See Page 4
t 43U11
Latest Deadline in the State
Engineers To
Join May 11
Mediators Move
To Prevent Strike
CHICAGO, April 29-(R')-The
Vital Engineers Union joined ir
the May 11 nationwide railroad
strike call today as federal media-
tors mcved to ward off a paralyz-
ing transportation tieup.
The Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers joined with the other
railroad unions today in calling or
its members to strike. Leaders of
the Engineers' Brotherhood said
then they had not yet decided
"when and if" they would call a
Union Conferences
Late today, after the national
railway mediation board had held
two conferences with the unions.
J.. P. Shields, vice president of the
Engineers Brotherhood, an-
nounced the strike plans.
The three unions, Shields said,
will act jointly. Notices were
mailed immediately to all general
and local chairmen. of the three
unions. Workers were instructed
to leave their jobs at 6 a.m. (local
time) May 11.
"I have no doubt that the dis-
pute can be settled without a
strike, but that depends on the
other pepple," Shields told news-
men. "There has been no change
in our demands."
The Engineers Brotherhood
claims 80,000 members, the Broth-
erhood of Locomotive Firemen
and Enginemen, 100,000, and the
Switchmen's Union 10,000.
Eleventh Hour Compromise
Working against time, Chair-
man Frank Douglass of the na-
tional (railway) mediation board
plunged into a round of confer-
ences he hopes will bring about an
eleventh hour compromise.
Expressions of optimism came
from three quarters:
President Truman told a news
conference in Washington he
thought and hoped the wage dis-
pite could be settled without a
Douglass, after conferring for
k~ two hours with union representa-
tives in Chicago, said he has no
doubt the unions would like to
settle without a walkout. Doug-
lass said he and board member
Francis A. O'Neill, Jr., who flew
here from . Washington, would
work continually at the task "as
long as there is a chance to avert
a strike."
At Cleveland, A. F. Whitney,
president of the Railroad Train-
men Brotherhood, predicted a set-
tlement would be reached. Whit-
ney's union took part in a nation-
wide railroad strike two years ago
but is not involved in the present
dispute. He said, "I don't believe
any of the parties are anxious to
become involved in a strike."
Petitions Due
For Union Post
Vice-Presidential Bids
Must be in Monday
Students desiring nomination ±o
the Union vice-presidency should
, i submit qualifying statements to
the Student Offices before 5 p.m.
Monday, Paul Harrison, chairman
of the nominating committee, an-
nounced yesterday.
Six vice-presidents will be se-
lected in the all-campus elections
May 13.
Any student eligible for extra-
curricular activities may petition
for nomination, Harrison said.
Union vice-presidents serve on the
Board of Directors, besides assum-
ing various other duties.
The qualifying statements
should be turned into the Student
Offices from 3-5 p.m. today and
Monday. The statements should
include present class standi:jg,
school, and average grade.
. At least two candidates from
each of the schools will be chosen
for nomination. Students not
chosen or candidates not wishing
to be nominated through the
Nominating Committee may get
their names on the ballot by sub-
mitting petitions with at least 200
names of Union members.
Truman Accepts Drafv-
UMT Compromise Plan
Says Program Is Most He Could Get Now;
Seeks To Keep Atomic Commission in Office
WASHINGTON-(A)-President Truman said today he accepted
proposals to combine a temporary draft and a universal training pro-
gram because it was all he could get out of Congress.
The President told a news conference the idea of blending the
draft and universal training was an acceptable compromise. It was, he
said, a step in the right direction.
Mr. Truman asked Congress for a temporary revival of the draft
to expand the armed forces now. He also asked a universal training
program under which all physically fit 18-year-olds would be trained
as a reserve.
But when Congress was cool to that, military men came up last
Tuesday with a substitute plan which virtually junked the universal
training idea.
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Student Drive
For Douglas
Launched at VU
Nationwide Boon
Is Termed Essential
"The leaders of the Democratic
party are not likely to turn to Jus-
tice William O. Douglas unless
there is a definite movement for
him all over the country," Nathan
Macabbee, assistant director of
,he Survey Research Center, said
last night.
