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March 30, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 127) • Page Image 1

…STUDENT APATHY CLUB Y ICFA6 AbF t CLOUDY, WARME R Latest Deadline in the State ^ t VOL.mLVIII, No. 127 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS 0 PRICE FIVE CENTS r House Sends ERP Toward Final Stages Substitute Relief Plan Defeated WASHINGTON, March 29-(P) -The $6,205,000,000 Foreign Aid Bill hurdled its first House ob- stacle today and headed toward scheduled passage Wednesday. Opponents were beaten in an ...…

March 30, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 127) • Page Image 2

…THE IICHIGAN DAI1LY TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1948 ........... I .. .. .. .. .. .. ... I .. . .. .. ... .. . .. .. Keep Off the Grass MPUS needs is a new I literally nil, the new orgaization should WHAT THIS CA student group with wide appeal. We've been around here long enough to watch the vast majority of the students on campus founde'r in the alphabet soup of campus politics. We've noticed that prob- lems in addition to bluebooks and cafeteria...…

March 30, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 127) • Page Image 3

…RCH 30, 1948 THE MICHIGAN DAILY rAOE Z THE RAINS CAME: Oosterbaan Starts Football Practice With Clean Slate } Head Coach Benny Oosterbaan, bundled inside a huge inner-lined raincoat, looked around at approximately 125 candidates digging their cleats into the Ferry Field mud, and quipped "Tradition has been broken. It's raining in Ann Arbor before 6 o'clock." It was a standing joke that it never rained around these parts, until football pract...…

March 30, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 127) • Page Image 4

…A: P r C XouM, TIFF M i C- ANiDA~L Y Iflufli-flAr. Tii-AJZIA Fl ---------------- -I SPRING PROPHECY: Students Foresee Coup By French Commilunists (EDITOt'S NOTE: This is the last of a series of articles on what foreign students at the University think of the international situation.) By ANDEE SEEGER An attempted Communist coup in France is predicted for late spring, by two University students Poet Roethke To Read Work Theodore Roethke, ...…

April 30, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…SOME ACTION NEEDED See Page 4 t 43U11 Ap *GFAIR , SLIGHTLY WARMER Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 146 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Engineers To Join May 11 R.R.Walkout Mediators Move To Prevent Strike CHICAGO, April 29-(R')-The Vital Engineers Union joined ir the May 11 nationwide railroad strike call today as federal media- tors mcved to ward off a paralyz- ing transportation tieup. The Brot...…

April 30, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 146) • Page Image 2

…,GE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1 MAT, APRM 30, 1948 a auWOaTHE aMIsHIAN D IL FIDY, PR 3,84 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Officialj Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). Notices FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1...…

April 30, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 146) • Page Image 3

…FIUDAYAPRIL ~THEl A'iCiiItAN DAILY 5 PACE TH ... .. . . . ... ..... ....... . Wolverines To Tennis Team To Play Irish At South Bend Wolverine netmen will set out for South Bend, Indiana, Satur- day morning to take on the netters ' of Notre Dame that afternoon. The tennis team, bouncing back after their defeat in Lansing Wed- nesday, will oppose a strong Irish squad. The Wolverines bowed 6-3 when the two teams met here last year. Six Mic...…

April 30, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 146) • Page Image 4

…GFOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY - 1 -11, ---m FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1948 Editor... K Some Action Needed Tl"HE UN, beginning in the, clouds, has been getting closer and closer to reality in facing the Palestine issue, until now they are talking of action. With full-scale fighting being waged up and down the Holy Land for the last month, the people at Lake Success, especially the American delegation, are finding that mere- ly recommending a truce and...…

April 30, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 146) • Page Image 5

…rRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1948 '. NF: Tf UI A N 11A T T v Am....- A T l L' I U1 a 1 gYIV ' AITT.! AI4LJ.LjJLA.tY ..ti WIAGE I _ - Installation Night To Honor Women, List New Positions The newly - chosen positialn holders in League, WAA, Panhel- lenic and Assembly activities wil be installed at 7:30 p.m. Monday in Rackham Auditorium in the an- nual Installation Night ceremon- ies. Scholarship presentations will also be given at the time by Mor- t...…

