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January 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

…ii ZA at piwut t 1aI DAY AND 8E j'. )_ ... ........... ANN ARBOR ilCHIGAN. SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1922 PltIcu ,. MOLD IENCE WILL TuRN MANY AWAY AT DINNER DANCE Numbers of Union members were turned away from the dining hall at the second dinner dance given- by the Union from 6 to 8 o'clock last night. All tables were filled a short time aft- er the doors were opened and further applicants could not be accommo- dated. Special musi...…

January 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 92) • Page Image 2

…durxigt te Waiver Pnblisatloas. elclvalvely entitled to the use f= ithes credlteu' w it er .ot otb " elocal news published terez.. at Ann Arbor. Michigan. as second laynard Strest. 4. ords, if signed, the sig. but as an evidence of ed inThe Daily at the ed to The Daily office. onsideration. No man- ncloses postage. rse the sentiments eX- EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 2414 WG EDITOR ..,. ..... BREWSTER P. CAMPBELL Managing Editor...................…

January 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 92) • Page Image 3

…. .c ie Alasaa Agri- School of Mines a hundred miles -will open its ber, CharlesE . ral judge and institution, an- deral Funds is situated on a piles from Fair- line of the new set aside by con- ollege itself was n 1917 by an act legislature and r buildings and m proved inade- additional appro- vas made. Most nses will be met aska, but $50,000 D IT V qr F Fairbanks, laska" will be available from federal funds, according to President Bunnell....…

January 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 92) • Page Image 4

…' i er S PORTS;I?. ; ' °. F ' Y' . '', : .i 99 the boys at the boarding to baseball games through the columns Lost something? A Classified Ad in d to challenge each other of The Daily. The Daily will find it for you.-Adv. . ........... Wolverine Swimming Hopes Are" Brightened By The Propect Of Securing Service Of Ilait tann r 1 mu~Lh I Fr TUXEDO SUITS } j { .; -:, . - ' , ;: _ -_. ; ; ,r ff :.: :? ;< Tailored to Your Individua...…

January 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 92) • Page Image 5

…indications a hard fought conflict is sure to ensue. 8EC .l ul Lv Y5., vt4L'&C .L , Ucur" fajar 2/tranches Of Sports mpilation of Michigan's records tern Conference competition in 1, baseball, ,track and tennis y Coach Yost, shows the Maize ue to occupy a unique position letics. Michigan has won a :y of contests in each of the sports, with other Conference schools. The Wolverine school has won ten Western Conference track meets out of the ...…

January 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 92) • Page Image 6

… IL . 'A ~LY Menu LUJNCH P a ,up French Fried Potatoes Samon Brown and W I '1e Bread Chocolate Padding Tea Coffee :Milk BREAKFAST Grape Fruit Puffed Rice Poached Egg Toast Coffee DINNER Snow lake Potatoes BraI ed Steak with Onions Lima Beam r Sliced Beets Rolls and Brown ,Bread Apple Pie Tea Coffee Mil It is a Fact- that it almost makes you homesick when you eat those good old fashioned 'HE CONCLUSION YOU WILL REACH IS THAT YOU S...…

January 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 92) • Page Image 7

…3"l itn d Bartelmess in Prevost in "A dal." i special fe in ea- Lionel Barry- (Detoit) - 'with Carroll All senior girls must have their aps cnd gowns before the junior .il'play which will be given March ..i. 24, and 25. The caps and gowti,. iaay be procured at Mack's. iAny change in schedule that will ne- .essitate a change in gymnastic work should be- reported to the, instructor by Friday, Feb. 3. All rouses should get a supply of candy...…

January 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 92) • Page Image 8

…BULLETI ii IDITIDI L SPORTS university athletic backers are agitat- ing the early appointment of a coach for baseball, the only major sport now remaining without a man to take ac-j turn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C nhrr hnirn ttava li^ M'ICAL ME SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1922 uzmber 92 of Literature, Science, and the Arts-Dean's Advisory Committee: ere will be a meeting of the Advisory Committee in the Dean's office iday, Feb. 1, at 3 p. m. Mr. Albert Ka...…

February 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…)p w PO 'o t {4gan Li .I ) ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1922 nfuIn IENCE [OVAL TO ICAGO ERS AID ssor Opposes md Dlrectlon Federal of Smith In Favor Of Rooming Plan "Although the University, has been in possession of a small number of private residences this year," said Sec- retary Smith, "every one of them is either sold or soon to be sold and all will be removed from University property before July, thus making it ...…

