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July 19, 1923 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1923-07-19

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>t Monday


ated Press. The As-
ively entitled to the
all news dispatches
therwise credited in
news published here-

the postoffice, Ann Arbor,
:ond class matter.
y carrier or mail, $L.5o.
Arbor Press Building.
s, if signed as evidence of
be published in The Summer
scretion of the Editor. Un-
:ations will receive 'no con-
signature miay be omitted in
lesired by the writer. The
does not necessarily endorse
xpressed in the communica-

relephones 2414 and 176-M
tor ..............William Stonemans
itors.. .... ..y .
Robert G. Ramsay.
Davis Ada Phelps
Geddes Andrew E. Propper
.eraper Regina Reichman
Mitts Margaret Stuart
Moran Lucy Tolhurst
Telephone 96o
ig...............Hiel M. Rockwell
on ....... . ......D. L. Pieroc
.A. S. Morton'
:) .........John C. HIaskin

Dear Tarik: I heard the other day
that 'in a town called"'Zion City in
Illinois a woman went up to a. cop
and said, pointing to a harmless by-
sfander, "Offiixer, arrest that villun, I
believe he is thinking of smoking!"
Where oh where are we coming to?
ONE THING is certain, to wit, not
many uv us is coming to Zion City!
A Word to the Wise
DON'T THINK just because your
girl comes down to the stayshun to
see you off that she luvs you. Meb-
be she came to be sure you were leav-
in' town.
Poor Julius
Julius Ceasar-Avaunt! The dice
are shook. I will cross the -Rubi-
Voice of Summer Student (in dark-
ness)-Hey there, this ain't the Rub-
icon Its the Huron and if you up-
set our canoe, I'll report you to the
(By ex-Baron Pell Sell)

(Detroit Free Press) .
The presence of Dr. Edward Benes,
premier Czecho-Slovakia, in London
in the role of mediator between Great!
Britain and France is a decided re-
versal of the usual form in Europe
wh'ere people are used to seeing rep-
resentatives of the powers laboring
with Balkan or near Balkin powers
in order to maintain a precarious'
peace and prevent continental upset.
The spectacle takes the mind in search
of a parallel back to the day when
representatives of the A. B. C. powers
came north in an effort to fix things
up between Mr. Wilson. and General
Huerta except th'at the South Amer-
icans came by invitation, whereas Dr.
Benes appears to have been commis-
sioned by the Little Entente as a vol-
untary peacemaker.
Naturally onlookers hope .that the
'Czeclio-Slovakian premier will be
more successful than the gentlemen
wbo visited us from beyond the isth.-
ins were, and he certainly ought to
have some' influence- particularly in,
Paris, if he undertakes to exertlit.,
For if the Little Entent is in a sense
the creation of France, which encour-
aged and nurtured and protected it .
until It cut its pin- feathers, on the
other hand, France depends consider-
ably on the Little Entente for moral
support, and .also for military sup-
port if it gets into serious trouble with
either the Teutons or the Slavs. The
Little Entente is its anchor to wind-
ward. Under such circumstances it
is not going out of its way to offend
those that compose it, and the most
common considerations of prudence
and self-interest ought to lead it to
lend an exceedingly sensitive ear to'
any advice or requests that may be
uttered by an authorized representa-
Great Britain is in a more indepen-
dent position, but neither can it afford
to be deaf or needlessly obdurate, be-
cause if Great Britain engages in what
it' considers a move to save Europe
from the effects of a lamentable, con-
tinuing error by France, it is going
to. need all the confidence and sym-
pathy on the continent it can possi-
bly obtain. It must try to the best of
its ability to convince the nations
that it is right and that France is
wrong, and it cannot hope to do this
unless first of all it shows a dis-
position to listen patiently and recep-
tively to what is said to it by repre-
sentatives of those nations.

Text Books and Supplies for All Colleges

Eastern Standard Time
(Effective July 1o, 1923)
Limited and Express Cars to Detroit
-6:oo a'm., 7:oo a.m., 8:oo a.m., 9:o5
a.nm. and hourly until 9:1'5 p.m.
Limited Cars to jackson- :47 a.m.,
10:47 a.m., 12:47 p.m., 2:47 p.m., 4:47
p.m., 6:47 p.m., 8:47 p.m.
Express Cars to Jackson (Local stops
west of Ann Arbor)-9:47 a.m. and
every two hours until, 9:47 P.m~.
SLocal Cars to Detrit-7:oo a.m.,
8:55 a.rn. and every two hours until
8:55 p.m., i z :oo p.m. To Ypsilanti
Only-11:4o p.m., 1:15 a.m.
Local Cars to Jackson-7 :o a.m.
and then 12:1o a.m.
-Connection made at Ypsilanti to
Saline and at Wayne to Plymouth and
GRRICK ^TS-T" 25-5c
14th Annual Season Nights 25.50-75c-$l
By Samuel Shipman.

