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April 19, 1923 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-04-19

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.Aa .






TChester Project '011m 1T[IQN RII~SoloistIn Band
Worries Europe [UI/VILJIVIIEII[i UUI VIL D Concert Tonight
t~hoc Non 1 ro F esii n d opli. 11iii Prc' e-0: Ptogn- m i f.~ 11 iteen l ,est):5i urtir~ e Ic~ n 5)" n .
r 77 eT: ouncil Tu


Co.,.,mittees froin the freshman and
sophocmore classes i the literary and
engineering colleges will assist the
Student council co mittee t inmaking

Michigan's Concert Band wvill give
Che home concert of the year at 8 o'-
clock tonight in Hill auditorium. The
program will~ consist of 15 selections,

kurier this ~ Admtiral1 C. NL. (hester
,ge in the Concessions granted A'imiral C. AT
which af- Chester, U. S. N., retired, by the Young
00) poundsj Turk government in 190.9, t hreaten to
the mark' cause international complications if
ry to re- approved b~y the pre enit Angora. gov~
.es of for- erment. The concession.,vwhichl gives
the news- valuable oil and rail right,, is opposed
try needs by Britain and F+ranee.
cially ore
in otherDU UNO LA
nent caine
the souion1
tholurWnTH wAR ST F
Im~iean re-, 5T rF
P$~ Ae-Dav is Says, "HIoliestCitizens Wh~o
te that oc- Would IDcstroy Ouir1Defenise Are
nid to use fEueic1s"

;arrangements for the Spring gamn es. 'anud is the same, as that used on- the'
Four class officers from 12he enginecer- spring tour that was just co
ing classes and five men and all mnale! spring tour that has just been comn-
officers and five committeemen fromn pleted.
tlhe literary classes will comprise the' The concert band is made up of 60
committee. men, selected and directed by Captain
The Student council committee in1 Wilfred W1,ilson The inen 'are chosen
charge of the Spring games is corn- jIfrom i the regular Varsity band as
posed of Thomas Lynch, '25L, chair-; those bKest adapted to concert work.
{ nan, Earl, Lundin, 23A, Robert E. ; They have been under training for
Adams, '23, and James I-luime. '23. The several weeks on the programn which
committee they have appointed from; they will offer in addition to familiar-
rlhe freshman and sophomore classes izing themselves with, it in the six
~is as follows: sophomfore bits, Jack-; concerts that they gave'on the state
'son Ke~er, George Haggarty, James trip.
MViler, Lesiter Whittman, Frederfck Frank Ryan, S of il., tenor, will
fW1assinan, Edwell Slaughter, William r give a number of vocal selections. as
Reid, Iferbert Steger, and RI. A. Bill-I one or the soloists of the program.
ington ; sophiomiore engineers, W. K. . Other 'soloists wh~o will appear~ are
'Griner, AV. II. Webb,' E. IM. Fox, S. Burton Hyde, 251M, .wtih his marimba-
P. Hart, J. E. Bamborough, K{. J. Mac- phone, and Harry Gould, 23, who will
Iver, G. J. 'Mack, and,, H. S. Young; give an eccentric dance. A saxophone
freshmen iits, Earl Greber, Lowell ;sextette will also play, giving a~ nuin-
'Palmer, Frank Mlatheson, W1illiami ber of selections.
McMillan, Robert Bennett, Raymond1 The program that the band will
Hlutz ci, Glenn Young, and Royal Cher-I play is as follows:
ry; and freshamanl engineers, William The Victors-Louis Elbel.
IColeman, Robert James, H. L. Tippy, Overture Aida-McCaughey. '
C. M. McDuff, J. P. Vose, T. HJ. Gamnble Prelude-Jaernefelt.
saond A. L. Lowell. Berceuse.
A committee composed of live men# Marimbaplione-Burton Hyde, 1125M.
each from tho junior literary and en-! Humoresque.
gineering classes will also assist with I. The Girl I Left Rehind Me.
the games. The men named_ are: lits,$ Bellstedt.
SHarry Eoey,\ Lawrence Dooge, John2 A Passing Fancy.
Lawton, A. Byroni McAood, and Fred- Abschied-Curtla.
I er~ck Gilner; engineers; Calvin Camp- I French Hlorn Solo by D. W. Daines
bell, John Wyllie, James. Duffy, Hen- ' Saxophone Sextette.
ry Hubbard, and M.. Parsons. Hlungarion Overture - Csokonay-
fThese men will assist" in carrying Keler.
out the gam~es 'as well as in making' intermission.
the arrangements. The entire com- Undine Overture-Lartzing.
mlittee will meet "with. the Student (a) The Kaffir on the Karoo.
council committee atx four o'clockI (b) The Blackman.
Tuesday at the Union. (c) Dee River.
' -Arranged by Wilson.
Tenor Solo--Frank Ryan Jr.
9T[NoMarche Aux Elaimbeaux--Clark-
CHUERN [EO EN (a) Irish Ttuipe from Co Dry
-Percy A. Grainger.
WILL LEAVE FOR NOMIOLt The Yellow and the Blue-Ralfe.
JDURJING LATTER tPARTO 'Tickets for the concert mnay be ob-
WEEK F; tamed today from any of the book-
______ stores. They wil~l also be sold to-

