See Page 4
411 t
r tgan
Latest Deadline in the State
To pen
o dafCorampusElections
t's i
Last AP Poll
Places Notre
Dame Second
Michigan Chosen
By Wide Margin
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - Michigan is the
mythical national football cham-
pion in the final Associated Press
poll of the 1948 season.
The votes of 387 sports writers
and radio commentators gave the
unbeaten, untied Wolverines a
123-point margin over runnerup
Notre Dame, which will attempt
to complete its second straight
perfect season at Southern Cali-
forna's expense Saturday. In the
matter of first place ballots, Mich-
igan had a substantial 192-97
margin. In points it was 3,448 to
* * *
named the nation's top eleven in
a special post-season poll held last
year after walloping Southern Cal-
ifornia in the Rose Bowl, 49-0.
Notre Dame, which won the
regular season poll last season,
led only once this year during
the eight-week run of voting.
North Carolina, which finished
third, also set the pace early in
the season.
Michigan was No. 1 six times,
the last four weeks in succession.
Well over 1,000 points back of
Notre Dame came the once-tied
North Carolina Tar Heels who r-
ceived 31 firsts. California, the
host team in the Rose Bowl on
New Year's Day, grabbed fourth
place with an even 2,000 points.
North Carolina had 2,281.
OKLAHOMA, which closed the
season with a rush to move into
the Sugar Bowl as North Caro-
lina's foe, was ranked fifth with
30 firsts and 1,906 points.
Despite its surprising 21-21
closing tie with Navy, the un-
beaten Army Cadets drew
enough support to take sixth
place. Then came Northwestern
which will represent the West-
ern Conference in the Rose
Georgia was a distant eighth,
some 550 points behind North-
western, with Oregon and South-
ern Methodist, the Cotton Bowl
contestants, following in that or-
der to round out the first ten.
ALL OF THE FIRST 10 teams,
with the exception of Notre Dame,
have finished their regular sea-
sons. ,However, seven of them will
be busy in bowl games on Jan. 1.
Notre Dame will try for its
22nd straight victory and its
28th without defeat in its finale
Saturday against Southern Cali-
fornia. The Irish smeared Wash-
ington, 46-0, last week while
Michigan finished its season
Nov. 24.
Michigan and Notre Dame have
run 1-2 in the poll since Oct. 19,
but Army had been third for the
last two weeks. North Carolina,
California, and Oklahoma each
moved up a peg while Army
dropped three points to sixth.
Northwestern held its seventh
place position of last week but
Georgia advanced four steps by
its 21-13 decision over Georgia
Tech. Oregon advanced one peg
and SMU, which played a 7-7 tie
See AP POLL, Page 3
M y
* * *
AVC Convention
Called 'Stacked'
Chicanery Charged by Four Campus
Delegates, Fifth Denies Allegations
'RED DEAN' HERE TODAY--The Very Reverend Hewlett Johnson,
Dean of Canterbury, will speak at 4:30 p.m. at the Masonio
Temple on - the "Road to Peace with Russia." A - committee of
welcome is sponsoring his appearance in Ann Arbor.
'Red Dean of Canterbury
Will Speak Here Today
Denies Russia Planning World Revolution;
Claims Elections in Hungary, Poland Free
Russians are not trying 'to
spread Communism throughout
the world, according to the Very
Reverend Hewlett Johnson, Dean
of Canterbury.
* * *
DR. JOHNSON, interviewed in
Detroit, said that Stalin and Lenin
had repea. edly denied any in-
tention of expanding Communism
to other countries.
Nicknamed the "Red Dean" for
his support of the Soviet Union,
Dr. Johnson will speak at 4:30
p.m. tonaysat the Masonic Temple
on the "Road to Peace with Rus-
The Dean said that there was
no connection between the Rus-
sian Government and the Com-
munist Party in other countries.
He pointed out that a former
editor of the London Daily
Worker who became converted
to Catholicism said the Party
in England never received any
communications or money from
The Soviet government desires
that her neighbors have friendly
governments, but this does not
mean that she has forced Commu-
nism on bordering countries, the
Dean asserted.
' ** *'
HE SAID that the governments
Conference To
Begin Today
On Education
President Alexander G. Ruthven
will open the second annual Con-
ference on Higher Education dur-
ing a luncheon meeting at 12:30
p.m. today in the Anderson Room
of the Union.
* * *
THE TWO-Day conference, at-
tended by representatives from
colleges throughout Michigan, will
begin its program session at 2:30'
p.m. today in the terrace room of
the Union with an address by
Harry S. Rogers, president of the
Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn,
on "Engineering Education."
