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October 31, 1903 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1903-10-31

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The. Michigan Daily



No. 29



Chanmpionship of West Will Be Settled PTe AllFccest IttP )01 tea t will,
In te ittioscltol-trc cotet. lfothli
-M01ichigan Teams In Perfect Co- tictssitl 11u tSdgnttl' io tpli p t itotnittg wit it illi-
dition-No Stock Taken In six Itats-,retiait ttilsati I Toey aro giltori snIf-rry cit-hI ci10:30
Minnesota's "Bear Storne Betns. Benont iHotiMusikegon, ht lasoss I itt itt h tot yi t , ltt ven-c haso
__________ tnti,,Alpenitt AnnttAtboti-atdtLaInstting il- oil kitlitll t llyw ih ittaisto rg
itt ~~r seIt.ixtplayutffiiosatytantithe Iiintosctl itt-lholigitl ic lb itt(11see
lThe lttamtin'i t tal ldit in ntleapo -, - ss rll tioisoi a.at - (c I Lo- 0 1- me, t-in-s thelitiii l sitcl
p in. alcittralittuitstaindard ic iit. itimeAgrcltal Colleeto aiow sc is
wticho rlli i ltthe csIme ias te't itint tyItertesdiiiins[Ileisiyts-i-ti- i e is .sA .sudi (efseto
Unierit I Al w l IN I slt ctt - 5i libipnd h h am '0 en n ro ad tes a i -te icolo tiltgridiron.ui wi
half past one.ioirelittscliIlle retIct-Isititil a~e titheO FairTi hetat i il nItineerotsiilithaoc tierely
c'ieo spiltaf u t i terhtto.I (h o und s-ti i iita ut Itin- ii 5 titodcil('liii nos isa , wit a squattywtictht isi
Thi s a ltnis s n-iilnltoicorrits Ii ~c--ti1ttsi-- AttAlightio elhpe os c lie'a outsc at sllIt clilotsig o tesoos nit
Iteoeous--tn prest-sion- ti lthliii l iedii scis litt s' liii-ii-Tye ii
ero eo uitsc i mps li rillnlpuntltsandi willittprobablyItilttiltnitthe-lfinalsii
gameiy Iwill h alld tim Acistiti y rho cii-eail rechd h yar
titltt i C.ll Hittius i i,, i,,tL i'ttt y lt ls Stitti eda Ht i n T etaRT i TICS', CLUB.e wh
of thobestHigh Schoillamstofthetilt allhadcansserabettraning
Tiieiittlis ii1111 c unt.ttisiahUN oRed LI tEE i Alevesfhel-sionitwoocpaye don.theast-
s sritut IicninuAnntii Arbsor- thsI , t he a i~gSoitils tsttcnsAror 7-
worning atttlmtiios ts sil incit s in hw lnyo prta a ,i.
tity ititsattlyttti sts tissitiltI r l ttti ilcitt st A t
I ctti catl- hc'Jiitcti- cititi i ctius!Ie t isiic 11c1erned,tad yoa, a tutu aintiso ni ia Ill hoiti ii
Nothropili i eld, 11111 s I 10 t a t s ti-or s iod t, sint-ee- s tntoiii- i-iitii- hsgi-harmhe
til11s('clt s wit his h rnc g U'ic - m- e ritg ia mt u t h a t ttheand-t i etiftoyli- li I t i aiftor lc-t tot t
erit lt~tl uial adtecroytLeethe ____ School_ team.
Sihgn it nto- tlol I sctuden
shlo shtither cnfdneis fist
waingtos nit ichiga tsoli'1.ol:i iigdnsiir +srSot' ore
acctio oide to -co landll p-nprfc i nondtasctedseeral m tNPo.P.N e d 3:11 ahe wae
hacliulit-hI sveniigsiticiieas isthiii-I
conitc cis. H esoi otall m c itisit lisc fbutich re em es hea m o t ec
