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April 19, 1923 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-04-19

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AT3P, ,


The following Box Replies are at the HOUSE WANTED-I have a client

at the .Daly office: Jake, 12, BC,
M 'BA,18, PDU.

Classified Rates. Two cents a word
a day, paid in advance. Minimum
chage ifor first day, 25c. Minimum
thereafter, 20c. Tliee cents per word
per day if charged. White space
charged for at rate of five cents per
agate line. Classifieds, charged only
to those having phones.
Phone 960.
Smith Tire Repair
Oldest and most reliable place
to buy tires.I
Kelly Springfield Diamond Tires
given -out at Union, Thursday and
Friday, the 19 and 20, from 2 to 31
each day. 140-3
Hear the latest Brunswick Records-
Farewell Blues and Saw Mill Riverl
Road by Ishatn Jones' Orchestra at
the Stofflet Phono Shops. 142c
ceries, see Pierce's ad in the Wed-
nesday issue of The Daily. 125c-tf


who will buy a good, 8 or 9 room
house south of Hill street and east
of Forest. If you have such to sell,
please call me at once.
F. Roy Holmes, Realtor, 113 S. Main
WANTED-At University Hospital
two students for wall washing, also
one for ice pulling. 35c per hour.
Apply Housekeeping Office.
a 142-3"
WANTED-Student washing and iron-
ing, work ,guaranteed. Mrs. Pem-
burton 540 Detroit St. Phone 3105-
M. 142-3

TYPEWRITERS of standard makes
hold, rented, exchanged, bought,
cleaned and repaired. 0. D. Mor-
rill, 17 Nickels Arcade. Phonel
1718. 141c-3
WRITERS. Call Stacy R. Black,}
432 Thompson. Phone 1128-J. We
deliver. 141p-211
EXPERT Typewriter Repairing, alt1
makes. Ann Arbor Tyewrit'r Ex-
change. Phone 866. 9 Savings Bank
Block. 123c-tf
GAGE EX-PRESS. 100c-211

LOST-Gold Wahl fountain ;pen, vith
initials E. J. W., Mar. 30 either in.
Hill auditorium, or between -Memor-'
ial hall, Tappan hall, or Hill audi-
torium. Cal 1314-W. Reward.
LOST--Gold Waltham watch on
Michigan Central train between
Jackioi and Ann Arbor .Tuesday
morning.. -Reward for return. Call'
104, Klein. 142p-2,
SLST-Wednesday afternoon "M"
watch .fob, .with name C. 19. Enzen-
roth, on or near campus. Valued as
1}eepsake. Reward when returned.
to 635 Tappan Ave. 142p-3
LOST-Brown leather suitcase, on
Michigan Central Train. Finder
please return to R. Price 1137 Mich-
igan Ave. 141p-2
IOST-A Pearl and an Amethyst rinL
JD AIlrary third floor wash room 644
ast University or, call 2445-R. Re-
ward. 142-5
LOST-Pair shell spectacles,.case: A.
J. Cross, & Co.,; New York. J.: P.
Barnes, 115 Park Terrace. Phone.
75-J. 142p-3
I4QST-Pair ladies long black kid
, gl ves Sunday April 15 in Majestic.-
C1 1 8 _W. . .42p-2
IOST-Fur neckpiece in Natural
Science auditorium at 2 o'clock
Tuesday. Phone 663-W. 142p1
J4QST-Brown traveling bag, initials
F. .R, on:train 41, car 963. Cali
3127-J. 142p
* LOST-About week ago, Collie, light
brown, and white. Phone 2716. Re-
ward. 142p-2
LOST-The press in my trousers.
Found at Greene's. Call.1449-M.
LOST-Gold penai' with initials M.
K. Please call 1325. 142p-2
For Fine Homes on Easy Terms
On Woodside (Buell lots) 85x140.
$3000 ea.
On Devonshire Rd. near Washten-
aw and Austin Avenues, 87x230, $3800.
Brockman Blvd., near Washtenaw,
85x206, $4000.
Also large building places on Hill
100 ft front on Ferdon Rd. partly
wooded, $4500.
Two Brookland Ave. lots at $2400
We believe these to be the best lots
for the money in Granger & Bixby's
L. D. Carr & C. J. Tremmel
17 Sav. Bk. Bldg. Ph. 441-F-1