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. .

Launderers, Cleaners
Dyers, Pressers : i: :
Gen n
Ceta S --s.........$1.25
Ladies' Suits.C..$1.50 up

GRAHAM'S-Both Ends of the Diagonal


-P H N E 16 5


Canoe Lunches

Chapter V


George Stracke Now that he coud see, the sleuth

THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1923 1
;ht Editor;'H. A. DONAHUEt
The Condemned Xan
aders of the American Magazine
miss the halt page editorial en-
i "Sid Says" which appeared in
publication every month. John
.pkie Siddall, editor of the Am-
n Magazine since 1915, is dead.
months -ago his physicians told
Iddall that he had cancer of the
ach and promised him one more
of life if he gave up' his work
rested completely; if he chose to
nue at the helm of his magazine,
,ced the prospect of a much earl-
Idall made his choice and died in
ess Many, lurid stories have been
of the last moments of a condemn-'
aan. ' Sid" was condemned, but
,rticles were full of cheerfulness
kindly wisdom 'to the last mmin-
'A wonderful example of cour-
,On the Horizon
is still early in the year to do
predicting but presidential figures
hie coming campaign are looming
he horizon, President Harding's
nination by the G. O. P. is consid-
certain since other action would
repudiation of the G. O. P. and
ing administration.
v. Al. Smith, of New York, is be-
alked of as a Democratic possi-
and Henry Ford whose politcal
tions !:are unknown and highly
gerated may get the Democratic
nation or head an independent
t if he decides to run."
n. Robert M. La Follette, Wiscon-'
rogressive and radical Republi-
who has been a potential third
rleader for years may head a
ticket this year.' Sen. Oscar Un-
ood, of Alabama, and Sen. Samuel
on, of Indiana, are figures to be
i into consideration, and of course
is more or less of a Hiram
son boom in California.
1 these \men represent groups.
ling means a G 0. P. adminis-
on, Smith would mean a Dem-
ic administration, La Follette
is for a progressive administra-
as sponsored by his radical bloc,
so on down the line Voting for
one man and electing him means
ing the whole group which back-
im for the office and consequently
cises a more or less rigid control
other words, we elect not, only
sident but a party. Voters should
themselves this question: Which
ore important, that the govern-
- of the United States be well
nistered, or that it be administer-
y one set of men or another?
h depends on the answer.
w Mexico is extremely quick to
iot a. man 'but they have a gov-
r who Is even faster at pardon-

had little trouble in freeing himself1
from the grIp of the two dummies and
his various and sundry other bonds.
All the while he revolved the mys-
tery of the flash of light he had seen
in the window In his mind. He 'ad it!
The crooks, had gone in to secret the
package contai ing the jools ta the
empty house, planning then to return
and drive him to his predestination,
his dume be that what it may, brave
man that he was.
Nik Arter was reminded of the good
old days of Ded-I-Dik and the mys-
terious adventure of the missing Ro-
man Esophagus, as he climbed from
the car and shedding his jacket, col-J
lar, and fore-and-aft cap, together
with the aid of autoblankets, twigs,
the blindfold, and various and sundry
other devices he managed to make a
very passable imitation of himself to
'accompany the other two dummies on
the back seat.
When he had finally arranged the
three to look just as when the robbers
had left him in the car, he went around
behind .and knowing the workings of a
Hadillac 7, he shut off the pipe be-
tween the gas tank and he arburet-
Having thus disabled 'the car the
sleuth creept from bush to weed up
to theddark house where he seen the
lighted window.
He entered by a window and creept
upstairs. As he reached the upper
floor he was able to look under the
door crack and see the varlets plac-
ing the package under a loose board.
They then rose and he had barely
cavortedl to cover before they emerg-
ed, went down stairs and out to the
While they, believing their captive
asleep in the back seat attempted to
start the car and fingered the motor,
the detective carefully removed the
package from its place beneath the
loose board, which he joyfully saw
was yet unopened, and creepin out,
made his way to the house where the
police force was soundly snoring as
one. He woke him and....in short
the force captured the crooks while
still tinkering with their motor car..
The triumphant but ever-modest de.
tective flicked a dust from his tweed
trousers cuff and arrived back at his
room about 2 o'clock In the morn-
yng. Laying the ,much-coveted pack-
age to one side he proceeded to open
one of the other boxes that had ar-
rived by the morning mail of the pre-
ceding day.
"Scads!" groaned the detective. For
the box he opened, which had lain un-
touched- and safe on his table all day,
was the one which contained the pre-
cious jools! Fool that he had been,
he had chased the wrong box!
'Opening the package he had rescue(
from the bandits he found it contain-
ed the "set of detective supplies" giv-
en gratis with his last subscription to
"Amachoor Slooing."
(91he End.)
The entire company will now rend.
ed that little love ditty entitled, 'Wheii
'You Were Sixteen and I Was Sixty,
Priests Deported
Sydney, July 1.-(By A.P.)-The
Rev. Fr. Michael OFlanagan and
John J. (Sean) O'Kelly, arrested in

Phone 15930)

709 N. University






(New York Times)


Student Note Books
-give you better value
for your -money.
-they work better and
wear longer.
--all sizes and rulings.
-ask to see them.