February 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 106) • Page Image 2

…ESS o the use for rnot otherwise i therein. gan, as second which is enjoyed by both the student and the resi, dent of Ann Arbor. The crowds which attend are continually growing, and he who visits once "de- parts but to return". There is something peculiarly effective about the full, resonant tones of organ music within the im- pressive surroundings of Hill auditorium, towards the close of day. Care and responsibility are for the moment laid a...…

February 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 106) • Page Image 3

…WHIIL TREATISES BE LI) APRIL lIST NIGHTS . z 7:30 to 10:30 MINGTON gs) , GALPIN AND BRAND WORK ON BOOKBSAS A RESULT OF STUDY ABROAD Dr. W. F. Galpin and C. F. Brand, of the English history department, are eachwriting historical treatises, as a result of study abroad last summer. Dr. Brand is now writing the last chap- ter of his book and Dr. Galpin expects to have his ready for publication next' year. The two men were in London last summe...…

February 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 106) • Page Image 4

…. t= .. *.1 a/: . "' .r ; viii ;;k ii . . .. . . . ... .... =. I-_ I t G ,,; CHIMES ART STAFF Freshman Track Squad Continues To Show A Balanced development There will be an important meeting of all those who are interested in art work for the Chimes in room 306 of the Un- ion today,at. 5'o'clock. or sist Sat- f Catalogue on request LDING & BROS. State St., Chicago I SENIORS NOTICE Men senior lits must report to Moe's now...…

February 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 106) • Page Image 5

…|J1iL LIiML tLIL LUltiU LUIA LPU V lay in the next few days on she ce as the condition of the ice w warrant further notice. lay .v A -~ - olState Relay Carnival At E. Lansing 'OR DROPS 18 MEN C OF CANDI. Eighteen men were included in the rst cut made by Coach Fisher this eason. Thse surviving the knife oft ie coach's eye went through their aces for two huirs yesterday after- on at a' lively clip.-t The coach is well pleased with the ray th...…

February 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 106) • Page Image 6

…:. l ., _zs' and icel laeous s somewhat damaged by Fire and Smoke so we have decided to hi the balance oof our Miscellaneous Books, Fiction, Stationer I Notebooks Our entire stock of Cloth and P. books. All sizes at rock Fiction to Caet One of Them Brief Cases 98c 28 3.98 KIPLING O'HENRY MARK TWAIN" STEVENSON SHAKESPEARE THACKERY DUMAS DICKENS HARDY and many at REMARKABLE VAI Stationery k Racks All Michigan Seal Paper ...…

February 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 106) • Page Image 7

…- on cast. On account of I ture this afternc Jordan will not bo sity students. Swift's lec- n Myra B. e to Univer- I Edith H. Swift, of the American ne association, will give a lec- for all University women at 4 k this afternoon in Sarah Cas-' Angell hall. Her subject will Vhat and How Are We Building?" Kahn, R. Waldron; sophomore squad- G. Baker, M. Birmingham, D. Bolton, D. Compton, W. Craigie, P. Delf, M, Hays, A. McKinnon, J. Raum; f...…

February 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 106) • Page Image 8

…I .. . 'days.) I Colin Will (ul-e Lecture Tonight (Continued from Page One) ments ) disappear under the waves in 19 minutes without being deeply im- pressed by the picture. Mr. Coffin was present at the bombing tests and is in IN DEBATE T 1922 Number 106 All students who desire to compete in the Northern Oratorical league con- test should hand in manuscripts of their speeches, consisting of not more than 1,850 words on any subject of L...…

March 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…I r 43AL ! . I I D r. - No. 130 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN TUESDAY. MARCH 28. 1922 t w: . t IIPITII ONAL PENS i )IIASM I SAYS OLD STYLE HOMES ARE BEST fl 'UNIN IRLS MAY Detroit Symphony Orchestra With riiir 0I V AHAIN Netzorg Concludes Concert Series MEMBERS, S SPEAK "Show me a nation of home owners and I'll show you a stable govern- menti said 'Harry F. 1enard, presi- dent of the Detroit real estate board. in an address &iven be...…