1,ils.Iit front of fIire Library
fEngincers. ... Eng~neering Archj
Lm 11 .......... ,r Law hilng
I ds .............TIti3 ~~bI j~
Dents........Ik. eu'al Building
Yharmnics. .. in front of Library
A relttects... . Engineering arch
IIE:4 to 4:15.
Bring identification with yu


Franh Ryain, Jr..
rFrank Ryan, Jr., lyric tenor, who
will be the vocal soloist at the per-
formiance of the Varsity band tonight
in Hill auditorium. Ryan i§ a stu-
dent in the School of Music. 'He per-
the trip that the band has just coin-
formed the 'part of vocal soloist in
pletcd throughout the state.


'Cut Off frounMIland by Ice Floes;
Three Iiten Rc yclz

Grand Rapids, April 18.---(B'y A. I
-Nineteen men and a woman a
slowvly starving to death on Fox isla:
in Lake Michigan, 19 miles off Nont
port, Leelenau county, and are u
able to reach the mainland on accou~
of' huge ice floes in the lake;
'Word of their plight was receiv
here tonight from Gilman AT., Dar
former state food anid berry inspect(
who appealed to ,the Grand Rapi


' 11 cnei

Johnson, Farrell, Yost,
~ton Schedaled to


d New York, April 18-(By A.P.)-
s- War department staff officers have
:s passed judgment on the formula ad-
eo vanced by Dr. Coue, famous propon-
eo ent of auto-suggestion, and have
~agreed that whatever merits it may
0 l have when applied to individuals it
d, is a failure when, applied as a cure
in for world evils that lead to war.
to Dwight Davis, assistant secretary of
war, in . an address before the 12th
annual meeting here, of the Ameri-
-can Drug Men's association said, "We
f may hate fear and loathe war but
ie merely repeating this phrase will not
in prevent it. The honest though muis-
;o guided citizen who closes his eyes to
ie the lessons of history and who seeks
It to cripple or destroy our means of self
s, defense man~y be as dangerous an enie-
my to our country as the red revolu-
e, "The true patriot seeks by every
n.* honorable means to prevent war hut
d keeps his powder dry. That is what
r-we are trying to do in the plans for
the preparedness of industry for the
r, national defense,. If it is known to
rthe world that we, like our ancestors.,
as are ready to pledge 'our lives, our
a- fortunes and our sacred honor' to
r provide for the common defenice' it
a. will indeed be a hardy or fool hardy
d, nation that will dare wreck us. 'The
as national prepa.redness of a peace loy-
of ing people will go far to prevent the
;_necessity of war.''

