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June 30, 1948 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1948-06-30

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The A ccws
J OHN RANKIN, who has called the Ku
Klux Klan a "100 per cent American in-
stitution," is apparently not the only Klan
supporter to serve on the House Committee
on Un-American Activities.
"This committee should ask J. Parnell
Thomas, the chairman of the Un-American
Committee, whether it isn't a fact that he-
" Thomas-joined the Ku Klux Klan."
Thus testified 0. John Rogge, former
Special Assistant to the Attorney General
and prosecutor of the wartime sedition
cases, before the Senate Judiciary Com-
mittee while it was holding hearings on
the Mundt Bill.
Receiving no reply to his charge from the
three senators present-Ferguson of Mich-
igan, Langer of North Dakota, and Wiley of
Wisconsin-Rogge repeated:
"This committee should ask Thomas
whether it isn't a fact that he and his
brother-in-law Ralph Tyner, Jr. joined the
Klan in Paterson, New Jersey in 1925." Again
the senators preferred to ignore the state-
Later in a statement to the weekly In
Fact, Rogge said that he is prepared to
present conclusive evidence of Thomas'
Klan membership under one condition-
The condition that Thomas be called as
a witness and asked under oath whether
he ever joined the Klan. If Thomas replied
that he had not, and Rogge then proved
that he had, Thomas could be tried for
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
M ® e ---

ser Accused

The proceedings above, this writer pre-
sumes to say, should be of general interest
to every American. They are "newsworthy"
in the best sense of the word. A well-reputed
and well-informed witness has attacked the
record of a public official whose function
is to investigate and weigh the records of
his fellow citizens.
This is something that the public should
know, something upon which the public
should force action if the public's repre-
sentatives are reluctant. One should expect,
in short, that Rogge's charges would have
been printed in every news publication in
the U.S.
Actually, they were printed in exactly
two! One was the voluminous New York
Times, the other George Seldes' weekly
In Fact. Not even the great wire services
mentioned the incident, although they
otherwise reported the Judiciary Commit-
tee's proceedings on that day (May 31)
with thoroughness.
As a result, the Judiciary Committee will
never be' forced by public opinion to call
Thomas before it to ask him if he belongs
to an organization which is on the Attorney
General's list of subversive groups. And, as
chairman of the House Committee, Thomas
will continue jailing witnesses for refusing
to divulge their political beliefs.
It was at one time thought that the chief
raison d'etre of a free press was to inform
the people of the qualities, good or bad, of
its leaders, so that, through the process of
democratic election, the people could elim-
inate those whom it found unworthy. Per-
haps Mr.'Hearst or -Col. McCormick or The
Associated Press can supply a better reason.
We can't.
-Ivan Kelley.

WASHINGTON - The glum resignation
of the leading Democrats has to be seen
to be believed. In the happy isolation of the
White House, President Truman is reported
to retain his usual chirpy optimism. Some-
thing, he tells his callers, will turn up, and
then dwells lovingly on the series of un-
likely chances by which he reached his pres-
ent eminence. But the Republican ticket of
Dewey and Warren has plunged the Demo-
cratic party bosses, their labor allies, the
Democratic leaders in Congress and eves:
some among the President's personal advis-
ors into a state of dreadful gloom.
The truth is that Democratic leadership
had been prepared for Dewey or the equiv-
alent. But they had always supposed that
if a modern-minded Republican headed
the ticket, he would be balanced by some
one like House Majority Leader Charles
Halleck or Senator John WN. Bricker, who
would be open to easy attack.
Furthermore, by nominating Dewey and
Warren, the Republicans deprived the Dem-
ocratic leadership of what had always been
their only real hope. This was that an iso-
lationist-conservative Republican choice-"-
the nomination, say, of Speaker Joseph W.
Martin-could be made the pretext for a
movement to draft General Dwight D. Eis-
enhower as the Democratic standard bearer.
The strongest advocates of drafting Eisen-
hower, like Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., now
accept that fact that this project has be-
come impractical. A good many of them
even hope that Eisenhower will somehow
reiterate his earlier statement taking him-
self out of the Presidential race. They want
this to happen so that the opposition to
Truman may crystallize more readily around
some other candidate, such as Justice Wil-
liam O. Douglas.
It is the present intention of the fighters
for an "open convention" to place Justice
Douglas's name in nomination. They are
hoping that a rather substantial protest
vote against Truman will rally around
Douglas. Douglas himself is incommunicado
in Oregon aid seems unlikely to call a halt
to this effort in his behalf, of which he
lwas informed by friends before he left
Washington. Altogether, although the Pres-
ident may expect to receive his party's invi-
tation to the ball, he must also expect the
invitation to be proferred with almost un-
paralleled rudeness.
(Copyright, 1948, New York Herald Tribune, .Inc.)


