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October 19, 1923 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-19

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F3RIDAY, OCTOBE~R 19, 1923




Receives Three IirI~wr DEAN TO ENTERTAIN
Decorations For tIIS I111LL UB l -V FRESHMEN A T T E A
Work In Greece M1JS NEW MEMBERSfAl freshmen women are invited to
n fan tLUo J ]in c I i i frLUm UdLto p~

Many new-features are being plan-
ned to make the third annual inter-
church and Women's ,league bazaar
which is to be held on Dec. 7 and 8, in
a. Barbour gymnasium, larger and more
Aunique than it has ever; been, accord-
*.ing to Katherine Woodw~ard, '24, gen-
Seral chairman of the affair. This is
the largest and most important pro-
' ject that the women 'will give during
Sthe year for the benefit of the Uni-
.~versity of Michigan League 'building
~iChairmen for the committees have
-been appointed a0 follows: Virginia
Rice, '24, marking; Margaret Dixon,.
'26, articles; Margaret Peet, '25, tea:
>room; Lila ReynoIds, '24, and Mildred
Packard, '24, rarrangements and sup-
plies; Betty Slote, '25, sellers; Pamela
Brown, '24, placing articles; Edna
Kadow, '25, door schedule; Dorothy
Greenwal41d, '24, candy; Winona Hib-
bard, '24,, publicity; Adele Dreyer, '24,
Sadvertising; Ida J'enks, '24, flowers;
Patti Heller, '24, booths. Rosalind
Freund, '24,,is to be treasurer for the
All of the women of the campus are
Sworking together -to make the bazaar
z' and many of them have qready be-
gun to make the articles which are to1
be sold.{

Forty-one new members have been. this afternoon In Barbour gymnasium
admitted to the University Girls' GleeI by Dean Jean Hamilton and Miss Mar-
club as a result of recent tryouts. Miss
Maud Klyne s drectng he ativ ian Blood, assistant deans of women.
Maue Keye i drecin th ativ ISome of the freshmen may not have
1te ttecubti er received a personal invitation due to
Those who have been elected to the the fact that their cards were late in
club are: First sopranos, Frances crigt h ensof~,btte
~Adams, '26, S of M, Violet Bayle, '26,coigtthdensoiebt'hy
Rowena Benson, Eleanor Burdick, '24,aeivtdt tedte far
Isael ameon,'25 L~ett Coper In the receiving line will be : Mrs.E
26, Dorothy Coupton, '25, Hope Halla- onR figr r.Mrie ol
day, '24, Mary Jameson, '24, 'Ruth Jen- ey, Mrs. Hugh Cabot, -Mrs. Edward H.
nins, 26,Dorth Knpp 25,MiramKraus, Mrs. Marcus Ward, Mrs. A. S.
nig,'6 ooh np,'25 , i iWhitney, Miss Helen C, Bishop, Miss
Mansfiel, '25, Marian Munzroe, '2b, GU de Brock, Miss Zelma E. Clark,
Vivian Nafe, '26 8 ofM. Ethel Schr oed-
1 e Jaet endrbeg; 26E Vea Wll-Miss Jeanette Perry, Miss Blanche D.
erI ae edr~g,'6,Vr al Howell, and Dr. Margaret Bell, the
ington '26, Mrs. Edna Whitney' e ietro hyia dcto o
Second sopranos, Lucille Barthol- nwden tro.hyia dcaix o
omew, '25, S of M, Mary Brashear, '25, ____________________
Charlotte Howard, '24, Dorothy Kalm-
bach, '26, Ruth Morey, '25, Isabelle
Nicholas, '25.
First altos, Constance Clake, Jean- ,
nelte Emmons, S of M, Frances Gors- I
line, '26, Helen Johnson, '26, Alicia~
!Maier, Elizabeth McManus, '26, Helen
Jtsespec. Memnbers of the cabinets of the S.
Second altos, Frances Boring, '26, C. A. and Y. W. C. A. will hold a joint
Mary Haskell, '26, Eleanora lHawn, meeting at. 4 o'clock this after-
'26E, Louise Humphreys, Violet Pea- noon, at Newberry hall, instead of
cock, '26, Harriet Putnam, '24, S of S'aturday morning.
M, Dorothy Waldo, '26, Janet White, --
W, Claribel B'rown, '26. Tennis tournament participants are
warned that the third round of the
,4 * 11T 1' tournament must be played off by toc -


night. So far the only' score
turned in for the second sets is that
of Isabel Waterworth, '24. If the
scores are not posted by the allotted
time, one or the other of the oppon-
ents will be f'orced to default.
Berlin, Oct. 18.-The mark has fall-
en so fast that the government has to
use stencils on issues of smaller post-j
age stamps; stamps become obsolete
in a few days and dealers are buying
them in large quantities to sell to
stamp collectors.
!It's true efficiency to use Daily{
Classifieds.-Adv. I




