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November 30, 1948 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-11-30

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Worthy Indiscretion

(Rep., Ohio) rejected claims by Russia
and her satellites that the American people
chose President Truman because a Repub-.
lican victory would have increased chances
of war.
* * *
Taking a negative psychological approach,
it is interesting that Senator Taft found'
these charges worthy of an answer. The
usual policy, when the Kremlin gives forth
with its 'propaganda,' is to politely ignore
them or mumble something about 'damn
commies.' This time, when prodded by re-
porters, the Senator was indiscreet enough
to open us.
Perhaps this commentary on the Amer-
ican political scene by Russia's Drew Pear-
sons merits study.
Certainly the attitude taken by GOP on
the so-called spy investigations has not
helped create good feeling with tli1e Soviet.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

However the methods used by the Callahans
and Thomases are being repudiated by the
liberals who won support in the election.
Some labor leaders are even calling for com-
plete abolition of the House Un-American
Activities Committee.
And on an ideological asis, a more fra-
ternal attitude between the two great powers
is likely to appear under a thoroughly demo-
cratic regime because the two nations will
face the fact that each faces the same prob-
lems of government. The friction that has
come about because we believe in a capital-
istic concept and they a communistic one,
,will be lessened.
A democratic government Is committed
to many socialistic legislative steps-moves
that are similar to many Russia has taken.
In turn, the Russians have found it neces-
sary in past to resort to some capitalistic
measures. The small business proprietorships
and partnerships still exist-or at least did
before the war. Changes in this structure are
hard to visualize.-
Although it is difficult to be optimistic
about the present world situation in face
of a continued Berlin blockade, agitation in
many border-line nations and the seemingly
impossible problem of China, when optimism
becomes impossible fighting begins.
--Craig H. Wilson.


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At the State...

Dana Andrews, Fredric March, Myrna Loy,
Harold Russell and Teresa Wright.
A MOVIE REVIEWER is, by definition,
probably the lowest species in the critical
family. By trade, he is accustomed to being
insulted with greater regularity than the
average movie-goer.
Perhaps that is why he stands in abso-
lute awe when the screen reflects a film
that is honestly great. He wishes that he
might render it the greatest possible trib-
ute: humble silence.
Realizing that our opinion can mean little
when it concerns a motion picture that has
won an unprecedented nine academy awards,
we respectfully urge all who have not seen
this picture to see it.
To those who have seen it, we can only
assert that it has held much for us on
three occasions--and we are ready to see
it again.
Great in conception and in production,
The Best Years of Our Lives contains
more than can be grasped at once. In its
first run across the country two years
ago, it was judged great because people
saw in it a reflection ofthemselves and
their most intimate emotions. Now,
through the war-born maturity that has
come to America, 'it will again be judged
great-this time because we have gained
the perspective to read from it a message
that may never have been knowingly in-
At first a genuine appeal to the emotion,
it is now a moving documentary of a fleet-

ing past, and an urgent appeal for a better
Again we must say see it . . . live it .. .
appreciate its new meaning.
-Bob White.
* * *
A t the Michigan . .
Crain, William Holden and Edmund
" A PARTMENTFOR PEGGY" is almost as
pleasant an experience as finding one
of those mythical places for yourself. It is
amazing how such a good movie can be so
bad in spots, but as the bubbling Peggy,
worrying husband Holden and priceless pro-
fessor Gwenn work out their share of the
typical problems facing this generation they
always recover from the too deep plunges
and bring everyone up laughing.
Peggy takes a bit of getting used to,
with her "leap-frog" thinking, hep patter
and airy references to motherhood, but the
Johnston office could afford to be lenient
on anything as wholesome and lightheart-
ed as her story. Edmund Gwenn, as the
rationalizing old philosophy teacher steals
scenes and sympathy with the aplomb of
a Barry Fitzgerald, and when he and Bill
Holden attempt to follow the "so simple
a child can do it" directions for the Tiny
Tot Tub, it is a slice of side-splitting
Aside from the housing shortage, any
resemblance between their campus and
Michigan is purely coincidental, but if you
get too watered off with life in general, take
a couple of hours out for "Apartment for
-Gloria Hunter.

