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October 30, 1948 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-10-30

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THE BEST LAID PLANS-Coach Ray Eliot and Captain Herb S cgert, (center, above) who lead Illinois into Ann Arbor today, are
discussing how to go through, over, or around the nation's number one team. Although right guard Siegert may not come into
.contact with Stu Wilkins, Michigan's offensive right guard, or two bulwarks of the Wolverines' defense, tackles Al Wistert and Al Wahl;
it is sure that he will see plenty of fullback Tom Peterson before going home. The Michigan players, left to right, are Peterson, Wistert,
Wahl and Wilkins.

See Page4





Latest Deadline in the State




Soviets Label
Atomic War
World Crime
Use Ranked With
Nazi Atrocities
PARIS-(,)-=Russia has warned
she will consider the waging of
"new methods of warfare" an in-
ternational crime punishable by
Soviet delegate Alexei Pavlov
did not mention the atom bomb
or new types of fighting such as
germ warfare by name in his dis-
cussion before the United Nations
Social Committee.
HOWEVER, he clearly indicated
Russia would regard any future
use of the atom bomb as an in-
ternational crime on a level with
the atrocities committed by Nazi
The trials of top Nazi war
leaders at Nuernberg estab-
lished a precedent for punishing
and executing "criminals who
wage war with new methods of
destruction," he said.
Pavlov implied that Russia feels
international law now is broad
enough to cover most conceivable
crimes and regards the "dogma
established by Nuernberg" as part
of international law.

Red-faced Michigan Demo-
crats are hoping they don't run
into President Truman before
election time.
Seems they slipped up on fil-
ing a list of presidential elec-
tors for Harry S., and he came
close to getting kicked off the
state ballot.
However, Attorney General
Frederick M. Alger, Jr., who
just happens to be a Republi-
can, notified the Democrats of
the discrepancy and promised
to open his office today to re-
ceive the papers although they
should have been filed 25 days
before the election.
Groups JoInt
In A ptack on
Speech Ban
Spokesmen for 7 campus organ-
izations formed plans yesterday to
tzarry the fight against the polit-
ical speakers' ban to the Board of
Meeting yesterday as the Com-
mittee to Abolish the Ban, they
)utlined a joint petition campaign
to start a week from Monday.
THEY WILL seek .to present
,he petitions at the Regents' Nov.
13 meeting.
Representatives protested
what they called restrictions on
spontaneous discussion. Virtually
all agreed that Dean Erich A.
Walter's decision to permit dis-
cussion in front of the flagpole
is "a step in the right direction,
but it doesn't go far enough."
They defined spontaneous dis-
cussion as discussion "anywhere,
* * *

Welcome Alumni!

Capacity Crowd


To See

Homecoming Tllt
Associate Sports Editor
A fighting tribe of Illini will set seige to Michigan stadium
this afternoon for a homecoming skirmish with the impregnable
Wolverines before an overflow gathering of 85,973.
The last time the men from Champaign set foot on the battle-
grounds of Ann Arbor they went home with eleven scalps and a 13-9
upset victory over the highly favored Maize and Blue.
Unbeaten since that time the Wolverines will again be heavy
favorites . . . and again the Redmen will be on the warpath with
,he glint of upset in their eyes.
It was that Illinois victory exactly two years ago that de-
railed the Wolverines on their trim to the Rose Bowl and put the
Orange and Blue in the big New Year's day contest.
Again last season the fighting Illini fought with their backs to
the wall against almost insurmountable odds to give the Crislermen
one of the toughest battles of the year. The Wolverines came out ozl
top, but by a slim one touchdown margin.
THE REDMEN are back in Ann Arbor today looking for more
trouble, and, despite only a mediocre record, they aren't acting like
a team that expects to be conquered.
However, Ben Oosterbaan's unbeaten Wolverines, riding on the
crest of a 19 game winning streak, haven't been taking the advent
of the challenging Illini lying down.
ALTHOUGH A LETDOWN has been predicted by many of the
nation's scribes, practice sessions this week have revealed the Ann
Arborites to be in peak condition.
The spirit and determination has been nothing short of
superb, and they definitely aren't acting like a team that's
going to be beaten by anyone.
The Wolverines are up for this one and with the return to active
duty of halfback Gene Derricotte they could well turn in their best
performance of the year.
IT SHOULD BE A bitter, hard fought battle all the way with
the Wolverines depending mainly on speed and deception, the Illini
on a sturdy defense.
In 1946 the Illinois line three times held the desperate Mich-
igan offensive within their 20 yard line, and last year only a
long punt return by Bump Elliott gave Michigan the margin of
To crack the vaunted Illini defense that held Minnesota and
Purdue both to six points each on successive Saturdays, Coach
Oosterbaan will depend on the old stand-by backfield of Chuck
Ortmann and Leo Koceski at the halfback positions, Pete Elliott at
quarterback and Tom Peterson at the fullback slot.
ALTHOUGH GENE DERRICOTTE will probably see only scat-
tered action on offense today, he will be a valuable addition to the
squad in the performance of his duties as safety man.
He was considered among the best in the country at that spot
last year.
Among the other chief offensive threats will be the Wol-
verines top candidate for All-American honors, Dick Rifenburg,
whose phenomenal pass-catching ability and high spirits on the
practice field have been instrumental in the surprising success
of the Wolverines.
Coach Ray Eliot of the Illini will have some mighty potent ma
terial of his own to throw at the front-running Wolverines.
Operating behind good blocking and the always improving
Tlminn 1ivne n 'iruh hakfie1d speedsters as track star Jack Pierce,

