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October 19, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 23) • Page Image 1


October 19, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FR'IDA:Y, OCTOBER 19, 192-3, DEMAND FOR'FUNDS M tY END IN COURT X.LA.C. Board's Action ,Moves (4ro'es ' leck to Invite Legal Settlement 01 Trouble DIFFICULTIES DATE BACK TO RESIGNATION OF DR. FRIDAY Lansing, Oct.' 18-(By A.P.)-The state board of agriculture may acceptI Goy. Groesbeck's invitation to settle its controversy with the state admin- istrative board in the courts.{ The agricultural board, meeting here Wednesday...…

October 19, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

…F3RIDAY, OCTOBE~R 19, 1923 THE MIC HIGAN DAILY I OWNZAA WILL BENEFIT LEAGUE BUILDING FUND KATHERINE WOODWARD, '24,AP- POINTS COMMITTEE HEADS Receives Three IirI~wr DEAN TO ENTERTAIN Decorations For tIIS I111LL UB l -V FRESHMEN A T T E A Work In Greece M1JS NEW MEMBERSfAl freshmen women are invited to n fan tLUo J ]in c I i i frLUm UdLto p~ Many new-features are being plan- ned to make the third annual inter- church and Women's ,league b...…

October 19, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1923 ------------ i.- -- .... .... i .. 7 _ ~IpI OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF TIlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 1 Published every morning except Monday durirg the University year by the Board i C(mtrol of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial will bind the people of the world to- getber into a far closer union than the Lague of Nations has attempted to do. That is idealism t...…

October 19, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 23) • Page Image 5

…FRMDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1996 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I ; b CL LSPEAKS BEFORE Newest Cruiser' Slips Into Water TELLS OF LEFRANC'S THEORY OF SHAKESPEAREAN' PLAYS I Best Hog Judger TATE E PSEICE' In U. S. His Title 1 Prof. Marcel Clavel of the Romance language department gave a talk at the meeting of the Romance Club Wed- nesday afternoon on "The Latest Dis- coveries of Abel Lefranc.on,- the Shakespearean Question". M. Lefranc published two ...…

October 19, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 23) • Page Image 6

…'PAGE STX 't HE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1923 [Emil cr .r......" .. e _ ... . ,, 3 +.... , } f Many Big Games Tomorrow THAIIND R 0 1 SEA ' t hAs Grid Season Progresses IE Withtheirwarming up games aside Harvard and Holy Cross do battle at ---_ _ _ the leading teams of the East and Harvard stadium that will do much to Woro t y Wm I West have set themselves or the big decide the strength of the real Har- IN LigI t St'iiil...…

October 19, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 23) • Page Image 7

…'FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 192a TH-E MICHIGA'N D AILY rPAGE SEVEN~ .. ., I_ I __ '4< . cLoSES 1, LASSIFIE j mi ILSE CLOSES 'AT 3 P.Y. ADVERTI SING AT ,3 P,M, FLOWERS BLU MAIZE 213 E. Liberty--Nickel's Arcade U I'l l illimm" 'LUST FOUNTAIN PENS _____________ ONE PAIR tortoise, shell rimmedl FOUNTAIN PENS AND INK WANTED glasses in a black leather case. A straight tip.. Buy nationally dis- Finder return 1027 E. University. tributed merch...…

October 19, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 23) • Page Image 8

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1923 A a Education Comes Before Marriage, This Maid Decides WHAT-'S GOING ON Intramural Items (Continued from Page Six) scheduled to play will he called ii;) and any that wish to may, have their game as it will help the managers in getting, off the last half of the league games. Fasioncalls for felt, velour, velvet and fancy metalbrcd Fashion hats for dress, street and dance wear. brce FRIDAY 12...…

July 19, 1923 (vol. 14, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…t 4§r AGW t A.SSOCIA PRES DAY AND IG] SERIi ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1923,PRICE FIVI EDI TORIAL{ "WITHIN THE LAW" Mercenary interests of real estate owners in New York City have reach- ed a stage under the new "ironclad lease" agreement of the United Real Estate Owners association which puts the tenants of East Sidle tenement dis- tricts in a place only compara le to that, of serfs under feudal o)pre sion !of medieval times...…