'. ' _I)ISCViSSED BYTT CCV'H erald by telephone to q'b
airplane for their rescue.
Arrangements for the Track rally to Three other men on the
be 'held~ May 11. in Hill auditorium reached the mainland today.
were submitted by the committee at left in a small boat which was
the, meeting of the Student council to pieces in the ice, and made
held last night at the Union. mainder of the distance by
Prof Roert . 4enle, o th from one floe to another."
Prof Roert . Wnley ofthe The H~erald tonight asked
philosophy department, Carl ,Johnson,
120, Coach St'eve Farrell, Coach Field- at Selfridge fIeld at Mt. Cler
i1ng~ f1 Yost, and J. Fred Lawton, '22, send an airplane to~ Northiport
}will be the speakers. The Student frDaesithmnat
coucilcomitte i chrgeis corn-I went on the island before the~
posed of liar old Hunt, '23Ed, chair- o 'ne octv o.Te
w~an, Lawrence 11. 'Snell, '23, Edwardi they had enough provisions
( Haug, '23E, Calvin Campbell, 2-1E, and I;them but their supplies. ran of
RusellTaylr, '3P.days ago. It was then the thi
Names for possible candidaites for undertook 'the: perilous trip ac
the Student council were suggested to' broken ice to Northport.
the Student, council nominating corn-'
Icomp.se omsnating 23chamiter-
'mpos e o minatingHu ommitte, c FIir-
man, Burton Dunlop, '23, Thomas Un-
deroh os, '23, n Robert isnode3, IUUMTTfllT O
JohnRoss '23 anRobrtGbsr o, ' -1TflflIV1AN

e isla;
le ther
off icia
d w om
open I
>to la
)ut a fe
iree mi
cross t.


r, an(

e confer

: 4

Dean John R. Effinger, of the liter-nihathedoofheccr.Th
any college, will leave the, latter part price is 50 cents.
of this week for the University of Ok-
lahoma at Norma, Okla., where he~
dilean ofthe liberal atscoleeseof' TENM EN INITIATED
willattend thelbeanualtscofeeeof
state universities, April 26. 27. and 111Tfl nnnrn nr onir'

i 4 1-llw ww -.-

'23, will meet today to name the can-'
didtates for the special Student coun- 'a -h
ell election to be 'held on next Wed-, Final tryouts for the choruses of,
nesdav. ' . next year's Union Opera are to be


is S

pied are,,
, hie said
~wise dis

fo ne m,
in the h1
~fore tonl

niue to confiscate
t into Ot"P Ruhrl
gT election's today.

j RussIa I ited t o Laursanne
'London, April 18-(B~y A.P)--Coma-
mons was told by under-secretary M1c-
Neill of the Foreign Offce thbat Red
Russi;a had not been invited to Laus-
anne April 23.