During the summer, I will operate a, gasoline
and oil filling station for your convenience, with a full
line of Staebler Products,
Make use of the new station--'and remember it

Americans who' knew and loved
Bavaria before the warchave been un-
able to understand its change for the
worse in recent years. The genial
land where politics used to be the
eccentric preoccupation of a few has
suddenly turned into a nursery of all
manner of plots and intrigues.. Mon-
archist reaction, militant revenge
anti-Semitism, self-righteous national
ismi that is worthy of the Ku Klux
Klan--all> these have flourished and
flourish still. The city that was once
'among the most agreeable homes for
foreigners on the. Continent now doesx
its best by threats and insults and
extra taxes to drive them away. Who
hears'today of Munich music, Munich
art or Munich hospitality? The only
news that comes out of Munich relates
to the probable imminence of battle,
murder and sudden death.
Yet a dispatch yesterday indicates
'that perhaps in some respects Munich
is still the same. An annual conven-
tion of Turnvereins is meeting in the
city. Local restaurants proposed to
treble the price of beer. There was
the usual talk of the increased cost of
hops and the deprecation of the mark,
but those who have seen other cities in
convention week need no explanation.
Munich had 200,000 visitors and might
as well take it out of them. But the
Turners rose in their might. They
threatened to walk out on Munich and
leave it flat. .Moreover, they wrecked
seven cafes before the other owners
could get together and call off the in-
crease. Music 'and art may be done
away with, Gemutlichkeit may be
forgotten in Munich's new character
of nursing mother of the national re-
action; but no man may be so reckless
as to stand between the Munchner and
his eponymous beer.,
Yet the increase meant only three
cents for a towering jug of that dark
and potent fluid. Here in New York'
a dubiousdhome brew, ofbwhich little
can be, sad but that it is beer, costs a
quarter or half dollar a botle. In
the arid desert of Cincinnati, desolated
by the Great Cataclysm, real Munch-
ner would sell for three cents a drop.
Who won the war, anyway?
Half the working period is over,
and how many haven't begun to study

I when you need oil or gasoline.

It'll be appreciated!

"Convenient Gas and Oil"



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St and 'Vaughn

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Daily Eicursion to




Wolf Lake Mihigan's
most delightful Summer
An Ideal Place
To spend a day or week-end
for to get a;
Frog and Chicken
A pleasant motor trip of 28 miles from
Ann Arbor. Take highway M-17 to
Grass Lake. passing thru. turn left 4 1-2
miles (following signs) to Mack Island.
fahihng, odating, Fish-
ing, Dancing
New Dinner-dance room may be
engaged by private parties. Reserva-
tions for dinners may be wade by tele-


ne Round Trip $ 2
ay (Return Same Day)
Leaves Detroit Daily 9 a. m. (E. T.)

5 Sundays

The finest exclusive excursion steamer, the Put-in-Bay, noted for
its large ballroom, makes this trip a memorable one. Orchestra and
dancing aboard, without extra charge. Cafeteria aboard.
Four hours crammed with outdoor pleasures at Put-in-Bay-bathing-dancing-
groves for lunchingand athletic flds. See the wonderful Caves, and Perry's
historic monument.
Connections at Put-n-Bay with steamers for Cleveland. Toledo and Lakeside.
Da~Iy to Sandusky
The Pt-in-Bay makes the run through to Sandusky everyday. Fare- $L50
one way.
Special Friday Excursions to Cedar Point
A special excursionIsmade every Friday to Cedar Point-the fresh water rival
to Atlantic City-the finest bathing beach in the world-large summer hotels,
groves, and alloutdoor amusements. Four hours at Cedar Point and seven
ou= at Put-in-Bay? Leaving Cedar Point at 5 p. m. and Put-ini-Bay at 7 p. m.;
arrive back in Detroit 10:30 p. m. Fare-Cedar Point, $1.50 round trig; Put-in-
Bay,80 cents.
DancIng Moonlights Write for Map Folder
Leaves Detroit 8:45 p. m. Ashley & Dustin
Fare, Wed., Thurs. 60ce. St., tam rLn
Sun.. and Haolidays,75c. Steamer Line
Foht of First Street
Detroit, Mich.





.. have been

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