WANTED-Student desk. E. F. Card-
well. 1617. Washtenaw. Phone
' 1016. 140p-5
WANTED-'Family and Student wash-
ings. Will call for and deliver.
1653-W. 141-3
WANTED-4 or 5 room furnished
apartment for May 1. Box 12.
WANTED-Two students to work for
board in fraternity kitchen. Call
1525-M. 142
-WANTED--To rent a private garage.
Phone 1097-R 141p-3
WANTED-A Tuxedo. Size 40 or 42.
Phone 2950-J. j- 141p
FOR SALE-Fine residence for room-
ers or for professional or business
man.. Near campus in best loca-
tion in the city. Will let the fur-
' iture, rugs, curtains, and furnish-
ings of second and third floors go
with the house. Inquire J. W. Dwyer
508 First Nat'l Bank. 139c-6
FOR SALE--Exceptionally good home.
Strictly modern. Garage. Near
cam ppus and high school. Can be
had for easy down payment.
Michigan Real Estate Co.
217 S. Main
Phones: Office 646. Res. 2813-J-
2522-R-71-W. 142c-2
FOR SALE-Beautiful new seven
room house and garage. Steam heat
and other modern improvements. In-
quire 1211 West Washington St.,
owner. 141p-2
FOR SALE-Medium size ice box.
Great bargain. Call 1204 Hill St.
any morning between 9 and 114and
afternoon between 2 and 4. 142-3
FOR SALE-18 foot Old Town Canoe.
First class condition. Phone 1940
until 4:30 or 7118-F5 after 4:30.
FOR SALE-Mahogany upright Piano,
#excellent condition. Dey Studio.
FOR SALE-Tenor Banjo in first class
shape. Suitable for light work. Call
1039-W. 142p-3
FOR SALE-Woman's blue suit, size
34; Man's grey topcoat, size 37.
1560-W. 140p-21
FOR SALE-Bungalow on Olivia Ave.
For particulars phone 1278-R.
FOR SALE-Two M4ay Festival Cou-
pons. Call 2100-M. 141p-2
FOR RENT-For summer furnished
apartment in Cambridge, tennu
utes walk from Harvard college.
For further information telephone
1661 in the evening. 142p-3
FOR RENT-First floor front rpom
for one or two students . Private
family. 209tObservatory
DO YOU KNOW we have the most
completely equipped plant in the
country for the Repairing, Refinish-
ing and Upholstering of furniture?
Phone 381-W. P. B. HARDING.

(Continued from Page 'Six)
in the circuit and lose- to the weakest
crews all because of the fact that she
has gottcn hold of a crowd of left
handers who can be figured to trouble
Detroit, St. Louis, and New York es-
Although most of the critics in the
country figure the way that Fullerton
likes to, other reliable forecasters
seem to think that Detroit and ,the
Yanks are more than equal to Sis-
ler's crew. Both the 'rygers and the
Yanks have teams that are likely to
do most anything.a If Cobb can keep
his hard hitting bunch of stars going
at top speed there is no team that can
stop them. Last year every man who
has a regular Tyger berth this year
was a prize'slugger. The critics 'seem
to think that there are not -mzore than
two or three pitchers who, without
a lot of luck, can hold tem.
New Yorks American league team
is regarded as a very possible retainer
of her pennant. The galaxy of veter-
ans that performed last year is intact
and this year, supplemented by several
new additions to the squad the team
is just about all that money can bu j-
The magntes who control the Yanks
iever have been the least bit stingy
*bout buying players and if it pays
them as well th's year as .it did last
the Browns and Tygers can afford to
get rid of some their confidence.
Seek Students for Positions
Representatives of the American
Steel Foundries were in Ann Arbor
yesterday interviewing a number of
prospective employees who are at
present seniors in the engineering
The men employed will be given a
short course of training in the coin-
panty's plants, following which they
will be placed in regular operating
or sales positions with the concern.

