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October 19, 1923 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-19

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------------ i.- --


.... i .. 7 _

Published every morning except Monday
durirg the University year by the Board i
C(mtrol of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial

will bind the people of the world to-
getber into a far closer union than
the Lague of Nations has attempted
to do. That is idealism toobut, when
dealing in idealism, one may as well
go as far as possible.




1 -L

Mr. Jason Cowles,
The Michigan Daily.


6 1


n._"American audiences are the best I
My Dear Jason.
The Associated Press is exclusively en- concert audiences in the world." This
ditledctoesthe usetdt oi tfor orrepublicationofalnw
dpathes eited toit or not otherwi comes from the lips of Madame Ame- I note that you have been revising
credited in this paper and the local newo pub- lita Calli-Curci. And it seems that some of the old favorites of late. Why
fished therein. ,sm fteodfvrtso ae h
she, who has sung all over Europe stop with Charles Mills Gayley? I
Enterel at the posloffce at Ann Arbor, and America, ought to know. And
M4ichigan, as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $3.5o; by mail, doubtless many will be greatly sur- have a perfectly good suggestion for
$4.O' e: A prised to hear it, those who have the emendation of W. S. Gilbert. it
Offcecs: Ann Arbor Press Buildinganay-d ind

na 1 1r e .
Phons: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi-
ness, 96o.
Sigied comImunications, not exceelin 300
dsO will he vuhblished in Tile Daly at
the discretion of the Editor. Upon reqrest,
the iderliity of communicants will be re-
garded as confidential.
Tcleplhones, 2414 and 176-M
News 1 ditor..............Julian E. Mack
City Editor...................Harry -iLey
Editorial Board Chairman....R. C. Moriarty
Night Ed-tors
E H. Aies' A. B. Connable
R. A. Iilington T. E. F-iske
Harry C. Clark J. G. Garlinghouse
P.: M. Wagner
S ots Editor............Ralph N. Byers
Women's Fditcr...........Winona Iibbard
Telegrarph Editor....... ......... R. B. Tarr
Sunday Magazine Editor......F. L. Tilden
Music Editor... ...........Ruth A Nowell
Assistant City Editor. Kenneth C. Kellar
Editorial Board

Paul Einstein
l2. G. Baetcke
Marion Baflow
N. Berkmin
Helen I rOwn
lkrnad'te Co
G, . xvDavis
l . srld I h'licl
f',C. Fingerl
T. P. lenry
Dgrothy 'Kam
Toseph Kruger
Flirabe+h Tie
R. R. McGreg

Robert Ramsay
Andrew Propper
e, J. McGinnis
E. C. Mack
Verena Moran
te Regina Reichimann
S. A,. Smith
h W.11. Stoneman
e 3t. R. Stow
K. I;. Styer
in N. R. Thal
S. B. Tremble
herman W. J. Walmtour

or, Jr.

Telephone 960
Advertising .................E. L. Dunne
Advertising.............Perry M. Hayden
Advert sing +... ..........C. Pudy
Adver ising.................... W. Roesser
Advertising .... ........W. K. Schere
Acounts ................ C. W. Christie
Circulation .... ......Jno. Haskin
Publication...............Lawrence Pierce
Bennic Caplan Harold A. Marks
John Conlin Byron Parker
Alinm B. Crouch 5. A. Roinson
Louis . IDetr . M. Rockwell
roseph J. .Finn I1. E. Rose
r )avid A. Fox Will Weise
Lauren Haiht C. V. White
,' R .IHawkinson R. C. Winter
Edw. ID. loedemaker
The reasonable and invaluable in-
terpretation given to the existing
peace treaty by Count Albert Appon-
yi, who lectured in the Natural Science
auditorium Wednesday night, was an
expression of a beautiful idealism.-
Count Apponyi blames the powers that
framed the treaty for the one-sided
dictation of the pact, for the excess-
ively large reparations which were
asked, and for the general endanger-
ng of world peace. The general re-
duction of armaments in the defeated
countries is, he claims, a direct cause
for another war and, he points out,
the division of the conquered coun-
tries is a direct blow at democratic
government which should be based on
self determination. Finally he places
the responsibility for straightening
out the tangle on some impartal pow-
er and suggests for this position of
trust, the United States.
Several of the points brought out in
Count Apponyi's lecture are sound
and practicable. It is the duty of the
United States to aid in establishing
a firm foundation for world peace but,
at the same time, it is not to be ex-
pected that, however much the Unit-
ed States might enter into world pol-
itics, her voice would be of more in-
fluence than the voices of the several
great powers who are already in the
struggle. Nations are composed of
human ingredients and it would cer-
tainly be a far step toward a perfect
civilization if a victorious nation
would refrain from taking advantage
of its defeated sister. The amount of
the reparations may have been ex-
cessive, but, comparing the value of
the damages asked with those asked in
past wars, they do not seem to be
too great. Germany who has been
the loudest of the protestants against
the reparations has imported more
cotton in the last year than any other
European nation, even including Great
Britain, and her copper market in this
country is again assuming the big
proportions that it readhed before
the war. It is plainly evident that her