March 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 130) • Page Image 2

…and thus will get away f rom the tigma which sometimes attaches unique or brilliant uniforms. Th miusic the way it ought to be playi ited as a body of gentlemen. lIt i the concert tour, even~ aside from an's prestige, will help to convince is that the Varsity band is a worth in of capable musicians, and not :rum aggregation of blaring wini a haru mers. e~ sentiments expressed LFF .4 NSTER P. CAMPBUIL .....Joseph A. Bernstein ...... ..J. B. Y...…

March 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 130) • Page Image 3

…1 ---a. I t Harrison' REPRESENTING rthur M. Rosenberg Co. TA NEW HAVEN. CONN.' Will exhibit their samples and materials of spring fabrics Tomorrow, March2 9 COAL STRIKE FOURTH CONFLICT FOR LEADER PRESIDENT LEWIS HAS LED WORKERS IN THREE BIG FIGHTS Indianapolis, nd., March 27--As the leader in the impending nation-wide coal strike,John L Lewis, president of 'the United Mine Workers of Amer- ica, will enter his fourth big indus- t...…

March 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 130) • Page Image 4

…I DAILY ... ... .. . "..- . .;, ,. . «, ,.,. " . . . . .y . .* . " ,. . . .. . ,, .. . " +" . .;, r *" y ", a :;. " " ,. _ .. y' " " . .. .' ' 1, .. ". . f / y. 0 . ' a ".!. T .,. . .l ." .. .. ,. . .,. ,. f" " .. . " . " "r . ter. . "." a a "" " " f f w " " '. I a " " " w " f " .""" "". r " " ." " .. a s ' " . 1" " ,1' M .. « !. t _ h .. 1 East spent most of his time in New York ie Law and Boston, but visited Harvard uni- lay for versit...…

March 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 130) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ 20 PITCHERS FIGHT FOR REGULARi TASTY DUTY ARE BEING GROOMED BY FISHER TO MEET SEASONED DIXIE NINES Hampered by the inclemency of the weather Coach Fisher was forced to limit yesterday's practice to battery men alone. The Michigan, mentor is of the opinion that the Wolverines' chances this year depend largely upon the ability of the pitching staff to be in the best of condition when the Confer- ence season opens. Unfavorab...…

March 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 130) • Page Image 6

…THE MICE 4 DAILY THE MICE C I DAILY -T-- gold was discovered embedded in a 49 street just off the campst. The gold passed the boiling acid test and for u- a time it looked as if a second rush ia of '49 was imminent until it was or found that the chunk of precious of metal was only an isolated case. SUPPLY STORE University Ave. Architects' Materials Pens Loose Leaf Books and Supplies WESLEY HALL WILL BE, NEW METHODIST CENTER i s GERK...…

March 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 130) • Page Image 7

…ALK 11 USTRIAL QUESTION DISCUSSED BY WOMEN; I* l T - "Hiking and Mountain Climbing" lay was the subject of the talk by Dr. Cora ad J. Best before the athletic section of the Faculty Women's club on Satur- day afternoon. From 3 to 4 o'clock the tus members, led by Dr. Best, took a cross nay country hike around the boulevard. 12 Following the hike, a meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Walter B. Ford, where Dr. Best, introduced by Mrs. R. ...…

March 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 130) • Page Image 8

…"*" 1 NEW P MACHINES I 1s. 0a 1922 - - . . . days.) Number 130 Deans, Wednesday, March 289. M. L. BURTON. rsical Laboratory, Washington, D. C., i "The Application of Thermodynam- .ures will be given daily at 4:15 p. emistry building. All interested are W. L. BADGER. 1 be held for these courses on Saturday, April a, m. i R. M.WENLEY. 114, Physics building, at 10 o'clock Tuesday. A. W. SMITH. SHIPPAM, Assistant P. M. S. & T. are taking ...…

April 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…1, 4hr an, _: i iii itl ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN PRIDAY, AthL. s28, 1922 . .,d ..... .,._,....... ,...,. ... . . ., .,. ...: ..,.. ... .a.a...,,w.. , I -_ ,- DNS FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF OFFICIAL WS BUREAU GAIN FAVORABLE COMMENT. FROM STATE EDITORS AND JOURNALISTS I EAS TO ONIGH' Catupaign Gather* mupetuis as News. paper Men Unite in Praise Added impetus was given the cam- paign being conducted by Sigma Del- ta Chi, national journalistic f...…