July 19, 1923 (vol. 14, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…3E' MED KU MALE AND FEMAX ENTERED THY, "ABRC" ,I >t Monday 1 ated Press. The As- ively entitled to the all news dispatches therwise credited in news published here- the postoffice, Ann Arbor, :ond class matter. y carrier or mail, $L.5o. Arbor Press Building. s, if signed as evidence of be published in The Summer scretion of the Editor. Un- :ations will receive 'no con- signature miay be omitted in lesired by the writer. The does not nece...…

July 19, 1923 (vol. 14, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

…f Championshi III tieani :bUIBJUN the general library has now on :lbiton a collectign of bookpates, ich fill the nine shoW cases in the in oorridor, hich contains arm- # 1ookpats, signed proofs of tes designed by J. Ynfred Spence- , plates designed by \yillian Edgar her, a case of plates designed by iis Rhead, t-he famos illustrator chlfdren's books, plates of students d others connected with the Univer- y and bookplates of famous men, ;uding...…

July 19, 1923 (vol. 14, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

…LS TO CARRY COLORS IN AIR RACE "WHERE IS OLD TUVS PLACE?" OLD GRAD ASKS ON VISIT (Continued from Page One) "The thing we all liked about Tut's was his Day Book. One could go there for a meal and merely write{ his name in the book and put the amount of the bill next to it, if one didn't have money to pay for it at' the time. The boys would let their, bills accumulate and pay when theyI had the money. Somedidn't pay un- til ten or twenty years...…

May 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…0 JEATHER O'D WARMNER. 'ODAY Y s~I ig1a Baiyi f SEE GAME TOD~AY No. 16,1 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1923 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FiVE E5 IN, Macbeth, Danise Score Well In Light Festival Program ''IN UL By Ruth A. Hwiell I Ily Throhi 1. Ehrlicli U I N Artist Proves Festival ITH 3Artist'night at the May Festival proved a distinct success, Florence Macbeth, Guiseppe Danise and the Chi- I WagoSymphony orche...…

May 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 168) • Page Image 2

…LA- hChaliapin, the 0, 'will make his ce on the Choral es some time in ording to an an- aursday by' Charles of the School of ie time, Mr. Sink has, succeeded in 'formnance of Moz- ra company which t season in "Tbe aliapin's engagemnent is the se- to a long se'ries of n'egotiations h Mr. Sink has been coniductin~g n~ effort' to bring the great Pus- singer to Ann Arbor,, d prom- cne of the most noteworthy conf- ;in the history of local music. ...…

May 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 168) • Page Image 3

…THiE MICHIGAN DAILY r yr rr £ .. "memo d,,3 or I)j / 4',,r 'a NILZ2.K1 'he SchultzGroceryI THE HOME 4F URE FOODS El THE HOME OF 318 SOUTH STATE STREL;T Mc'LEAN & NEELANDS QUALITY COURTESY SERVICE.1 Free Delivery to All Parts of City Last Delivery 5 P. M. PHON ES 326-327-328 114-116 E. WASHINGTON I ODFFICE OPEN TFILL 110 P ORDER$ M. FRIDAY FOfK Picnic Materials Headquarters for Imported and Domestic Foodstuffs "Y...…

May 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 168) • Page Image 4

…THE MICI IGAN DAILY SATURDAY, SFFICI N) WSPAPER OF T E NJVERSITY2IF MICHIGAN 'ublished every morning except Monday ing the University year-by the Board in trol of Student Publications enbersf Western Conference Editorial 30 etion. ' he Associated Press is exclusively en- ed to the use for iepublication of all news patches credited to it or not otherwise dited in this'paper and the local news pub-. ed therein. all high schools are similar...…

May 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 168) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHI AN DAILY _ ... ..... .brother Dry AetCaure I -"Fountains'of Mountain Dew"' ereionies for the new Women's league will Ly, May 26, instead of, as was announced in ay. 11 eve'nts which hav,) r Atte benefit of tb& Uchigan League build- beturned in by Juneo ewell at her office in siuml, s. that the comn- -,iay 'be compiled. ),tiade payable to the: m ca1Dp~igpfn jwd. at the' dances this week lws: Union, tonight, Armory, tonight, Mrs....…

May 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 168) • Page Image 6

…'S'HE. MICHIGAN DAILY ' *; , w . >/''^" i . ,.. . MYN . t , ~ ^. U_111I1111{tlI1VII r .r .. a' AICHIGAN EAIL (Continued from Page One) ie game kept the outcome in the airy-- ntil the pill smashing started in the it frames. The Gopher infield work- s two double plays,: once in the sec- ,id and again in the fourth, to retire e Michigan batsmen while Rumbil, e centerfielder, snagged four long ives that "might easily hav...…