7. Mercilessly Flailed
ovlde, On Sale Tomorrow

28. IIU Ul fl r i Movidng pictures of Swinzg-olut will ineld tdyad oorw tteMme tdnt4sps
Prior' to the convention of college - be made according to arraingenients theater. The tryouts will take place tomorrow," said I
heads, Dean Effinger will. attend two, madte by the council committee. A from 4 to 5:30 o'clock this afternoon mtan of the Counc
Michigan alumni meetings, the first A N-NO'SCI; ANV LAL BANQU% T newr rope hias been purchased for the and from 7:30 to 9:30 o'clock this ev- istration, yesterd
1OTK LC un.Tegeea rot oa n on April 24 at St.. Louis, and the oth- T AE PAE Tug of War. ' nn.Tegnrltyustdy admore essential to
en in Kansas City. on the following H,.Y 17_______- tomorrow are the only ones which will ! spring than in
dcay. Ile will speak at both' meet-rnim aur an be held, as no opportunity for indi-1 because a new 'sy
luigs. .Wilfred B. Shaw, general secre- Ten members of .the senior Law1111 v Wjj ~vuultyuswl ehed mnn st'g
tayof the alumni association, hasj class were initiated into the Order of ILItIIf Those students who are fromn five! these elections.]
been tryin~g to arrange for furtherI the coifo national honorary law so- ~ ttr~ih feet six inches to five feet eight inches Ito have a fair trioi
aluimni meetings at which Deg.nEf ln- ciety, yesterday afternoon. The eerC- 111 .11~ I in height and who intend to try out; should turn out
I er may be present. Tentative meet-'mne were hed.ti~theficeo the FORl lFRENCHUll ll UU TflU for parts in the women's chorus will ithene ucis
iags have been arranged for on April i dean of the Law school Dean Henry do so this afternoon. Those who are' -Sad3 nOlhm:Ct n u-A.Btscnutdte ' spport of a c,
28 nd~Q n klaom Ciy nd ul M.Baes onuctd heexercises and ICERCLF FRtAN CAISE P'REPAI.1RLS to try out for parts in the men's chor- lean.
The conference will be attended by3 spoke briefly to the initiates. The TO' OFFER "BAT'AII1LE ale us will 'do so tomro afternoon. A ' "If the new c
s ,Okla., respectively. ;m emubers of ti e law tac. ;ty were DA IM ES"' few m ore students five feet two inches lhas }been elected'e d a s o ol g si t e e rt r r s n .- o fv e t sx i c e n h i h r t l e t i l
1 extendng overMichiga,, Ohio Ken- !It was announced ,that the annual Under the 'supervision- of Prof. Rene al1so needed for the women's chorus efcetyta
tucky, Indiana,' Wislonsin, Illinois, banquet; of the Order of the Colf . Talainon, and. Anthony J. Jobifl of and they may try out along with relative minority
Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, would be hield on M4ay 17 at the Union, the French department, work on others who are scheduled to appear'I At least 5,000 stun
North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebras- with Justice R. A. Bunch, of the Su- "Bataille de Dames," by Scribe and this afternoon.
ka, Kansas, Oklahoma, and' Colorado. 'pe e C ut of K na, a he g et L g uv, wlte pes ne y te Tryouts for speily d nig wl t thmelow n s."l
l eWhile at the conference, Dean Effinger pof h or fIat3,a h us Cerciev Francaise atr8eneo'clocky next, be made throughe special datpoin tment attIeecin.
will be the guest of Pref. Stratton D. Those initiated were: J. WV. Bird,j Tuesday evening, is rapidly assum- w ith E. Mortimer 'Shuter, Union dna-a
Brooks, '96, of the University of Okla- G'.o. Davies, G. T. Graves, L. K. ing the appearance of a finished pro- matics director. College
Roma. J ,ames, C. Y. Morris, A. F.'Neef, V. duction. Members of thte cast have a______
3'. allywasser, B. T. Smith, T. J1 Whin-! been in rehearsal for several months. Read Ilardiig's 'Note in PIris Harvard 7 , Na'
FORCE MEATLESS cry and I'. IF. Wy nn. Owing to the The play is a light comedy in three Paris, April IS- (By A.P.)--A roes- Georeon1
DAYSON EFUG ESfact that they graduate in February, acts, and combines the flashing wit sage from Harding expressing friend-l 12.
DA .! R IFG ESi. IH. Bales and )V. E. Durby, al n pg-mai uaiywic .hr ship for France was read at the op-1 Illinois 13, Puni
though elected to membership, were: acterizes much of Scribe's work, with ening of an exhibit of Yankee par- Notre Dame 16.
anAri18-yA.P-Te not initiated at this time. the 'almost feminine delicacy of treat- ticipation in the World War. Miller- Princeton 7, L;
Russian refugees under Admiral Stark MARSHAL STRICKEN ILL,, fmnorwhche leg asoveihalybeome' and returned thanks through the Am-!-
who are held at the Mariveles qiuar-,fmu.Te lywsoignlyvr bassador Herrick. ' Reg-inter .today
atzesainhaedcddt bPRIISON 'ER RFiE$ ESW11, popular,, and' was hailed at its first__________________________
antinestatin, hav deriedrtonbce___sa matpriece