la to tat t het ot alal ct i tihy ho T eca sdei e oate dti i i ob o d n u n odevd e e
tareiccolt, lics it lithot tin yCistai, onsnj g me nx abod an hep Mi ino t i rach 1fth0 rwof l Th
Nsio ithw iiienandIcltishi csina swee te roig
ustalloundti-c- ti-she wortsuaf lte Wle ireplllcnb illJ ACOJ f he (i [,Wrte
--iutili crnc'rtsiulforttniighatlyhiAtethese at.d u theS
Thetteamiicucort-ei-ve hall111110 ointdthN SAFF g ouunStreesfandaetinstote Sretsnbrnstoreasor
thettear: poIii r stouy conciteredtbyuhind o
ga eil anduut (Lintt ltautsri-n .m o a . [iin lmtd t 50
sa teHyI a i s1li itat i c-u' ciin tua t s:--r o, rutuiuc II tut JiS.it Alt y thcr teohp tcual hu ex tetont . c-s th s p i
,.oluug td e itutusRch iuote1lIto su CIt-itt- astr, l u--herlcd ;]Sicse r iiz ttt on wlulcitihen bt-cut, eho dc onuts
lids ut itiontheir tutu' lilt Inrt w reiii lller is utn tutuWinltler, Yuirtutu mo itt uagainsu' tit-hIe autu I iii i s i
thai, lulloo Ir ust-vsubu' tco plld}uuv n ' D a * 1 ay t at in~. ltu <Iliar lii c ttuti y X u.i lii+ii'Iylit /
bactifield, wth s peeas iI t Ii tutu
stou itiil tIc-- w ithutrehit-- huto lst ~ utu il'iiI-i i i i tI 1t u ttts tu ti ilutht
apparensjt-thetrilc ia c'autu-tilteiito-tti--uuEuthu- u-iu Ir h a&.lt al di, titi li,'1-t-Ou-n t
a h u c: h a it ng ofitrill line tut-intsc- igt- i~t httiitl 5 h o i'tttt iIc'itt't tc- i-u uh-i-t-uc
hilBand i'a iisatotieceive the a the' t tONl Ii'StLEuc nuS tr eta s iandl at Si ae S I tree h,'tucSmitors
cetic I bc f~toet-au -.t c tist ct itaeme tnttc ,illt q itth u
sot- whiting SaturardI t-hutr stere 1itu6 allusilltodaytEditionuuu-rsmiedMItoN 5ORAORCA
Tthe 5peed 'ci it oe ur n scia wholteIhm uuuuutshtuuhcgotlwacsc-acut hittu t ii fuuuts nc
haiti:auy hut lcitth ualiterat.stotnits iii-s-Ottompblliii unt,- an e. Ari c tihy is ot hit otihtrlma mbrs. Phis f il
talong ofI hein n umbarI ivetIhet sigio 7 1ie n i an ,ureril ii ,Mi aye ititvaty isnfot tertoucl ai
t tuliues ill)ic lt ,huandt, k -oigte ltteell tu i I I Hci lidity tutu a 'ucctists uttuiieuctidlfrom th-c ety -
lhu exs la tot:"wailin sor slet, r sutgRobe tuo. ihtc tit us isithot ithwhui c h ieithasoehitak
airsait lsItuit ust scllecaulltutl. hittlthe sille t huoitee)ui'H u t SnePut-ri~ - 'le me b rs
liare tsg otputonenuts lmoshtiurythic cii istM i, lto snt thets lu s ini Mrhuh- aCoP s U EYt FO ur,00. eve
oittle uItiean Iworkinc wlo hallsing ltweirticnsacboarduu, u uti tc y lia,- Stfills cPhlcics, Srthe to,
Oua seuothfh emeaolis ii l wersc es-all tt -- -rt - Joh -c t Bruuu ut it uiut-uinittrisnw tutM o stiar ty, ghut lay I
in thelubet, ontuerwil oitsrsonis-CtuLLEE FOT BALL-ui isNOsTiluAl uNt susir.The ite:tumtetetig oil tusheofld
ietu, tout,'cieasoc us apeitstesete ititi ouTiharuulic it tou n u dau uuy tutoutbtr-11112. uinste
acehentut IiYoiset eoswi sawgaos'Iucaucgsulkedileouioitfi 'lihisil tiuihtseaswhumluis tt<