James A. Perkins, vice-presi-
dent of Swarthmore College,
will speak on the report of the
President's Commission on High-
er Education as it pertains to
private institutions during the
evening session, which begins at
7:30 p.m.
THE DISCUSSION will be di-
considered unaer Russian domi-
nation are,' "completely free and
representative of the people."
Dr. Johnson was in. Hungary
before and during the elections
of 1947. He said he heard all
parties speak with complete free-
dom. In an inspection of the
polling places election day he
saw no restriction or intimida-
tion. "It was a fair election."
Dr. Johnson said that he had
heard from Eduard Benes and Jan
Masaryk that the elections held at
the time of the so-called "Czech
Coup" were free and honest.
HE SAID that the American
Press had prepared the people for
an unfair election and that, in-
stead of reporting an honest elec-
tion, the newspapers had simply
dropped the subject.
The Dean said that peace
could be attained if the U. S.
would try to understand Russia,
realizing that she has no need
for land or materials and can
consume all she produces at
Tickets for Dr. Johnson's lecture
may be obtained at Wahr's, the
Union, the League, Lane Hall and
the Masonic Temple.
* * *
HE IS BEING sponsored in Ann
Arbor by a committee of welcome
headed by Prof. Theodore New-
A reception for Dr. Johnson,
open to students and faculty
will be held from noon to 1 p.m.
today in Lane Hall.
A student "peace delegation will
A student "peace delegation"
will interview Dr. Johnson at his
headquarters at the Union after
his address at the Masonic Tem-
ple. At that time the delegation
will present him with a "Roll Call
of Peace," a paper signed by
prominent Americans to arrange
See 'RED DEAN,' Page 2
Technic .Late;
Press .Blamed
Slide rules were moving fast and
furiously in the Michigan Technic
offices yesterday as the editors
tried to figure out an excuse to
placate. Technic fans.
The November issue of the "en-
gineers handbook" was noticeably
missing from the 'Engine Arch
news stands where it was sched-
uled to be sold yesterday and to-
,Rumors that a shortage of cop-
ies of the magazine, such as cut
The AVC's move nationally to
oust communists from membership
is expected to cause sharp dissen-
sion in the local campus chapter
of the veteran's group.
The national convention of the
American Veterans Committee
voted Saturday 13,516 to 8,830 to
oust Communists after an all-out
fight between right and left wing
delegates from the local AVC
chapter were still split on the
Four charged that the con-
vention "was stacked from start
to finish."
- Buddy Aronson, Max Dean, Al
Millstein and Nick Dancy said "the
present leadership, in a desperate
bid to retain control of AVC, re-
sorted to every means, fair or
foul, to carry the convention."
- *
THE REMAINING delegate, Ed.
Tumin, said "the views of the four
delegates are sheer misrepresenta-
tion and a malicious and false
attempt to cover up the complete
rout of tie faction they repre-
sented, a rout which was accom-
plished by democratic means from
beginning to end."
Meanwhile with a fight for
control of the local group shap-
ing up, the four delegates op-
posed to the action of the con-
vention charged that certain
chapters sympathetic to the
Stand Against
No fraternity should have a rule
against pledging a member simply
because he is a Negro, according
to a majority of 10 local fraternity
presidents contacted by The Daily
last night.
The survey was taken to deter-
mine the sentiment of fraternity
leaders on a resolution proposed
at the national Interfraternity
Conference held in New York last
Saturday which would in effect
end the Negro ban in white fra-
INSTEAD the conference . re-
reffertaoiJBi fritehwhitferredRRF
ferred the resolution to the indi-
vidual fraternities "for considera-
tion during the coming year" and
members were told that "a chap-
ter member may cast his vote on
discriminatory considerations"
when considering membership ap-
The suspension of a Phi
Kappa Psi fraternity chapter for
asking a Negro to join sharp-
ened interest on the resolution.
Seven of the ten fraternities
contacted said they favored the
resolution but a number of them
doubted it would be effective.
IPERSONALLY feel a Negro
should be admitted (to a white
fraternity) if he's good enough"
one president said, "but the issue
has been ducked for years and
probably will continue to be."
A minority felt the conference
was wise in shelving the resolu-
tion. "It is up to the individual
chapters who they let in," another
president declared.
present leadership, had "padded
their rolls" shortly before the
convention so that they would
be eligible for greater represen-
tation at the convention.
Chapters cited were the Detroit
UAW-CIO group and the Balti-
more, Md., chapter.