No Democracy
THE BATTLE of the sexes has reached
new heights at the University.
The second and third floors of the
League will no longer provide a haven
for "males lonely." Only men with women
escorts are being permitted on these floors
except on week-end nights.
League officials explain that the ruling
is intended to prevent coeds from being
crowded out of their own institution.
Somehow or other, such regulations al-
ways seem to smack of totalitarianism. This
one looks especially so since cursory wan-
derings through these floors of the League
at various times during the day generally
reveal vacant chairs and desks.
Nevertheless, unescorted males are hastily
bundled off to the lower regions of the
League, though there may be room to spare.
Wouldn't it be better to make the ruling
apply only during the hours when the
rooms and lounges are almost always
Or better yet, couldn't League officials
rely on gallant Michigin men to yield
their strongholds on these floors to the
women when it becomes crowded?
Such a plan would no doubt prove sat-
isfactory, especially if large signs were post-
ed in conspicuous places requesting unes-
corted men to leave when these floors be-
come crowded, and several monitors were
stationed about the premises to urge cooper-
League officials insist the regulation
is not intended as a measure of retalia-
tion against the restrictions imposed on
coeds at the Union.
Then perhaps they are sticking to the
ruling when these floors are not crowded
in hopes of:
1. Eventually securing a refuge for coeds
who are "just too bored" with the 2.4 ratio;
or conversely.
2. Encouraging pick-ups on the first floor
of the League where the lighting is ad-
mittedly better.
Whatever the reasons are for strict en-
forcement, it is bound to result in con-
One problem in particular raises itself.
Will coeds be forced to escort their gentle-
men friends to water fountains as well as
other places on these floors?
The possible ramifications of such a sit-
uation make us blush.
-Jo Misner.
Only Ways.
ONE TROUBLE with our new belief that
we can save the world by means of our
military strength and economic power is
that it causes us to lose faith in all other
China is in crisis, and our only answer is
to rush in some more boatloads of arms
and supplies.
We don't seem to know any other an-
swers any more. We are becoming cult-
doctors, condemned to use only one par-
ticular method, in our efforts to produce
a cure. Power is our specific; if China is
failing it must be because we have not
supplied her with enough power. Double
the dose, says the doctor.
We ask ourselves in agitation what can
be done to save China. But since only one
answer is considered proper theserdays-
more force-the discussion is rather fruit-
less. The answer comes as from an answer-
machine; it is ready before the question is
posed. More arms, more power, military
and economic, more aid; double the dose
that has failed; let Congress add to the
$400,000,000 already appropriated and large-
ly spent. But one may doubt that the tan-
gled human, political and military situation
in China will be rectified by an Act of Con-
gress or that it will respond to the writing

of a check.
This is the simplex world that has been
created for us by our new philosophers of
power, the one-level, single-idea-analyst
planet, wit honly one problem in it, Rus-
sia, and only one cure, money.
The fact that this cure is failing in China
does not at all lead such thinkers to con-
cede that perhaps they were wrong when
they said it didn't matter what sort of
leader Chiang was, or how corrupt his gov-
ernment had become, or how reactionary.
If anything, these minds are more content
with their thinking than before, and even
more disdainful of those who have disagreed
with it. They ask for a redoubling of the
policy of blind support of Chiang, on the
unanswerable ground that it has failed up
to now. And few voices rise to quarrel with
them, for our China policy has, on the
whole, won much more of a success at home
than abroad.
Not to our minds, they say in effect,
must we look for the answer to China's
problems, but to our pockets. China's fu-
ture will be found in our change-purse.
Look again; for it isn't there.
For if there is such a thing as a peculiar-
ly American insight into politics at all, we
must know that there are times in human
affairs when ten cents' worth of proper
democratic policy can be morerpowerful than
a billion dollars in arms.
It may be too late, for it is one of the
things about good medicine that it may
indeed be offered too late, a possibility
which doctors of bad medicine will rarely
admit in connection with their specifics.
But at least we would begin to talk once

