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March 28, 1922 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-03-28

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and thus will get away f rom the
tigma which sometimes attaches
unique or brilliant uniforms. Th
miusic the way it ought to be playi
ited as a body of gentlemen. lIt i
the concert tour, even~ aside from
an's prestige, will help to convince
is that the Varsity band is a worth
in of capable musicians, and not
:rum aggregation of blaring wini

a haru

e~ sentiments expressed
.....Joseph A. Bernstein
...... ..J. B. Young

Armstrong Kern


" R

Robert M. Loeb
J, L~. Mack
Krd athrine Montgomery
R. C. Moriarty
J. F. Pontius
Lillian Sober
R. B. Tarr
Virginia Tryon

.................Albert J. Parker,
. . . . . . ..Jo h n J . H a m e l, J r.
. . . . ..Nath an W . R obertson
......... .. .W'alte; K. Scherer
............. .Herold C. Hunt
rk D. C. Maltby
er Harvey Reed
lfe George Rockwyood
n E. D. Armantrout
ontoe E~dward Conlin
;raulich Lawrence Favrot

Michigan men are from now on to be admi
the ancient and traditional halls of learning o
4bridge university, on the same terms as re
tativres from ter institutions on the affiliate
which includes 'the names of some of theI
universities of wthe Uniited States and urope.
students who wish to widen their perspecti
enhtance in value the knowledge they hv
muttlated while at Michigan; by spending son
"in a foreign institution, may transfer to Caml
and.;receive full 'credit in all courses in whi
have secured satisfactorygrades!?
This recognition was granted largely as a
of coniscien'tiours effo~t on the part of the fe-
dlents who have tgone °fromn Miciga to Can
in the past. Wvthile -such recogition ofers
ample opportunity for study abroad, those s
whotake advantage of it would do well to p
the example 'of their predecessors, and ke
namue of Michigan on the high pedestal which
M N " Y ' O M S C -D" f t h i s i s n o t p u b l i s h e d ; , stA a l l k n o w t h t
Daily staff is madte up of those 'addlepated x
sects who have, never been kissed and hav=
found ,a really 'nice' 'irl" - this bieing te
prefixed to an °annoymous communication,e
"Caustic Comments from a.C-ed", whih
sizzling through the mails yesterday morning
t'At thea top of; the first column on page t'
pears, in every issue of The Daiy, a notice
reads in part as follows: "Communications
ifsigned, the sigatutre not .necessarily to ap
print, but, as an evidence of faith,.
published in The Dawily at the dicretion oft
ito. . .Unsigned commrunications will "
;no consideration."
The: "addlepated male insects", who conp
staff o;1 The Daily, assume that the auti,
"Caustic. Comments from a Coed" is litera
therefore beg leave 'to advise he"r that the c
nication int question will be considered if si
abide by The Daily's rules governing the p
tion o f such artiles.
,As appreciative members of the Unin cc
to make away with telephone receivers -and 'v
'othe bits f Union property, we are led to
late;'on the past home training -of'these nimib
gered yoth s, arnd to surmise that possibly th
ent lack rof restrictions placed upon them has
the formtion of new istincts:. Perhaps wi
netd afterryall is. a, thorough campus plicin
test. Pickpockets 'and shoplifters general]
r. handled by' severe but effective ,.-zethods whi
ULnivkrsity might do ,well to adopt..
If the Untiversity has any vntilating cys
apparently does not work at night. During
ture last Priday evening.,in the Natural Sieno
itotiadm, the ar was such as would outddthe
move offender in this ,town or esew ere.
'"Dying-s-ling.bFall 'in line ",quickly, chi
Howe about'organizing a system of fire drills f,
in Universityhal, West hall, and the E c. bu
Vie lscope