Tryouts are called for the All-cam-
pus rile tournament to be fired off the
first week in May. Four teams willj
ALL SECTIONS TO HAVE MEN IN-icompete, and the winning team, con-
ANN ARBOR*OR sisting or five men, will receive nm-
I T, erals. Men wishing to try out for the
!All-senior team, see W. E. Smith at
E the rifle range, room 330, wEngineeing
Plans are being instituted to make1 building, either on ThEursdaynght or
the 23rd annual Michigan interschol- Saturday morning. Juniors report to
astic track and field meet which is K. S. Anderson, phone 1899; soplho-
to be held May 18-19 on Ferry field mores to George Whitworth, phone
the biggest and most successful af- 319; and freshmien to Robert Janme,
fair of this kind that has ever been !phone 1070-M.
held in Ann Arbor.-
Invitations have been tendered to Register today if yon want to v0te.
more than 100 schools and the num-
ber of entries for the annual classic l)on't fail to register today.
is expected to be far greater than
ever before.
In the past the meet has been con- AN 0PEN IJETTER
sidered a sectional affair but this no To the Merbers of the University
longer holds good as nearly every see- Faculties:
tion of the United States will be rep- There are a large number of -Uni-
resented in the event this season. versity Professors and Instructors
Parkersburg,"W. Va., high school anxious to procure homes the present
will probably send a strong team to year who have applied to the under-
the meet as they have entered men signed for loans to aid them in their
for the last three years. Terra Haute, construction.
Ind., Wiley high school, La Grange, Last year we assisted in putting up
Ill., high -school, and Clearfield;,Pa. dwellings to the extent of over $100,-
high schoolare also expected to enter 000-mostly to university men. This
ctar year we have already accepted appli-
teams that will bid high toward c torfr-oisaonin onal
rying home the huge cup which will! 100,000, but this sum will hardlyac-
be awarded to the school winning the conimodate one-half of those who
meet. want to build. We are turning appli-
Several special events will prob- cants away almost daily for want of
ably be held for men entered from funds to assist them.
military academies and similar insti- If the men on the campus who
tutions. have money at their disposal would
come to the rescue of those less fav-
ored and place their monfey with us
Big Fresh D ia ond the problem would readily be solved.
Squad For M ather This is a matter which should in-
terest everyone on the campus. These
applicants are co-workers with you,
Coach Mather reached -Ferry field many of them your personal friepnds,
Monday afternoon after traveling and it will cost you nothing to -help
across .state from Muskegon in time them. You willreceives'largey e-
to be greeted by more than 75 candi- turns ;for the use .of .your monay as
dates for the All-fresh baseball team. any legitimate, safe organization can
Infielders appeared In -great num-'pay, and the benefit you will confer
bers with battery men also plentiful. upon your co-workers and friends wil
Seveal itchrs f prp ad hih many times counter-balance any slight
Seveal itcersof pep nd ighgain you might have realized if you
school reputation and a few good placed your money elsewhere.
catching prospects are expected to You should not only come to their
produce some encouraging hurling immediate aid personally, but should
and receiving The coach, of course, use your influence with others who
prohibited the men from throwing may have funds at their disposai, to
anything but straight balls in order place the same with us for the fore-
that the kinks might be removed from going use.
the flinging machinery. The outfield- Our association does not make one
ers were split into squads and spent dollar by accepting investments. No
the afternoon chasing flies while the officer or dirctcr (except those em-
Infielders were kept busy with pep ployed in the office who devote their,
games. Coach Mather is desirous of I entire time doing the work), accepts
getting all prospeptive candidates out any pay for services rendered. The
to report in order that the entire association is merely the ineditm, ac-
squad may be organized. cepting money from the nvestor and
loaning it to those who wish to build
or acquire homes. The benefits go
Mi'itary Ball Men to pleat exclusively to the investors, to the
Members of the executive committee borrowers and in general to the entire
of the Military ball will hold their city of Ann Arbor.
final meeting' before the dance at 7 Will you respond to thos appeal,
o'clock tonight in room 302 of the and will you do it at once so as to
Union. A third orchestra will be accomplish the most good?
chosen at this time -and final arrange- Very truly yours,
mrents for the dapce willbe completed. H. H. HERBST, ,
Registi fHr spring elections today. HUON VALLEY BUILDING & SAV-
Don't fail fo register today. Ann Arbor Savings Bank Building.
tube good for 10 of the quickest,

Kentucky Egg and Lump

West Va. Egg and Lump

Pocahontas and Coke

Read Thle Daily "Classified", Column~



PHONES 81-F and 2207
Offce - ,Cornwell Block.