satire and The frontispiece is a drawing of
ie B3. M. 0.I Carl Hubach, better known as "1lub",
eGargoyle art editor of the Gargoyle last semes-
ig Men On ten, pictured in the' act of drawing
mercilessly+ an extremely modern madonna. Otherr
d fantastc art work in the issue is made up large-
e the num- 1 ly of a number of drawings of the
lauded B. M. 0. C. drawn by James
cal repe-House.
Ji. It . a The "B1. M. _0. C. Bugle" conveys
Iim It i the general' spirit of: the issue asa

le cover will he
tion of a typical
es H'ouse, '241,
llege man that i
ge man sadly cl
,apo'.eon, with~
d to match. .13
ing over the swc
coat are: lopeles

11)Sa typi
sees 1)



.,.... ,

1f yo
ble vi

s represented; a two page nrewspaperyof the clan. There serve two almost meatless dlays a
,lothed in a coat, are pioliti'cal advertisements that laudj week in order to reduce the cost off
cocked hat andI certain of the prominent men fo iving.
ut the youth is such offices as campus game, war- IA small ration of bacon is the onlyi
"ord, and the hat den, obituaries of s~me of 'those in meat they will receive on Tuesdays,
ssly big and faill'the limelight, society notes that are and Fridays and by limiting the diet'
______________extremely pointed, and advertisemen ts ;to this extent the supply officers of
that contain more testimony than the' ships which brought 808 men., k
truth. women and children to Maniveles from
A section devoted to book reviews, Vladivostok, say that the daily cost ofI
to "VN contains an account and review of rations per person will be reduced;
~~More Garg oyles', a book by "Heck" from 24 cents to 22 9-10' cents.
,m E rly as reviewed by Lee O'Jayh. The re-1
___________viewer has taken up the various men NOW BERLIN IS EATING
portrayed in the book, B. M. 0. C.'s' HORSES. AND PAYING -111(11
ntageous time ; all, and discusses them in the light---
ff depends oil that the author casts upon themr.I Washington, April 18.-Five hun- k
inn prospe~cts. Drawings that are far from flattering dred horses a ee ,k are being slaugbt-
hilt him at the ;accompany the tale of each'gentleman 'erect for food in Berlin, according to'!

Anchorage, Alaska, April 18. -While
taking an Indian accused of' murder
from Fort Gibbon to Fairbanks, Dep-
uty. U. S. Marshal B. B. W'ebst er was
stricken with appendicitis. The mar-
shial's prisoner placed him on'the sled,
with. which they ,had been traveling,
and mushed more than 100 miles with
him to a hospital, where an opera-
tion was performed.
k Los Angeles, Cal., April 18.(By
j A. D.)-The statement of 1Hcr-I
bert Wilson, former evangelist,
I alle.;ed mail robber, and con- I

Thi~. souvenir edition of "Bataille de M~iichigan Alumni 1lp In Suc
Dames" is being read in many of' theOfE ryP iipn
French,"classes at the present time inOfE ryP ip ie
order that the students may become
as famuiliar as possible with it before u
it is publicly presented. Departing Success of the early administration ing more than1
frome the custorn of former years there of the Philippine Islaids is in nq mens these m(
Iwill be, no public lecture on the play,' ml redet h oko rd which was eag
as it is felt that a reading of it isa first officials cf
sufficient explanation of the text. uates of the University of Michigan.! I. Jr ournes
Tickets for the play are now on sale' After Dewey entered the Manila Hlar- back a few ye
in the State street bookstores. The bor the federal government cast about ices of the gc
price is 50 cents. for some one who knew the Philip- now president
f________ pines. An expedition in the interests 'company, was
FATHER'S DAY COMMITTEE of natural history under Prof. James Islands and Ja
TO hOLD METING TODAY B. Steere, of the zoology department, Iwshsass
had acquired valuable information made a inajoz
S Fathers' general comtema 'f:about the Islands. So Michigan men- medical inspec
I the Union will meet'at 5 o'clock this came to play 'an important part in Worcester's bo
1 oft, ,.,i in ,nm ?09r f HipUnion .their early history. 'nv gr3tr

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