April 30, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 146) • Page Image 6

…six THE AlICHIGAN DAILY FRTDtAY. itPRL 30, I-M - -- --- ._.......... . . ... . . . 'U' TAKES TO THE AIR: Armchair Listeners Hear Events by Remote Control By MARY STEIN The University is getting wired for sound. Campus radio listeners can now hear lectures, musical programs and other events from Hill Aud- itorium, L y d i a K,endelssohn Theatre, Burton Tower, Univer- sity Hall, the I-M Building, the stadium, and Harris Hall without budgin...…

June 30, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 174) • Page Image 1

…1 THlE ACCUSER ACCUSED See Page 2 L ,ir n ti SHOWERS COOL, CLOUDY, Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 174 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Fukui Quake *Kills 3,155, 7,520_Hurt Light Settling Shocks Follow Main Blow FUKUI, Japan, June 30-()- The estimated toll in Fukui's earthquakeUdisaster was placed today by U.S. Military Govern- ment officials at 3,155 dead and 7,520 seriously injured. That incl...…

June 30, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 174) • Page Image 2

…PAGE VG THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY. JUNE 30.194g 'I -____________.___________________ :.. +..ara "...s r..rv s a. v ate.. i. vv .avav The A ccws J OHN RANKIN, who has called the Ku Klux Klan a "100 per cent American in- stitution," is apparently not the only Klan supporter to serve on the House Committee on Un-American Activities. "This committee should ask J. Parnell Thomas, the chairman of the Un-American Committee, whether it isn't...…

June 30, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 174) • Page Image 3

…'W NESDAY, JUNE 34, 1948 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE : Chappuis Signs With Football Dodgers; Harmon Qui its Pro Ball * * * * * Indians Scalp Bengals, 6-2; SchmitzWins 3-1 Over Cards Bob Spurns NFL to Join AAC; Tom to Broadcast By The Associated Press Fireballer Bobby Feller of the Cleveland Indians showed his old time form today as he scattered eight hits while beating the De- troit Tigers and Hal Newhouser 6 to 2. Feller, who fanned eigh...…

June 30, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 174) • Page Image 4

…w THE 11? ICHI+GAN II AT LY SI)AY. J 30. 1 t t THE MWHT(AN DAILY TTIiflN~I:flAV T JIh4\G V IOAQ s I --- DRAFT LOOPHOLE: Campus ROTC ill Offer Students DraftExemption By CRAIG WILSON There is a loophole in the new Draft Law for University students interested in enlisting in the ROTC unit on campus, according to Col. Karl L. Henion, command- ing officer of= Military Tactics. "The local unit is in a position to accept several hundred stu...…

July 30, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 196) • Page Image 1

…YOUR RED WAGON C, '. r Swr 4)att SHOWER5 See Page 2 -8 Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 196 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1948 PRICE FIVE ( 713 Farben Heads Not Guilty of Plotting War Tribunal Finds 13 Are 'Plunderers' NUERNBERG, Germany, July 29--(A')-The giant I. G. Farben chemical combine was acquitted today of conspiring with Hitler to throw the world into war but nine of its aging directors were found guil...…

July 30, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 196) • Page Image 2

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1949 Your Red Wagon WE CAN PICTURE the Republican-domi- nated Congress sitting back with a broad political grin on its face and pointing the finger at President Truman, snugly jeering-"Well, we fixed your legislative wagon." The inhumanity and greed of the' Southern Senators however, does not erase the basic hypocrisy, of the Republicans' sudden urge to rid the country of its racial discrimination. Rep...…

July 30, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 196) • Page Image 3

