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May 31, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-05-31

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VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICR. THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1900. No. 181.

14 19 J4C
G. H. WILD & Co.
We have just received or line
of spring woolens for men's
wear. It includes everything in
staples that are suitable and de-
sirable for the season. We are
also showing full ranges in nov-
elties, in quality and style to
suit the most exacting taste,
consisting of 'Top Cats, Si-
ings, Fancy Vests and Golf
Trouserings. Wffe invite you to
call and inspect our line at
108 E. Wasbipg toro St.
Arit Wav~etcbough out
Artist kofAris
a Materials frmWl
to the smeuniit
isnw cmplt.
Oil Pats, Chia
and otheeaateeCl-
ors rawig Papes
and teushe ofeal
Wilder's Pharmacy
THE OLD Forseveralweeks wehavxe
REIBEhs, a xne w aeHreedy wih
lta fIliexf LUNCHES, C-
R. E. JOLLY &r CO.'
Are YOU going
to Paris?
Iha cvaoutaeyourlKdak?cWould't
ibe a aoodide axpck at otnaw
whledhreisltaoia e andlelun
In New Styles and Patterns

BY ONE RUN Blenaoe. Stoleni bases-'oloce 2.
W'iier 3, Adsit 2, De Velde. First base
Illinois Wine Fourth Game-Series sit bills-Off Beitei, off iAleCollcocz.
a Tie. Hit by pitchr-By Bristle a., by 1ieCol-
Yestereloy the 'Varsity tried conclu-lum Ii.irst bC ase on rrears-Illiinois 3,
sin ithcItll~ios t BenntitPaBric witic Miccegan 4. Satruckout-By MeCoilatia
the resutithibsi cie series slandes tee to.FPissedl ball-Johitiotn. wild pitch-
elites avont iy eacle. es-Bristle, McCollumc. Tieeie-a :e.
Acnsidterable crocid of rooters tool Lmit -Til in diii. Attecndacte-2,500.
deiaictaegi of ties excrsieoctetd folriced flee tticsalsicsteelt.againttis ofter-
te team a1nd11bancd cc Detroit. Tier crocidiin10011at 4:10 011 Regencts' Field for tice
thact witinessrd cbe gams e ciletrl inbit ansitueceidicng giace. Thactciit cwiii be
illed grandilstaendlicd ]btearcers, aaeclseatecciiexceitinig eciest mcay-certacinly
cnsisteed of iDetroit's soeiety etrces, tic be expct el. Lundcgrene ccill tsrousably
fecesaicethliclesuge eontcingent,. Pitch letlIllois acid Uleyr erhasleps

Normals Defeat Senior Laws.
Tie ig00 isisbaseball teamuc playrd etc
iterresing gatme citiccte Normalc at
lice letter's grounctds, ystrdaicy. Tite
gaite rsted i1 a seore of II to 5 in fa-
vor of tie Noromais. The gaettewcabstore
inerestincgthathiescare cwould itidicate.
Both tramsco playedi goodi ball atnd at times
indeulges ineeoeestar ccore. The lawrs
wcere crippledIcy cte lets ls furreguilar
play ers, nieessitaetineg somae shcifeting of
elect,sect put1 up a otiff gameeiiisipte of
cts fact.
Fit tfoercihe laces piteched a stead gste.
Clcarke, '01 L.. Normlco achlan00ex-ieag-
cc r pitched for lice Spsiloectiaus ated ccas

