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January 19, 1923 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-19

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.._- .

Published every'morning except Monday
during the University yjrar by the Board in
Centrol of Studewt Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial

flection in this matter, and for, at
least, arranging a tentative schedule
of courises. If this is done much dis-
contentment which is a natural ac-
companiment of a hastily arrived at
selection may be obviated.
-Naturally, there is 'always the stu-
dent who picks out courses on the
strength of their past reputation for
being easy. With him a 2 o'clockt

The Associated Press is exclusively en or an o'clock class is something to
titled to the, use for republication of all be avoided. Nothing that is said in
news dispatches credited to it or not other
wise credited in this paper and the local those columns or elsewhere is likely
news published therein. to influence him in the matter. But
athis type of student is not so numer-
~Enteredl at the postoflice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. ous as might be supposed.
Subscription by carrier or mail, $3.50. Students are required to hand in
offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street. their choice of electives for next se-
Phones: editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi-mester sometime during the second
ness. X60.
nynl o anrintinn Az thii tha


The E-Egoogles
In a spot on the Campus,
No one knows it quite well-
In a spot bleak and dreary,
There the E-Egoogles dwell.
In a pot and a caldron,
They, the Finals will brew,
Deep questions and problems
The leering E-Egoogles review.
Soon these Finals shall come,
And soon they will go,
Those who will flunk out-
Just the E-Egoogles know.
In that spot on the Campus,
And I think I know where-
The Prof's head, from the eyes u
The E-Egoogles are there.




Editor, The MichigannDaily:p t
As I daily frequent the precincts
of our Union, one thing always comes
to my attention as being a particular
eye-sore. The periodical room which
is possibly the most frequented part
of the entire building with the per-
haps exception of the tap room is in
a perpetual state of disorder. The
papers and magazines are never on
the racks which are provided for
ther. What is more, it is almost im-
possible to find such papers when
one wants them. We find them strewn
all over the floor, half torn.
It appears to me that if the Union
has zany pride in the appearance of its
building, it ought to see that this state
of affairs is not allowed to continue
for it certainly detracts from the ap-
pearance of the place. Why can't the
Union see that such disorder is stop-
tp ped' J. P. E.


H-F45X'A N S 0 NG I






Communications not to exceed soo words1
if signed, the signature not necessarily to
appear in print, but as an evidence of faith,
and notices of events -will be published in
The Daily at the discretion of the Editor, if
lift at or mailed to The Daily office. Un-
signed communications will receive no con-
sideration. No manuscript will be returned
unless the writer encloses postage. The Daily
does not necessarily endorse the sentiments
expressed in the communicatioas.
Telephones 2414 and 176-31

week of examinations. t MIs 1s e
case, an early perusal of the cata-
logue coupled with some serious
thought might mean the difference be-
tween a well rounded course and five
or ;six subjects selected at random
without regard to temporary or per-
manent value.

here form difficult reading at best.
But the commission Plans to go fur-
ther than merely to establish uniform-
ity in the written language. It con-
templates a campaign to make the
two nations speak alike. The Yor-
shireman, the London cockney, the
Pittsburgher, and the Yankee, for-
sooth, are to be indistinguishable, u,
far as their conversation goes. The
southern cracker, the middle westernj
farmer, the Welshman, and the Scots-{
man, are to use the same words in the
same way.
Knowledge and education work mir-
acles, but even to these there is a
limit. "It is me" has thrived on learn-j
ed antagonism, and even so scholarly
a man as Woodrow Wilhon had been
compelled to adopt it. The growing
apart, in conversation, of England and
America. like the same movement int

Schedule in Uffect October V,. 1922
Central T:e (Sfw i:-e)
I3 X X D
A-W NM P.Myf. P.MN
345 7:45 ... . drian .... ?:45 8:45y
1.15 ...5 ecumnseh ... 12:1 5 8:, v
1:3r )8:30 ....Cntun ..1.:. 2oo 8:0(,
5:15 9:15 .... Saline .... t:15 7:15
5 I594S Ar Ann A~rbor 1.v. 10:45 6:45
(Court: 1Io:e Square) A. M.
D- Daily. X -i)aly except Sundays
and folidays. Friday and Saturday specie
;us for students leaves Adrian 1:45. leave-
Atn Arbor 4:45,
JAMES 11 ELLIOTT, Proprietor
.On 026-M Adrian, Mich


buys a brand
new Corona
portable type-
writer. Other makes
at attractive prices.
See usbefore you buy.


