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March 28, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-03-28

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r. -

No. 130


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'UNIN IRLS MAY Detroit Symphony Orchestra With
riiir 0I V AHAIN Netzorg Concludes Concert Series


"Show me a nation of home owners
and I'll show you a stable govern-
menti said 'Harry F. 1enard, presi-
dent of the Detroit real estate board.
in an address &iven before students in
architecture in Alumni Memorial hall
yesterday afternoon. Mr. Menard stat-
ed that the architect, builder, and real
estate men all have to understand
each other to produce the best re-
sults and construct a 'good home.
He deplored the design of the small
home in this country, and cited the
old colonial style as the best and-'most
delightful to the eye.
"Why this condition? It is simply
because the American people do. not
demand better architecture. It is sim-
ply due to a lack of education on their
part. But they are willing and ready
to be shown, and can see it if it is
brought to their attention."


01IVL' 11 11 fUflhII
Committee in Charge Attempts to Se-°
cure Performance for General
Members of the cast of the 1922
Junior Girls' play and women of the
University are desirious that "Scep-
ters and Serenades" be given again for
the-general public. This was brought
out today when the committee in
charge of the play took steps to se-
cure permission for another perform-
ance, the proceeds to go to the bene-
fit of the Women's League building

.ey and Burnham Scheduled
Addresses at Today's
thusiastic meetings marked the
ng of the forty-seventh annual
ntion of the Michigan Associa-
of Superintendents and School
Is here yesterday. Both the aft-
n and evening sessions 'were

(By Sidney B. Coates)
Moody Tschaikowsky, pleasant Moz-
art, and majestic Wagner made up the
program of last night's concert in Hill
auditorium by the Detroit Symphony
orchestra, Ossip Gabrilowitsch, con-
ductor, and Bendetson Netzorg, piano
'l'he wierd bassoon opened Tschai-
kowsky's Symphony Pathetique, and
from' those first mysterious notes, the
many sided Russian gave his audi-
ence his life through the medium of
the orchestra. First, in the adagio:
allegro non troppe movement, he
painted the background of the home of
his birth, as strange and as moody as
his music. 11
Then in the second movement, start-
ing this time, with the 'cello, he gave
1his first years the stage, telling his
early experiences in strict tempo and
repeating chordal combinations. The
allegro molto vivace movement was
the crisis, with its onward impetus



and feverish atmosphere, suggestive
of the young man's love and first suc-
cess. -Finally. with music of composed
grandeur, he vave his life in sorrowful
retrospect as an old man would see it.
The orchestra left the audience pond-
ering, but nevertheless pleased with'
the composer's last work.
Bendetson Netzorg, in his render-
ing of Mozart's A major Concerto for
piano and orchestra, played the class-
ical work well. Mozart always re-
quires masterful technique and care-
ful interpretation, both of which the
artist admirably possessed.
Wagner's "Tannhauser" Overture
finished the progran. Beginning with
the sorrowful motif of the Pilgrim's
Chorus the orchestra grew in volume
and power until the full harmonies of
the great German composer seemed
like all glory set-loose. This number
ended the concert successfully, -and it
also ended perhaps the most pleasantE
of Ann Arbor concert series.I



f. H. H. Higbie, of the engineer-
chool, gave an illustrated lecture
rday afternoon in Lane hall on
>ol Lighting," showing that both
the standpoints of economy to
yers, and health to the stu-
good lighting was highly desir-
in schools. He quoted figures to
the surprising amount of near-
edness among pupils, then point-
t proper lighting schemes as be-.
ne of the best solutions of the
Ann Arbor Woman Talks
ie Relation of the Superintendent
D School Board" was the subject
address by Mrs.E. H. Kraus, of
Lnn Arbor Board of Education,
ifollowed. Mrs. Kraus stated
no 'school system can rise much
the attainments of the school
intendents, and listed the quali-.
o be desired in a good school su-"

