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July 19, 1923 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1923-07-19

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f Championshi

III tieani :bUIBJUN
the general library has now on
:lbiton a collectign of bookpates,
ich fill the nine shoW cases in the
in oorridor, hich contains arm-
# 1ookpats, signed proofs of
tes designed by J. Ynfred Spence-
, plates designed by \yillian Edgar
her, a case of plates designed by
iis Rhead, t-he famos illustrator
chlfdren's books, plates of students
d others connected with the Univer-
y and bookplates of famous men,
;uding Anthony Trollope, Edmund
prence Stedman, Richard Le Galli-
ne, and Henry Irving.
?erhaps that which is of the most
al interest, is the case containing
okpates made by stulents and men
rnected with the University. A
okplate of Albert Mat Todd's, fam-
3 chemist and f1blitical economist,
ich was designed by Tiffany of New
rk, specimens of work by James
use, Jr., '24, one of which was
ade for Leo Lawrence Niedjieksli,
collector of first and limited edi-
an f modern authors.
the abookplate of the late M. Henri
gnaud, authority on early Amer-
n history, whose collection of Am-
cana ,--wvas recently acquired by
e Library, is also included.' Anoth-
interesting bookplate is that of
kin B. Q. Robinson, '24, designed by
anz Meier of Detroit, which is a
stch of the Michigan Vnion,.
T'here are also plates of well known
nerican institutions including the
rary of congress, Michigan state i
ary and the Harvard, Princeton and
,tmouth, libraries. This exhibit
11 remain in the .cases during the
Three reels of educational. motion
,tures will be shown in the audi-
-ium of. the Natural Science build-
g, this evening at 8 o'clock.
The first reel, "Beyond the Micro-
ipe," will be a scientific picture
owing the decomposition of Water
:o the two gases, hydrogen and
ygen; and how the gases burn and
sist combustion.
rhe other two reels will be pictures
description. The titles being, "Of
d New England," and "Of New Or-
Advies A. 0. If. War on Klan
Montreal, July 18.-(By A.P.)-The
Icient Order of Hiberians was urged
'oday's session of its convention to
age war on the Ku Klux;IKlan.
'es. James Deerey declared]1 that no
eater duty faced the order than ex-
sure of the Klan.'
"It is not Jews or Negroes or Cath-
cs who are in danger. It is the
nerican liberty," he asserted.
Find that lost pin through the clas
AI.V 4d" will find it fdr you.-Adv.

for this tallest building in Michigan.
SUDENTS 11111-1^Special guides will take the party
p tirough the entire building and will /
Sexplain the various functiolis, meth- n ni - r rn
LI ' VII :° Wi od. and pro lems lconnected with the Al U I' U U HR L L
_____ ank. .
Carlton Wells will conduct the Nams of persons desiring to make Indiancraft made at the University
this trp must be in the Summer ses-Fak
eighth excursion of the Summer ses- si n office y 6 o'clock Friday after- Fresh Air camp at Patterson lake un-
sion Saturday,- July 21,- "through the noon. der the direction of Chief Joe Don-
First National. bank building, Michi- I atus and his squaw are now on sale
gan's "Skyscraper", in Detroit, take Studeiit: Visit Cadillac Plant at Lane hall. -Jewel cases of birch-!
lunch in the bank's dining room, and A partly of 20 students under the di- bark, handbags, beaded moccasins,
in the after'noon the party will go ( rection of Carlton F. Wells, of the rhe-
down the Detroit river to Bo-Lo Isl- toric department,Cmade a tcor of In-
an.-spection of the Cadillac Motor coin=
pany in Detroit yeserday afternoon.
The bank building, which will be A hour and a half was spent in going
visited first, is a 25 story structure gt-s
including the roof view and the sub- hrouh the various depwartments un -
burgarroo f ad h nu' der the ilrection oftwo special coin
basement burglar-proof vaults which y guids.
Will' be visited. T O D AY-T '
It towers 312 feet above the street anythigTOsD AY""HJsVJ
above the street level and extends 3 quickly. -Adv
feet below . Seventy-four bell shaped ___________-A__.
concrete sh'rafts reaching do;n into Remember "Jimmie the adtaker's I
the earth 85 feet form the foundations nunber-960 -Adv.
- -
Today- r TJ s:- ~~rUi
John Gilbert in TConw'ay-Tearle in i~f 1
Stan Laur l in "TUE EGG" Conedy and Screen Snapshots.
Tri. -Sat- By the author of
"JUST LIKE A WMAN-" Fri.-Sat- a"The Covered Wagon"
With Marguerite DeLa Motte WOANm steM MATS. EVES.
Ralph Graves and Geo. Fawcett. 2 3 T31E W 3AN0A-ME ".
"PICK AND SFI;VEL" "A HOWLING SQuCES"," Century Comedy 25c 25-35c
Sun. Thru Tues.-
tar Barbara IaMarr in Sun. Thru Tues.-
in- C OaMENr' WIES" Nazin"ova in Ib~sen' "AU A -CL'SdHOUSE" -
I k Charlie Murray in "THE:PILL POl UNDR"- ull zirouta iiin " PNUREPRINCE : SUN DAY-- "Cbildr~ien ii

and kettles are some of the specie
of handwork by the boys. Thes<
tidles are embroidered with pc
pine quills or beaded in unique
Orders are also taken - for In
mocassins at Lane hall. All the
ceeds of the sale will go to the m
tenance of the camp.
Joe Donatus is a chief of the
tawa tribe and comes from Goodh
Michigan, the Ottawa Indian villa


