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May 19, 1923 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-05-19

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'ublished every morning except Monday
ing the University year-by the Board in
trol of Student Publications
enbersf Western Conference Editorial
30 etion. '
he Associated Press is exclusively en-
ed to the use for iepublication of all news
patches credited to it or not otherwise
dited in this'paper and the local news pub-.
ed therein.

all high schools are similar in that
the paths of their students must in
time converge at one central point,
the University.

i ~THE 3f I. P. A.




After completing their tour of overs
thirty American colleges, the Euro-
pean students, some of whom visited
here several months ago, have made
some interesting observations on our
academic life.
Perhaps the most significant o
these was made by the English rep-
resentative concerning the importance
which undergraduate ,activities con-,
mand in this country. Saying that
the student in our universities at-
tends these institutions that lie may'

(The Dartmouth)

Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,7
Michigan, as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier or mail, $3.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
ard Street. .
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi-l
Less, g6o.
Communications not to exceed 300 words
f signed. the signature not necessarilv toI
ppear in print, but as ani evidence. of faith,
ad notices' of events .ill be published in
ie Daily a~t the discretion of the Editor. TI
ft t' or mailed to The Daily office. in-
igned comnunications will receive no con-(
ideration. No manuscript will be returned I
nless the writer encloses postage. The Daily
foes not necessarily endorse the sentiments"
xpressed in the communications.
Telephones 241 and 176-21
lws lditot...................Iaidl \Vatzel
ity Editor .............James B. Young
ssistant City Editor ........J. A. Baco
;ditonial Board Chairman ........R. Meiss

We lnstruct the Young
YESTERDAY a. m. we told the
young journalists a lot about:
(a) How to make up a paper, in-
cluding front and rear pages,
(b) How to write headlines,
(c) How to write feature stories,
(,J) How to run a humor column,
We need hardly say that we know
absolutely nothing about any of these
subjects. You tell 'em.

distinguish rather than develop him-
self, he virtually designates the B. M. Ode
0. C.'s long roll of accumulated hon- To a Sorority House Luncheon
ors as the true manifesto fof his col- By a Pearl Diver
legiate achievements. The sheep skin Bouillon! Broth for dainty taste!
is in itself merely a shade to con- I little thought that I would stoop
ceal the motive which really prompted To strain my palate, ever chaste,
the successful young man to attend with they weak juice, thou ghosto
a learned institution at all. These soup.
are the opinions of one who has re-
ceived his training in one of the fa- Asparagus creamed on toast. Alas
mous universities of old England. To think that I, a man of mind,
In defense of the enthusiasm which Should like the lowly cow eat gran
persists for all competitive and hon- And live thereon-0 Fate unkind!
orary organizations on the campus, it
would first occur to accuse the critic 0 Tea, insipid liquid, thou
of our system of a lack of apprecia- Wert made for other things tha
tion for such extra-curricular affairs. drink
On the contrary, he is possibly much For hearty men. 'Tis joy enow
in ti f +I6fth e ,- Tonuaff pure water free from stin

The preliminary skirmishes of the
freshman-sophomore; picture war are
anything but encouraging to those ;t
optimistic souls who would see sincer-
ity in the dual purpose of the lower
clp sses to preserve the institution for
the future and to establish for them-E
selves a reputation of good sense and
moderation. The persistent violations,
of the explicit rules laid down by;
Palaeopitus give at least a suggestion
that the sophomore class is not anxi-
ous to go through with the fight; and
the freshman by'an amazing display
of poor judgment vitiate the moral
advantage that was theirs through
stricter adherence to the rules. The
whole procedure, childish in the ex-
treme, lends added color to an im-
pression steadily becoming current
that the fight is a nuisance anyway,
and had best be abolished. The fresh-
man and sophomores have done more
in the past two days to strengthe
this impression than could be accom-
plished in a year by bored upper-class
Whatever the outcome today, a dis-
tinct shadow has b en cast over the
whole affair that cannot help having
a serious effect on the future of thej
custom. To those who have long
argued against the picture this will be
the crowning touch, and they can be
expected now to press more aggres-
sively for its abolition. Breaking fur-
niture after getting in dormitory
rooms by forcing the locks, spiritingI
handcuffed freshmen out of town,