]ONDAY EVENING the first in a series Bach movement. The purely rhythmic in-
of seven faculty concerts was presented troduction in the viola foreshadows the
at Rackham Lecture Hall. About two-thirds great deal of rhythmic interest inher.ent in
of the auditorium was filled by the audi- the work. Point of fact, the chief charac-
ence on hand for this initial program. The teristic of this movement is its usage of a
concert began with the Introduction, Theme, hypnotic rhythmic figure in constant repe-
and Variations, Op. 121a, of Beethoven, per- tition and variation. Mr. Finney's term for
formed by an instrumental trio consisting this, I believe, is "motor" rhythm. The sec-
of Gilbert Ross, violin; Oliver Edel, cello; ond and last movements are both slow, and
and Mischa Meller, piano. This work was the are interesting studies in sonorities. The
lightest on the program, and surprisingly third movement is in fugal style at the
so, considering that it was' written in the outset, and remains predominantly contra-
last period of Beethoven's life. From the puntal. A quite evident feature of its form,
standpoint of performance and intrinsic is a very terse recapitulation. Mr. Finney's
merit, it was the poorest work presented. fast movements are characterized by"'linear
The playing was creditable, but not as good writing, and a great deal of interesting
as might have been hoped for. The balance rhythmic manipulation. This is highly excit-
was usually bad in loud passages, with the ing work, and demands re-hearing.
piano often overbalancing the other mem- After the intermission, the concert con-
bers of the ensemble. In fast staccato scale cluded with a reading of Beethoven's Quar-
passages, the violin showed a tendency to tit in F minor, Op. 95. This work is one of
play too heavily. Occasional flows in intona- the last, and best, in his chamber music
tion and breaks in tempi, marked what style. Unfortunately, the performance was
was still a fairly enjoyable performance. again not all that it might have been. The
The high point in the concert was ensemble in the first movment was rough,
reached in the next work, the Quartet in the balance uncertain, the melodic con-
A minor, No. 4, of Ross Lee Finney. (Of tinuity often obscure, and the tempo un-
local interest is the fact that 42 year old steady. The phrasing in the second move-
Mr. Finney is at present visiting Profes- ment seemed somewhat hesitant, which
sor of Composition in the University's resulted in a dull "looseness" of form. The
School of Music.). Emil Raab, violin, and final apparent fault is Beethoven's. For no
Bernard Milofsky, viola, joined Mr. Ross apparent reason, this somebre and restless
and Mr. Edel in the quartet. work, with its insistence on minor mode,
This work was the best played number on comes to a close, only to revive suddenly
the program, and was also the one that was in a bright giddy finale in the form of a
most enthusiastically received, ending in coda in major. The work suffers from this
personal ovations for the composer. The irritational ending, much as didMozart's
Quartet is cast in the usual four movement Don Giovanni, when its post-operatic finale
form, but contains an innovation in that was performed. Historical precedent, and
the last movement is in a slow tempo, rather obvious artistic improvement, should war-
than in a fast one as is customary. Mr. rant a similar editing of this quartet.
Finney's music is not marked by the arbi- Many of the blemishes apparent in this
trary harsh dissonances of the avant-garde. concert were undoubtedly due to the rela-
If a label is desired, one might term his tively short time in which the ensembles
style neo-classic. The first movement of the have been constituted. All in all, the concert
Quartet is held together by a single melodic was creditable, and enjoyable, and leads one
subject, and its characteristic rhythm, much to anticipate the next in the series.
in the manner of a freely contrapunted -Martin B. Bernstein.