According to Aronson, the De-
troit chapter's membership sprout-
ed from 29 to over 600 in a two-
week period just before the con-
Similarly, the Baltimore chap-
ter increased its membership
from three to nearly 300 within-
a few days, Aronson said.
Charges against the Baltimore
chapter we're, substantiated, ac-
cording to Aronson, and the dele-
gates refused seats by the creden-
tials committee.
OTHER CHARGES made by the
four delegates were that the fac-
tion opposing the leadership was
denied proportional representation
and that'supposedly neutral offi-
cials, while on Guty, participated
actively in support of the lead-
ership'Vy distributing partisan lit-
The controversial resolution
passed ' as a climax to the AVC
national convention's factional
battle read in part:
"We instruct our incoming
national leadership to continue
using all means appropriate un-
der the constitution to clean out
and keep out members of the
Communist party from our
Tumin commented that "the
mandate of the convention has
been given and must be carried
' * * *
was elected national chairman on
the following day, stated that "all
known, established Communists
will be tossed out of AVC."
On the basis of this resolution,
Tumin declared in a statement
to The Daily that he intended to
"initiate expulsion proceedings
against any Communist' in the
local chapter who cares to admit
his affiliation."
"The expulsion of all Commu-
nists is the only action which will
carry us (AVC) forward to a genu-
inely liberal and progressive or-
ganization," he declared.
* * *
TUMIN is expected to institute
the expulsion proceedings at the
AVC meeting Thursday.
Early in the semester, however,
the campus chapter rejected, by a
vote of nearly two to one, a resolu-
tion which would have discour-
aged Communist membership in
the local organization. After the
battle over the riesolution, Dave
Babson resigned as chairman and
members who had opposed his pol-
icies gained a firm grip on the
campus chapter.
Band To Celebrate
The University Marching Band
will celebrate the completion of
the football season at a mixer at
7:30 p.m. tomorrow at Harris Hall.
Presentation of awards and mo-
tion pictures of the Band in ac-
tion will be featured at the party.
The Band will also discuss plans
for next year. Refreshments will
be served.
An Editorial...
This is election day.
Candidates have ceased their electioneering. Non-partisan
groups have issued their last pleas for votes backing the best
man available regardless of affiliation. And the high-pressure
campus political machines have called a halt to their frantic
vote trading which flourishes under the "block voting" system.
Now it is up to you-the individual voter.
Your most important duty is to get to the polls. But
using your, vote intelligently is just as important. In the
brief years of its existence, your student government has
made laudable progress. Continued success will depend to a
very large extent on the kind of men you elect today and
You have been besieged with petitioners. Everywhere
you've looked, there has been a poster urging election of
Joe Doakes or Mary Roe. The president of your house or
organization may even have insulted your intelligence by asking
that you cast your all-important vote for someone you don't
even know, just because he is a fellow greek or independent.
It is true that you have an almost impossible job in trying
to select the best candidates on this sprawling campus. Unless
you haye personal contact with a candidate, you are almost
forced to take the word of a friend in selecting qualified people
to fill the jobs.
In an effort to partially fill this gap in the electorate's
knowledge, The Daily prints on Page Six today short state.
ments from every candidate. These statements and the candi-
dates' answers to a short list of questions will aid you some-
what in your selections.
The posts to be filled are those of Student Legislature,
members of The Board in Control of Student Publications and
Senior Class officers.
It's your move now. We can't tell you how to vote-
we just want to make sure that you do.
-The Senior Editors.
'Collective Individualism'
Described by Philosopher
SL Expects
Rcord Vte
To Be Cast
Campus Balloting
Ends Tomorrow
The campus will go to the poli
today and tomorrow in what SI
officials hope will be the larges
vote in history.
Students 'will select 32 SL mem
bers, three members of the Boar
in Control of Student Publications
a nine-man J-Hop committee
Senior Class and education schoC
* * *
POLLING PLACES will,'be se
up on the Diagonal, in the Unioi
lobby, in the League, the Engi
Statements of candidates for
Student Legislature . and the
Board in Control of Student
Publications appear on page 6 of
today's Daily.
neering Arch, on the steps of tl
Law School and behind Have
Hall. They will be open from
a.m. to 5 p.m. both days. Studeni
must show ID cards.