the rear of European culture. But viz.:
mind you, she says "concert audi- There are people on the campus(
ences", meaning that they appreciate so low down upon the scale-f
concerts more than do the Europeans. They never would be missed;r
That appreciation is a cultivated we've got 'em on the list- 1
thing. We have known that we are They don't stand in with us at c
literally and proverbially behind, and all; we just ring up "no
we' have struggled to make it up. We sale"-
are not unambitious in that line. We've got 'em on the list andr
But we are not equal in musicai they never will be missed?
knowledge or in musical achievement There's the guy that thinks yourf
to Europe. Europe has had that back office is a pretty place to park
of her for centuries. It is born into And hangs around from dewy
every new member of the race, while morn until it's getting dark; t
America has been growing away from And the one who won't removet
such influences. America is not yet his hat from his cephalict
inherently musical. 'bone,
But, on the other hand, says Mad- And the fish who reads your
ame Gallic-Curci, only the European letters and who listens whilet
knows and appreciates the opera and you phone;t
its possibilites. He wants the color Now folks, you, know a guy liket
and dramatic effects, and orchestral that oughtn't to exist;I
smashes that are found in opera. The He never would be missed, oh,I
quieter subtleties do not appeal. He he never would be missed! t
is more flamboyantly emotional. He Yours for freedom of
does not want his art so intimate. His speech (if not of the1
is a disinterested cultural view, press) %
It all resolves into the fact that -OKo.*
Madame Galli-Curci finds more of THE KEY TO TILI4Y BRYAN'SI
sympathy and intimacy in the Ameri- EVOLUTION
can concert audiences. For the same (The resemblance of the name Tilly
reason she likes the best and most Bryan to that of a well-known pub-
typical of American music. America licist is merely fortuitous. Mr. Bryan
looks for a personality, a feeling .of is a fictitious character, but repre-
friendship in a musician, which is ,to! sentative of a group of people who
be gained only in concert recitals. drive autonobiles, use the telephone,
Americans go not only for the music, own radio sets and play golf, yetc
as does Europe, but for all of mood have never caught up on the patentl
or appeal that can be gained from the facts of evolution.)
artist and the music together. Our forbears used to climb in
A IACK I OUR COLLEGES Ana -ang by tailsnamidthe breezeI
Living among college men irings Ad wear a skin of shaggy hairt
one to the conclusion that there is And lead a life absolved from e
a vital something lackng in our ed- care.
ucational system.
The colleges are bending their en- Now Bryan does not think with
ergies primarily to giving their stu- glee
dents knowledge, and still more know- A low-down Monkey is the Key
ledg. The colleges are making out To his exalted personage.
of their students able doctors, en- And endless chatt'ring persiflage.
gineers, chemists, lawyers, dentists;
but no one has undertaken the task Yes, Bryan thinks he's living drit,
of making "men" out of their students And made of matter quite' inert,
at the same time. Our educators and But Tilly is not made of clay,
the general public seem to have em- For his ancestors used' to bray.
braced the hazy notion that if suffi-
cient facts and technical'- training So Bryan lives in ecstacy:
were stuffed into our youth, then ly He thinks he knows his pedigree,
some strange unknown method they But Tilly is not made of clay,
would inevitably become .vkluable, For his ancestors dined on hay.
righteous, and publi-spirited citi-
zens. On this one point I say with glee
But has this hazy notion any real I'm sure a Donkey is the Key
basis i fact? After all, is there any To that exalted personage E
necessary relation between knowledge And endless braying persiflage.
and morality, right-doing, or whatev-'
ery one pleases to call it? It is true So Bryan never has evolved:
that education does give one an in- His evolution's not yet solved.
creased ability to distinguish bet(een Soon Tilly's bray will die away,
the right and the wrong, to discern But Evolution's here to stay.-
the good from the evil, but it does ARISTOPHANES.
not necessarily provide one with the
incentive and the will to follow the Mr. Aristophanes: We observe that
good and the right. Because one sees you call for light caps at' several
what is just and right, does it follow points in your manuscript. It is the
that one will do what is just and one great sorrow of our life that we
right? have not that variety of type at our
In whose sphere does it lie to pro- disposal. We are very sorry; and
vide the necessary incentive and will? have circumvented the difficulty to the
How shall it be done?, Can and ought best of, our ability.
it be done? Are questions demanding * * *
solution before this vital lack in our If You Mate Vulgarity, Stop Here-
educational, system can be remedied. Spitoons, Spitoons,
Gay, festive spitoons-
Spitoons with a past,
Spitoons with a future,