April 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 149) • Page Image 2

… .. ,... the council and its dis- AM bI UNIVERSITY hed every morning exbept Monday during the University he Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use tar ion as all news dixpatches cre.ilit-d to it o aot uthel-Wise a this paper and tbe local'npws rnbllsbtd the' ets otd at the Wvstc'&re at Anna'Trion, )Wlcbgain. a&aes or. iption by carrier or alil, $3 se. s:...…

April 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 149) • Page Image 3

…t P. Freeman, of nd Fredonia, N. Y. Brand Clothes. SPRING RE HERE wool fabrics combined ine hand tailoring $35-00 and up Wadhams F&C o. IDI NG TRUCTION >hn N. Ryan of the U. S. Reserve Corps, for- egular army is now at the stables of G. L. Mul- Ann St. and offers acourse in Horsemanship or ruction at extremely low rates. C THE MOST OUT OF YOUR RIDING play Polo, Jump, ride cross country, play games on horseback, etc. ss rates for comple...…

April 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 149) • Page Image 4

….1 Association of G Will Train' erdeen 60 men of the Uni- C. corps will leave camps. at Fort Mon- uster and the Aber- oumds at Aberdeen, er the close of the e camps will last July 17 for the R. O. which.civilians will er the control of the y trainnfig camps dvery year. Major rday that about half ille the rest would be bile the rest would be en the other camps. cuam__.__ fuU New Department A department that promises to lend life and intere...…

April 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 149) • Page Image 5

…I:. . iI i 1 .. y '1 . 't .. ". _; I 2. Steve -Ou r Coach FOOTBALL MEN TO SCRIMMAGE ON SAT. TO BREAK MONOTONY OF SPRING GRIND uOHI (From the Athletic Journal of April) "Michigan students affectionately call Steve Farrell the 'Grand Old. Man' and the grand old man he is, for he has not only been a wonderful athlete, but also has been and now is a great coach; furthermore he is a sportsman and a gentleman." AND Coach Wieman is getting...…

April 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 149) • Page Image 6

…TWO BIS TEN C I ESTS 1 n Page One) Maroon staff and .ed as the find of ay coaches. Yard- r, who perform- in former years, lhe bat. Captain baseman, is also . who is playing iference, competi- diverance to Hurl Today ance has been selected by Coach to work against the Maroon" Last year the Chicago teanm a scare into the Wolverine vhen they held Michigan to a rin on Ferry field. It was not le ninth inning that Michigan le to scoredthe winni...…

April 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 149) • Page Image 7

…READY directorc ations wi Construc I Applications are now being accept- ed for the 1922 Citizens Military training camp to be held at Camp IE Custer, Battle Creek, Michigan, be- tween August and September. All men between the ages of 17 and 27 are eligible, providing they meet the of physical requirements. th Candidates may enroll in the infan- try, cavalry, artillery, aviation, or engineering sections. All expenses are being paid by the gov...…

April 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 149) • Page Image 8

…Ii es, or officers in elations from more and Canadian col- ties will hold their ference May 4, 5, rsity of Illinois, at . Shaw, '04, general ichigan Alumni as- nd. program for this alumni funds, campaign methods, pur- poses, publicity methods, results, and ideals as applied to the various types of colleges; technical and circulation problems in connection with the pub- lication of alumni magazines, and the proper relation of the alumni to in...…

April 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 149) • Page Image 9

…the last few caught now nd dresses of ;ion, mingled s and pans, coats. work-on the it was found on for a rum- of the tates that ly priced of good bag sort Girls who hove any old lace or cos- tumes for the period of 1800 are asked to call Margaret Spalding at 398. The schedule,for the Interhouse base- ball league has been posted on the bulletin board in Barbour gymnasium. The first game of the series will be played Tuesday, May 2. "Yellow Ja...…

April 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 149) • Page Image 10

…F FICIAL BULLETIN received until 3:30 p. s. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays ) S' FRIDAY,,APRIL 28, 192 Number 149 - - n . - .. . .. ersity Lecture: Professor Charles Cestre, of the University of Paris, will speak in Nat- cience Auditorium this afternoon at 4:15frThia is the fourth of his ee- Son the general subject, "The Ideals of France. F. E. ROBBINS. ge of Literature, Science, and the Arts - Administrative Board: 'here will be a meeting of the A...…