Of the entire O. Mega family, the
most beloved is the only daughter, i
Coedde. Her friends call her Coe,1


.because every day in every way she
News Editor..............Paul Watzel grows brighter and brighter. - She is
City Edito .........James B. Youngiie
Assistant CityEd.itor......... arion kerr indeed a girl of charm. The men are
lEditorial Board Chairman.......E. R. Meiss always anxious to take her to dances,
Nigt Byitres Harry Hoey especially to hear her relate to them
L J. llershdorfer R. C. Moriarty how nice and clever her other male
H. A. Donahue J. E..... McPke friends are. And while she is dancing
Womei's Editor..............Marion Koch to the tune of "Hot Lips" she humst
Conference Editor............11i. B. Grundy
rectorial Editor .... .Robert rTarr snatches of opera in her appreciative4
Music Editor......... ......E. H. Ailes partner's ear, or recites bits of Walt
Editorial Board Wimnscoc oty
Lowell Kerr Maurice Berman Whitman's choice poetry.
Eugene Carmichael In the class room Coe sits in the
Assistants front seat, where she assumes the
Thel A ndrews Ronad Hiorn pose of a society debutante pGsing for
Stanley M. Baxter Franklin D Hepburn the Sunday papers. She sometimes
Dorothy Bennetts Winona A. Hibbard
Sidney Bielfield Edward J. Higgins (accidentally, of course) winks at the
R. A. Billington Eslizabeth Liebermrann instructor always laughs at his joke
helen Brown John McGinnis
H1. C. Clark SAmuel Moore and makes it a daily practice to tell
A. Brd ttConnable . . Raierty him after each class how much good
Evelyn I. Coughlin Robert G. Ramsay she is getting out of his course. In-
Wallace F. Elliott Campbell Robertson
Joseph Epstein J.W.Ruwitch cidentally. Coe has a flock of A's to
Maxwell'Fead Sol J. Schnitz her credit. Her sorority sisters are
T. E. Fiske W. II. Stoneman
A. P. Webbink Frederic C. Telmos proud of Coe, for whether it be at a
teGariGosp e ip M. Wagner house party, the Hop, or during
BUSINESSSTAod d"rushing week", she is always the
Telephone 960 leading fun-maker. She is especially!
adnired on the campus for her wit,
BUSINESS MANAGER her humour receiving public recogni-
ALBERT J. PARKER tion when she made the slogan, "'It
Advertising..............John J. Hamel, Jr.may be punch, but it has a kick,"
Advertising............. . .Edward..'Conlin popular at every affair she attended.
Advertising...............Walter K. Scherer CUe says we should be commend-
Copywvriting..............David J. 'M. tari<
Accounts..............Lawrence H. Favrot ed for our ingenuity in being the
C'ircu.at.ion .................. owrnsend ii. Wallefirtpbiaintescr hsecl
ivbication ..............L. Beaumont Parks first puiblication to secure this exclu.
Assistants sive picture of her.
Kenneth Seick Allan S. Morton "_ _
J .Xfl1 nrOknnd nm7A 4,


* * * i
Hope Springs Eternal EDITORIAL COMMENT
How do they get dates?-Got the girl
all picked out-'fraid she hasn't
picked me out though--doubt if she (Ohio Univ. Green & White)
Another semepter will soon draw to
even knows I sit behind her-Oh, well a close. Its termination will be ob-
can't hope for everything-See her served by varying reactions on the
part of different students. To some


1 '

twice a week anyway-Oh, well-
Hope she flunks Soc, too-An' then
repeats it-an' then maybe--Who
knows?-gets into my section-If s
does maybe i'll be seen by her-A
maybe get a date-maybe.
* * *
She-I have some wonderful ne
He-How much a quart?
* * *