Speaking at a meeting of the
Students for Douglas, he declared,
'the big question at the moment
s not can Douglas win the elec-
ion, but can he get the nomina-
The student group agreed to co-
3perate with the Ann Arbor Dem-
>crats for Douglas in working
toward the common objective of
boosting Douglas' candidacy all
over the country, and especially in
the key northern states.
By a unanimous vote, Jay Nolan
was elected chairman and Sey-
mour Zucker, vice-chairman of
the organization. Also elected were
Lois Johnson, recording secretary;
Marilyn Hendricks, corresponding
secretary; Gloria Willar, treas-
urer; and Walt Hoffman and Kal
Lifson, members at large.
* * *
Young GoP'
Lists Proposed
Party Planks
The Young Republicans called
on their party's policy makers last
night to support a strong, vetoless
UN, and to advocate the admis-
sion of 400,000 displaced persons
into the country under provisions
of the Stratton Bill.
And a committee was establish-
ed to draw up further planks to
treat with the question of the
tariff and that of America's mili-
tary establishment.
These were the first planks the
political club has drawn up as
part of a plan to go on record on
the various provisions of the Re-
publican party platform.
Remaining planks of the pro-
posed platform will be drawn up
at future meetings, according to
James Schoener, chairman of the
Young Republicans.
Daylight Saving
Ann Arbor will probably go on,
daylight saving time soon after
the City Council meets Monday.
Nine councilmen reported that
they would vote "yes" to a time-
change resolution; two said "no" ;
and two indicated "no opinion."
Support of eight councilmen isi
necessary to change the clocks.
The substitute, outlined to the
Senate Armed Services Commit-
tee, proposed:
A draft of 161,000 youths in
the 18-19a age bracket for a
year of training with the regu-
lar services. These boys could
not be sent overseas.
A draft of 190,000 men in the
19'/2-25 age bracket for two years
service in the armed forces.
The House Armed Services
Committee has indicated opposi-
tion to this proposal. Chairman
Andrews (Rep., N.Y.) predicted
any effort to combine the draft
and UMT would wind up in de-
feat of both.
President Truman also prod-
ded the Senate today to grant
full terms to the five atomic en-
ergy commissioners lest a "pall
of uncertainty" be cast over the
atomic program.
To extend their terms only one
or two years, as proposed by some
Republicans, would risk important
gains in the use of atomic energy
for defense and economic pur-
poses, Mr. Truman said.
Later, Dr. J. Robert Oppenheim-
er and two other atomic scientists
emerged from a conference with
Mr. Truman and said that a pro-
longed dispute over confirmation
of the atomic energy commission-
'ers would cause atomic energy
projects to suffer, "some desper-
Oppenheimer said it would be
a blow if scientists began leav-
ing the projects. He would not
discuss the meeting with Mr.
Another thing the President
told his news conference was
that congressional delay in con-
firming the appointment of
some 1,000 postmasters is not
doing the government any good.
The Senate must confirm these
postmaster nominations if the jobs
are to be on any more than an
"acting" basis.
The terms of the atomic energy
commissioners expire Aug. 1.
Wallaceites Bid
For Ballot Spot
LANSING, April 29-(AP)-
Backers of Henry Wallace's Pro-
gressive Party today filed peti-
tions bearing 39,520 names to
qualify for a place on the Michi-
gan ballot.
"These signatures represent
people who want to be counted for
peace, for the rights of Negro
people and for the preservation of
civil liberties against repressive
anti-labor laws," said Allen Say-
lor, state chairman of the party.
(Local leaders of the Progressive
Party report that 1,650 signatures
were those of Washtenaw County
According to provisions of state
laws, one percent to four percent
of the number who voted for
secretary of state in the previous
election must sign petitions for
the party to qualify for repre-
sentation on the ballot.
- Fighting in battle-scarred
Palestine came to a temparary
halt yesterday after British
forces counter-attacked Jewish
troops who had moved into the
Arab city of Jaffa. The map
above shows the direction of
the Jewish thrust from Haifa,
recently won by the Jews. The
arrow points to the expected
Arab attack from Trans-Jordan.