Current Movies


At the State ...
ALIAS A GENTLEMAN, with Wallace .
Beery and Dorothy Patrick.
THERE ARE GOOD movies and there are
bad movies, and then there is "Alias a
Gentleman." The Daily's movie reviewers
have been repeatedly criticized for indi -
criminatel'y lumping the majority of films
under the second heading mentioned, and
perhaps rightly so at times, but honestly,
folks, words fail me for this one. How adult
and semi-intelligent individuals (which I
optimistically imagine the movie industry
to be staffed by) could be guilty of spending
time, energy, money and talent (?) on a
production that is such utter pap cannot
but amaze me. Wallace Beery should know
better than to accept a part wherein he
makes a complete jackass of himself for
one hour and twenty minutes, and while
he manages to draw a few laughs for his
butchering of the king's English and oafish
attempts at "et-i-ket", as an actor he is
accepting money under false pretenses.
The plot (which is desecrating a perfectly
good word in applying it to this mess) re-
volves around his attempts to turn gentle-
man with the $250,000 paid him for his oil-
rich farm upon his exit from prison. Rather
than explain the source of his money to
a shady friend from the old days, which in
one sentence could have spared us all this,
he becomes involved with an allleged daugh-
ter paid to spy on him, numerous shifty-
eyed and unconvincing bad men, and sev-
eral more reels of inane dialogue, improb-
able, situations, and awkward exposition
against background music that sounds like
Guy Lambardo tuning up. It shouldn't
happen to even a movie critic, and if you
made the mistake of seeing it, my sympathy,
-Gloria Hunter.
** G * **
A t th2 Mllichii ganz.
McAllister, June Haver and Walter Bren-
THE SERIES of films from which
"Scudda-Hoo! Scudda-Hay!" is frankly
derived were variations on a standard
theme. A mare foals a doubtful looking colt.
Nobody wants the colt but the Boy. The boy
raises the colt with loving care and, in the
final reel, the colt, now an amazingly photo-
genic stallion, rewards the Boy by doing
something truly remarkable, like winning
the Kentucky Derby, or counting to ten.
The mules in "Scudda-Hoo! Scudda Hay!"
gummed up the works, being incapable of
reproducing. Forced to be somewhat orig-

Publications in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of thesUniversity. Notices for
the Bulletin should be sent in type-
written form to the Office of the Sum-
mer Session, Room 1213 Angell Hall. by
3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publi-
cation (11:00 pm. Saturdays)
VOL. LVIII, No. 174
Regpnts' Meeting - Change of
Date: The meeting of the Regents
originally scheduled for July 30
has been advanced to July 16 at 2
p.m. All communications to the
Board should be in the hands of
the Provost not later than Thurs.,
July 8.
Herbert G. Watkins
Students: College of Literature,
Science and the Arts.
Except under extraordinary cir-
cumstances, courses dropped after
July 2 will be recorded with the
grade of "E."
Recognized student organiza-
tions planning to be active during
the summer session are requested
to submit tothe Office of Student
Affairs, Room 2, University Hall,
not later than July 2 the following
1) A list of officers and mem
2) A letter from a faculty mem-
ber indicating his willingness to
act as adviser to the group.
Forms for the membership list
may be secured in Room 2, Uni-
versity Hall. Organizations not so
registered by July 2 are assumed
to be inactive for the summer.
Women Gutests in Men's Resi-
Attention is called to the follow-
ing regulations which apply to the
presence of women guests in men's
1) Women students may visit at
University Men's Residence Halls
daily between the hours of 3 p.m.
and 10:30 p.m. This privilege is
granted because of the presence
of Resident Advisers and House
2) Fraternities without resident
housemothers and fraternities op-
erating as rooming houses during
the summer may entertain women
guests only at social events ap-
proved by the Office of Student
Affairs and registered in Room 2
University Hall before 12 o'clock
noon on the Monday before the
event is scheduled.
3. Women callers in men's resi-
dences are restricted to the main
floor of the residence.
Bureau of Appointments'- and
Occupational Information
Job Registration material may
be obtained at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 201 Mason Hall, dur-
ing affice hours (9-12; and 2-4)
this week. This applies to August
graduates as well as to graduate'