ditlie gaicierdesertved lice attendancee.
It is tcletnani fastetherouegheoct ancd de-
cdedely eentere'sting fromce lie speteler's
The tell lees sithtie gate ee eitleCol-
hle's cliondeerfeel ttork ii ic e bsxandi
Stnow's iphencomenca1libateing. MeCo lumt
sheowed teli ee coilnot 11so y of left
cuinlg etcd proved meore thaciev cer
Miechigan's hoodoso. Tier migheely little
soutpachacoil eestrikce-oatlsto lets ered-
it, Cotndoet faicenegtouteimtes, aned die-
Guins, aoctet ttesici cus fcilineg to eoen-
ieee.1Theenee of htigh batteng ac-ercages
all fell befoire MclCoilete's tpuzzles ex-
cept Sncoce'h caeced 0111 foetr eleace
shearpc hits ill as dotty tim~es at1 caii.oner
biniaseeg threbaigger.
'fle fieldinthiroueghoeuccctier gaeetils
ptly' fcastbutite teeseenr thlie team
soceredl cltyccardia wii ile acccillcediucefour
run1s atierIltsccienccwee outi. Ciesicer
a istliedth irowa from eCondonie.failitno
to islet ihiits man.Blit tle let anothe
tit byltfaielingto asil-isc Condolin oniace
ifelc il,1theneeaeliii ci nte h erlerroeect
an i c l ic i ok.w si done bi dc
iced fast uthie hd 1 sae lsllii5 iii e-itt li
lice rest in cringecarable to solve dIeCt:>-
Itut. LaCnd fi belditig ttas illc'ntlestt
Illhs bt cci tin idws sidlerti. Ile inaee
beterl Icleaneitacittihrowes,iciertoIFlush -
er wcch tie latterI juggled. Blue i-siise
fileslier pllayedi a1geotd ii cly gameandii
batediifairly- cecll
-Mettesnci 'eilede cli cutIils tcrcinge
its ia t rifle wcru d cie McNCotllum hai.d
stlenehi battig eye lao.
Davcies aceped is toaely chanie. lie
es-iuck outocer hut Johncsone dropediheile
bcall citd Dtvets beet it out11toafirst. tMc-
Ginieatsncd Snowath islefieldedlfteely tier
latteer runntin., ills tier feceeacedgetineg
aioncg flwithc-t e han otd. MrCocllumt
ksepdthis trail remearikabily'weh ccene
ecerv-bodly-yelled at1imecandcitried ta rat-
tliete cued heist rigid ate strikinagalit
Mtihitganc's test lbetters:I

L.,ULLIt tg 101 :1t t kAI l tid 11.

Dr. Werthin's Second Special Lee- "crys dcd.
tore. galie lead good at,
ies1turn ing it la
Tue serond tlepecalcretr econ tieesrcile deleg-atic
"cathl'ogs- ofbenereaul Disesses" wa s AnnArbor
guruen byDr. FWartiTesd-cay ev enict Te coe
intee low1 ter lecure raoliceof lice- eede NODII LS
s callineg. iDr. WFtit reaede, "Thr eGasc..
Pthology atf Syphlilis, tie ectreeng Kiig, 1)...i.
illucstraerd by stereopteicone strc,ased tis Coenklin, eb -...
madee the lecture mcore nteerecrtic e aiced ss ..
Norris, li..
bieneficical. lice lectrewasr tcomencedcitBe icc einte. f...-
by' thedifferene teodes of infection, cue !igeleter I1...
chireflocaos, andeIgeneralciacpectac.Serma, ,t....-
iDe. Firariltetsdemeonsrated icy stpecily Cisckp. 1 .i..
tirreredt slides eliot cchereeverlice pice- tes ias...
ary lesionitcris lr-ced tierptloal e ii 000 LAW"u
riceanges ccerrelice samte. lice itfecetitn (aks ec n . -....
becomttes geierl or rconstittoalyLn 1 ...
meres cit her lc-phciicesysemand'neipite .F.ci .
cit tierfirst rconsttitioae il sy lt ltotl Yis a i-dcm sics. s-.-.-. -
tic-t-Ied anaeialcaulisedley acmakeide- \c ile IIb ..
ni cites iloi ice thlie blood. Be ails, 1, ..
Ncccceroccc slides ccereshown e whihi I h~lid Iii - - -
lee taoteel -cl-neitttleary t e xtile e fithie . Toal.-
Lesins, atnd tileeiciefIaeliitticso
earl),which elp tciagnioIise tl ie se. IMedic;
IDr. \icrc1 inclei d thies i le se lwthit I limedcal so
fy latcellem irktillon tile mlsie hs e
II. uh eicly 1111it yeer
tile- dutly wheiclwoulI till upjone lice .Th eei
meical11men in'combinth cbseae s s -h otr
aIl I e151estl5i i 1hoped ithat eaI tc coli t its ofclos ing c1
11ct itile rutty a n repyii eoe tntw
shoucild. Th arn .. f -

tedancre, tie Noreecal-
egetly besiedes a oncsid-
oflw I att's eredinug fromc

1 1241z
.5 1 2 1I O
j I a I 1 0
.3 101 1
.40z 1 10
1 03 0
.42 2 10
.42 1 1 0

... -.38 II II 07 3
AB-. R. us.PO. A. E.
.42 2010
.40 I II5
.4 I 1141I
.3 I10121I
.3 0 0 351
.40 I110O ii
--30 042 2
-40 1200
. .4 I I zi I I
--.33 5 7 24 16 ItI

at1 Societg.
'it llel thei lce1stmeet-
licesit- eeiii--t enetie
01 of e m cedicsalibuiled-
wast litrely fat'bicis
icg thicrs cc-err ceir-
luebusineess it tie yealr
ofurs ccere incstalledt.