(The Boston Evening Transcript)
Governor Allen of Kansas talks like
a real governor. "If," he says, "I
were the governor of Pennsylvania
and 1300 bootleggers of Philadelphia
had sent me word that they did not in-
tend to obey the law of Pennsylvania,
the next morning Philadelphia would
be awakened by the reveille of a sol-
dier's bugle and that night she'd go to
bed at soldier's taps and every saloon
would wear a padlock." This means'
merely that if there is successful re-1
sistance to the civil law, the gover-
nor of a State, as the chief officer of
law enforcement, is empowered to
call the State's military forces to his
aid and is justified in doing so. In'
other words, neither Pennsylvania'
nor any other State which has legis-
lation providing for the enforcement!
of prohibition laws is warranted in
"passing the buck" on to the Federal
authority. There could not be a bet-
ter answer to Governor Pinchot's at-
tempt to blame President Coolidge for
the failure of prohibition enforcement
In Pennsylvania.
The Pennsylvania-Pinchot doctrine
is very d'fferent from the Kansas doc-
trine. It confesses helplessness en
the part of the State. Kensas has had
prohibition for forty-two years. Her
people believe in it. They are en-
forcing it, and have no disposition to
"lie down" on, the national authority.,
If Pennsylvan'a, having also a prohi-
bition law of its own, cannot enforce
it, the fact is an indication that the
people of Pennsylvania-have on their
statute books a law that they really,
do not want.
(The Penn State Collegian)
To the Editor:
A good many years ago Penn State
came into the possession of an Alma
Mater. Since then it has been an old
and cherished custom to s'ng thatl
Alma Mater at the close of every ath-
letic event. When the final whistle
has blown and the teams have given
their college yells, the students as of
one accord, arise, take off their hats
and sing those four, old verses.
In the early days, when this insti-
tution was an infant, and everyone at-
tending these games was directly int
terested in the games as a faculty
member or as a student, not a soul
atirre from his place till th las

ed leisure hours. We've got to
work to keep going."
* * *

h ave

K WED.and S-T.
The SELWYNS present
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Central ,Tine (Slow Time)
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gv.T"rre +'sn ... _.,, ,.s:_ , r . _. .. Ica. .-T.n "wn Mrvaia: n..+ris ++.,,,.,.a.oa


That should he one of the fe'v things
that a college education ought to
teach-how to spend leisure hours.
Education should arouse intellectual
curiosity and the intoelectually cur-
iou s person is never at loss for work
that, is both prolitaole and entertain-
Diily classified for real results.



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-_, .
[.: '..
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note of the Alma Mater died away.
Why should they? Was not that part
of the game?
As Penn State grew older, these
events began to draw strangers to our
gates from miles around. 'They could
not appreciate this final bit of rev-
erence, and as a result they left at the
close of the conflict. Year by year
this number has increased, but those
hurrying away were always uninter-
ested persons.
This year, however, it has been no-
ticeable that undergraduates are leav-
ing the games in a hurried, guilty man-
Now it has been said, over and over
again, that Penn State has:something
that other institutions lack. That
something is the real Penn State.
Let's not lose it.
Let's not have it said that Penn
State had spirit but as she grew larg-
er she lost it.
Let's guard it as "Bez" says, "in a
jealous manner.
(Signed) A Student.'
- King of Monies
Recent# Berlin police descended
on the cabarets and all night nestai-u
rants of that city and confiscated all
their foreign monies from tlhe revel-
lers. A French paper supplies the
list of these with comment. The raid
yielded 3120 dollars, 36 pounds ster-
ling, 173 florines, 1402 Tchek crowns,
475 Swiss francs, a few Scandinavian
crowns, and one ruble.
* * *
. In quality, as in valu,e the dollar
dominated. The dollar is king of
monies. Let us hope it does not be-
come king of men. But what was that
one poor ruble doing at the tail end
of the list?



Twenty-Five Years
Ago At Michigan

From the files of the IT. of 1. Paily,
October 19, 189$.1
The University received a most val-
uable historical gift from Edmund
Andrews, '49, of Chicago. It is a
bound manuscript history of his class
and contains 800 pages of biographyI
and pictures of the class, five of whose
members including the Hon. Thomas
Palmer are still living. It is expect-
ed that the surviving members will
hold the semi-centennial here next'

Melancholy eyed spitoons;
Little drab affairs.;
But some with queenly carriage
All snuggling complacently
In our Union.
Little spitoons, are you gay?
Do you feel the call of the wild
Or do you sit, just waiting
For some passerby to hurl
Unthinking expectorations upon
Come with me, little spitoons-
We will go together
And seek a quiet rendezvous.
Gay, sad, humble and gracious-
Little creatures of necessity.
* * *

Mr. Edison Again
Interviews from Thomas A.
always make good reading.


In his

Prof. Mortimer E. Cooley, chief en-
gineer of the Yosemite, has written
to friends that lie has also been made
chief engineer of the United States
steamer Yankee, a sister ship of the
Yosemite. Now that the peace com-'

Well, we told you it was vulgar. latest, Mr. Edison discusses the pre-
twelve cuspidors on one side of the diction recently made by Charles P.
tap room door, and fifteen on the oth- Steinmetz, .inventor, that electricity
er side. Very shiny. Anyway, . 27 eventually would reduce the working
cuspidors struck us as being quite day to four hours. With this opin-
a few, even for the Home of All Mich- ion, Mr. Edison agrees but he seems

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