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January 19, 1923 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-19

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"AH RIL SE D S CO D S RI GJackSlatterylwho for several yeas lPaul -Robeson cooredfotalI--
AGAIN T M. A. 0 O MORRO~ IGHTtamsjwith success : the author ity.W , n
'arsily Mentor Announne' Liep to 1 dtion to start the game ° wih the colege payer s have the"arl it o "o~"i ayrb rfsin
Fiv e tronsng 1~ge l~nso col step right Into the majors and' make but every dayIin every way business =-1
Fiv H oo. Is getting worse and worse. The:
NO ED filFRPI~Y1 V " clients simply won't comie. And as=
LX' (.T READY itoiIai fLE1 "Players like Siter and Frisch arej Paul is married andl has a family the
GQO1TE ST HERE ,i0MO)A N IG MHT i' L II.Y 5 k1!1 U rare'exceptiozns in t ,e college ranks,"' necessity o clientsiseslsen
Coah Mthe oftheVaritybaset.SR . A S.i te Sounhebsgcolored star, who weighs
l~lto the Giants from Fordham, and 1)th nhs tcigIet it"stoetr-
d a mset ot of his tine at I_____nhsstcin__tIted o ne
atice last night putting on the fiz- j t -0 r8 wT ~N ~ ~ ere sarr, from thze stort. They, ae the ring ;witin the near future to es-
thing touches to theteamwork 01f the! VTIT iii 6TOP E' IE coplelf.ae irsincolgebaetabish himself as the ead ing h. he -
sirva team which will represent the ptPCTRI v .I "iu 1TE bllv'wit contender. harry Wills iz, the a 54.0
false andi Blue in the game agains ost oee pa:mrafnl h n Roer wants to "get"'and he
1 pitching in the majors so far better
ni Aggie quintet at Lansing tomor-I At least one unit ,and possible more j" h oleeIrnl htte i hIas not the slightest doubt as to hs=
1We night. o the cherished M4ichigan Aggie sta- ls ttepae ability to tame the brown panther.-"05s Jof
will ITS aIReserves fim may become a reality by next ; "Good cleePthr can ma-
Itatlier plans to send his ' F ali ugeto ae b e.geat co utoterhcatlngolsnltelegeDrl~e0
rngmnagainst the Farmers and Ale(.anroeaseckto the togeteereallastabDamfnas
atg tkeno canesofloin 'is one reason whly I look for .oe mood e atdhr aed gthe stl
in aen oecacso oigture recently is put through. ~~t evr uc'su of fighters adhstknte u
~xe ,of the regulars 'bay injuries 'it:ts estimated that at the present l a Yale. to the Pacific coast. Ray Smith, ther
i ch might result from the contest ttibi the state has i its coffers a sum ' odaget!itle n]~I heavyweight, who was well known - wotI
ii .C.TeVriymnoco-estimzited at more than a million dl- should be around the eastern clubs a year or so 1=tL1X f
drs ithe? comiig tilt with-Northwest-' Lars and the Governor's suggestion is abeoableoto developn'a gooriostaff'
:Mnay night of considerably that enough of this money:"to cover a Acleecah~ others are Roy O'Malley, a feahe- Of: aea"t>cleecah oai eathis Of ilu dsietablersavings re
ore importance than the encounter the cst of ereting the stadium bese fora prosperous season with good i wight; Gog Lamberson.aa light- iw
pitching. The fact that Wi ood wasenadaoter-orgsvldcn
Itnrrow night and is pointing Is 'loaned to the college for the purpose 'i egepthri eti owr weight, and Frank Kennard, aohr of good Clothes; .o Yrecty stld n
rt string men for this game. How- of building the edifice next summer. lightweight. Bat says that two of hs!=
vertht cac, epetachrdgnieThwpln s o efndthcunesttomaly ocare.vaitigAndhs hermenar sretie hapins 'hol ith cu toitar.e-\dgeray u'l in
'omtheEast Lansing delegation tho-state from thereceipts taken In at o b."0( ie a ale h rmtr
h~n they face Michigan. the gate at the football games. "A great little fellow" were Hugh izy, with the result that Is wholeI as inclusive as yjour ishes.
MA.C. makes mnore of the Michigan it is estimated that the proposed sal has beeni promised matches.
uieatEs Lnig hnofaystdu wl os ewen$5000Duffy's words on the death of Wtfileale _____________
afri atEas Lasin tha ofanystaiumwil cos bewee .$50,00 eeler, great batter of other ears.
awe. on her schedule and is prim- and X510,000, the amount Varying so Only iuffy's aeaeo 48fr'~leIV i ~''ctTh c EK~
i to give the Varsity a mnuch hard- luch because of the greater amount 1898 surpasses Keeler's high mark o 1= , E E
r .tle than was seen here earlier of work necessary to erect it in dif- 432 with Baltimore in 197. Duffy play- IW ith i0. S. U. Teamtesesnweth Wovresfetlcaieso tecapaselihBnon hnWlieasih!OR tyfbic nd okmn- T NShtyt
on ,fromth le Aggie court five' by fseveral sites are under consideration the Baltimore Orioles. The tens D.Jh .Wle ietro ot . hpyou ,edo enbee Prn aeiclddi
wiemri.A httm oc ttepeettm.'were' keen rivals. Yet the greatest bl a h: tt, ilrean a oShirts at this low prce( sortrent, rdclyre-
Vaker was experimenting wth a ' A stadiumi has been the dream of offinl-prteitdbtentebala hoSae ilrmi ttc
reen team and, as a result could. not ,gferatons:of-Aggie students and haiof fr sienltsiil t indobtweed t he. sho adwl'otacp Iayhre..... ue t
vlop teamwork to any large extent. conme to appear more than a dream as anywheren daninuofertoredr tot~i
ate however, Walker appears to the future of M. A. C.'s athletis is ,'.He longestandingnfferlto,"eturnitoedis
aveYottd a wining cominaHeodidd everything well, beocontinuedallycosin, his Alma Mater, and lead it-
we funda wnnin cobintionands~aned It.hasbecme pactcaly Duffy. "le could bunt, hit to rightontgraesontegrdoth
e .Farmers are going along at at impossible for the -M. A' C. athleticfeldftheb otoganssntegriote
tuh Vaster pace than before. authorities to schedule games with thmelducleyt meeld, andtthrough theebox
Ha togrTem football teams in East Lansing duet and the pitcher culdt not seem to uky eno ttd narcn
Af arsixwesrof g er ietigtotefc'htteprenfel's stop him from getting that ball where interview.
rater s it eeksfexpiercoiment inatdtefato hatdl the p rsenthldis he wanted it to go. He was very fast, 'Wilce has been repeatedly sought as=
tIon around Captain Fessenden. Us,, would want to witness such games. afile:go Iebseasgrnraendadagvygesfne-th
tg Fesseden at center on the toss- Interest in the ni al Al. A. C.-ielder.noHenwsame wa nd ge -a rds, Bdgrochnwoteigedye.
p and guard: on the defence Walker Michigan game is rife at the Aggieivb'tntosyadwsife mscety
LS uttla nd e~ilanat orwrds scoolandthe hoe tat iththeif any.' He was universally liked, one During the course of the intrview
)tl ofwho ar qute ast an Ev I dvet o a ew tadum heymaybeof the most popular players in the Coach' Wilce said that he is staying at -'
Aii 'o wh uardswihquitem an vaadlento old n tgadime thEast ansng history of the game, and that meansj Ohio State because he has received the 1 f
ne"ltmnadurswt Hultman atat odth aea na: ne- with "other players as well as with best of cooperation at the Ohio 'school 1=
Ctrnating with Fassenden. M.A.CJ I Originally the teams alternated n en-tefn.
'ently defeated the Victoria five tertaining each other at home, hefrt.and the followers of Ohio State haveI, '
oDtthe University of Toronto and - 'hn bsns nefrswt made everything congenial for him. IMI f' E
so Ypsilanti. ~ pleas~re give up business, and w heit the is quoteda eivn htudr
Against the Aggie team Mather Ih the c rcumstances another mentor
a tosatHnesnadM rg-_____lick of business interferes with reg- could better serve Wisconsin, althoughi,
ular eating get into some other line I Wisconsin is a great' university and
at the forwards, MWood at the The basketball courts at Waterman of endeavor. theffeis__biopprtuity
ampoff. position and Piper and Rice gymnasium will not be in use by thy . -
gards, although Harry I'ipke may Varsity or any other team from 6:30_____________________________________
so get Into the game. to 7:30 o'clock tonight and any teams ____________________________________
Ely Still Out in the society or church leagues mzay
The condition of the mnen onl the practice at that time if they care to