May 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 168) • Page Image 7

… be conferred on any student at comn- mencemtent who, has not pa-yed his fee t by this time, according'to Shirley W.!I Smith, secretary of -the AUniversity. c Candidates for degre as or for any I certificate or diploma are requested, to fill out cards at once }which may bes1 had at the secretary's office of theirI college or school, pay the treasurer of the University, having card re- ceipted, and file the indicated sec~- 1 funded on surrend...…

May 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 168) • Page Image 8

…Il MICHIGAN DAIL\ LY FFIIALBULLETIN' n I th Buletn s cnstuctvenotice to all mambo"i of 'aty. opyrecire unil 1.3 rt m.(11:30 a. m. Raturday.) SV1T1ilI)AY, MAY 19, 19213 Numbelr l1014 y Proclamiation; By the Governor: render to Grant at Apponmattox mark~ed the close of the CivUl tad cost. this country millions of treasure and many," many precious lives. Three years later Memorial Day was insti- or the memory of the bravre men who had given the...…

May 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 168) • Page Image 9

…L 5 kd . 6 ~IdaiI i .. o 168 ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1923 .,I KESCLEAN SWEEP ME 6OPHER SERIES ING SECOND CONTEST Detroit Eastern High School Wins State Interscholastic Track C ha mp h SCORE 1I LRST TWO VARSITY IN .f Hi5s Secs"Prove MINNESOTA 0 0 No Handicap Toay MICHIGAN 2 2 'MICHIGAN PRESS ,; ) CONVENTION uNDS I .. 3, 6 8 0 1R aE'AUTO CITY SQUADS TAKE 00 0 0 oo xx 3 54a THREE PLACES IN ANN 10 0 3 3 0 X ...…

May 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 168) • Page Image 10

…_______THE MICHIGAN DATLY .... r t t1 all high schools are similar in that th ~e paths of their students must in -w--time converge at ne 'central point, VE the 'Uilveiy. M1'nday 4N VNiMIHNkI1ON 'After comple1ting their' tur tf ba're ditorial thirty" Ameilcan colleges, the Euro- I ean stuidents, some of. whom visitod eyn-jhere several month!4 ago, have made III ews some interesting observations on our ws pub-I academlic life. -Perhaps the mos...…

May 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 168) • Page Image 11

…~TH MICHIIGAN DAILY __ new will d of d in Ii uie build- by June office in the comn- compiled. le to the Dry Agehts ratre YW, TO HOLD ANNUAL ntains Of Mou"nIR Dew"? MYUEKFS hA : ~ "Hand painted programs, special mu- sic, and spring decorations will comn- * ~ ~$~*~*.bine to make the annual May break- ~ .;.~ ~fast to be given this morning at Bar-. ''. hour gymnasium bythe UivrstyY. y t .s; a IW. C. A. a novel affair. A breakfast Y s of this k...…

May 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 168) • Page Image 12

…THE MICHIGAN DAIL\ ____ I OFFICIAL BULLETIN r Dunetmu toconstruotive notice to all members d g7 received until, I20 o, m. (11: 39 . a. nA 7~u.) SATURDAY, MA11A1, ]1:;3 Iiuiner 16S l Hull, C, 1D. Hollday, It. A. .MHoot, R. ,A. 1Hulscher, H. T. H-unter, C. W. K~ao, C. Y. Klase,"C.' W. 1LamsIK. 1. ~andre, .J. H-. Lovell,, L. C. Maeler, L. A. . I ;; ; : S~huffmiaw H. Shaw, H-. T.t Sipe, R. J. Spence, H. A. Taylor, F .'C. Ure, C. VanVile...…

April 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…I .Aa . t %."Mmmmwnfth - EIGH~T PAGES ANN ARBRI MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL4 19, 1923 EIGHT PAGE&, TChester Project '011m 1T[IQN RII~SoloistIn Band Worries Europe [UI/VILJIVIIEII[i UUI VIL D Concert Tonight FORSPRNG A CNCET TON'IGSHT~ t~hoc Non 1 ro F esii n d opli. 11iii Prc' e-0: Ptogn- m i f.~ 11 iteen l ,est):5i urtir~ e Ic~ n 5)" n . r 77 eT: ouncil Tu RfEGISTRATION fE ALL-CMpgPUSS SATED TO T TE-\ JUIORQJS ]NAMED TO If f I N ANNU...…