7-3 v

Dwn Stairway

(Continued from Page 2)
ferred for spring vacancies begin-
ning next week, present residents
are advised to discuss the matter
with their housemothers immedi-
ately. Space will be held as soon
as the signed contract is received
in the Office of the Dean of Wom-
Aeronautical and Civil Engi-
neering Graduates: Mr. R. J. Hel-
berg, of Boeing Aircraft Company
(Seattle Division), and Mr. Ray-
mond Hoffman (Wichita Division)
will interview Aeronautical and
Civil Engineering Graduates in
Rm. 1079 E. Engineering Bldg.,
Dec. 2. Civil engineers should sign
the schedule on the Aero. Engr.
bulletin board. Application blanks
in Rm. 1079 E.E.
Occupational Information Con-
ference: Mr. T. A. Schmidt, Indus-
trial Relations Department, U. S.
Rubber Co., Mishawaka, Ind., and
Mr. W. E. Simmons, a merchan-
dising manager of The J. L. Hud-
son Co., Detroit, will discuss op-
portunities and positions for col-
lege graduates in their respective
fields, Wed., Dec. 1, 4:10 p.m., Rm.
231 Angell Hall. All students in-
vited. There will be opportunity
for questions and discussion. Spon-
sored by University Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational
Bureau of Appointments an-
nounces the following interviews
for February graduates:
December 1.
The U.S. Rubber Co. will have a
representative here to interview
candidates for positions as junior
credit men, sales correspondent,
production control, accountants,
office methods, sales production
coordination, footwear salesmen,
production, industrial engineers,
chemists or chemical engineers,
and mechanical engineers.
The J. L. Hudson Company will
have a representative here to in-
terview men and women for their
executive training program.
December 3.
The American Sugar Refining
Co. will have a representative here
to interview primarily for accoun-
tants and a few positions in sales.
The General Electric Co. will
have a representative here to in-.
terview men for their business
training program, including such
positions as personnel, employee
relations, production, and market
Further information and ap-
pointments may be obtained at
201 Mason Hall or by calling Ext.
The Naval Ordnance Division
has sent some announcements and
application blanks for juniors for
their positions of chemist, physi-
cist,, metallurgist, mathematician,
and engineer (all branches except
civil). The student aid trainee pro-
gram is included in this announce-
ment. Both those interviewed and
others who are interested may
send in applications. Blanks may
be obtained at 201 Mason Hall.
The William W. Cook Lectures
on American Institutions. Fifth
series, "Characteristically Ameri-
can." Second lecture, "The Devel-
opment of Thought in America."
Dr. R. B. Perry, Harvard Univer-
sity. 8 p.m., Tues., Nov. 30, Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.


