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October 19, 1923 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-19

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Many Big Games Tomorrow
THAIIND R 0 1 SEA ' t hAs Grid Season Progresses
IE Withtheirwarming up games aside Harvard and Holy Cross do battle at
---_ _ _ the leading teams of the East and Harvard stadium that will do much to
Woro t y Wm I West have set themselves or the big decide the strength of the real Har-
IN LigI t St'iiil UoriIl As I WRESTLING TEAM TRYOUTS I Iontests of the season and tomorrow vard team. In none of her contests
(ame Time Nears TO HOL MEETINi TUESDAY the sectional leaders face some of has she displayed any real flashy foot-
______their hardest battles. ball, and Holy Cross can always be
INICII l LaAll men weighing under 150 When Illinois meets Iowa at Iowa depended on to furnish a battle for
(. S. U. STfIll PROBIAT IAI pounds and wishing to tryout interest will be strongly manifested. any team she faces.
for the wrestling team are re- Iowa last year tied with Michigan for Equally true is the case . in the
Faced with the prospect Of enter- quetsed to report at 7:15 o'clock Conference honors and is out to cap- Pennsylvania - Columbia clash. The
Ing what portends to' be the harest Tuesday night in Waterman ture every game. The affair will be red team h failed to show aiy bril-
and most. important ga me on its 123 gymnasium. one of the hardest fought and closest lance and with Percy Haughton at the
schedule tomorrow afterifoon, Michi- Only men under 150 pounds + of the day's, football w.ar. Illindis New York institution there is a pos-
's will report at this time, as the this year is showing stronger than it sibility of Columbia upsetting the
aftersnoo wound its final week of in call for heavier men will not be has in the past while Iowa has had a hopes of the Quaker school. Hagh-
tensive preparation. made until after the close of little trouble in casting aside easy ton has taught his team the Harvard
Today the members of the: -qua(! football season. The squad will prey. Iowa last Saturday was in hot strategy and will apply all he has to
will content themselves with running meet regularly on Tuesday and I water and only in the final quarter win this game.
through a light signal drill bemndn I Thursday evenings. did she come through with a touch-. Pitt to Tackle Syracuse
closed gates, the same gates which I COACH BARKER. E down. Not until the final whistle will When Syracuse and Pittsburg some i
have hidden the work of Coach Yost's _ __this battle be decided, although Iowa together at New York, two of the best
proteges for the past week. is a slight fayorite. teams of the 'east are in for a foot-
"Ohio is stronger in every ido t- Marco n Meet Northwestern ball game. Syracuse has shown more
ment of the game than' she "as bat. I0Next in importance is the Chicago- real football than her opponent and
year," was the word brought ha' U I Northwestern game. With a rest last still burning with last year's defeat at
from the Colgate-Buckeye game, play- I Saturday, Chicago should come the hands of the smoky city warriors,
ed at Columbus last Saturday, by f lthrough this contest the victor for this she is quite liable to turn the tables
Sterzenegger. "Every nian on the Iyear Northwestern has not displayed on her foe.
squad has had to'fight to keep his [ii BfiLany real class. The Navy will joprney up to Penn
position and in one case a first string Wisconsin faces a foe of no little State to play that school. This con-
man from last year is. working hard Workman rleffrns To RBuckeye Camp importance when she stacks up test will be marked by good football,
to keep his place on the reserves." oater Trip Home Because against the Indiana warriors at although both have not encountered
An indication of the fact that thei 0; Illnes Bloomington. In the first game of the any formidable opposition so far. The
highly-touted Scarlet and Gray cloven season she was dLefeated only after the teams are about even and a close game
is not overrated, the petaltors of the SARLET AND GRAY IN 001) game looked dark for Wisconsin. Not can be looked for.
workouts which the Wilcemen have ('ONDITlONFOR ENCOUNTER more than one touchdown should se- The strong Lafayette team shold
gone thrcnugh of late claii that the ___arate these teams when they leave the have little trouble in disposing of
famous Tee Young, who never met hr15 Columbus, Ohio, Oct 1S.-The Ohio field, for Indiana is not the' laughing Sprihgfeid. She has been through
equal as a center until he was pitted State squad is putting in its hardest stock she was last season and she two hard contests with Pittsburg and
against Ernie Vick, is htving a fight licks of the seaion this week in pre- will battle her opponent to a hard fin- Franklin and Marshall and is primed
to keep his place, the other contender paration fort the game with Michigan ish. for the contest with her opponents.
for the position being Bobby Watts, at Ann Arbor Saturday, regarded by After barely coming to the front Cornell has finished pilling up large
weight 145 pounds, and apparently a Buckeye fans as the biggest and hard- with a 13-12 victory over the Haskell scores and will meet the dashing Col-
mere plaything when contrasted to est game on the Ohio State schedule. Indians Minnesota will point to gate outfit this Saturday. Colgate this
is bulky rival The Ohio State freshmen were sent hard contest with the North Dakota year is stronger than before and has
Backfield tro t s at the regulars Tuesday and Wednes- team. Minnesota is not the team of always given Cornell considerable
another thing which will k0 theIa y nights with i gan plays. To- last season but should have no great in the line of competition.
Michigan team worried until the final te n 1il roba lgo hough atrouble of winning from her oppon- rmny to Attempt Comebac
whistleoftomorrows game has light signal practice prior to grabbing eits in this game. The Army after her licking from