Emerson Hough 's
Widely Read Nobel

Bobby Jones
He won a title and played the s
role in the playoff for that title. F
ighinmgin a deadlock witha tob Cruz

with I
David Torrence
4liee Calhoun
James Atorrison
of Jazz," The Paramount Spich

t go values cheap, thru
sifted columns.-Adv.


shank in the finals of the opentour-
-ney at Inwood the other day, Jone -
played the Scotchman to a stanstill
in the playoff and won by two strokes.
By largaret Stuart
The concert last evening given by ,
Grace Johnson Konold and Mrs. Em-
ma Fischer Cross, of the faculty in
the University School of Music, con-
sisted in a program distinctly popu-
lar. The 'Verdi aria, a big undertak-
ing well handled, displayed a vocal
Although Mrs. Konold lacks in some
measure the lyric range and tone
quality, she possesses the musical ac-
curacy and the personality of a lyric
soprano. The second group, two of
the works of Chopin, was chosen from
his more popular compositions. Mrs.
Cross in her interpretations of var-
ious moods the same power of adapt-
ability whih renders her as eficient as
an-accompanist. In the second song
group the Grieg Slovejg's Lied stands
out in sad beautiful minor-typically
Grieg, though .a song.
The last group was perhaps the one
best selected for the audience. The
composition Petite Valse of Mrs. Cross
was well received, Of the songs the
Grieg song and the Wind's in the
South seemed to receive the best ap-
proval. The whole program was well
arranged, each of the four groups de-
manding an encore.
Brokers Returned to Jail
New York, July 18 %--(By A.P.)-
Edward Fuller and W. Frank McGee
bankrupt bucketeers, were returned
to jail today for an indefinite period
after Federal Judge Goddard denied
a motion to release them from con-
tempt of court.f
The brokerstwere jailed for failing
to surrender certain papers confcern-
ing the stock brokerage house of G.
M. Fuller and company, ordered pro-
duced by the supreme court of .the
United tSats.
Remember "Jimmie the adtaker's'
Just call 960. when - you have a
Removed Permanently by
Electro-Cosmetic Service
224 Nickel's Arcade
FO OD aalways taes
-much better if the
surroundings are right.
There is no pleasanter
place in Ann. Arbor in
which to eat than

11 pL A 'A 'II



classified Ale Artisiog
Rates: Two cents per word
er day, paid in advance; fif-
een cents per reading line per
ay, charged.
RENT-Three rooms in Nickels'
-cad6. See O. D. Morrill, 17 Nick-
s' Arcade. 21-c-2
st models, high grade machines,
nted and sold Hamilton Busi-
ss College, phone 342-R. State
d William Sts. 10c-21I
ewriters of standard makes
ught, sold, rented, exchanged,
eaned and repaired.
Nickels Arcade Phone 1718
T D- Interested in purchasing
p dog. Call 185r5.2-;
T-A brown leather pocketbook,
ntaining money and keys on cam-
is. Reward. Call 904-R. Missl
unbar. 23-c'
IT-Straw hat in Natural Science


-lac 4 v y R Y ,.- .1 ,11 1 11 111 1 t r I 1 i t 1 1 # i 1 1 1 6 1 t 1 1 l t 1 1 1 6 { 9

x . ' 1'
,. y r - . N .

- - The Pack Train has become a relic of the
past, along with the Prairie Schooner.
Modern methods of transportation have
leveled mountains; brought San Francisco
nearer to New York, and widened the mar-
kets of all our great industries.
And the engineering brains and energy,
that have developed transportation to the
prominence it holds in the business of the
world today, are no longer employed in
improving means of overland travel alone.
Street Railways, Elevator Systems, Inter-
urban Lines and Improved Shipping Lines-
these are some of the accomplishments of
engineering in the development of better
Neither have the builders,,of such systems
been concerned only in the actual hauling of
people and materials. A study of the methods
of handling passengers and freight at the
large terminals has developed the Terminal
Engineer, who has greatly improved existing

methods, and has developed entirely new
ones,, as well.
Engineering, as it is applied to transporta-
tion, has had to concern itself with many
kinds of materials and many ways of handling
them under all manner of circumstances.
For instance the problems surrounding the
handling of iron ore, in bulk, are vastly
different from those encountered in moving
any one of the finished products manufac-
tured from iron ore, that must also be
transported in large quantities. But Engin-
eering constantly meets each situation with
improved transportation facilities.
Industry, as a whole, and the nations and
the people of- the world owe much to the
engineers, associated with such large rhanu-
facturing industries as Westinghouse. They
have not only brought about vast improve-
ments, but they have done so at a constantly
decreasing cost to 'those who derive the
greatest benefit from them.

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H EE l
, liv.


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