students or staff members who
wish to register and who will be
available for positions next year.
The Bureau has two placement
divisions: Teacher Placement and
General Placement. General
Placement includes service to
people seeking positions in busi-
ness, industry and professions oth-
er than education.
It is important to register now
because there will be only one reg-
istration during the summer ses-
Married Veterans of World War
II-University Terrace Apart-
ments and Veterans' Housing
Opportunity will be provided
Mon., Tues., Wed., June 28, 29, 30
(8-12 a.m. and 1-5 p.m.) for stu-
dents in the above group Ito file ap-
plication for residence in the
UniversityTerrace Apartments
and the Veteran's Housing Proj -
To be eligible to apply the ap-
plicant must be arMichigan resi-
dent, married veteran, and have
completed at least two full semes-
ters on this campus. Please bring
Military Record and Report of
Those who filed applications
prior to June 28, 1948 should not
apply again.
Office of Student Affairs
Room 2, University Hall
College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts: Office of Admis-
sions with Advanced Standing.
Beginning June 28, the following
office hours will be observed Mon.
through Fri. 10 to 11:30, 2-4.
Approved Social 'Events:
June 30, Pi Beta Phi
July 2, Chinese Students' Club
July 3, Delta Tau Delta, Sigma
Alpha Epsilon a
The first Fresh Air Camp Clinic
will be held on Fri., July 2, 1948.
Discussions begin at 8 p.m. in the
Main Lodge of the Fresh Air
Camp located on Patterson Lake.
Any University students interested
in problems of individual and
group therapy are invited to at-
tend. The discussant will be Dr.
J. N. P. Struthers, Director of the;
Huron Valley Children's Center,
Attention students of French
and Spanish: There are still some
places available for lunch and
dinners at the French and Spanish
Tables of the Maison Francaise
and Casa Espanola. For arrange-
ments call Mrs. Pauline Elliott,
1027 East University, telephone
Sports for Women: There are
vacancies in golf, tennis, swim-
ming, dance .and posture classes.
Some are meeting for the first
time today. Register at Barbour
Gymnasium. Registrations will not
be accepted after today.

Summer Session Lecture Series:
"Major Problems of Readjust-
ment," James W. Angell, Thurs.,
July 1, 4:10 p.m., Rackham Am-
Academic Notices
Botany: Seminar, 1139 Natural
Science. First meeting: Wed.,
June 30, 7:30 p.m. Report of Dr.
Lewis E. Wehmeyer: The Applica-
tion of the Mass Collection Tech-
nic to the Classification of Fun-'
gi." Anyone who is interested is
cordially invited to attend.
Preliminary examinations for
the doctorate in English will be,
given on July 21, 24, 28, 21 at 9 to
12 (noon) in 3223 Angell Hall. All
those expecting to take these ex-
aminations should notify N. E.
Nelson, 3223 Angell Hall.
Math. 327 Statics Seminar, 3201
Angell Hall. First meeting: Fri.,
July 2, 3-5 p.m. Subsequent meet-
ings: Tues., 3-5 p.m.
Carillon Recitals by Percival
Price, University Carillonneur,
Thurs., Juy 1, 7:15 p.m., all-
Canadian program; Sun., July 4,
2:15 p.m., all-United States pro-
Student Recital Series, John C.
Winter., Pianist, Rackham Assem-
bly Hall, Wed., June 30, 1948, 8:00
Sonata in F major, Scarlatti;
Sonata in ID major, Scarlatti
Adagio, K. 540, Mozart; Gigue, K.
574, Mozart; Hommage a Rameau,
Debussy; Mouvement, Debussy.
Sotnata, Op. 5, F minor,
Brahms; Allegro maestoso, An-
dante, Scherzo, Intermezzo; Finale
This recital is presented in par-
tial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of.
Events Today
All graduate and undergraduate
students in English who are
teachers are invited to the Eng-
lish Teachers' Summer Assembly,
Assembly Room, Rackham Build-
ing, Wed., June 30, 1948, 4 p.m.
Informal get together over re-
freshments, panel discussion, im-
portant announcements.
United Nations Council will hold
its first meeting of the summer
session in the Union, Wed., June
30, 8 p.m. Mr. Bretton of the Po-
litical Science Department will
speak on the general principles of
the United Nations. All regular
members, and any others interest-
ed are invited.
La p'tite causette today at 3:30,
Grill Room, Michigan League.
The first meeting of the Socie-
dad Hispanca, Wed., June 30, 8
p.m., West Conference Room of
the Rackham Building. Professor
Anderson-Imbert will direct a dis-
cussion-on world literature. There
will also be entertainment by a
native group which will sing Lat-
in-American songs.
The Music Group of the Michi-
gan Dames: Meeting, Wed., June
30, Island Park. The meeting will
be a picnic starting at 6:45. Mrs.
Bernard Manning is chairman and
can be reached at the Ann Arbor
Home Improvement Co.
Rog1ier Williams Guild weekly
tea Wed., 4:30-5:30 p.m., Guild
Square Dancing Class, sponsored

by the Graduate Outing Club: 8
p.m., Lounge, Women's Athletic
Bldg., Wed., June 30. Small fee.
Everyone welcome.
Radio Program:
Virginia Chase
-University Concert Band
Coming Events
The French Club ,will hold its
second meeting Thurs., July 1, 8
p.m., 2nd floor Terrace Room,
(Continued on Page 4)