Songs, Mandolin Pieces, and Special
Attractions Make Up Three
Parts of Concert


address by Prof. J. B. Edmon-
inspector of high schools, who
d on "The Relation of the High
o1 Principal to the Schools,"
ing out the handicaps of the high
A principal, an address by Mr. K.
mith, state supervisor of indus-
education, and a short business
ing completed the program.
The Evening, Session
the session held at 6 o'clock in
Union last evening Mrs. Aldin-
first woman president of the
I of education at Lansing, gave "a
talk on the democracy of our
c schools.
the last part of the talk Mrs.
ger compared the public school
a big business. She said that
who have had special training
hat phase of the work should be
n charge of each department.
W. Hazen, superintendent of the
school,.was elected president of
rganization for the'coming year.
stitute Opens 'Sessions Today
e Short-Term State Institute will
its first meeting at 9 o'clock this
ing in Lane hall. "The Minimal
tials of Mental Hygiene" will be
ssed by Dr. W. H. Burnham, of
*university. Dr. Ernest 'H.
ey, chancellor of the University
insas, will speak on' "An Analy-
f the American Tradition in
s of the Ethical Attitude" a't
o'clock in the same place.
Burnhamn will speak on "The
ition of Healthful Mental Ac.
Incident to the Education of
al Children" at 2 o'clock this
noon in Lane hall. "An Interpre-
of Moral Education" will be the
ct of Chancellor Lindley's ad-.
at 3:30 o'clock in Lane hall.
Research Bureau Meets
Bureau of Educational Refer-
and Research of the University
hold its third annuali conference
o'clock this evening in the Nat
Science auditorium. "The Use of
ig Results in My School Sys-
will be discussed by 11 speakers.
various parts of the state. Nu-
is educational and intelligence
will be exhibited at the meeting.
.ncellor Lindley and Dr, Bur-
will address the Short-Term
Institute at 9 and 10:30 o'clock
esday morning at Lane hall,

Variety, snap, and harmony will
characterize the spring concert of the
Varsity Glee club tomorrow evening
in Hill auditorium. From the open-
ing notes of "Laudes Atque Carmina"
to the'final ensemble, "hTe Victors,"
the program will offer the best in Glee
club work.
N ieterle to Sing_
The program will be divided into
three parts, the Glee club selections,
the ma'ndolin pieces, and the specialty
attractions. Kenneth E. Westerman,
'15, former director of the organiza-
tion, will sing with. Howard C. Wal-
ser, '23M, Robert Dieterle, '23M, and
W. L. Camp, '22M, of the Varsity quar-
tette. A selection of Michigan songs
will be rendered by the quartette.
The banjo guintette, whichnwas so
well received at the fall 'doncert, will
be on hand with some new musical
numbers that are sure to entertain,
"Young Hotel" and "Destiny" are
the Hawaiian melodies to be furnish-
ed by Tang and Tavares.
Midnight ,Quartette on Bill
The Midnight Sons quartette has
some comic coon songs; "Po' Li'l
Lamb" and "Kentucky Babe" will be
especially worth hearing. Harold Pot-
ter, '22, leads these .fun-makers in
genuine close harmony. Thirty man-
dolins will strum the "Walk in the
Forest" and the "Boston Ideal March."
Robert Dieterle, '23M, will sing sev-
eral songs from former Michigan
Tickets are %on sale at the State7
street bookstores at 50 cents. The

Would Circulahe Petition
Senior women on the campus have
signified their willingness to circulte
a pefition if necessary asking for such
permission. It is the plan of those
who are attempting to secure another
performance to have several of the
more prominent women on the cam-
pus sanction the affair and thus show
officials that it is the concensus of
opinion among the women that they
favor the repeating of the play,
Dean. Jordan oWilling
Dean Myra B. Jordan is willing that
the play be opened to men for the
benefit of the Women's League provid-
ing several of the local alumnae will,
take the same 'stand and back the
performance. Already the committeej
has secured the sanction of Mr's. Mar-
ion L. Burton, Mrs. Henry Carter
Adams and Mrs. ,Shirley Smith and
expects to receive the approval of
several more townspeople today.
Most the opposition shown by of-
ficials is caused by the fact that it
would break one of the Michigan tra-1
ditions. The women, however, take a
different aspect saying that the'open-
ing night in later years could still
be played exclusively to 'women and'
in that way uphold the tradition but
also give all the students of the Uni-
yersity a chance to see the produc-
Sping Fancies
In )Y'arch Issue
With no allusion to the equinoctial
properties of the current month, the
Mrch Gargoyle, appearing Wednes-
day, will take the campus by storm.
A sketch of the career of "The Clan's
Bum" is bound "to throw all previous
character novels in the ash can, so
vividly does it carry this son of Ken-
tucky 'through the vicissitudes of his
"clumb" to the city and success.
"A Summer School Catalogue" gives
the advance dope on what will be the
order of the day for country club




A. E. McCrea; of the Muskegon
Chronicle,,who will speak to the Stu-
dents' Press club at 6 o'clock this eve-
ning in, room 319 of the Union, has
chosen as the subject for his talk,
"Opportunities in Journalism."
Mr. McCrea has been actively asso-
ciated with the Press club here since

. .