N, Heland Calf
RitLAN-D CALr-a new
lethier imported from
Scotland -has a lustr &
sturdiness unmnatcht.
'Workt into the KILLY-
NESS it makes a shoe of
markt individuality for
the campus, class and
George Kyer



Alpha NuiHolds Weekly Meetag
Alphg Nu ,Debating society fheld, its
regular weekly meeting last night in
the Alpha Nu room on the fouirth flooir
of Univeity hall. Tihere was a de- I
bate on the single tax :as opposed toI
the present method of~ land taxation.Il
Several pledges gave short talks.
I 8trenToa
Arcade-*"Quicksands." -

Dr. Mabel Elliot
Dr. Mabtel Elliott, of Benton H~ar--
bor, has just returned home fo
Greece, where her work during the '
Smyrna disaster caused the Greek gov-'
erient to confer three decor'ations
upon her. They the the Silver Cross
of St. George, the Gold Cross of St.'
George, and the Greek Croix de Guer-'
re. Dr. Elliot is a graduate of the
Rush medcial ;school of Chicago.

Women to Hold Athletic Conferene
The national athletic conference of!
American college women will be held
At the U41iversity of California, .Berke-
ley, Calif., during the spring semester,E
fOr the purpose of discussing athletick
problems' in the different colleges.
News letter s have been sent to 40
western colleges emphasizing the fact
that they are to be the hostesses at
the conference, and are expected to, .
submit topics for discussion.
Uniiversity Senate to meet
SThe University Senate will convene
for important business at 4:30 o'clockd
Friday, Oct. 26, in the assembly hail of
the Union,.

.1,1r' 5, U'vrgfl.1 v . I
Exhibited At Tea
Works of the art section of the Fac-
ulty Women's club will be exhibited
for' the first time this year At the, tea
'to be held from 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock
this afternoon at the club house, 226
South Ingalls street.
Mrs. C. 'G. Parnall, Mrs. W. R.
Humphreys, and Mrs. C. J. Lyon will
assist AXrs. William Bishop, the host-
ess. All members of the club are in-
vited to attend, as this is the first of
a series of informal teas planned to
be held throughout the year. The
club house will open at 2 :30 o'clock
this afternoon.
Burton's Ree ption Withldrawn
The reception that was scheduled
for newspaper men. at 4 :30 o'clock
this afternoon at the home of
President Marion Burton has been
withdrawn from the program for th-e
University Press Conference of Mich
Patronize The 'Daily AdVertisers.

I1 -



For week end.
ments early.

Make appoint-

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Hair Shop

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.Majestic --- Corinne Gffith
"Received Payment."


Wuerth - Douglas3
Otjslfeum - "Her.
Path,;, with Ediia

MacLean in


We have modes that are chic-shape§ that are youth-

Stiige--ThU sWeek

ful- 'designs that are dignified.

F or real taiarl millinery

Carrick (Dtrait)-



"'Romeio nd


528 South Main

Read the Want Ads





. F1~
11111 .
x_11. 10 1 All
*[JmE'LLbe dressd right hen you rthmhiFal
outitifoume yourssel hteo rom t htshoin l
.An exhibit tnat embraces every new style tendency, many strictly
exclusive models, al sturdily tailored and handsomely finished.


On sale, to-day!
50 Smia rt JesyFok
Some, in the style illustrated, have linen collars and cuffs.
Some have pleated skirts. Others are trimmed with tucks.
Belts of leather or jersey. Black grosgrain ribbon ties.
In brown, navy, sand, taupe, copen and maroon. At-
tractive, serviceable dresses that will prove extremely use-
fkl. Sizes 16b to 44. Sensational values at this very low
price! l.

IY ,

to I


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