N. Byers
week to- representatives of
izations, which meet here in
scuss the various problems
teachers t hroughout the.,

Is to be
lnn whileGral e ua rl
simply AT.
td-jam -. OR A HAw
itted to(OTSOR)
4 Cam-(BT O*.,
d lists,
leading k D ET R OIT U NIT ERD LINE S _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _
Thus, Ann Arbor and Jackmao.n
VC and (Zastern Standard Timea)
accu- Detroit Limited and Zzpess Cs - 6:eoC d r' 1
t~e tiiits" a . o .ra.im, 8.o a. i., g:o. a. i.and
r)bridge. Msad verytw hours t 4Protect your winter garments at
ch they s ! ~:} ~ ms hs stsas am., .ro. a. extra suits Oagains mths, dx
in. an d evtotwo hawrts :oo V. in, . :e6and dampness. Clthes are kej
p .To xpailaat i2-r4p M. aal i'
result a. a:, =:zsa. nyu:o a. ss cen shapely, alwras readyt
aw stu- To change at Ypsilanti.wa.Cdrwrdoe r rc
~~w stu Local Cars West Boad- :ge a. M, :40 war. edarWarrobep.repMi
abig IJackson sad Kakawnsoo-Lbnted cars:
S mreq, 7,: 47,4{.At $.25 t $.4
~ mre To! Jac s ad Laning- 1 :isauitd: 9:47
tudents P. -.
rofit by
ep the 192n LARCH 1922
it now H The °Eberb ach & So
12. 1a 14 xs 16 17 xB 26 0204 ELIBERTY'ST
19. 10 21x 22 28 2 6.2
* - ~ 2 T 2 2 921 N3 31__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
at The Rebocked at greatly reduced prices,.
gale in-- Turned inside out, with all new trim *n - -
never mings they are as good as new. High;
re notclass iwor& only.
entitled FCTRYHA SOR
i came 'Telephone "13
wo ap- Buy 'your class toques from Dail clitb
which adverteers.-Adv.
pear in rYrwwt
will be
he FEdrprnoP
os the LEAD reasnbl rie
for of '-
e, and f$Le. M ren who+ bu " H.3'+ footwe
omm1u- PQN Dthe econom n d serv\X Icewrh
he will end oher Metal Pencils x"09 & H" characristics, andWh
ublica- rn name VENUS isyo ts m, ran-.C] H4 xfrd,
gu rnte"fp rfection.t nf - Tordt
Abslutel crumle-proof, re7oalypicd
ntinue sm ooth an erfectl gaded._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
>BBtiocnue 1.. d. Y r
specu- B a$soft aT-I ba4 E rd.
ble-fin- FTirni 4Hetra hardW
e pres- IlB medium-for general useN
led to lr sper dn ube:'At35SO1V7TH 11 T.
first we urdealercszinosuplYyouwtetsu.
lg sys- 215 Fifth Ave., Pep, flhNew York Ge t 'em faoin 'O. & H"adsv
y ;arej."ars e , aotthw ,ww
ch the viNS va RPoNttv )PENIL
temn, it 7
'a lee- -
e aud- -;
Iwors¢-1K1. £JFrAUF
f D r usei1 n9 1 Q f r8 [R' wiI
{r'Tw # l /N yP

G--first spring su
,from the Kirs4
- 'baum shops! W(
/ cderful examples,
good tailoring. N
styles. New sil
ens. And new b
*prices dhat give
d ~the dollar a
len. omore bu yingpWn
s been
Ave to-




to be made in th
when it takes its


be allowed an op-
a dignified, worth



a, rather un-

She was ever by me
Fastened to my arm,
I always thought that she
h1ad loads of simple- charm.
And how her face would glow
As it shone bright in- mine,
Some days she didn't go
And then I'd sit and pine.
At times she would be fast
But once she had a fall,-t
And now her days are past-
My wrist-watch Ingersoll.-
-U. Tell

I! The Gang's All
Sthe order of the day.
parently, as a rowdy,
'tainly has been treated
to accompany their
ents want the men to
ind lead them up "The
going to the Hanmberg
(d like occasionally to
way, but students and
have far outdistanced
is' organization played
ng its annual tour, it
"the world's greatest
>is outfit plays no bet-
ps boasts more men ;
r group, as being less
eof turning out good

Bright Replies f Children
2o: And is your sister young?
7: Naw; she's tall!

Easy Answrers
Dear Erm:
I'm dreadfully afflicted lwith stuttering.
would you advise as the best cufre for it?
Yours, K-K-K-KE
Dear Kate:
The only really effective remedy which haE
evolved so far is a very simple one. All you N
do is refrain f romn talking,


Faotou~s Closing Li
on my first case," .s,
y as twel ve quartE




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