May 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…'AIR; PRKCB- CHANGE I it i~an &t ASSOCI. ANRE~f DAY ANDRE '" SERTI No. 175 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 28, 1922 PRICE _ _ ___.__- - _ _ . m . . i AWARlDED CEMEDAL R fECORD VEN ANNUALLY FOR AS SCHOLAR AND ATHLETE 101 DS HONORS E MAJOR SPORTS nber of Family to ic Distinction in University Gainl ATHLETIC REVIEW ON SALE MONDAY Giving a complete survey of all lines of athletic activity covered dur- ing the past year on the camp...…

May 28, 1922 • Page Image 1

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN. StU'DAY, MAY 28, 1922 A LITTLE CHAT WITH VACHEL LINDSAY (By Lis Elisabeth W'lticosah) ''t on" "inrnion," hie confided. "I 'Still interes'ted in 1Egypotian hors-_ 'iv' hi'at 'otd flat land-Ino hills. Lots gi 'phics, Vaohe1?" asked Air. Frost. of times at home when it's so hot that There hod liee'n a little pause is the everytoily else has left town I sit andI conversation, and this questio pant or wiite, per...…

May 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 175) • Page Image 2

…1 iri1Y r1VA1.H1V LJq-iL..I aiuty Z UN] 112 .:....- I t the||a e r t rot otherWis hed theiei. 4klgua., a sOsa aerd Stret. o words, i'signed. the signa- , but as an evidence f faith, ;d in Tke Daily at tle discre- te The Daily office. Unsigned deration. 7 manuscript will o9s th esentiments expressed two ,years earlier than would otherwise be possi- ble ,the Summer school offers facilities for intel- lectual training and moral culture so...…

May 28, 1922 • Page Image 2

…2 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, MAY 28, V5,' The May Whimsies-A Review (113 Dc I tr (lark) "And this is where my story ends,", 'While hlank youths caper to it I dsiske the May Wh'limsies for tour andsioomehows it's very funny hecause, the night long," reasons: thre apitees of verse are so yosu stunt have to function mentally isn wlets throws so sinfair emphasis o pl(0(1 they earnt sbe ss tosrn out wi'tlhoust I(rdeor tos get the story, ...…

May 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 175) • Page Image 3

…rsity Ave. .d Architects' Materials ain Pens Loose Leaf Books -as and Supplies iry. Agency Trobaccos r .1 J Iliplops And Han Grid Star Of Michigan's former athletes are keep ing in the limelight in various ways; some are making touchdowns in the world of politics while others again are putting the, law over for three bases, but one of the mnethods adopted by a gridiron star, of the seventies is be- lieved to be unique. Irving K. Pond, '...…

May 28, 1922 • Page Image 3

…sNDAY, MAY 2R, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE no means stops with the(, converdet 0 Tes orecealls1the dissenting opn- " "T e M nes n t e M a ing andt. f compendious ideantrito of - on 0of two jitdg~s of the Supreme of aiss all kind, anarchits, pacc- ('ort.* (Continued) ig to one threatening group united in s, ecos idelsis masu~ruading a By Ja es H rveyRobisont like-minded attempt to overthrow so- progress." The iht is ue fre God cety as we k...…

May 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 175) • Page Image 4

…PRO GRAMI CHES nature or pul- rll be ost all American" Is the Arthiur W. Stalker's, -st Methodist church ,tudent classes will ock. The Wesleyan' devotional meeting ship of Mr. Robert . Rev. Stalker will the evening service stopic tonight being e Mind in the Mak- Religion" will be Leonard A. Barrett n church this morn- sReal Freedom?" is ced for the young to be held at 6:00 h Alexander Burr, Saylers, of the First ,s as his topic for the 'Thou...…

May 28, 1922 • Page Image 4

…"'The Jvind in the Naking"~ (Contimlued from Page 3.) tLo.; ben the h :bit (of defondnoro tie -tol y, ohl) Virtues troin titme itu- inea~orial tOto elCr15s of others' rep- lI-HE MICHIGAN L tl!?,raie teudvoy t'to eta!,. ('litics as 'EJi)lBiot Sol'ely, 'r ° 1 1havin levi,' v ex thte argloocux of those who j ('Ott l epre riti.'isnt lest it teal) to v oece itndt letrltt.on, we may 000 j'11)11 ely 101011 0i1)1hisrcotter'tioncrt- Stainofoten negie...…