Women's League is also handling students. Complete courses are of-
tickets under the, direction of Neva fered in boulevardology, canoe tech-

Lovewell, '22. The Michigan Boosters
are handling the sale of ticket% down-
Sp anish Play TO
lie Given Tonight
La Sociedad Hispanica will present
its annual production at 8 o'clock this
evening in Sarah Caswell Angell hall.
The play, "Los Intereses Creados," is
a typical sample of the work of Ben-
avente, who is cpnsidered by many
to be Spain's foremost contemporary
The cast is as follows: - Har::iet
Wilson, '23, Margaret Moye, '22, Mar-
garet Gamble,g'22,rHelen Elliott, '23,.
Mildred Campbell, '23 Thelma Hender-
son '23, Clarence Peterson, '23, Carlos
Garcia, '24, Harry Hart, '22, Frederick
Marin, '24, A. J. Schmidt, '23, R. E.
Watt, '24. G. E. Gower, '22. A. G. Oliv-
er, '24. A. H. Dobbs, '24.
Tickets are 50 cents.
A. J. Parker, '23, advertising man-'
ager of The Daily, has been nominat-
ed for the office of township clerk of
Middleville, Mich. His name was
placed on the ballot as Democratic
candidate for that office at a caucus
held recently by the Democratic or-
ganization of the town.
Middleville elections will be held
Monday, April 3. Asked to give his
opinion for the prospects of his elec-
tion, Parker stated that the Demo-
cratic faction has for many years held
the balance of power in the town, but

nique, and other spring fancies, while
minor credit is open to those taking
fussing lab and parlor ethics.
Many -simple solutions are offered
to seemingly unsolvable problems in
the Garg's Household department.
Closely connected with this is the
inimitable "fine arts pictorial."
Through the labyrinth of antique
drawings an editor has found cuts of
the following: man in the, Fourth
Ice Age chasing wild sears roebucks
down the Wash'tenaw plains; a beau-
tiful vase drawing of the two young
blades from Caesar's legions faring
forth armed with Whitman's Sampler
and Blu-maize flowers to hunt their
ladies fair in thp,. Tappan jungles.
Two editorials of timely interest
complete 'the issue.
'Hugh Curry, workman in the
grounds and buildings department,
received a cold and unexpected bath
yesterday afternoon, when an'old,
cistern on which he was working in
the rear of University hall caved in.
He was pulled out by another work-
The cistern, is a large one, over 10
feet in diameter and 20 feet deep, but
has not been used for many years.
The workmen were reinforcing the
roofing on it to prevent just such a
disaster when the accident occurred.
Arthur H. Howell of Washington,
D. C., assistant in the national bureau'
of biological survey and an expert
on the classification of mammals, is
visiting his daughter, Ruth A. Howell,
'24,' for several days. Mr. Howell has
spent the past month in Missouri
studying the' mating habits of ducks


its organization and is greatly inter-
ested in its work. He has a good per-y
sonality and as an editor believes that
he holds a certain responsibility to-
wards the community. He believes
that the paper represents real social
service and it' is the carrying out of-
this priniciple upon which he bases
his work, In this sense he is sort of
an idealist.
Favors College Journalsm
Mr. McCrea is a man who is quick
to see the justice in criticism and is
willing to accept and fully consider
all criticism. He is especially friend-
ly towards the efforts of college to-
wards journalism. He advocates more
laboratory work than is now given;
he is in favor of more practice in
newspaper make-up and the use of
the proof press and other newspaper
The Press clyl's meetings, with the
exception of the last meeting, have
been well attended and it is hoped
that such support Will continue. Prof.
L. R o Brumi , of the journalism de-
partment, says in this respect,, "The,
continuance of the Students' Press
club activities will depend upon the.
support the students give.
Open to All
We do not purpose to ask busy
newspaper men to give up their time
and speak to a handful of students.'
The interest the students show in this'
.club is shown by their attendance,
and thus far it has been satisfactory,
and we hope that in the future the
same support will be given."
All persons interested in construe-'
tive, progressive journalism are wel-
come this evening. The price of the
luncheon is 75 cents. It will be giv-
en 'in room 319 of the Union.
rilliantPi anis t
Pleases Audiene
Excellent musicianship on the part
'of Mrs. Margaret Nikoloric, the vis-
iting pianist, and a program of unus-
ual interest combined, to make the
Twilight faculty concert given Sun-
day afternoon in Hill auditorium a
brilliant success. Mrs. 'Nikoloric re-
vealed an extraordinary technique, a
clear-cut yet poetic style, and an ad-
mirable assurance which won an en-
thusiastic\ response from the audi-
The outstanding number on the
program was probably Cesar Franck's
stupendous "Prelude, Chorale and Fu-
gue," 'the rendition of which was su-
perb. This work, which is generally
recognized as the great Belgian com-
poser's most valuable contribution to
piano literature, makes severe de-
mands upon the performet - de-
mands to which Mrs. Nikoloric meas-
ured up in splenqid fashion. Mrs.,
Nikoloric's technical skill was most
apparent in Fugue, the intricacies of
which were handled in the clear and
commanding ' manner which is the
chief characteristic'of her art.,
Devotion' of the entire concert to
piano music is an innovation, but it isr

