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February 28, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-02-28

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ssor Opposes
md Dlrectlon


Smith In Favor
Of Rooming Plan
"Although the University, has been
in possession of a small number of
private residences this year," said Sec-
retary Smith, "every one of them is
either sold or soon to be sold and
all will be removed from University
property before July, thus making it
im-possible to consider the proposition
of co-operative rooming" houses.
"This was the information given by
Secretary Smith when asked the pos-
sibilities of establishing co-operative
dwellings for students in houses own-
ed by the University on a similar plan
to that used at the University of Wis-
Mr.,Smith stated that he thought the
plan a good one and could not see
why it would not work out even if the;
students rented the house from some
private individual. The plan as con-
ducted at Wisconsin is for a number
of students to rent a house, hire a
cook, and do the rest of the work
themselves, thus materially reducing
the living expenses.
Managing Editor of Detroit Journal
To Speak on Likes of Newspaper

y Associate Press)
Feb. 27. -- Declaring that
of the country's technical
nd universities were "piti-.
capped" by'lack of practical
, Samuel Hinsull, president
> companies supplying Chi-
gas and electricity, today
turn over certain units of
college students and high
tructors for operation dur-
immer months.
sull's offer was made in an
fore the department of sup-
ts of the National Educa-
ing this offer,", Mr. Hinsull
not actuated by any feeling
gement towards the educa-
in our technical schools,
vn experience has made me
passing of the old plan of

Has Nothing But Ambition
"The college men who come into a
big industry seekig a job today are
pitiably 4 handicapped when placed
oagainst the practical man who has
obtained his knowledge in the school
f experience. He has nothing but
ambition. In time his college course
will react to his benefit but it has not
fitted him for his real position. It is
to overcome this that I am placing
these two plans at disposal to a cer-
tain extent of American schools."
'Retrenchment in expenditure for
public schbols is seriously threatening
the educational progress of the Un-
ited States, John J. Tigert, federal
commissioner of education, told dele-
gates to the convention.
A difference of opinion developed
over the need for a specialized di-
rection of the nation's educational ac-
tivities in charge of a member of the
presidential cabinet. A need for such
a national organization was urged by
George D. Strayer, of Columbia uni-
versity, who declared:
"Good administration, the structure
of our national government, the prac-
tical importance of education in our
national life-all call for the recogni-
tion of education in our federal gov-
ernment through the establishment of
a national department of education
with a secretary in the President's
Claims It Is Unsound
Alexander Inglis, of Harvard uni-
versity, opposed federal support and
direction of public schools as "funda-
mentally unsound policy of govern-
ment." Long distance governmental
interference in school administration,
he denounced as vicious.
Professor Inglis was the only speak-
er to oppose the Sterling Powmer bill.
a measure embodying policies for
which the National Educational asso-
'iation has been fighting for three
years. This bill would place a sec.
retary of education in the President's
cabinet and would permit an appro-
priation of upwards of $100,000,000
for educational purposes
Will Open Bible
Courses Tonight
Under the auspices of the Student
Christian association, the Institute of
Religious Education will hold its first
meeting at 7 o'clock tonight in Lane
The Institute presents a curricula
of five courses as follows: Opening
Session, in charge of Rev. Lloyd Wal-
lick; "Hygiene of the Spirit," Prof.
Brand P. Blanshard of the pholosophy
department; "The Religion of the
Prophets," Prof. Leroy Waterman of
the Semetics department; "The King-
dom and the Nations," Howard R.
Chapman; "Religious Drama," Charles
T. Webb ;and "Student Life in the
Bible," T. M. Iden.
In general the program of the In-
stitute will consist of the Opening
Session lasting about 15 minutes, aft-.
er which each section will go into its
individual session for 45 minutes.
Meetings will be held every Tuesday
evening at 7 o'clock in Lane hall from
now on until April 4. No fees are
asked. Present enrollment has reach-
ed 70. Those interested in entering
the courses offered by the Institute
may obtain further details at Lane