*' * *
Fidtin , Halts
In Jaffa; Jdews,
British Confer
Cease-Fire Command
Follows Artillery Fire
JERUSALEM, April 29-(P)-A
cease fire agreement halted fight-
ing in Jaffa tonight after British
artillery and planes counter-
attacked Jewish warriors who had
driven into the all-Arab city.
British district commissioner W.
W. Fuller proposed the truce to
initiate a meeting between the
Jews and the British for tomorrow
morning. The cease fire is to con-
tinue in force until 9 a.m.
Until noon today, British six
pounders and mortars hammered
Jaffa's riddled Manshieh quarter
which was taken by the Jews yes-
terday after four days of fighting
with Arabs.
Irgun Determined
During the shelling the Jews,
members of Irgun Zvai Leumi,
gave every indication that they
were determined to hold the
ground they had won in their
drive from neighboring Tel Aviv.
Irgun brought up fresh troops and
had its men dig defense positions.
The British also brought up re-
inforcements, sending in a bat-
talion of Irish fusiliers to back up
their previously announced pledge
not to allow the Jews to take
Jaffa, a city of 95,000.
British Convoy
A Haganah commander said the
British also convoyed armed Arab
reinforcements into the city under
eyes of the Jews who withheld
their fire rather than risk a clash
with the British.
A High Jewish authority said
the British Military now was in-
clined to favor withdrawal of
British forces from the city if the
Jews content themselves with
gains already made. The inform-
ant said the Palestine Govern-
ment, on the other hand, was in-
sisting that Jews be cleared from
all Jaffa.
Arab countries were reported
continuing preparations to invade
Palestine with regular army
Regent Abdul Ilah of Iraq told
an Associated Press reporter in
Amman, Trans-Jordan, that Iraqi
troops had started to move from
Baghdad in Trans-Jordan toward
World News
At a Glance
By The Associated Press
LAKE SUCCESS - Arabs op-
posed today the idea of sending
foreign troops under the United
Nations flag to protect Jerusalem.
This virtually killed efforts here
to create an international police
force for the Holy City.
Jewish representatives said "we
definitely agree" to establishment
of such a force.
DETROT-Maj. Gen. Carl
Gray, head of the Veterans Ad-
ministration, said today the VA
will require 37 per cent of all
medical school graduates for the
next five years.
Only about 6,000, doctors are
graduated from America's medi-
cal schools each year, and more
than one-third of them are
needed to care for about 120,-
(H0 n smitaliedveterans. he
Senate Group
Big Air Arm
Debate Opens on
70-Group Force
WASHINGTON, April 29-()-
The Senate Appropriations Com-
mittee todayuokayed a funds bill
for a 70-group air force and the
Senate may begin debate on it
tomorrow unless some senators
object to such a speedy take-off.
The committee approved a $3,-
233,200,000 defense fund, which
includes money to start work im-
mediately on the king-size air
force. The vote was 16 to 1.
Previous Grant
The House already has voted
money for such an air force over
Administration recommendations
for a 66-group air arm.
The Senate measure is slightly
larger than the House total, and
also includes some minor changes.
Chairman Bridges (Rep., N.H.)
of the Senate Committee said
$822,000,000 is to be used to get
the program started this year.
Of the total, $923,000,000 is in
cash, the rest in contract author-
Air Force Allotment
The air force would get $608,-
100,000 in cash and $1,687,000,000
for contracts; the Navy $315,000,-
000 cash and $588,000,000 for con-
Bridges said the total is $35,-
100,000 more than voted by the
House. This sum was added at
the request of Army engineers to
complete several projects, includ-
ing repair of overseas barracks.
More Men Needed
Meanwhile, the Army said it
needs 47,000 more men than the
790,000 called for in the Admin-
istration's compromise program,
and about $2,100,000,000 extra to
finance the hike in strength.