s tundgd. Passes and'end runs will e the rattlers for Ann Arbor Fridai In the far west California faces the Notre Dame should possess the foot-
so niumPeroPss, according to all inei- hrnighttny Oregon Aggies. This game should not ball to defeat her Alabama Tech riv-
cations, that the two forward walls A bombshell was thrown into the prove any hindrence to the strong al, although this team has given a
will play "sight-seers." DeVoe, full- Buckeye ca today when it was Bear outfit. In every contest this year good' account of itself whenever play.
back, and Dobelei and Snyder, half- learned that Harry Workman, star or she has defeated her rivals by big ing in the North Brown and Boston
backs, and the famous Workman will the Ohio State team, had been called scores and is not in any danger. Of university meet in their annual scrap
all be contributors to the Buckeye at- home at Huntington, W. Va., to the other western games the Missouri-. at Boston. The Beantown gladiators
tack. Workman, who has been called Isldside of his mother, who, it was r- Iowa State tilt looks like a win for have a strong team but Brown thisf
to the bedside of his mother for the ported was critically ill. the Missouri school. year is all up over her biggest con-f
past week will undoubtedly appear in She was much improved when he Leading the eastern games in the test and is out to win.o
the lineup as lie was originally .sched- i arrived home however and was on his Princeton-Notre Dame classic at i, At Washington the annual battlen
uled to do. way back to school today, much to the Princeton. This battle proves to be between Georgetown and Georgia Tech
Michigan's preparation for the Ohio relief of the students and other Ohio most interesting for each have had sould prove interesting, Last week'sc
offensive in the past week has been State well-wishers. Without Work- stiff opposition this season. Last Sat- defeat at the hands of the Princeton
almost entirely restricted to general man the Buckeye's chances of winnig urday Notre Dame turned back the Tigers has spured the captial cityo
drill and individual instruction in re- from the Maize and Blue would have Army team in a spectacular battle. boys on and when the smoke of bat-a
gard to smashing up the plays which been greatly impaired. Princeton met equally strong compet- te has cleared away Georgetown
the Ohioans are likely to offer. Much interest is aroused in the com- ition when she defeated Georgetown should have the pigskin.
Mine Problematical ing game, the largest following that aggregation 17-0. The Catholic school Waslington and Jefferson is enter-
The linea which will take thenti ev-er rooted -for a Buckeye team in for- this year has the fastest outfit since taining te Carnegie Tech outfit and
eAgn fields having signified their inten- the days of the great George Gipp. i by what has gone on in the past should
Iy problematical due to the fact that tions of viewing the battle, when the Princeton prizes her standing in the send them home defeated. West Vir-
no news regarding the p active ses- 7500 tickets allotted the Scarlet and east and is out to humble its western ginia meets an easy foe in Marshall
sion held during the past week has Gray rooters were gobbled up in no visitors. However, she will meet her and are doped to turn in a victory.
been made public. However it Is like'. time. o strongest opposition of the entire I
ly that the same men who started The Buckeye -team came out of the schedule. It would not be an insult 1De Molay Meets
against Vanderbilt last Saturday will Colgate game in good condition, to-Princeton dignity to say that Notre D a
again work together. uarerback Judy being the only man Dame have all the chances in the n iolay hael l a meeting Wednesday
VanDervoort and Muirhreadi are sure . ih nHri ala hc ebr
tnget rvottackled urhaenaredsre forced to the sidelines on account of world of walking off the field victorI
to the assignments e injury. He was in shape the follow- in this intersectional contest for Notre were told to have their petitions in
to their work last Saturday and Steele ing day, a knock on the head having Dame cannot be underestimated. Her by the first Wednesday in November
and Slaughter seem to be the likely jarred his memory for remembering strength lies in her speedy backfield for fall initiation taking place the last
choices to flank Jack IBlott, who will signals in the fray. an.ieadsemgtsoebfrewe 1 h aemnh ui
be seen in center of the wall. Today the Buckeyes have piled up!and lne and she might score before week of the same month. Lucien
The backfield will have in its make- oday t the y have il s the Tigers are aware of her style of Lane, '2L, gave a talk on his travels
mnore points than they did all last paig ~Erp
up three men who are accustomed to year. p iesleyan was beaten 24 to 7_playng.___urop._-
the tactics of the Buckeyes and who while the 23 to 23 score with the east-
saw experience in the 19-0 stadium erners was the result of a game that
dedication affair at Columbus last I will not soon be forgotten by the spec- TAKE THAT
year. Uteritz, Capt. Kipke, and Steger tators.
have all bucked and passed through The Wilcemen showed only average
the Scarlet and Gray line, and Miller ability in the first game with Ohio
who will probably ta ke the fullback 'Wesloyan and in the first half of the
position will be the only back Vho has Colgate game but the offensive shown
not met Saturday's opponents before. in the final two quarters of the gaine See the campus and stadium fromn afove. .Big three-passenger
with the Hamilton. N. Y. team was a airplane. Smooth safe flying. Nothing lie "GOING UP.
J sight that Ohio State fans have been $ EACH PASSANGER
WOLVERER Ewanting to see for some time. It was
another instance of the 'come from Course of Instruction $10.00
TH9STflhIflbehind" spirit that has won many Packard Street and City Limits
LDl TRIALS behind" = wodru ____________________-_______________
Lurgefor the Buckeyes in the pas
fo r years. Colgate has a _______wonderful_______________________________

