing'u1115te eeit. Sit aeely tid tttthe 'ot) stll worka that 111111a1111urmurC eapsedtregardig the soceial gather1illgutt serly o oclok atoite -tie -ftethseaetyt-fisee net Thie slokaer inleild refrehm~iets folloaseibyitoa-s ntl -n adrss y 1'resilent (. C FrriCs.0 Boti itse aic plaee of meeinlov5iied luat oplotn~e. for they wsere unmolsttetdrig the et- ire eveninlg 111111 Sittislit Colfaix at Iidiantpotis, RECITAL ON FRIDAY JOINT* CONCERT OF geera l (:t t orttt Leaveinwrytiorttth'adBY RAOIJL PUGNO MUSICAL CLUBS irostits-lit thli-e outryes. Il~e las usisi- ll tintus o at ny tl- -iemin entwiters anti Eminent French Pianist to be Heard Events of "J" Hop Week Closed by e hict a o ii sa etitti. itnildeal in Recital Program- Appears on Big Musical Concert-Program sculptur tehe tasiprod-cedigresif Choral Union Series. Arranged. ; 1 it WIi tilltiilv t l sti a m d lt uu ai-ttirlillitist liii lnc, te e i sa-tFrech ni-of the p tr inilsoil even11 tst C~ r.T f 111 es n fun sekr lianastitt i ttIpp a-s rayletin itt i i li tlij s h pi eek isth tultco etut 1a fi fitil O l1 ltitalivettltwith g m sittihall i I1 rec I I ital liltgra s itn- theui vesi'tyi ee banjii o1111l i tit t't'etii I iliat hli ail Itt lip tiitsi st '1 of Inib r ol let ve clitbis. tind tily arlii t int Iember.- of tin am st t c tis ie sl iiial-ii-il I louuli a itisst-- lit lt-i-a t-itt 11111 1 i. ug o is th t ori zatt tn ' wo k iIng ha l Ia Ilslcue\r alo nor ainad a rsn oet heAl -ei t- uitt ,afstatiessithIiuan la Iteller. ofii mI oeli ghet- r 1by11the iisail- - - --- i :tim h M~1g te peettui 'hisesbiua-y tutus-and itiwil lit hed.ea- on.t Ir. i Citlti i I l ettwi aist. ut hit iit toIa11111 I Arborli itsa n nt of 1 U nha i ivesiy -Xi. i leati aiftsici rit i - tilv it titit texat-ptionti f-alt 11111I tr u I 'lt (lei I raneetu Franhi ,itt h ttee itsnuexcee t ii tppart11 i ii i r it(,si atitilt 115s trall ith llt l-tir it t ribaltueto- 1 h is or ututulatims lt tthe nrofbheitng -1111lstwnlspttole to