The estimate was made by Sec-
retary of Army Royall before the
Senate Appropriations -Committee
that is more interested in a 70-
group air force program than in
Army expansion.
The UMT-Draft compromise re-
ferred to by President Truman is
one favored by the Senate Armed
Forces Committee now mapping
defense legislation. It would train
youths 18 through 191/2 in the
regular Army along with draftees
19% through 25.
SL Cabinet
To Nominate
NSA Delegates
University delegates to the Na-
tional Student Association will be
chosen by the Student Legislature
Cabinet and approved by the body
as a whole, it was announced yes-
The Legislature set certain
criteria to "insure the best pos-
sible delegation". These criteria,
which must be met by all candi-
dates are:
1. Candidates must indicate
their intention of returning to the
University next year. ,
2. They must indicate a will-
ingness to take an active part in
the campus chapter of NSA.
3. They must be willing to at-.
tend an instruction period of
Robert's Rules of Order.
4. Candidates 'should have de-
monstrated an interest and cap-
ability in policy making and extra
curricular activities.
5. The delegation should in-
clude all representative points of
view prevalent on campus, in so
far as possible.
Interested students should sub-
mit petitions to the Students Af-
fairs Office before Wednesday.
Mock Convention
SOUTH BEND, Ind., April 29--
1)-University of Notre Dame
students at a mock Republican
national convention that ended
early today named Senator Ar-
thur Vandenberg of Michigan as
their presidential candidate.
STILL ON THE DRAWINGBOARD--Construction of the Uni-
versity's Maternity Hospital was delayed yesterday by the legis-
lature's adjournment without agreeing on the University appro-
priation. Dr. Norman Miller is pictured explaining the Hospital's
plans to Gov. Kim Sigler during his recent inspection tour here.
Permanent Model UN Takes
Shape; Education Role Cited
The ball is rolling towards the formation of a permanent "Model"
UN campus organization on the scope of the "highly successful" UN
General Assembly held here April 21.
"We feel that United Nations activities must continue on the
Michigan campus," Bill Miller, chairman of the temporary six-man
committee organizing the project, announced. "The UN provides the
best hope for a peaceful future-it must be made to work!"
The campus model UN will stimulate understanding of the
objectives, scope and functions of the United Nations and give expres-
sion to student opinion on international topics, acording to the
The group's program will be to :
"1. Hold more model meetings
to discuss pertinent problems con- Cast Named
fronting the UN.
"2. Present diplomats andper-r *
sons connected with the UN, as For er-
"3. Present radio programs on Su ivanera
college and local stations.
cllg an loa stto s u 1l"4. Affiliate with the Collegiate - -=
Council for the United Nations." The complete cast for "HMS
The Council provides literary Pinafore," to be presented May
and movie material and can ob- ,
tain lecturers through its Speak-
er's Bureau. torium was officially announced
Momentum for the movement yesterday by the Gilbert and Sul-
will come when the Campus UN livan Society.
is officially organized at 7:30 p.m. J
Tuesday, in the International Joyce Edgar takes the part of
Center. Students interested in the Little Buttercup, the heroine of
project and those that partici- 'Pinafore". James Ueborhorst is
pated in the General Assembly are the unscrupulous Dick Deadeye,
asked to attend, Miller said. and Archie Brown sings Ralph
Ii' Construction Grant
Pending as Legislature
R * *8 * *1fQ 1
Building Plans
Will Continue
Until May 20
Grants Will Arrive In
Time, Ruthven Says
The State Legislature adjourned
its special session at 5 a.m. yester-
flay without reaching a decision
on the University's construction
appropriation but a compromise
is expected to be reached and
passed- when the Legislature re-
convenes briefly May 20.
Construction work will continue
until May 20, and President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven expressed con-
fidence that the Legislature would
vote the necessary funds at that
The maternity hospital re-
mained the only controversial
issue in the University construce
tion bill as the legislators
struggled wearily through the
all-night session. The House
earlier in the evening had voted
to raise the $500,000 Senate
grant to the full $1,645,000
needed to complete the Hospital.