May 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 175) • Page Image 5

…" S ' O f r f.r -' . 4 NORTHERN, NORTHWESTERN IN HIGH SCHOOL TRACK MEET tinued from Page One) 1 dash: Hester, Det. North- Sternaman, -Owosso, sec- ence, Clearfield Pa., third; 'th. Time 10 3-5 seconds. I high hurdles: Toepfer, ern, first; Cooper, Det. econd; Stewart, Saginaw third; Ott, Muskegon, Ime 17 1-5 seconds. t: Simpson, Det. North- rst; Smith, Saginaw East- d; Stutzner, Hamtramck, rison, Det.Northwestern, istance 44 feet 34 inche...…

May 28, 1922 • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, MAY 28, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Next Brander goes hark to the good!l .' ot r, weal hrt entre leogth of l i.B lu b f r B and r id tdar when thr agert, fotr th~e So- ! ''.:tol 1 And th is rondit mit held A ra o rilety for lhe Prevention of Vice held l ' stir nearly the svholg; country, full stray and were putting Itiamtond IToray' in lhat high srliool there are (Bly Gi. D. Caton) of the old Brander hy that irreverent Dick out of...…

May 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 175) • Page Image 6

… .. Trials in's freshman track squad a most successful training ,st week by holding the final ,1s of the year. The times nces made in the events were especially the running Hahn feels'that he has guid- of the most promising team ngs in the country. In Hub- einke, Brooker, Proesser, oesser, and Isbell he has a f stars that will help raise 's track stock up to par. Moore,dAmstetz, Nicholson, d, Aldrich, .Gunn, Hindes, rittman, Gibson, Higgins...…

May 28, 1922 • Page Image 6

…TIHL MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, MAY 2, 1922 /' ques~~ii t iiniy nt oohnaly h esin nural t 1' nard st atie sftsofoteidatinss the realu spite oo s u the mi>s tieas isty the 151 o5.011cier 'iitheinuthtaigfher Books anEAuthors itwaswo hsar arcarathhufact thathua noi .s o ff prentnratin, v.rethreod ortstandingvefa- "AARON'S 1RO1" leaves once more, this tne fo good.' Even excluding his ideas alogete, ov, id ant a stirit, and that By D. H, Lawre...…

May 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 175) • Page Image 7

…T DAV CAMP! UNN AND CLARK WIN ' IN EXTEMPORE CONTEST ill hold a dual ate university >men will com- Michigan nega- >lumbus, while Columbus will bnd oppose thel )up. The ques- be: Resolved, -to-the-Atlantic gcompleted by anada and the rest in debate and proper to rhich only wo- ays Prof. T. C. ry department. four women on in the Central a the past, and ine woman de- Seventy men will complete the quota for the first section of Camp Davis whic...…

May 28, 1922 • Page Image 7

…SUPNDAY, MAY 28, 1922 I1 HE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE7 helief that the tread at all Itumanity WIMISIES-A REVIEW cadenced. t'onseqctently I cannot songts ' ii. I am afraid the song it toacrdl a mare stabhle, mare discip-, (Continued fram Page 2) like Chete~r F. Kuthn's "Revenge,"; Mitt Brunt. woutld like to have tang lie, altho'ugh art less pcassioate' tat wcih the exception at these fesv beratse after reacting it I copiedl it: it notc what Asarr...…

May 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 175) • Page Image 8

…''E- I. decided to plan cards would be given out at some $1,000 which future convocation on which the stu- n one of the dents would place the names of their ft to the un- instructors,, writing after each one the he custom of mark between A and F that he thinks year to give he merits. It is thought that through sually taken this system the administration would beautify the be given a first hand opportunity of rating the effectiveness of each ...…

May 28, 1922 • Page Image 8

…['HE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, MAY 2, 1922 The GENOA CONFERENCE thinking of the leaders can alter thc One of the most tdistresing fac -_________________ (Cntinuied f rota Page 1)u tion as regards Russia. tora of the entire situation is the at- the part of the Germans the Frenets"Russia fat done away with the kindatt nbl tittide of the Germans. It is as on- hegn o iestresitisen tattir-of governent ont which lierty is raosl as that of Fran...…

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