team. and the tean's showing irn-
1I'1RST TEN RUNNERS TO CROSS pressed the onlookers favorably. I
TAPE WILL START' IN Ohio State forces realize that the
N. A. C. MEET team to be faced at Ann Arbor is
practically the same outfit that ap-
All. of the Wolverine harriers areI peared here for the stadium dedication
on 'their toes for the four-mile trial) last season and are basing their judg-
ruA which is slated to take place Sat- ment on the game accordingly, but j
urday morning at 10:30 for the pur- as usual confidence reigns in the
pose of determining which men are camp. Over confidence is missing.
to be pitted against the Aggie runners The team has lined practically all
in the annual Farmer-Wolverine meet season with the same men in at the
which takes place Oct. 27, the day of positions. Tee Young, ineligible last
the M. A. C. football game. year, is the first call at center with
The first ten men to finish Saturday Watts and Walther in reserve. It is
will comprise the aggregation with probable that Schulist and Wasson 0
Chih C' tpvE Farroll hr -s to1; ' + +------A I -4


Two men who will be watched with interest in the Ohio State-Michigan contest are Captain Harry Kipke of
Michigan, All-American halfback and Hoge Workman, who made the touchdown that tied the score in the Buck-
eye-Colgate game last Saturday.

Intramural Items
Among the new feutures of this
year's Intramural program for the
fraternities is the launching of a pro-
fessional fraternity athletic league in
order to stimulate the somewhat dor-
mant interest among this particular
groups -of house organizations on the
While each sport is being carried
out .by the department the profession-
al +fraternities will play the sane as

before but at the end of the season
each house's average will be totaled
and the one among this particniar
giroup having the highest number of.
points will be awarded a separatecup.
the sme size as the one which will go
to the general organizatio'ns.
It has been proposed that the pro-
fessional house clubs play their games
in each sport together without com-
petition with the other fraternities.
IR this plan is adopted it will go into
effect when the basketball season
mnakes its mnitial bow to the campus.

Of the G0 fraternities engaged in
Intiamur l competition at the present
time, less than 10 are representatives
of the professional ranks and this
fact must be remedied, hence the
plan for the new league.
*Owing to the large pep meeting
which will' he held this afternoon in
preparation for the O. S. U. game, the
Intramural ofileials have decided to
call off this afternoon's speedball
schedule. All of the teams which are
(Continued on Page Eightl


the most co plee
line of overcoats we
have ever assebled
featuring, of course,,





Made up in the popu-
lar plain back, loose
fitting models.
-and the p rices start with
a full line of beautiful coats
at $5 ranging to only sev-
enty-five for the finest
HICKEY coats.

crush the men from Lansing. Last,
year the Maize and Blue harriers de-
feated Coach Barker's athletes by the
most decisive score possible. The
Wolverines copped the first six places.
In the trials held Saturday it will
be interesting to compare the time
made by the first six men to finishE
with those made by Stev's men in a
similar trial held this time last year.,
In the trial last year Isbell and Davis
ran a dead heat finishing in the ex-
ceptionally good time of 21:57 for the
fmir m1 P nwPn aril. Arndt.411f ol I

will get the call for guards, the latter
having displaced Kutler who is out
with a bad foot. Nichols and Oberlin
have also had. the call at those posi-
tions in practice this week.
At the tackles, Captain Boni Pet-
coff and Harry Steel will hold forth.1
They have played in the two games
more than any of the other linemen.
The ends will no doubt be Johnnyi
Wilson and Gorrill, the latter a sopho-
more and the greenest man on the
Buckeye line.
Judy will be the signal caller with




Special Numbers-

s l



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