Cii,O itt- - - t t 1 3 0
JFultosn , 2 ..- ...-.1 0 5
DeVeluir, r. ..- - -0.... 2 0
atewcts,- - - -a... .. a.0 0 i
Ausits, 1. b - --... ...1 2 8I
Fe ileire, 1. f - - -.. ....2 2 3
Sce"Iuesell 3)...- ....0 O
McrCollum. ..is- - -..0 1 0


Program For Pupils' Rectal.
liii I chuteigl is tile 111ogra1liltfor the
CPupils'lRechilis vnnga 'clock:i
(a) "Songixoata Sauce's ....... llen
(b) A RverDrem" ......Thoacs
c) bleed Sulesses Leetuliute Fiereicsit
i:).biedi a Cvkedill.
LBiliesce eLieder..... ..Dorcek
(a) ideare11yPraebill Lrd"....0
(bi) f1--thlc e trs eof Baby len"....
ec) "Turn1 iheee ict le ed Hfle
Mherey".. .. . . . . . . . .
(di) 5111n1 Ye It.Joy ful Saong...
TAifAlite Revneolds.
(a) "i,_ilbeclc s Bros-re froeelT'lece
.ase".... ...Wgere
(let "Vcesit Sprintg" -.. '.Thoemas
D.13 eseciCeec ceelcih.
(i) "Coetctte...---.heocmecs
(let "Suncset .. .. . . . . . . .
lIt tsses Cocykeitdall adeReynolcit.
Medics will go to Insane Asyilum.
Tier seneior micrs cwill go to Potic
tomlorrotw imorinto vfe isitthe asyluiim
locatesd in that city'. 'fletrip is feur cliii-
cal instruiction aiid is to comipete tier
course of lectuires cchtiche bate bee givre
lice past three wceeksc upon Insainity, by
v'arioeis leadhingcern of tier state. T'his
trip is part of the requiredi cwork aind
every senior is expected to aftend.
Arratigemetsichase beent madecritic
the Ann Arbor Railroadicwo roaches
tease been provided twhieichviii be at-
taehed to the regular train wehich leases '
at S8:56 a. ic., the trip as usual trill be
mcade via. tiambur junctien.

ree-ved caid acepted. The ireauerer
shoed c a ibalace of to9.g6f afier all ex-
pees wr dere hotel.cchutch cwtilhue turineed
oe to teIhe ic uderct r ueasurer 115 begini
Ithe expeses eat thecaineing rtrm. Tie
nere s eletedoffices 1will deectdice coli-
in ee t pnted hte witk'Iotiecie ensti-
ing year.
Goffers to Hold a Tonrarnent.
I ouirnaenreth enteoImembclers of the
-Adn .arbor en fcltrueb, wulluteIcedetecuthe
ride' graundscet irmieecthie weekcJuice 4-te.
quatlceificaty Iing ruinde uf mcedcal play-,
eigheencontnoeuhls hises. illmust be
plhayed eff a son s fpossile cuedthis
beards i ehedhthaoesof liecomitttee on
er beforeScetucrdsay-Jie-. The best
sixtsenscotresscull etutify for 1theetouaei~-
deeittproherihcchleuieletbteecmetch 'play.
Scees museit be sigedeebylbthe l ay-ers
andno core wccli teaccetedshfromci
shayer itlakingeuthee iountd 'iiose.
.A fouirsoetoutrnameneittcwillalso be
held Iao the samiee teeme. A qualceiftying
roudexe for thitstrill not be neceessary, bide
iteriding conterstants imustesniter their
naedis, htogetheurittoocof theirtpart-
nuers out or teefore Sstuirday, Juite.
J. B. AM'MUxxRaa1H
T'ournamcent Comiiccttee.
T'he No Sigmca Nui defeated tile Theta
Delta Li yesterday by the score ef 19-4-
Lawttoin and Chambers swere the battery
for the No Sigtma Nit, Belford and Ste-
ens for Theta Delta Cbi.

Toal.... ....6 9 27 II4
1. Ii. 0. A. Et.
titeGiucuic, itt, f. 1... 1.I 4 0 0
Coindonu, ib.... .......I a to aOO
Sntowt, L....... .......2 4 4 0 0
Madtison, s. s.0 .. .oI 2 2 2
Davies, r.f.............. i o i 0 0
Bteneoe. alt .............0 0 3 4 0
Flescher, 31b ...........oI 2 3 I
Whitney........o 0 i 2 0
Bristle, p.........o o o o 0
Total.... ...... ......5 8 27 II 3
Innings.. ..1 2 3 4 5 6 7S8 9-R.
Illinois..... 00ooiso oo-6
Micbigan...o12 0I 0oo10- 5
Three-baxe bit-Snow. Sacrifie bit-

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