Grove Patterson, managing editor
of the Detroit Journal, will address
the meeting of the Students' Press
club at 7 o'clock this evening in the
Union on "Making a Newspaper In-
teresting." Mr. Paterson holds the
opinion that newspaper readers are
most interested in events with which
they have some personal connection,
and that for this reason the newspa-
per which fails to reflect the life of
the community is not a newspaper but
a dull pamphlet.
Speaking from his experience as the
head of a metropolitan daily, Mr.
Patterson will outline the methods
used in making the pages of the mod-
ern daily interesting to its thousands
of readers, and will review briefly the
development of news gathering in this
country from the time when stories
were relayed by courier until the per-
fection of the news associations.
After the address Mr. Patterson
will meet any students. who wish to
discuss informally with him any prob-
lems of newspaper wprk in which
they are. particularly interested.
The meeting will be open to all per-
sons interested, whether they are
members 9f the Press club and stud-
ents of journalism or not.
During the past semester the meet-
ings of the club were held as a lunch-
eon, but it has been decided to make
this meeting later in the evening so
that the expense of the luncheon will
be =eliminated.
Freshmen who expect to take work
in journalism, while not yet enrolled
in such courses, are also eligible for
membership in the club. Meetings will
be held every two weeks ,during the
semester, and for each meeting a
speaker, some practical journalist of
recognized prominence in his partic-
ular field, will be secured.
The Press club is primarily intended
to bring the journalism student in
personal contact with these men, Prof.
J. R. Brumm, head of the department
of journalism, said yesterday in dis-
cussing the work of the club. He be-
lieves that those who do not avail
themselves tot the ApportunIty are
missing' an insight into actual news-
paper conditions which will be of
great value-to them at a later period.

Is Noted Authority on Problems of'
Air Bombing and -
Howard E. Coffin, '03E, vice-presi-
dent of the Hudson Motor Car com-
pany and noted authority on aviation
problems, will talk tonight at 7:30
o'clock in Hill auditorium on "Air
Bombing." Illustrative motion pic-
tures ,which are considered the most
remarkable that have been taken in
recent times will be shown. The films
and slides illustrating his lecture were
taken by the photographic section of
the air service' and have never been
placed before the general public.
Used at Arms Conference
The only other set of fims are in
the possession of the War and Navy
That the Disarmament conference
used the pictures as strong evidence
bearing on the necessity of naval arms
reduction indicates the immense value
of the photographs. "If every Amer-
ican taxpayer could see this picture,
he would realize the importance of the
development of aviation," said Mr.
Coffin in a conversation with George
E. Gregory, '22E, 'president of the En-
gineering society, yesterday.
Expects Great Developments
Mr. Coffin said that the air power
may become greater than- the army
and navy divisions and that.he expects
that it will dominate both in thefu-
ture warfare. Since the Atlantic ocean
has been crossed in 16 hours and the
North American continent in 24, some
of the vst possibilities of develop-
ment are prophesied.
No one can see the "unsinkable"
fighting ship of the German navy (with
more than 80 water-tight compart-
(Continued on page eight)
Union Prop erty
Is Destroyed Il
Dance Onlookers
After forcibly entering room 325 of
the Union last Friday evening, 12 men
broke a pane of glass in the door to
the balcony overlooking the dance in
the assembly hall. Furniture was
damaged by abuse when the men stood
upon it to peer in the hall ,and a large
hole was burned in one of the uphol-
stered chairs. Their evident purpos'
was to witness the dance.
Douglas Dow, '22E, chairman of the
Union house committee, last night
stated how cases will be treated if the
circumstances recur. "The Union has
tried every conceivable method of han-
dling the problem of spectators in the
balconies," he said. "Formerly they
were opened. The tendency towards
misconduct and rowdyism on the part
of spectators forced the Union to close
tl;e doors.
"Such unpardonable vandalism as
that of last Friday night is not new
and it seems necessary .to rule that
in the future any persons found in
room 325, or in the main hall or right
hall on the third floor, without per-
mission, will be summoned before the
house committee and held responsible
for any damage during a Union dance.
If it were possible, the Union would
like to throw open these balconies to
spectators, but there is no reason to
believe this would be any more feasi-
ble at the present time than in the