This Paint
Doesn't Cost You a Cent

It usn't given away; still it
seeow coap you auythlung


LOWE Brothers High
Standard Paint doesn't
cost you anything because
it waves you so much more
than it costs.
Good paint preserves your
bufldings, just like your
wi4e's canning preserves
In the old days, painting
was donA mostly for looks;
but people know today that
It makes buildings last

High Standard brings
1more lastingness than any
other paint we have ever
seen. It looks better as
long as it lasts, too.
It saves you money right
at the . start because it
spreads further; therefore
less paint is needed.
Come in and see the
sample panels and ask for





1 W. Washington

Ph n 353 F-


Register today if you want to
Don't fail TO registei- today.


_ _ - - .1

f.ra.. A

J " w W aV ?est shaves you've ever naau




M en

helped us give you quicker, better shaves




Small House near Forrest and not
far from campus, fine location. Built
/8 years, all modern, lot 33x132.
Price is $4700, $1000 down easy
terms. Mrs. Gustine, Phone 835-F1.
How much money
did you earn spring,
'vacation? Ask your
friends that sold
for Leader what profit they made last
week. Better still, come up and let
me show you the reports of the Ann
Arbor men that madefrom forty to
ninety dollar:s5in five days.
Tel. 3221-J 622 E. Liberty,
Across. from Spedding's
Clerks, Railway Mail, 18 upward. $133
month. Experience unnecessary.
For free particulars, write R. Ter-
ry (former Civil Service examiner)
1165 Barister Bldg. Washington, D.
C. 141p-2
... lfl . A rn n A Vf IT

A stitch in time saves nine . We mend
and repair every suit sent here te
be cleaned and pressed. White Swar
Cleaners, Phone 165. 139c-12
LOCKSMIH-All kinds of door and
trunk keys. Lawnmowers sharpened.
Phone 2498, Keeler. 1136 W.. Hur-
on. 140p-21
RUGS SHAMPOOED or Dust cleaned.
Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works.
Phone 50. 135c-tf
For Snappy Service at breakfast or
any other time, try R E X' S CLUB
LUNCH, where Toasted Rolls orig -
inated. 122c-tf
Kill two birds with one stone. Send
your laundry as well as your clean-
ing and pressing. ($1.25 per suit)
at the same time to the White Swan
Cleaners. Phone 165. 139c-12
CLEANING, $1.25-Pressing, 35 cents,
Laundry Agency. L. O. Clapp, 1119
S. University. 121c-21

Although we have been soap ex-
perts for 60 years, we didn't tackle
the job of giving you a better shav-
ing cream, until we had talked to;
1,000 men.
They told us what a shaving cream
should do-the things they wanted.
And then we worked for 18
months-made 130 careful experi-
ments--to perfect it. But-we suc-
ceeded in giving you a cream that
has five distinct excellencies.
Now all we ask is that you give
us a sporting chance to make your
shaving easier, quicker, more satis-.
factory. Just shave 10 times at our
Check us up on each, of these five
Palmolive Shaving Cream multi-

plies itself 250 times in rich lather.
And-this fine lather softens the
toughest, meanest beard in one
minute, without a lot of strenuous
The lather lasts for 10 minutes on
your face, if necessary.
Lather bubbles are strong-walled
-- holding hairs erect for easier
Blended of palm and olive oils,
the after-effect is soothing, lotion-
Test it free
Take the coupon, filled in, io any
dealer listed. Give the thing a trial,
You'll discover either-that here
is the -Man '0 War of all shaving
creams,,or that we have failed.


College Men
more than ever
are having their
Clothes Tailored
T hey )vant style that's
different - uncommon
-and a wide range of
fine wool fabrics to
choose from


and up


. Ic.


for suit tailored to orer
gives you what you want
-at a reasonabe price.



A 7V £ztnT)~vL+

.rnnnvF A R. MW O, hf1_

rT7.,.+ lpp v -P -y'!

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