…FlIDAY, JULY 30,194 THE MTCHTGAN DATTY PAGFL THREK. 1ttL ylRyL/y ' s «u . ,_ .,., 9 *k t 1 Olympic Games Officially Opened By King George Major League Standings Yesterday's Results Boston 2, Pittsburgh 1 Brooklyn 9, St. Louis 6 New York 5, Cincinnati 0 Philadelphia 7, Chicago 4 NATIONAL LEAGUE Ma jor League Round-Up Boston...... Brooklyn. New York ... St. Louis .... Pittsburgh ... Philadelphia. Cincinnati ... Chicago..... W L 55 37...…

July 30, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 196) • Page Image 4

…FOUn THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1948 II - I - - 'DOWN IN THE VALLEY': Opera Workshop Production To Be Performed on Radio A new American folk opera, "Down in the Valley," will be given its first radio performance on Au- gust 7 by the members of the Opera Workshop. Written by Kurt Weill and Arn- old Sundgaard, "Down in the Val- ley" is a complete opera built around the familiar folk tune of the same name. The origin of the song i...…

September 30, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

… FOR THlE COO 6 BETTER.. See Page 4 '1 A6F CLOUDY SCATTERED SHOWERS Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LIX, No. 9 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPT. 30, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS SL Defeats Motion for Olivet Probe Okays Plan for Eleetion Help The Student Legislature, at its opening session of the fall term defeated a motion to in- vestigate the situation at Olivet College by a 25 to 15 vote last night. Regents Deny est Asks UN Securi...…

September 30, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 9) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1948 THE MICHIGAN DAILY M r. I Prof. Haber To Remain In Germany Professor William Haber of the economics department, who is in Germany as adviser to General Clay, has been granted an exten- sion of his leave of absence for the first semester of the present school year, it was announced by the Board of Regents. Prof. Haber was appointed early this year as advisor on displaced persons to General Clay, Com-...…

September 30, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 9) • Page Image 3

… THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1948 THEMIHIAN IaJA as S A "P AnrT .I T. . .ie. AN 111 .Vl:vA-.Y L ~ K~3'V A£'E r c, r: 1'tit i:ta Indians HoldoameLeadas r , - P-- Teams in Sox Whip Senators, 5-1, s N.Y. Downs Athletics Gordon, Keltner Help Feller to 19th Win; Porterfield, Bauer Shine in Yanks' 4-2 Win CLEVELAND- (AP) - The ir--- resistible Cleveland Indians ad- vanced to within one victory of in- suringthmevsa least a tie JR1fi i4-...…

September 30, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 9) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY r : TMMRSDAY, SETEMVEIL30,1948 -U II a _.. , _.R.! y ._....,t,,...e... ,,. , .., a. . For the Better... JTS interesting- to note, on looking back, that the administration's ideas on what students should or shouldn't do have changed somewhat since a year ago. The changes are for the better, on the whole. That is, University policy, as it now operates in the area whose center is aca- demic freedom, shows some ...…

September 30, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 9) • Page Image 5

… t iiIUR~SDAY, SEPTENEBER 30, 194$~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE JPV Petitioning Begins For PanhelBall Panhellenic Association To Plan Paper; Coeds Should Present Sample Writings Tennis Club Will Meet To Organ ize All affiliated women interested in petitioning for positions on the central committee of Panhellenic Ball must have their petitions in the Undergraduate Office of the League by noon Monday, Oct. 4, according to Mary Stierer, pres...…

September 30, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 9) • Page Image 6

…PAGE 5Ix THE MICHICAN DAI.Y ' 'THURSDTAY. SP7t'nMRu+ it.~ab~ qW. 1-41~.ELZ2ADSJjF2 s. as a .ira s, vA.sc1 VL-Sla .i./1,:ay lJ .l ' .i .[1V14 71.ftA Z, .7 x'. a"1. 1.10110114%, SU, lulb TILL NEXT SEMESTER: Vaughan Men Go in Exile; Hold New Fort at Hillel By PHOEBE FELDMAN Take heart men, Vaughan House may have That "new look," but the old look Vaughanites are determined that this change in fashion ;will be temporary. And they have good re...…

September 30, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 9) • Page Image 7

… THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1949 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEYM _.a as + fw+. a v as S V J !! ' s/!aA l1.! PAGE SEVE~* F,., Co-op Houses Celebrate 16 Successful Years ~~2t&ceic Celebrating their sixteenth year on campus this fall, co-op houses have grown steadily from an am- bitious experiment in democratic living to the largest student-own- ed housing organization at the University. Campus Co-op houses, like other consumer cooperatives th...…

September 30, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 9) • Page Image 8

…r.~ -- --m THE MICHIGAN RAILY THUJRSDAY, SEPTE1WBFk 30.94k -- - - I IV W F, DREAMS COME TRUE: Engine Student Gels Field Experience Robert J. Eastman, '49 E. had an opportunity this summer most "near" Seniors' dream of -- he tried out a prospective job to see how he'd like it. One of 50 students chosen fromf leading engineering colleges all1 over the country to take part in the 1948 summer employment pro- gram of one of the world's large...…

October 30, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

… THE BEST LAID PLANS-Coach Ray Eliot and Captain Herb S cgert, (center, above) who lead Illinois into Ann Arbor today, are discussing how to go through, over, or around the nation's number one team. Although right guard Siegert may not come into .contact with Stu Wilkins, Michigan's offensive right guard, or two bulwarks of the Wolverines' defense, tackles Al Wistert and Al Wahl; it is sure that he will see plenty of fullback Tom Peterson befo...…

October 30, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 34) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIrAN DAILY , .. THE IV XAMCTA %t l l%A f3rT1O11huV7 N A d IUWU'C' - - - - - - - - - _______________________________ xrra aravusZ i~'l~r V1r :.R~aU 4a i ''; Raymond Gram Swing To Speak Here Monday DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I i The national vice-president of the United World Federalists is the featured speaker Monday in the Oratorical Lecture Series. RAYMOND GRAM Swing, bet- ter known to Americans as report- er and radi...…

October 30, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 34) • Page Image 3

… SATURDAY, OCTOBER 34, 1949 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE SATUIWAY, OCTOBER 30, 194S PAGK CUSTOM-MADE FAGS: Students Rolling Their Own To Combat Cost of Smoking Michigan students have taken up rolling their own cigarettes, an old idea which is a boon to con- sistent- cigarette smokers what with the cost of living sky-high. Many students find that, with the help of a small metal gadget made especially for that purpose, they can produce a ...…

October 30, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 34) • Page Image 4

…TH M..~4TU T EE . AN D ~LYATT.LV 4'ATTTR.T*&AV ' f1Rlfm o& 1AAV aTa s 111_.T1 U.1ta l\II ATTVi. A ? .i' 1tD.[. Ax, 7 .f' £.~' V Fb . 31; 4 S~ Real United Nations THRE YEARS AGO, we thought we had something. San Francisco had been a success. The United Nations was a reality. The first step toward maintaining peace in the world had been taken. People who remein- bered that the League of Nations had died in womb when the U.S. failed to join ...…

October 30, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 34) • Page Image 5

… SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1949 TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY MAE F 'V i r Read ... Use Daily Classifid Ads I ________________ I- Piano Recital To Be Given r QfE ColoQ0lk D I II I 61 f i Si ni __ GREAT NAMES IN MUSIC Claude-Achille Debussy was born in 1.862 at Saint-Ger- main-en-Laye, France, into an era of impressionism, and forthwith began writing music that broke all rules, yet incorporated, from time to time, the classic forms. His con...…

October 30, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 34) • Page Image 6

…erg THE MTCUTGAN DATLY ,qA.TTTP.nAY_ fl[";'YM- RRR A 14dit -T 1 1 f1MT1 V T211 T11T1'11..- -" A. U. 1 . QTTrn' l 1~D.DO r i , x, v'Ul-Unnn sv, IUIZS I' EW FEATHERWEIGHT CHAMP: Saddler KO's Pep in Fourth Round Lightweight Blues'Rip 'Reds'; Burns, Ryan Star r i - __ - <T' NEW YORK-(P)-Sandy Sad- dler, spindle-legged Harlem scored a stunning fistic upset last night when he knocked out Willie Pep of Hartford, Conn., to win the World Fe...…