Academic Notices
Forestry 194 Examination: 8
a.m., Wed., Dec. 1, Rm. C Haven
English 149 (Advanced Play-
writing) will meet in Rm. 2019
Angell Hall, Tues., Nov. 30,
Bacteriology Seminar: 8 p.m.
Wed., Dec. 1, Rm. 1528 E. Medical
Bldg. Mr. Edward A. Van Eck will
discuss "The Vi Antigen."
Botanical Seminar: 4:30 p.m.,
Wed., Dec. 1, Rm. 1139 Natural
Science Bldg. Paper: Plant Dis-
tribution in the Marshall Islands
by Wm. Randolph Taylor. Open
meeting. -
Geometry Seminar: 3 p.m.,
Wed., Dec. 1, Rm. 3010 Angell Hall.
Mr. G. L. Spencer will continue
on "Projective Measurements."
Zoology Seminar: 7:30 p.m.,
Wed., Dec. 1, Rackham Amphi-
theatre. Mrs. Lucille Farrier
Stickel will report on "Populations
and Home Range Relationships of
the Box Turtle, Terrapene caro-
lina (L)." Open meeting.
Student Recital: Patricia Shields
DeLoof, organist, will present a
program at 4:15 p.m., Tues., Nov.
30, Hill Auditorium, in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for
the degree of Bachelor of Music.
It will include compositions by
Clerambault, D'Aquin, Bach, Wi-
dor, Clokey, and Vierne, and will
be open to the general public. Mrs.
DeLoof' is a pupil of Frederick
Student Recital: Marie Haefli-
ger, pianist, will be heard in a re-
cital at 8:30 p.m., Tues., Nov. 30,
Rackham Assembly Hall. A pupil
of Joseph Brinkman, Miss Haefli-
ger will play Bach's Toccata in D
Major, Schubert's Sonata in E-flat
Major, Op. 122, Brahms' Varia-
tions on an Original Theme, in D
Major, and Ravel's Le Tombeau
de Couperin. Presented in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the Master of Music degree, the
recital will be open to the -public.
Events Today
Graduate Education Club: Bus-
iness meeting, 4:15 p.m., Elemen-
tary School Lounge. Students and
faculty invited.
Ordnance Gaging Project: First
meeting of Ordnance ROTC stu-
dents interested in obtaining a
working acquaintanceship with
gages, 7-9 p.m., Gage Laboratories,
Rm. 2300 E. Engineering Bldg.
Gilbert and Sullivan Society:
Full rehearsal of chorus and prin-
cipals, 7:15 p.m., Michigan League.
Room will be posted.
Movies, presented by Phi Lamb-
da Upsilon for chemistry and
chemical engineering students,
4:15 p.m., Rm. 1400 Chemistry
Bldg. Movies: 1) Colloids, 2) Mag-
nesium Metal from the Sea, and
3) Oxidation-Reduction.
Undergraduate Physics Club:
Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 2038 Ran-
dall Laboratory. Dr. McCormick
will speak about the activities of
the Physics Dept.

Student Religious Association:
Square Dance Group, 7:30 p.m.,
Lane Hall.
Understanding World Faiths
Seminar: 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall,
Christian Science Organization:
Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Upper Room,
Lane Hall.
U. of M. Young Republicans:
7:30 p.m., Michigan Union.
U. of M. Dames Interior Deco-
rating Group: 8 p.m., West Con-
ference Room, Rackham Bldg.
Mr. Harold Barrett, owner of the
House of Beautiful Furniture, Ann
Arbor, will speak on 'Floor Cov-
Coming Events
University of Michigan March-
ing Band: Band MIixer, 7:30 p.m.,
Wed., Dec. 1, Harris Hall. Pro-
gram: presentation of awards,
motion pictures, refreshments, and
shop talk.
The American Society for Puli-
lie Administration: The Michigan
Chapter of the ASPA will meet on
Wednesday, December 1 at 7:00
p.m. in the East Conference Room
of the Rackham Building. Mr.
Floyd M. Jennings, Planning Di-
rector,, City of Grand Rapids, will
be the speaker. All those inter-
ested in public administration are
invited to attend.
Delta Sigma Pi, Prclfessional
Business Fraternity: Open meet-
ing, 8 p.m., Wed., Dec. 1, 130 Busi-
ness Administration. Mr. Kenneth
I. IMinirger,' President of the
Michigan Junior Chamber of
Commerce, will speak on a topic
concerning consumer economics.
Business meeting, 7:30 p.m.
Pledges meet at 7:30 p.m.
American Institute of Electrical
Engineers and Institute of Radio
Engineers; Joint Student Branch:
Mr. W. H. Bodle of the Square D
Company will discuss and dem-
onstrate "Overcurrent Protection."
7:30 p.m., Wed., Dec. 1, Rm. 1400
Chemistry Bldg. New members in-
Sociedad Hispanica: Intermedi-
ate and advanced students of
Spanish will participate in a
poetry reading contest. Members
of the faculty will present a poetry
recital entitled "Temas en blanco
y negro," 8 p.m., Dec. 1, Hussey
Room, Michigan League.
Modern Poetry Club: 7:30 p.m.,
Wed., Dec. 1, Russian Tearoom,
Michigan League. Subject: Mem-
bers' poetry.
Ullr Ski Club: First meeting of
season, 7:30 p.m., Wed., Dec. 1.,
Rm. 3K Michigan Union. Movies.
Everyone interested in skiing in-
Pre-Medical Society: Meeting,
Wed., Dec. 1, Rm. 3D, Michigan
Union. Committee members bring
all material. The new Pre-Profes-
sional Advisor program and field
,trip will be discussed.
United World Federalists: Meet-
ing, 7:30 p.m., Wed., Dec. 1, Hen-
derson Room, Michigan League.
Students and faculty members in-
terested in becoming members of
reorganized UWF Speakers Bureau
invited. General meeting sched-
uled for Wednesday has been can-
Women of the University Fac-
ulty weekly tea: 4-6 p.m., Wed.,
Dec. 1, Michigan League.