. Dr. George E. Vincent, of the Rock-
efeller foundation, will be 'the speak-
er at the first of the monthly convo-
cations to be held during the remain-
der of the University year. His sub
ject will be "'The School and Public
Health." The convocation will be
held in Hill auditorium at 11 o'clock
Friday morning, and all classes In the
University wll be susp ended from
11 to 12 o'clock so 'that all'students
,and faculty members may attend.
As usual at University convoca-
tions, the faculty willhave reseryed
seats on the stage and don in front.
In addition, the Board of Regents will
be able to bepresent, as their regular
meting is 'held on. that day. Members
of the Schoolmasters' club and the
Michigan Academy no Science, who
wkIll be in session here all the last
half of this week, will also be n at-
The speaker, Dr. George E. Vincent,
is widely known\ in this "country. He
was formerly president of the Univer-
sity of Minnesota, and is ,now presi-
dent of the Rockefeller foundation.
B and oster -or
Trip is Cdhoseni
Edgar B. Winchel, '24, is the win-
ner of the Varsity band poster con-
test. The poster' wll be, used to ad-
vertise the first annual concert tour
of the band, and the design will be
reproduced on the cover of the sou-
venir programs 'that are ti be used
throughout the tour.
The initial performance will be giv-
en in Hill auditorium Thursday, April
'6. The program will consist of 12
numbers, 8 of 'which will 'be devoted
to the band. Other numbers will be
campus vaudeville ,talent. Instead of.
'the regular Maize and Blue uniforms
the men will appear on the stage in
formal.dress. }
J. B. Glasgow, '23, was awarded the
first place in the 32nd 0 oratorical
contest held last nigit in University
Hall. He will receive the Chicago 1
alumni medal, the Paul Grey testi-
monial of $100, and will represent the
University inthe Northern Oratorical
league at Urbana on May 5.
E. Miles, '22, was given second placej
and C. H. Smith, '24L, was given hon-;
orable mention.
"The Parting of th. Ways" was the
topic used py Glasgow in which he
brought out the pressing need for dis-
armament. Miles spoke on "A Crush-
ed Ideal," dealing with Woodrow Wil-
son and the League of Nations, and
Smith spoke on"Our Debt of Honor,"
bringing out 'many points in regard to
soldier compensation.
Dr. Burton G. Grim, instructor in
rhetoric, who has been absent from
his classes since March 11 on account
of illness, will not be able to attend,,
them for some time to come. A change
in his condition caused his removal
to the hosptal to watch developments
in gland inflammation which is caus-
ing his sicknjss. Although his case
Is not s'irn i it a rih,,fhi h oot f4'

Several Attacks'on Roser
When Agreement is
(By Associated Pr
Washington, March 27.-
finally untangled its pa
difficulties over the Four F
by joining the two supplem
er and then, ratifying them
animous vote.
One of the supplements
the form of a treaty,'defin
graphical scope of the F
pact' so as Aot to include t]
homeland. The 'other, atta
first in the form of a "i
stipulates that questions
purely of a' domestic cha
not be brought before the
er's "conferences."
The votes of the doub
ratification resolution was
ing. Opponents of the T
plan joined in stating appi
supplements because they
the two agreements as 11
curtailing the operation o
ciple treaty. Several attei
tack other reservations ,
failed when the Four Pc
itself was under consider
defeated by' the usual pro
anti-treaty lineup.



Michigan did as well as she
expected to do in the indo
meet with Cornell. Close/foll
the 'meet looked for a result
to that which was turned in
can be no doubt that Cornell
of the best teams in the
-Coach Moakley has a squad of
that no other team can equal
men in the field events are a
as the average. All in all it ;
balanced team with a record
that no other college team c,
of. Just as Illinois has shown
superior in the Conference, sc
leads the East. In addition
be admitted that the East stU
edge on the middle West in th
of track.
Four Records Broken
The score, 59 to 27, is mdi
Cornell's actual superiority ov
igan. At the'same time it w
seem to indicate the closenes
dividual events or the high q
the competition. .Four record
drill hall went by the board
fifth was tied. One world's re(
'equalled when Lovejoy, of Cori
down the floor in the 75 yard
the remarkable time of 7 3-5
The -three other records tb
beaten were the quarter mile,
vault, and the relay. Carl J
record of 6 feet and 1-4 inc:
high jump for the Armory wa;
three Cornell men. The of
events on the program were
high calibre.
STeomuch credit cannot be
Cornell for its excellent man
of the meet and the wonderfu
ality shown to Michigan. 11
can learn many things from
'in the way of conducting athl
(Continued on Page Fo
A. Si Langsdorf Visits Dean
Alexander S. Langsdorf,
dean of engineering at 'Wa
university, St. Louis, Mo., n
production engineer with a r
turing concern in St. Louis,
week-end in Ann Arb~or as t]
of Dean Mortimer E. Cooley
engineering college.

meet at
oon in
room of


tire edit
Daily at

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