In addition, a booth will be
set up in the University hospital
from noon to 5 p.m. tomorrow
for the benefit of medical stu-
dents, according to SL election
committee chairman Knighi
Booths will be manned by men
bers of IFC, AIM, Pan Hel, Assen
bly, the Union and the Leagu
Students of Alpha Phi Omeg
service fraternity will act as in
partial poll watchers, Houghtc
The football season, following
\"hard on the heels" of what
Americans modestly call the
"World Series," is "Character-
istically American, Dr. Ralph Bar-
ton Perry, noted philosopher and
Pulitzer Prize winner declared last
Sports, he said, in the opening
Cook Series lecture, exemplify the
will-to-win, importance of the
score, the paradoxical harsh
competition followed by a hearty
handshake, the "bigger and bet-
ter" tradition, and the "We can do
it" attitude.
THESE ARE ALL aspects of the
American mind which, he said,
could be summed-up in the term
"collective individualism."
"Our individualism is the op-
'posite of singularity," he ex-
plained. "We are a gregarious
people. If we develop an oddity
we make it a fad so we won't be
"In.America," he continued,
"The moving of mountains is not
a symbol of the impossible. It has
been done."
** *
power is not wholly unjustified,
he said. "Even human stature has
been raised in the United States."
Mass production of cars and
ideas has regimented us inde-
pendently of the New Deal, he
said. Uniformyty is common
even among competitors.
"Americans are born users of
tools," he asserted. But they
don't really become tools."
*~* *
ried over to the communication of
ideas and culture. He character-
ized the public-at-large with "an
immense and voracious literacy."
Skyscrapers, Hollywood, and
nylon stocking advertisements
are products of American cul-
ture, he said.
Although Americans hardly
realize the criticisms of their cult-
ure, "they believe in the possibil-
ity of removing causes of unhap-
piness. Pain, old-age, sickness.
death, and even sin are regarded
as curable either by divine grace
or psychoanalysis."
"This inventive optimism is not
an easy faith," he concluded, "but
it has embraced change."
W.,orld News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Industrial
production rolled to a new peace-
time record in October, breaking
through a previous peak which
had stod for seven months.
GUATEMALA, Guatemala-A
government minister said to-
night authorities in Puerto
Barrios, chief seaport of Guate-
mala, had captured arms and
ammunition and prevented what
apparently was a plot to seize
the city's military base.
NANKIN'G - The Chinese gov-
ernment's Suchow garrison. was
under orders tonight to sally south
to save Nanking and rescue an en-
tire army group trapped by the
rampaging Communists, but gave
no indication of heeding the call.
PARIS-Israel formally asked,
for United Nations membership
today on the first anniversary of
the UN vote to partition Pales-
COUNTING OF the ballots will
begin at 5:30 p.m. tomorrow in
Rm. 3G of the Union, accordiWg
to SL member Duane Nuechterlein.
He said that students were invited
to watch the counting.
Nuechterlein asked all stu-
dents who had volunteered to
act as counters to come to the
Union as early as possible to-
The ballots will be picked up at
5 p.m. today by members of the
SL election commission and Men's
Judiciary and taken to the city
jail for safe keeping overnight,
Hougton said.
* * *
held one week later than originally
scheduled because of the large
number of J-Hop and Senior Class
petitions thrown out by Men's
Judiciary for improper signatures.
The candidates were given an
opporunity to re-petition.. All 17
Senior Class candidates and 41
J-Hop candidates re-petitioned.
Climaxing a week of attacks on
the Block Voting which seemed to
be shaping up in this election, the
presidents of AIM, the East and
West Quadrangles last night sug-
gested complete revision of the
voting system.
and Ray Okoriski asked that rep-
resentation by college, or geogra-
phical zoning of campus be sub-
stituted for the present system in
an attempt to replace the present
* *1 **
Forgery Admitted
In J-Hop Petition
David R. Murray, '50BAd.,
pleaded guilty to a charge of
forging signatures on his J-Hop
petition yesterday before the Men's
Judiciary Council.
The Judiciary recommended
that Murray be fined $25 and
denied the privilege of participat-
ing in extra-curricular activities
for the remainder of his enroll-
ment at the University.
The decision of the Judiciary
will be considered by the Univer-
sity Disciplinary Committee Wed-
Murray's petition was disqual-
ified last week when the Judiciary
discovered the. forged signatures.
Ensian in Election Too
I The one-week delay of cam- I
Slide Rule Ball Fracas Flares Anew
to see the new "CHRIST-
of Classified Advertising
PARIS-French coal miners
ended their longest strike in his-
tory today on orders of Commu-
nist union leaders. Everybody
Three miners were killed and
hundreds of police and strikers
were injured during the strike,
which began Oct. 4.
TOKY'O - fGeneral Douglas
Slide Rule Ball ticket sellers
"WITH TYPICAL engineeringI
have made an annual attempt to