April 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 142) • Page Image 2

…____________ ~T" E MICHIGAN DAILY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IL 45OU R ~ ET YORK TO HAMB UR G ppp yyyy ..Actual construction work 10a st reo ible, de ign < lto mal' trips be.. Acm~e to Encourage Work Ni Fine Aris -Peenllirly Fa irale to All Parties OVE-RtNTN1 TO RAISEh 'MOMi1Y TH11ROU GIILOTTERY Stockholm1, March 29.-(13y A. P.) -Artists in Sweden. --wio happen to be narrow circumstances have sud- 4y~ been cheered by the news that to government .st...…

April 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 142) • Page Image 3

…'CIE MICHIGAN DAILY Girl Leads Rescue ' Of 600 From Fire Lomen I rlife memiberships to' eaguo should be made ;sible. Checks may be 'thy Wylie, 1052 Bald- cts with other enter- yen for the benefit of, of Michigan League' the Panhellenic ball m)ed until next fall. rr horse-shoe pitcing will hXod rt 'meeting at 5 o'clock this aft- rL in B~arbour gymnasium. Facuilty Women's club will dgve lge tea Tuesday,, April 24, at the nece of 'Mrs. Burton....…

April 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 142) • Page Image 4

…THE-IMICHAIGAN DATILY ..~- , .. .. NEWSP~APER OF THlE ;ITY OF MICHIGAN ery orning except Monday' versity year by the Board inl lent Pulblications Western Conferenlce ]ditorialF -ed Pre-, is exclusively en- for republication of all news ited to it or not other"Wise paper! and the local news pub- means for identification. F+indi one of slaught of the disease. Let us pray s them now, register at the booth as- that the terrific plague does...…

April 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 142) • Page Image 5

…THE MlCHIG.AN DAILY r ,. yews From Th& -hive ,,tudents will w-ork to the Orient this sumnmer iumusical in 'trum uats. They ustitute the official orchestra nwricaniceein liner lcaving Freit shortly after the close le e cyear. 'L1olill (N. .)-After an lex- -of the records of all :the stu- ently, it was annouinced that LLLjorty f the footbail team aniong the highe._t grades t year. °D. L. Williamson, '23,3 :er mani, has never fa~iled an on s...…

April 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 142) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY _.,,. ; d /. m immm. p k wvft ./ 101111111111w) (rr y I -.000orAlk, . .. MO RAY TIL Le*ks Slow Up Runners In Early season Outdoor Work V AULT "SENSATO; k J IE ILP BEN SHtOW WELL ach P~rrel continued to give his i lgt 'rk" yesrteday ato pre- them 4 the trials that will be 1~L this week 'or early next. It is rini the weight events where there Smuch good work as the men ;do' their best or near it when they L...…

April 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 142) • Page Image 7

…THE MCHIGAN DAILY ,. I ,I THIS. COLUMN ICLOSE$ AT3P, , VERTISING NOTICE WANTID The following Box Replies are at the HOUSE WANTED-I have a client at the .Daly office: Jake, 12, BC, M 'BA,18, PDU. ..|ICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED.. RATES Classified Rates. Two cents a word a day, paid in advance. Minimum chage ifor first day, 25c. Minimum thereafter, 20c. Tliee cents per word per day if charged. White space charged for at rate of five cents ...…

April 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 142) • Page Image 8

…______ ~TH E MICHIGAN DAR"iL_______ _w.__k_...__. ._.._,- ._ FBULLETIN i on InA the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of rty. Copy remvdmii ~ . .M(1-30 j.. m.Satiiria.) r yrivdAY, APi 3*,TL 1D. 2 I _ _ 1 I the Deans: There will be a conference of the Deans Thursday, April 19, at 3 p. in. M.;I4 BURTON. IvrsXity Lecture: Professor Henri Eauser will deliver a University lecture upo.n the sub- ,t "The Present Eiconomic Situa...…

January 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATHER DECIDEDLY COLDER; CLOUDY TODAY ( go It a VOL. XXXII. No. 85 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1923 GERMANY TO SEEK [BITSHIN RUHE ('OUR~~~~T RTI REfI jNSTtTUTL1 AGAINST SIX .. COAL )MAGN1ATiE S FRENCH HESITATE IN SEIZING COAL MINES All Railroad Stations in District Are S4izedl by Soldiers; Industry isI Held Up London, Jan. 18--(By A. P.)-The German government is sending a con- fidential mission to London ...…