Eur"opean Recorery

I LISTENED WITH interest to
the first of this summer's lec-
tures on The Economic Recon-
struction of Europe. I was pleased
when Provost Adams pointed out
humanitarian and economic rea-
sons for aiding Europe, rather
than attempting to make the aid
program a major weapon in our
cold war against Russia. Europe
must face, it seems, the conflict
between Eastern and Western
ideologies, andonly an economi-
cally healthy continent can face
such a struggle without violence
or the loss of political freedom.
It follows from here, I should
think, that the concept of the
frontier which is generally asso-
ciated with our economic institu-
tions still holds for Europe and
for ourselves; that once Europe
has recovered from the- economic
blows of the past war, she will join
us in making economic and social
progress under a free political
system; that such economic prog-
ress will be measured by the
standard of living of democrati-
cally arrived at forms of socialism
as well as democratic forms of
capitalism might be the pattern
of such progress.
Yet in Provost Adams' lecture
any concept of progress was miss-
ing. With all his humanitarian
and economically sound measures
of concern, he fails to visualize a
recovered European continent as a
stage for continuing progress, de-
layed only by the war's devasta-
tion. Instead, he sees it as a new-
ly strengthened bulwark of our
heritage against a foreign ideology
-thus implying that our age of
progress has come to a close, that
we must now hold on to what we
have, rather than reach out to-
wards something new and better.
Provost Adams seems to be say-
ing that our system is not capable
of correcting such glaring imper-
fections as still keep many from
enjoying its benefits-that it
must be protected not because it
holds' abtremendous promise but
merely because it is better, in our
eyes, than something else. It is
this concession to those who call
American democracy decadent
that made me experience discour-
agement, rather than concern
Thursday evening.
-Werner Blumenthal.
Fifty-Eighth Year

To the Editor:






Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Lida Dailes ..........Managing Editor
Kenneth Lowe ......:.Associate Editor
Joseph R. Walsh, Jr.'....Sports Editor
Business Staff
Robert James .......Business Manager
Harry Berg .......Advertising Manager
Ernest Mayerfeld . Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled- to the use for re-publication
of ail news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper.
Ali rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,
Associated Collegiate Press




" Siam and the New Look



fot Weather Note.
THIS HOT WEATHER had us mildly hor-
rified as we glanced at a news item
headed "Length of Haircut Now Set by
aW ."
"We breathed a muggy sigh of relief as
further perusal revealed that the Siamese
Ministry of Education, apparently irked by
shaggy hairstyles, in imitation of matinee
idols, ordered that no schoolboy may wear
his hair longer than one centimeter-less
than four-tenths of an inch.
All of which goes to prove that the
Siamese matinee 'idols probably comprise
the only segment of the world population
as yet unaffected by the New Look.
* * *
UBrief GlrEy
--UBLIC REACTIO7N is beginning to be

Point of View
STUDENTS IN A summer class in psychol-
ogy are still wondering if their professor
had any malice aforethought when he de-
scribed a special category of abnormals. He
reported that individuals in this category in-
dulge in such unusual forms of behavior as
attempting to crash the gates of the White
House in order to run the national govern-
ment. "Actually," the professor said, "they
may not be psychotic at all."
* * *
Why Of ficers Get Grey
STUDENT VETERAN and wife have new
car. - Other day wife was downtown
shopping. When she returned to parking lot
car was gone. She called police, gave de-
scription, etc. A policeman appeared and es-


Mom! Mr. O'Malley, my Fairy Godfather,
has a plan for us to make ends meet!...
'We won't have to frTe Gorgon, the dog-
Since he heard us talk of the cost
of living he's been so worried=
7 Nonsense!
Wait till he C '
hears this-'

) -

Forgef ihaf imag nary Pixie, san. And
lisfen! We've had a letter fram ya r
Grandma. Haw'd you like toga and live ',
on her big hundred-acre farm? , .. Eh?

Well, okay, Pop... But Mr. O'Malley had
a different plan for making ends meet-
John! He thinks we're getting
rid of him! To economize!

i t Lam.


~- II _______________

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