I.Z.F.A. Song and Dance:
p.m., Hillel Foundation.

Speaking Society : 7 p.m., Rmi. 2084
E. thgineering Bldg. The first
round in a series of tournament
debates between the various cir-
cles within the organization will
be featured. Topic for debate:
"Resolved: That the Taft-Hart-
ley Law Should Be Repealed." The
public is invited.
Wolverine Club: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., Michigan League.
Chemistry and chemical engi-
neering undergraduate students in-
terested in forming an American
Chemical Society affiliate chapter
are invited to meet with Prof.
Peter A. S Smith, Rm. 1400 Chem-
istry Bldg., 4:15 p.m.
Association of Independent
Men: Meeting, 7 p.m., Rm. 3C,
Michigan Union.
Le Cercle Francais: Meeting, 8
p.m., Hussey Room, Michigan
League. Songs and games. All
members are requested to attend.
Michiganensian picture will be
Polonia Club: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., International Center. All
members must attend. Students
of Polish descent invited.


The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. "The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
To the Editor:
WITHIN THE last week The
Daily has printed letters from
several gentlemen on this campus.
They all advocated that students
vote only for candidates they know
will do an honest job as student
legislators. This is a fine principle,
but one which is not practical.
The Michigan campus with a
population of 21,000 students has
assumed the size of a fairly large
city. Thus, it is impossible for any
student to know more than a small
proportion of the other students.
This brings up an important ob-
jection to the present method of
choosing our Student Legislature.
With such a long list of candidates
available, one student can not be
expected to know and vote in-
telligetly for more than a very
Ae.And it would be an impossible
undertaking for both the voters
and candidates to get to know one
another sufficiently well to rem-
edy this disadvantage.
Therefore, perhaps the whole
present system of choosing student
representatives should be thrown
out in favor of a more practical
method: election by districts of
the campus. Places of student res-
idence would provide the logical
basis for tmese districts. Men and
women in dorms, either in single
member or multiple member dis-
tricts, would select a number of
representatives in proportion to
their number. Sororities, fraterni-
ties, league houses, and boarding
houses would do likewise. This
would do away with two evils at
once: that of either affiliates or
independents campaigning to pack
the legislature, and that of stu-
dents not knowing enough candi-
dates to vote wisely.
Such a change in election meth-
ods would call for a tremendous
amount of work to institute the
new procedure. But in the inter-
est4 of better and more represen-
tative student government, I feel
that such work would well be
worth any time, inconvenience,
and effort it might cost.
Eva Kellogg
United States government has
granted Italy more than two bil-
lion dollars in gifts and loans and
is currently financing her at the
rate of $600-$700 million a year.
-Current History.