January 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 85) • Page Image 2

…aHE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JANUARY iTh 1~2 1SO N SAFlit in the middle. Rumor has it that someone tried to fool the machine by BOOK ON MICHIGAN CAMPUS depositing a coin of very small spe- _______cies, but what hie received in turn has not been determined. FR S M NhL S ere folks gargs which i would of sent you but i1j Inclosed plees find one (1} copy ~hdt u lebosbtti the Gargoyle wich is the best humerus; ainzt halve boad. [ 4t Yeair len Ent...…

January 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 85) • Page Image 3

…rY 19, s 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AGETH~I ,.. f IJUNIIJR WOMNDCD i Comes To Y.W. C. Address A.Worker DATES FORANNALPLAY March 21, 22, 23l, and 24 v, 4 h a mat- inee performance the afternoon of~ the 24,"were the dates set for the annual Junior 'Girls' play, at a meeting of Junior women yesterday afternoon. iork Women yesterday afternoon. 1final tryouts for the play have been completed and the c...…

January 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 85) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FR TDAY, .._- . OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIG~AN Published every'morning except Monday during the University yjrar by the Board in Centrol of Studewt Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. flection in this matter, and for, at least, arranging a tentative schedule of courises. If this is done much dis- contentment which is a natural ac- companiment of a hastily arrived at se...…

January 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 85) • Page Image 5

…ay, THE MIC I- IGAN DAILY WHERE FRANCEL IS USING MAILED FIST I .fv U RE Ar ' q 01 XL .01 (01Cila ii ap o h h balt L g t h dii i dcae l s I e /O / b e d eg .m aOezd. Tevley cnan retr wat ornnooldpsistan terae fsmlr iei h o (lusria plats )Uit intheminig cntes ad tothe asi's eath. t ni~rl enrpri al of inRu he Geran. insad nil iaTe h "Good iniropertesanea ocuiegalnedetros6i,000 men.19.Shdn From left to right: J. K. Dunn, '21, D. (). Coal, 1...…

January 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 85) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY _. "" _ t. .. . w ,~ - It 1!!Illlllllmlllll.l lwl .. ' .._._ ( ! 111l11 l{Illllit t ....r...... .+. ....w.w.. ....:.. !"r. rr stl tc so wl wi ex: fir wl .a gt in at lx r ia to ati inl "AH RIL SE D S CO D S RI GJackSlatterylwho for several yeas lPaul -Robeson cooredfotalI-- AGAIN T M. A. 0 O MORRO~ IGHTtamsjwith success : the author ity.W , n 'arsily Mentor Announne' Liep to 1 dtion to start the game ° wih th...…

January 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 85) • Page Image 7

…19, 193THE ICIGAN ii)A!LY AFE W KINGS- WH0MAY FALL __ w M . i . 4 4 c 6;V IY$JCN WiLL NHAV£- PLMr F RVL- YCC~tAe--vtC T91 -fI .-.A KEEV IOG t-ttS D AVF- m t3ALAtJG " 1. J h' 7t h k f ' . f 1 } --__ . a " _.,,-/ e r, 7H ! t. t< -t-hArC Z tI C^ K QC K ..0137-' ms ,. "r THr= ENMAL JMPftSsION 1-t'rl4-A-r L %1LA g1 ~HAS G14PPF-J)CO ~tL>-r'AVILY K1Qro T~;.ttA s ..' M C '- JALt<EP HASA L~o-t oi -TOUGH T-GesOt HS "{20,11 -- L~OOK&> LWS A I...…

January 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 85) • Page Image 8

…TI IFE MICHIGAN DAIL\ FRIDAY, JANUARYE .3 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I I ubllcatiou n I he University. the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of Copy received until 3:30 v. m. (11:30 a. m Raturday.) FRIDlAY, JAINUAIRY 19, l92."1mer{. SOPH X IT SHO USTSenior engineers 3 I ~Ignores Rumor Ofi Gi aduates......3 TERAMS I LASLEG Move To Bar Him Upraciet Lcagu LEAD) RISPECTI YE 11TSON Teami G.I ::r>?~ Fresh engineers .3 -1113 IS,...…

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