October 30, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 34) • Page Image 7

… SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1948 THE MICHIGAN DAILY IPAGE SEVEN~ Wolverines Set To Keep Home Goal Ur crossed By PRES HOLMES The Wolverines want to win Saturday's game against Illinois; they want more than that-they won't settle for less than a shut- out. Although Minnesota ruined the boast that not one touchdown had been scored through the Wolver- ine line this year, another record still .remains intact. For over a year no one has crossed the ...…

October 30, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 34) • Page Image 8

…THlE MJICHITCANTA LY SA'T'UltD*Y. OOTOnErt 2a. q4g +. .:-.a ur-i. sra -a - -aa-a -a~a a .vrr aw d*", J 5 ". ..rrr.......a i E C I--- I Homecoming Means- that "W'ere Mighty Glad to See You" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Here's don't r one weekend that's all yours.. Even though you 'ecognize all the new faces, you know we a II have } .~~~~~...: . :" .4'"ir . :':. . ; ... o-. d. F '! "' .;:.. ,g " "'. .. ' . .. L v r....…

November 30, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

… WORTHY :Y INDISCRETION See Page 4 411 t r tgan Dait VOTING WEATHER Latest Deadline in the State VOL LIX, No. 59 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENT Polls To pen o dafCorampusElections t's i Last AP Poll Places Notre Dame Second Michigan Chosen By Wide Margin By The Associated Press NEW YORK - Michigan is the mythical national football cham- pion in the final Associated Press poll of the 1948 season. The ...…

November 30, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 59) • Page Image 2

…THE MICftIGAN DAI LY IT HER SAID 'NO': Rtidolf Serkin's Success Attributed to Wise Parent rw DAILY OFFICIAL BULLITIN ! Eudolf Serkin, who will give a ano recital at 8:30 p.m. Friday Hill Auditorium, may owe much his success to a father who ew how to say 'no.' Time after time as a boy Serkin yard his father tell eager agents, Pe want no child prodigy-Ru- If must first become an artist." * * * AT FIVE Serkin played well ough to have earned ...…

November 30, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 59) • Page Image 3

…ITESDAY, NOVIMTIFJL ao, 1948 rfIif~ MIdnI~AN IIXITIY _____________________________________ I ______________________________________________________________________________ I A P Poll. . (Continued from PagE 1) Coach Keen Rebuilding Depleted Grappling Ranks with Texas Christian; fell 8th to tenth-. ** * from CLEMSON JUST in issed the top 10, finishing 11th and only 53 points behind SMU. The Tigers end up their season against Cit- adel...…

November 30, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 59) • Page Image 4

…T H E MIC HIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1948 Worthy Indiscretion PERTINENT NEWS ITEM-Senator Taft (Rep., Ohio) rejected claims by Russia and her satellites that the American people chose President Truman because a Repub-. lican victory would have increased chances of war. * * * Taking a negative psychological approach, it is interesting that Senator Taft found' these charges worthy of an answer. The usual policy, when the Kremlin giv...…

November 30, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 59) • Page Image 5

… TT1 IF. MTH(A lATTY PAGE 'fVP I IN Strong To Play" fit Slide Rule Ball Annual Union Formal To Follow 'Jack and the Beanstalk' Theme Where There's Coke T'here's Hospiotali*ty Technic Sponsored AncientRivalry by Bob. Strong and his orchestra will highlight the twentieth an- nual Slide Rule Ball which will be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Fri- day. The formal dance, sponsored by the Michigan Technic, will com- memorate the traditional rival...…

November 30, 1948 (vol. 59, iss. 59) • Page Image 6

…PA(~, ~ fI IC hIGANDAIL we.w SL, Publications Board Ca didates State Positions Campus Issues Faed By Potential Legislators Today is election day and as a public service, The Daily herewith prints the qualifying statements of the candidates for Student Legis- lature and Board in Control of Student Publications. SL candidates were asked to submit a 25 word statement on the role of the legislature and to answer four questions on their petit...…

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