I 111 l kl.G,
Ho it will mean the triumphant close ofi
-Ho I different s+
an extremely profitable period : of been goin
study. There are those who will give continue f
their sigh of relief and whoop of joy War and
because the final examinations are mission"
she over. And, let us not forget the flunk- as two o
ers, that class of students who will
i not have weathered the gale, son r Iof dimpast.
them will have failed ignominiously
because they did not try and others 19)3
who will not give up the =ship until
. the fight is over and they have given Q
all they have. Those who flunk out 21 22
should not be discouraged. Instead 28 29
they should awaken, return to the We d
. . and R
University at their earliest opportu- lowR
nity and show their fellow students
that they can really do what they FACT
I failed or neglected to do before. 617 ,a
The most serious problem of all,
f (however, is that of discouraged and
homesick Freshmen, who, though
they are making reasonably good
grades and getting along pretty well,

"A friend in NEED is a
Is a point that's often in
But I prefer the kind o1
That needs but little a

T friend

ections of each country, has
a on for centuries, and will
or centuries after the Great
the "Language Fixing Coin-
shall have sunk into history
f the greatest jests of the
1 2 3 4 5 6
9 A 1) 11 12 13
23 21t 25 26 27
9 80 31
do all kinds of Cleaning
eblocking of hats at
prices for HIGH CLASS
ckard Street Phone 1792
(I c -

howelisnb .le
w -
L N tI GHr
I = PH ONE 87
i nU


Contributiuns, contributions.
* * *


Pery A. Hayden
Eugene L. Dunne
Wni. Graulich, Jr.
John C. faskin.
C. T,. Putnam
E. 1). Armantrout
Herbert W. Cooper
Wallace Flower
Wil i fReid. Jr.
Harol1 L. Hale
Wm. D. Roesser

fae ,. fer
Wni II, Goad I
Clyde L. Hagerman
Henry Freud
Herbert P. Bostick
D. L. Pierce
Clayton Purdy
J. B. Sanzenbacher
Clifford Mitts
Ralph LIewright
Philip Newall


Jpst one week remains for juniors
and seniors in the literary college to
decide whether or not they desire
their final examinations to be taken
under the honor system. Because of
the apparent lack of any fixed stand-
ards of conducting examinations atI
present, it is deemed imperative to as-
certain to what extent the honor sys-j
tem will be responsive to public opin-!
ion. Seemingly, the only manner in1
which this can be done is through the
co-pperation of the faculty in taking
a vote . on it, especially in coursesj
open only to upper-classmen.
Because a class does not on its own
initiative hand in a signed petitionI
to the professor asking for the honor
system is not necessarily indicative
of the fact that a majority of students
in the class do not want it. It may
merely mean that no one student orf
group of students has sufficient time1
or i, enough inspired to get up a pe-
tition and circulate it around theI
class. If the professor were to take
an oral or written vote as to how the
class wanted the examination con-j
ducted be might find a good many, if
not a majority, in favor of the honor
To install the honor system in the
literary college unless it were sub-
servient to student opinon would be
a nistak e. But the laxity of the pres-
ent method of handling examinations
is the strongest argument for giving
this system a fair trial. The faculty
may play its part in seeing to it that
every upper-classman who wants an
honor examination is able to get one.
One criticism of the modern uni-
versity is that the student is givenj
too much leeway in selecting his
courses. But if he goes about this
task conscientiously in an effort to
take the subjects which will best pre-
pare him for his life's work and help
him to secure the fund of generalI

As archaic theories in regard to the
various sciences have been replaced
by new ones, so have former theories
of education been superseded by more
modern and up-to-date ideas. No long-
er is education regarded as a process
which stops when the individual
leaves school, 'but one which is con-
tinous and unending as long as there
is life. Students in the University who
are intent on entering the business
or professional worlds, particularly
the latter as it requires special train-
ing, will do well to take cognizance
of this fact.
Many of the leading doctors of the
country go abroad every five or six
years to familiarize themselves with1
the latest developments in the medi-I
cal profession from a foreign stand-
point. Able lawyers and successful
jprofessional men in general continue
their thirst for knowledge long after
they have departed from the scholar-i
ly atmosphere which pervades our
institnions of learning. One way in
which this is done is by reading the
more progressive magazines whichI
cover the particular field of endeavorI
the individual is folloiwng.
On the other hand there are count-
less men who think that their periodI
of acquiring new information ends
when they receive their diplomas. For
a while they may be successful. But
soon others with new ideas enter the
field, and those who have nothing to
learn are relegated to the back-
ground. Unless there is a re-awaken-j
ing they are apt to become hopeless
old fogies.
Among the graduates of the Uni-
versity every year are hundreds of
students who have prepared to enter
1-ln vr ious rinf'nns. -i-ne. goo.,