Resignation As Absolutely false

"There is absolutely no truth in the
report that I intend to retire from myt
duties here at the end of next sum-I
mer," said Coach Fielding H. Yost inx
an interview yesterday. His state-
ment affords an unqualified refutation
of rumors that hav@ been set afloat
during the past few days in the NewI
York and Chicago paprs to the ef-
fect that the coach was about to re-
tire from his duties both as footballf
coach and director of intercollegiatef
Just Taken Up Work
"I do not know where such a re-
port came from," said Coach Yost.
"There is no truth in it. This is thel
first year that I have been in residenceI
at Ann Arbor; during previous years1
I have only remained here during the1
football season. Now I have othert
work besides that, which requires allt
.my time. Besides coaching the foot-
ball team and looking after intercol-
legiate athletics, I am deeply interest-
ed in seeing the four year course inE
physical education and the Summer
Stresses leational Need for College
. Trained Men in This Growing
The automotive industry .s the
greatest in the world for its age, and
so long as there is a human desire for
rapid transportation-and this desire
is inherent in man-this industry will
continue to grow," said Roy D. Cha-
pin, '01, president, of the Hudson Mo-
tor company for 15 years and chair-
man of the national transportation{
committee during the late war, in his
address last Sunday afternon at the
Union on the subject~ "The Automotive
Field." "The need for intelligent and
college-trained men for this field is
greater than ever before.
"I would commend this University,"
he said, "for being recognized as the
leader among American colleges in the
study of railway transportation, for
this is an unusually large field with
great possibilities, and it will continue
to grow. Accordingly the desire for
more good highways will increase
with the growth of the industry. I be-
lieve that where we put out 10,000,000
automobiles now in 10 years later we
shall put out 15,000,000.
In speaking of the amount of col-]
1 ge training needed by one for the
ousiness world, Mr. Chapin said that it
was difficult to get too much, as the
late war had led men to develop their
maximum capacity and productive
Some of the qualities needed by the
business men are: sound judgment,,
trained ability to handle men and.to
mix with them, ability to analyze a
financial statement, ability to borrow
money, ability to collect money, con-
structive thinking, ability of mass'
production, forethought and knowl-
edge of current affairs, ability to con-
serve space, desire to produce the-best
product, discipline, determination,
ability to speak forcefully, powerfully,
and clearly, and salesmanship.
In speaking of President Marion L.
Burton, Mr. Chapin said that he had
done wonderfully well as president of
the University, that he had done well
in selling our University to the great
business men, and that he was a fine
example of a business man.
Women students will take over the
entire Michiganensian sales campaign
which is to begin on the campus next
week, according to plans made by R.
F. Wieneke, '22, business manager of
the yearbook. In order to make defin-

its arrangements for carrying out the
sale, a meeting of representatives
from all sororities and other women's'
organizations .interested in this work,
will be held at 3 o'clock today in the
Michiganensian office.
This is the first time that the man-
agers of the year book have allowed
the women students to conduct the
sale of the publication and it is intend-
ed to carry the plan out on a larger
scale this year than ever before. Ar-
rangements are being made for a com-
petition among the different houses on
the campus whereby points will be
given for each subscription obtained.
The house getting the largest num-
ber of points will be awarded a large
silver loving cup. This cup will be
on display in one of the State street
stores within a few days, when furth-
er rules for the contest will be an-

Coach Yost $rands Rumors Of His

school course for athletic coaches get
under way. I have just taken up this
new work and I have no intention of
resigning until it is well established."
By his appointment last year, Coach
Yost is in direct charge of all Mich-
igan intercollegiate athletics, as well
as of the proposed curricula in physic-
al education and coaching. It was felt
for some time that such a director, to
supervise all intercollegiate athletic
activities, was a real necessity, and
the coach seemed the logical man to
fill the position.
The report of his proposed resigna-
tion, according to Coach Yost, may
have originated as a result of his an-
nounced intention of sailing for France
to visit the battle areas on the western
front immediately after the close of
the Summer session. He was during
the war deeply absorbed in, follow-
ing the movements of the contending
forces with the greatest care. A plan-
ner of campaigns himself,,he is inter-
ested in the plans of others, and dur-
ing his stay in France. he will go
over the battle fronts with. consider-
able detailed investigation. During
the S. A. T. C. period, the coach de-
livered a series, of lectures on the war,
and prepared a number of maps trac-
ing all the movements of the different
forces operating on the western front.
To Be Absent Five Weeks
Yost will be abse approximately
five weeks, leaving here about Aug. 6,
and returning in time for preliminary
football practice by Sept. 15.
Ever since -the rumor regarding the
coach's resignation was first publish-
ed telegrams and letters have verit-
ably poured into the athletic office,
urging that he stay with his new job
and remain at Michigan. The com-
munications have come from Michigan
alumni all over the country, who ex-
press concern at the possibility of
Yost's resignation in no uncertain
Orchestra Shokvs
Improvement, In
Sunday COncePrt

Approves E

(By Associated Pre
Washington, Feb. 27. -
ment of house action on
Bonus bill for a while
suggested today by Re]
Mondell, Wyoming, the ,
leader, after he and Chai
ney and the committee hac
with President Hardingat
Emphasizing that .'thd
was his own, Mr. Mondell
well known that the hous
to pass a bonus measure
sion and a little delay mig
"clear the skies." He exj
within a short time ther
would be more definite
as to expected saving in e
for the next fiscal year; re
the foreign debt and wb
ness conditfons could be
improve to the extent of i
ditional revenues.
Mr. Mondell and Mr. Fo
understood to have app
President formally of the
the special house sub-co
rejecting the executive's pr
the bonus be financed by
and aproving instead a 1
any definite means ;pf r
revenue, They could no
what views the executive