PAVLOV spoke
of his affirmative
nine of the draft
the human rights.

in explanation
vote on article
declaration on

World News
At a Glance
(By The Associated Press)
ATHENS - All Greece has been
placed under martial law through
a decree signed by King Paul I.
The step was taken to strength-
en the government in its cam-
paign against the Communist
LIMA, Peru - The Army to-
night deposed Jose Luis Busta-
mante as President of Peru as a
three-day revolt in the south
spread to the nation's capital.
LONDON-The Labor Govern-
ment proposed today to take over
Britain's iron and steel business
from the production of ore to the
making of needles and pins and
railroad rails.
PARIS-Thousands of heav-

In the true spirit of a Michigan Homecoming, Captain Dom Tomasi is introduced to Alum Bruce Gregory by Head Coach Bennie
Oosterbaan. Gregory who played halfback on the '24 and '25 teams on which Oosterbaan earned All-American honors, is warmly welcomed
back to the grid-iron scene by this year's captain. In watching the Wolverines shoot for their twentieth straight victory, Gregory will keep
one eye on Tomasi, who is from his home town of Flint.
Homecoming Throng Pours Into Ann Arbor Town

Seeks removal of the
itical speeches and

be circulated
ban "on po-

IRA, Hillel, AVC, United
World Federalists, Wallace Pro-
gressives, Young Democrats,
and NSA officially opposed the
With a goal of "10,000 or 15,000
ignatures," CAB will ask active'
packing of other campus groups
-AIM, SRA, IFC, Panhel, dormi-
tories and faculty members.

Ann Arbor is just one big open
riouse today.
With open arms, the city greet-
ed the thousands of alumni, Illini,
and Michigan fans who started
streaming into town early yester-
day morning for the big game and
three day reunion.
And when they arrived, the cityj
was ready for them.

LAST NIGHT, many of them
were treated to an event packed
Varsity Night, where they saw
what the Michigan campus has in
the way of talent.
Thousands packed Hill Audi-
torium for the traditional affair,
listened to top-flight soloists,
duets, trios, and heard the

Ruthven Hits Apathy of College Grads

famed Michigan Band play, un-
the direction of its co-author,
the familiar "Varsity."
This morning, long caravans of
autos converged on the city, and
the bus and railroad station were
packed with incoming fans.
Yesterday afternoon fraternity
and sorority members and inde-
pendents were seen toting lumber,
signs, and complicated mechan-
isms with which to build home-
coming displays.
* * *.
SOME OF THE crews began
erecting their displays early this
morning. Eager artisans from
Prescott House in the East Quad,
started setting up theirs aat 5
a . .
Tha dila must be ready

out-of-towners, workmen are
rushing to complete repairs on
Burton Tower. It should be open
for visitors by 10 a.m. they said.
Climax of the Homecoming
weekend will be the traditional
Homecoming Dance at 9 p.m. in
the IM Building, with the music
of Sam Donahue.
Tickets for the dance will be
on sale at the Union this morning.
Last event scheduled for the
weekend will be movies of the
Minnesota game at 8:30 p.m. to-
Students Need
ID for Game

College graduates were scored
for their failure to continue to
improve their minds and their ca-
pacity for service after graduation

wisdom of our people that we find
a large proportion of our profes-
sional men and women a few years

sional workers prepared to deal
with the ever-changing problems
of life in a complex social order.
"Many professional men and

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