IT is a strange thing how some guys I do not find university life to be the
get the reputation of elysium of their dreams. It must be
Being bolshevists, for instance (ex- considered that this is their first ab-
ample, what you will) take that sence from home in many cases. They
Professor who is most often refer- have found, perhaps, that mother's
red to, as a radical, a bolshevist, cooking back home will put to shame
whose house is spoken of in bated the round of spuds in a boarding club
breath as a hotbed of anarchy, or the ill-cooked .but high-priced
nihilism AND so on. dishes of the restaurant. We cannot
Radical hell! blame them for misising the soothing
The poor guy is so old fashioned he comforts of the old habitation, the
hasn't even got a coaster brake solace of their old friendships; and
on his amid the trials and jolts that inev-
Bicycle. itably attend a college education, es-
PEREgrine Pickled pecially at the beginning when they
* * * hurt most, we cannot express surprise
Then and Now I at the lonesomeness of an unknown
In days of old when knights were bold, Freshman who comes to the campus
Ond ladies still were modest, without a companion to whom he can
They lived in castles made of stone, unburden himself and his troubles.
! With customs of the oddest. For troubles we all have, whether
They didi't know the luxury we are Freshmen or upper-classmen.
Of sweet tobacco's solace- But friendship helps a great deal to
But they could fill their mugs with lessen the burden of our griefs. It
wine, was Francis Bacon who said "A
Those men who came before us. friend increaseth joys and -cutteth
griefs in twain." So, disappointments
They didn't have our motor cars are doubled for the Freshmen because
Or railroad trains to ride 'em; they have no one to counsel and ad-
But they could know the warmth of vise them.
i mead As the year goes on, however, they
Or golden ale inside 'em. make acquaintances and the campus
Oh happy were those men of yore, becomes a home to them. They find
And happy their condition, that the place they thought so cold
Who didn't know the curse of thirst, and uninteresting has taken on new
Nor heard of Prohibition. life for them. They develop new in-
-mr. terests and their enthusiasm for their
* * *jIcollege work grows. It doesn't take
Contributions, contributions. long to find out that 0. U. is a "great
* *old" place. With the return of the
ONE day sunshine of spring will come the sun-
I SAW a shine into their own lives.
SIGN in a If disappointed Freshmen allowed
WINDOW that said, themselves to leave the University
FLORENCE 3. SHOVE halls now, they would gain an un-
OSTEOPATH true impression of university life and
DAY by day would have received too little training
IN every way to do them any appreciable amount of
THEY get good. They should stick by their
RUFER and rufer. guns.
*" *__ _ __ __ _

w a s 3

nae ouMichig .isT ea cx-d First it is cold and freezes. FIGHTING WINDMILLS
name of Michigan is to a certainex-
tent in their hands. They cannot af- Then it i warm and th (Cornell Sun)
ford to regulate their careers in ac- Th td The appointment of a committee of
cordance with ancient methods of ed- Thet i cold. English and American scholars to lay
ucation. Modern society has no place down rules whereby the speech of the
femur. two nations shall be determined is a
for - the man who will not continue
to learn. '"" : tacit admission that the United States
and the Mother Country no longer
The archaeological department is I speak the same language. The group
backing the state in its effort to re- -has not even a name yet, nor has it
strict digging up ancient relics to formulated a program. It includes,
properly authorized officers. Anyone however, such men as Lord Balfour,
who is enough interested in what may ;' Robert Bridges, and Henry Newbold
be found to buy a shovel should be in England, and throe of eminent lit-
welcome to whatever so-called relics TO EET TI rNING and edcationaltuthrteson
he may discover.-this ,Ode of the Atlantic to represent
I - - __America. Assuming that the commit-
Twenty-two persons who are now
It is reommended that in addition on the Mid-West debate squad will tee is i carnest, there is every rea-
to the vast number of administrative give six minute speeches on any of son to believe that what can be ac-
and executive officers instrumental in -!.he phases of the question to be used .1corplished by any group of men, will
I manririithe 1T-Hon nssible n. h o nen,-r jthis ver at ot 'cocktomorrow morn--. be done.

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