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hospital last snows some Imiprove- 1 Co so.
mnenu as the week advances with thej Managers of the church and society
exception of Captain Ely.' Ely's -right teams are listed below: Church leaguy
shoulder has some torn ligaments and .-LutheranlH. A. Nitchell; Episcopal,
as a consequence hie is unable to H., Mudd; Methodist, F. East, Jr.;
raise his' right arm. There is lit.tlcm Presbyterian, John" Schepers.. Societ31
possibility of his being able to play league-Bayonne Club, Galanter; Deter
against the Purple quinitet Ml"!onday., I witergs, Fay K'aenrick; Inter State So-
luirks who has been off the squad clety, Merner~; Architectural society,
for a few weeks because of illnessI Kline~l Detroit Junior College Society,
has again reported 'and if he shows Lightbody.
sufficient strength may be Rent against
Northwestern. Cappon's heel doe~s not= All mnanagers of church or society
show gtreat improvement however basketball teamis shouild teleplionc!
and it is doubtful i lhe will be in con- (Continued on Page Seven)

Spring Clothes


BN the Master M~aIers

New York


fA vXnlotr -


When spring clothes are so rea-
sonable, why try getting along
with old ones?
Come down today and give us
the 'opportunity of showing you
the new merchandise.
SUITS of imported and do-
mestic fabrics in whatever styles
you may desire.
Bell Bottom. Trousers that will
suit your 'taste.,



Corduroy Reefers

Don't MissIt! All highest

You will get a great deal

of' use

out oif a good


reefer between 'now and June. We have a
new lot in stock and they are priced. very rea-


Footwear for Men


and Women.






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