Thunder at Left

Fifty-Ninth Yea?

WASHINGTON--The labor groups and
their Northern liberal allies now clearly
intend to make a genuine effort to trans-
form the Democratic party. Their objective
is a party in which the labor-liberal faction,
which claims credit for Truman's reelec-
tion, will speak with a dominant voice in
such matters as appointments, legislation,
and party strategy. What labor wants, in a
word, is a Democratic party which will be
in some measure a labor party. And if labor
does not get what it. wants, there is suime
to be trouble ahead for President Harry S.
There are signs of trouble already. For
one thing, the Cabinet shakeup which
Truman's labor backers expected after
the election has conspicuously failed to
occur. Truman's enthusiastic assurances to
his conservative Treasury Secretary, John
Snyder, have particularly failed to please
the labor groups.
Yet the most interesting aspect of the
struggle for the soul of the Democratic
party arises in the Congress. Those in whom
labor and the liberals have real confidence
in both houses are by and large the junior
members, of the stripe of Hubert Humphrey
of Minnesota, or Paul Douglas of Illinois.
On the other hand, much of the power which
derives from seniority and committee assign-
ments rests with the older conservatives, and
particularly the Southerners, men like Geor-
gia's Walter F. George, chairman of the
Senate Finance Committee, and North Car-
olina's Robert L. Doughton, chairman of
Ways and Means in the House.
The labor-backed liberal Democrats are
in a big majority, and they intend to
get an equivalent share of power. Already
it is clear that this situation will give rise
to a bitter struggle for power in the'

the Republicans and three Southerners, Cox
of Georgia, Smith of Virginia and Colmer
of Mississippi, could stop labor-backed leg-
islation in the House dead in its tracks.
The labor-liber-l contingent is deter-
mined that this shall not happen. It
could be prevented in a Lumber of ways.
A Committee on Committees controlled by
the liberals could disregard seniority and
pack the Rules Committee. Or the rules
could be changed, so that the Rules Com-
mittee could no longer bury legislation.
Or a purge of the Democratic party, which
would take care of Cox and possibly Col-
mer, could be undertaken.
Among labor and liberal groups, there
is much 'talk of such a purge. Indeed, a
purge list has already been drawn up. The
list includes as a minimum such unques-
tioned Dixiecrats as Eastland in the Senate
and Cox, Davis, Rivers, Battle, Hobbs, Boy-
kin, Rankin, Williams and perhaps Colmer
in the House. The liberals agrue that the
Southerners must be disciplined, and that
the disciplining should be accomplished right
away, as an object lesson to less conspicuous
In this impending struggle for power in
Congress, the key figures are Vice-Presi-
dent Alben Barkley, and more especially,
House Speaker Sam Rayburn.
It is a reasonable guess that the Bark-
ley strategy will bp, at least initially, one
of conciliation and delay. In all prob-
ability, no purges will be undertaken. The
Southerners, including the overt Dixie-
crats, will be allowed to keep their com-
mittee places. In the meantime, the pres-
sure from the Northern labor-backed Con-
gressmen can be used, by Rayburn espe-
cially, to prevent the Southerners from
hamstringing the Administration program,
Thus there is a fair chance for a short

Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Qpntrol of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ...Managing Editor
Dick Maloy ..............City Editor
Naomi Stern .........Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti ....Associate Editor
Arthur Higbee.......Associate Editor
Murray Grant..........Sports Editot
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey ......Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery .......Women's Editor
Bess Hayes ..................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Halt .......Business Manager
Jean Leonard ... .Advertising Manager
William Culman. Finance Manager
Cole Christian ....Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan. as second-class tail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier. $5.00, by mail,

Sigma Rho Tau,



SWe'll run up to the haunfed house
before the reporters and the crowd When the
arrive, Mr. Merrie, for a last check- Ghost is

Once t have lured the monster close
to the magic circle with irritating
incantations, I'll say, "Zata Abbata!"




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