The bill went to compromise
committee but as dawn ap-
proached an agreement was un-
able to be reached on the Mater-
nity Hospital issue, the amount
to be awarded Michigan State
College for a physics building or
several other "hot" issues in the
vast "capital outlay bill,"
Dr. Ruthven declared the Uni-
versity was "not discouraged" by
the failure of the legislature to
provide funds at this time. "The
education amendments were
volved with various other items in
the capital appropriations bill but
I anticipate proper adjustments
will be made," he said.
Construction on the School of
Business Administration, General
Service Building and additions to
the Chemistry and Engineering
Buildings have been carried to
their present stage by appropria-
tions of previous sessions of the
Legislature. It also promised that
the $2,325,000 needed to complete
them would be voted during the
special session.
"We have full confidence in
the Legislature," Dr. Ruthven
declared. "The body recognizes
its responsibilities and we be-
lieve it will meet them. The leg-
islators told us to go ahead with
the buildings and we are doing
so. We know they will keep faith
with the colleges when they re-
turn to Lansing May 20."
Unless the Legislature passes a
bill May 20, construction on all
state building projects would be
discontinued July 1. Besides the
University five other educational
institutions would be affected in-
cluding Michigan State College
and Central Michigan College.
No Speech Ban
At Wisconsin
MADISON, Wis., April 29-Stu-
dent organizations at the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin may invite can-
didates for political office to speak
on campus when the talks are
specifically for students, accord-
ing to a Board of Regents ruling.
The statement of policy as re-
ported in The Daily Cardinal,
student newspaper, permits po-
litical meetings only when they
are open exclusively to students.
The general public must be barred,
according to the rule.
(At the University of Michigan,
the Board of Regents has recently
ruled against permitting partisan
political speeches in open meet-
ings on the campus. Only mem-
bers of the sponsoring organiza-
tions may attend meetings at
which there are speeches in sup-
port of candidates or parties.)
British Film Featured
. T 7 AN 1 m, ,
Traditional Carillon Concert
Opens Annual Music Festival
Union Accepts
Hoover Offers
UAW-CIO Hoover Ball & Bear-
ing Company employees accepted
management offers of a five cents
an hour wage increase by a 214
to 144 vote yesterday, ending pos-
sibilities of an immediate strike.
The new contract, which will
last a year, was the Hoover Com-
pany's "final offer" in the face of
a possible strike. Last week, union
members by a 313 to 75 margin
voted to strike if no contract could
be arranged.
Rackstraw. The Rt. Hon. Sir
Joseph Porter, K. C. B. (the ruler
of the queen's navee) is played by
George Bougher.
Dick Roussin is Captain Corco-
ran, Jim Lorbaugh sings Bob
Becket and Howard Bevis takes
the role of Bob Bobstay. Vivian
Milan and Mary Ranger alternate
in the roles of Josephine and
Cousin Hebe.
In addition, "Pinafore" has a
chorus of 50 student voices and
several dancers.
All seats for Pinafore will be
reserved, and tickets will go on
sale Monday at the booth outside
Rm. 2 University Hall.
A half hour concert on the
Baird Carillon opened the most
colorful event in Ann Arbor's
music season yesterday, the Fifty-
Fifth Annual May Festival.
Early arrivers gathered on the
steps of Hill Auditorium and along
the Mall to listen to selections of
light carillon music by Prof. Per-
cival Price, University carilloneur,
which have become traditional
preludes to the Festival itself.
The audiences at these rites of
spring are unusual-not the stiff-
ly formal group that goes to big-
city concerts as a sort of social
duty, but rather people that like
to listen to music - students,
teachers, and ordinary people
from all over the nation.
Tune-up Session
Inside the auditorium, a few
early comers heard members of
the Philadelphia Orchestra begin
tuning up in a crescendo that
Lawyers Turn Police on Dance Guests
The 200 women who will attend
the Lawyers' Annual Crease Ball
the 200 women in their off-duty
hours. Although the women had
already been invited to the dance.
S g t. Huizenga's appearance
looked like the real thing to all
tha women lagt to