(By Sidney B. Coates)
A marked improvement in all choirs
of the orchestra, greater co-ordination
and teamwork, and a unity in techni-
cal and harmonic effect are the sa-
lient characteristics of the work of the
University Symphony orchestra, as
shown at the concert Sunday after-
noon in Hill auditorium. Special im-
provement is noticeable in the wood
wind and brass sections, giving sup-r
port to an already strong string choir.
The development of this musical or-
ganization under Samuel Pierson
Lockwood has proved once more the
benefits and pleasures to be derived
from teamwork among amateur musi-
cians. The results obtained after.
study of the shorter orchestral works
chosen show the existing organiza-
tion's power to create for itself and
fill one more important part of Ann
Arbor musical activity.'
The concert Sunday consisted of five
numbers, all well .done. By the or-
chestra alone the "Marche Militaire"
of Schubert-Guiraud and "Valse Tris-
te" of Sibelius hold the first place, the
latter number bringing out the work
of the 'cello section in effective relief.
The overture "Youth" by Mrs. Helen
M. Snyder is a work of merit in it-
self, but more could be expected of
the orchestra's _rendering. The work
has vitality and impetus and seems
coherent in effect. However, in some1
places the harmonies seem confused
and too many tones seem to clamor
for the first consideratio.
The program concluded with Schu-
mann's Concerto in A minor, Opus 54,
by Mrs. Maud Okkelberg and the or-
chestra ably supported her. This pi-
anist, during the ;present season, has
produced more work of quality dur-
ing a short period, than perhaps any
other artist appearing on these pro-
Make linal Plans
For. J-Lii Smoker


Applications for tickets
omore Prom may be secu
5:30 o'clock tomorrow 'f
the information desk in t
by, according to Donald
'24; chairman of the ti
tee. The ticket distribu
carried out in a mann(
the system used for the
Anyone may secure a
and send it in but prece
first to sophomores. Ea(
ceiving a ticket must 1
dues paid up, both those
men and-his sophomore
sophomores who have sp
of their work on this ca
given preference over th
transfered here after on
mesters at some other in:
All applications must
of the ticket committee
6 o'clock next Saturday
address to which the ap
to be sent will be found
cations. Applications w
ered in order of, their ar
Only 250 tickets will b
Prom as the Union a:
where the affair is to
such a capacity as to
than this number and
ficien dancing space to
Michigan defeated Iom
of 22 to 20 in a close ga
Michigan was on the offe
the first half.. At the e0
half the score was 20
of Michigan.

Nations ust Respect Rights Of One.
Another, Says Dr. Simon In Address

"The new world of which Isaiah
dreamed so long ago will never be
possible until the nations of the world
have learend to lay aside' their hatred
and to respect the rights and the priv-
ileges of one another," said Dr. Abram
Simon, eminent representative of the
American Jewish ministry, Sunday eve-
ning at Hill auditorium under the au-
spices of -the Jewish Student congrega-
"My .heaven will not be a Jewish
heaven, it will not be a Christian
heaven, and it will not be a Moham-
medan heaven,' 'he said. "It will be
a heaven safe for democracy, for ev-
ery human being. I still dream of
this new heaven on earth, and despite
Ithe world struggle in which 20Qnations
were clinched in a death struggle, be-
lieve that it is entirely possible if we
but make peace, co-operation, and love
the aint of life - love the arch that

links us with the higher life. History
dare not betray us in our struggle up-
wards, and I believe that God has com-
mitted himself to guarantee us
eventually a new world where democ-
racy shall triumph."
In speaking of the qualifications for
the new economic world, Dr. Simon
said that it would have to be one
whose foundation was laid on the right'
to let all have initiative and wealth,
but to have these in equity and justice
to all others.
"International hapiness and pros-
perity must be based upon the direct
pursuit of happiness, mutual under-
standing, and sympathy," he said.
"There must be no internatio'nal se-
crets if we are to enjoy international
happiness. The Washington confer-
ence is a great stride in this direction.
Let all the nations of the earth live in
co-operation, peace, and unity."

by a sco]


Coach Fielding H. Yost and Prof. C.
E. Griffin of the economics department
will speak at the junior lit smoker
which is to be held tomorrow evening
in the upper reading room of the
Union. The affair will begin promptly
at 7:30 o'clock and during the eve,
ning those attending will be entertain-1
ed by interesting and timely speeches
and by brisk, snappy music.
Tickets for the smoker::are on sale
for 50 cents and may be secured from
members of the social committee of
the junior class. Those who are un-
able to purchase tickets from one of
the committeemen may secure their
+nk-tt n A rnr

There will be a met
tire Daily staff and tryo
All professors and i
have notices, other tha
pear in the Official Bu
such notices into the
es and they will be
appear in The Daily


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