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January 19, 1923 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-19

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From left to right: J. K. Dunn, '21, D. (). Coal, 1211, andl C. E. iiodlgmaii, '24.
Michigan's Varsity debaters who will meet Northwestern University at
4 o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium. I~ he Wolverine affirmative team will ar-
gue against the Northwestern nega ve trio onl the unemployment insur-
ance question. The debate tonight is the twenty-fifth annual contest be-
tween Chicago and Northwestern uni-


,rrhI ory
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F . you have taken advantage of your college training-if you have made the most of the
opportunity presented through your various associations in school, you have become
inspired with certain fixed ideals and definite ambitions. Your aim is high. You are
,anxious, for progress anda growth. You wish to become a credit to yourself and your family.
Y'ou want to become a leader and es- centrated into an intensive one-year
tablish a reputation for yourself in the training course. Babson Institute, an
,field sol have selected for your life's e'ndow'ed educational institution, is con-
work., Have you chosen business? If , ducted for' the purpose of training
so, and if you seek leadership in the young men who are to occupy posi-
comimerzial world - here are facts tions of responsibility and trust.
worthy of. your deepest consideration. Th
The principles of leadership in busi-Laoa ryM t d
ness are not many in number. They are Since it is the purpose of the Babson + ,
not hard to grasp. Yct less than two Institute Course to train men for busi-
Wien in one hund;red ever learn them. ness, all work and all study is con- ' QI
The two chief reasons for this fail- dlucted in the same manner as work is FTRAN G
ure are: (1) -.lack of an all-'round conducted in any regularly established O
business experience. (2) -the diffi- business house. For instance, there are BUSINESS ;
culty of drawing sound conclusions regular office hours not merely school lEDERSip
from the relatively few experiences hours. Lessons and 'reports are dic-
that any on, person canr have. tated b h tdn si hfie
ntwritten. Thus the student aqie ""
A Study of Leaders a mastery of business English and the i
Through your studies thus far you ability to transform quickly his j
have created for yourself a substantial thoughts into definite form.ff
background-a foundation upon which Techng.sY" f..
yoocau buldhih.bhynotusd ihi..gh....Wh.....n............................................................................
foundation in the largest possible way? Classes are conducted on the confer-
If you are truly ambitious for steady ence plan. The teachers, or directors as
and permanent progress, it will be well they are more properly called,. are ex-
for you - in addition to your under- perienced business men, successful in
graduate work to consider the .advisa- their own line. Factory inspection trips
bility of special training whkich will cut are not long distance walking matches,
off years of apprenticeship in the busi- but personally conducted tours by ex-
ness world. This training is available perts in that particular industry. The
at the Babson Institute-an education- problems discussed are :present-day
al institution organized under the laws ones and are drawn from actual experi- Send for
of Massachusetts not for profit. ence. They are the same problems on
Every man who hopes to be a leader which over 17,000 of America's keenest ths B o lt
in the business world needs special executives are seeking aid and solution t i o k e
training-a training that can be had from the largest organization of busi-
only from actual experience. A study ness advisers in the world. The stu- .'Training for Business Leader-
of the successful business men of dent at Babso- Institute works on ship." It describes the courses
toda shws heyare hos wh hae atualcass -ot ypotetial ob- in etail, and gives comp~lete in-
toa hw hyaetoewohv- ata ae o yohtclprob formation of the facilities: of
(I) --a fundamental knowledge of busi- lems - and consequently he develops Babson Institute. You will learn
ness. principles; (2)-a faculty for the the business mran's point of view. of theracical methods peculiar
pracica appicaionof teseprinipls .to this institution by which men
to dilybusiess thee prnciles usiessare fitted without loss of time
todalybuinsslie.usnCslincs for executive positions. No
These tried and proven principles,this The student at the Babson Institute obligation.
gift for application may now be yours. learns to do the things he will be expect-
The B sines ofed to do in business by constant contact
with actual business procedure. He par-,
Learnin uin L Iess ticipates in the clinic itistead of sitting in ;UEEUUUUEUUUUUUEUUWS ®sl ..M
aclass. The training covers the fcur ma- : Babson Institute
The specialists of the Babson Insti- jor divisions of business, Manufactur-,: 350 Washinn Street
tute have spent years in business re- ing and Production, Financing, Distribu- ; WeecyWOl, a
search, laboratory work, and the study tion and Marketing, and Management. Send me. without charge, "Training
of te lvesof sccesfu me. Thy I yo areanxousforachivemntif, for Business Leadership'and fuU par.
of te lvesof uccesfu me. T ey f yo ar aniou foracheve ent if titulars about the Babson Institute,
have arrived at the fundamentals which by inheritance or initiative, you seem
every one must have to achieve leader- dostined to become one of our leaders :
ship in business. These vitally impor- of business, send for particulars a Name ....,..f"««,"a,
tant facts have been put together in about this training and its unusual
clear, understandable form and con- teaching methods. ~

e _ __ ______ __ v uesasv vMaus, t a .vass - _.e


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