he heaten, thotugh. Inutegart to the itt the April numbuthecrittthis Edluca- Acbiutlusutst withitanlutt apprstoal, I
S ------- - ---- tiontal Reoiew. It cuoers fcurtieten anti will iinte fututre he one ot the l
(Continued on Pope Four) hpes.J popularidemaonds. j

:Telephone And Telegraph Descriptions
Arranged For-Athletic Assoca-
ion's Arrangements at Um-
versity Hall.
At a arhoitsexcpense ts he Atleici
Asstcsiationutarracngemenisots ecn
statdeto receivelthems ut cmpeleec-
ioth-iftthelicgamse dungpits prsgress
At Uivteucty i-a~lthee sill he a
spetihal liong distanceistelephonetuswiue
with toe end at NorthrtopiField, ovisr-
lincug tegamean td te othirtn
Ih hultatfolust thue Ihal.As eci ply
is math it is tllileid over the wire antI
a hall movtedl accordingly out a large
mtap ofthhcfeld, thus showing the p-
ctonsofithe tll at every moment of
play. Arrauntgeuents are hbeing moths
lu havetthe I Ut f M taisulpresent antI
Professor Stanley will e there ts eath
he singing '
AltteAmory eprts will comec in
itvet spe cial teligropht wirecuming
direcly fromtthlefield- As at Uive--
ity h-al there will e a mpofithit
fietldhautdthe pusitiots ofte all
As this is the oory next hst thing
tuo seteng the point itself, everyhody
ought to tutrnttuut to one of the two
platces ott sing andl root as if yuu
wore actually at thitsgsme Repturts it
hnt-up ctrwd etc. will start comitg
beoreuc2,' sic it is sol tot he out handu
tally. An admutissioan of 22 cetts will
he chargcd.
The Archaeological hInstitte uof
America bas sent cutitthe tuollowitg
annuioucmettnt of feowships at te
aschs in Ahets,itomeoutud Ples-
titse in1h04-s5.
"Fivet tic moretifelowshipstwil ito
atoarded fr titu yetar i.it04-905; twit
ini Grcc-ek arcihaeoltutu tath ith1 iia sti-
hitd oii ix-ashundred tudollatsitt the
Ameitcant Schutool o Classical Studies
at Athecsu ontecut twousitt Rtotant Cas-
sicsl Archaeoloy, tach ithilsa stipendu
oh 1s huntreddollarsccanti irohahly
oneicfliiithe,-si tuy ofhrisbt-tan Achaoi-
olougy with a s1tipendt.. itvtetshundredsu
doillaratohehutAmerican Schoolui si
ClascicalSi tutts itiRomec auth tite
wit a 5tIltetub ofsixlhundriediudollas
at the Amei rcantSchool for cOiotal
Si tdy anth Recearchin Pi altscte
"Theose- fllwsis arettawatdiii
ciely cult hocussis 01f comptictive
wruitteaiuncations A felluo in
tlussca l Aurchaeoilogyithowverwhit
apptl les fo Itrappitmeni 51thui5 etht'
hit schtotuat Atluens orithe schooul ii
Rtumet tmay hiseeemptedla-ithle ii,-
criott of iithesCommih tttuIon Felow-
-shhips tutuomtkuicg iiieIexamnatttits a
cituutl ut ttu tim, iad uy hut'euppcitedth-
oni tiiiItrtecommecndualtun ifth ireb-t
tutu andh thtptftssrsolit hutschool;t
thotutuoeItnon tte Sucuureaupinit-
ment tut ait-i-heiumateliniianuyyearntl
tiloI felowrsiputuy behutlut uhouttmoreuc
Iha tutositytars
iTe -s u tatiuus- lu ll hhowships
at theuchiootuls itt AthecnsRoneni
PleisItic touwi l c1thuhd at any of thu
tuivesits oticollegetss represented-c
ontutu Man Ooagitng tuCommiee of onet
ofthI hutliitc soolstutuliiarhu 415,
aunh 1, 11114.
"Cantdidate-smutus ounottce in writ
tng li iditsietohitaketthtuexaminta--
tsandtishunountitcmts-tmtsust e
ini te hacdsuof tulhit applrprtetchair-
muatlity tFebrcuair1y1,14 n riceipt
oubit, a hlankc trin iiiapplicatuius will
hut senut thuth1et-atdidateuohbtsei'filledO
on1t anthitre thudthut hitchatrtuontby
Ic-ittuary 1I.
Ir hi icwsutouttrs puubl d ini the cit.
its wessiitt heretutu the Mihigan Cen-
cal, anunuuce thatIthe AMicigan tein
anth supohiurterassere given a peasant
reception.t Crods turted itut at Jack-
stun, Batle Creek and Kalamaoo to
welcome ihe team which they call
oar."ond oswishi thtm the uchto
givce the Minnesota a hbad deeat Yost
utnd Fitpatrick umustlae een kept

busy anuswering que'stions from Iho
ine 'hey heft here until they reachedl
Shutseapolis, judging fron thittinter-
views ir, v-iu papers.

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