they are. We do think highly of
getting a settlement on money which
other nations borrowed from us.
If the American government will
not relinquish its claim for Rhine ex-
penses it at least can assert its free-
(loin to deal with Germany without
the intervention of any other country
and without passing the payments
through the reparations commission.
If this is our affair with Germany
it is ours alone. If we intend to in-
sist upon this debt, and only this one,
letting the French debt, the Italian
debt, etc., go slide, then let's have the
debtor in without asking the consent
of other governments and without ty-
ing ourselves up in any of their en-

= I9lrljurr arrrru IrcIgiggIcIzrl ugIraIn nIIL
606 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg.
hours, 1-6 p.m. Phone 401-3
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Cars leave for 1
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day.. Sundays a




J. Ilershd'rfer
A. Donahue

Harry Hoey
R. C. Moriarty,
J. E. Mack

orts Editor ............Wallace F. Eliott
'omen's Editor ........Marion Koch
uday Magazine Editor .. ..h." A. Donahue
usic 1dlitur................E. I-. Ailes
inior Lditor ..........Buckley C. Robbins
Editorial Board
well. Kerr Maurice Berman'
ul Einstein Eugene Carmichaelt

more appreca Live o fLne value in- L
cumbent upon such things than wer
ourselves are. His ethical sense how-l
ever is accompanied by a balancing
of the primary aims of a university1
education, reaping knowledge and .de-1
veloping self, with those supplemen-t-
ary interests which we are accused of

IquaLju C4lL G Lvt O 1.
Each man adapts himself to things
Around him, evolution shows,
Perhaps erelong as time swift wings,
I'll use rice powder on my nose!
* * *

Stanley H. Armstrong
Sidney Bielfield
R. A. Killington
Helcen4I3rowll ..
HI. C. . Clar
A. B. Connable
Bernadette Cote
Evelyn I. Coughlin
)oseph Epstein,
T. E: Fiske
Jhn; Garlinghouse
Walter S. Goodspeed
Portia Qoulder
Ronald 1-algrim

Franklin D. ITepburn
Winona. A. Hibbard
iEdward j. Higgins
E-~enneth C..- Kellar,
Elizabeth Liebernainn
John McGinnis
Samuel Moore*
M. IL. Pryor
W. B. Rafferty
Robert G. Ransay
T. AV.IPmvifelh
Solt J. Schnitz
Philip M. Wagnet


There is, to some extent, a dis-
tortion of purpose brought about by
1 diverting interests but hardly so great
that it hinders the development of
the student. Whatever distinction is
gained through campus activities is
unquestionably the immediate resultt
of development in one direction ort
another, and why should this be en-
tirely in academic lines rather than
those in which it sometimes happens.
There is no reason why under oura
present system of undergraduate ac-
tivities the educational value of
American colleges should be any low-I

WE have just been out to smoke making a wholesale round-up of all
cigarette and hunt for inspiration, high boots and cameras, and finally
and we find1 this On our hook. ,sending men out into the coutnry to,
Dearest nUrch:--. cut telephone wires,-this, and all the
I heard your talk this morning al many hours before the fight is sche-,
the M. lI. P. A. conference. It was duled to start,. may be child's play;1
wonderful. You seemed so well able if it is, it is time the children were
to find any little thing out of which growing up.

Patronize T'Phe Daily advertisers.
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to write a feature story. I wonder;
if you could find a little like me.
The Girl from Highland Par-
P.S. Urch dear, dear Urch, you
are so handsome.
This quite bowls us over.
We are breathless.
The Girl From Highland Park, hey?
They sent 17sdelegatest.g.w.
We hope she. was the girl with
the lazy smile.
* * *
Our iloro

Adve-tisi -g . John--Tamel, Jr. er than that of British or any other
Advertisingj .............. Walter K. Scherer
Adverti,n.......arecI,. artEuropean universities.
Publication..............Edward F. Conlint
Copywriting............David . M. Park
Circulation............'.ownsend I1. Wolfe j SUMMER SESSIONS
Accounts..............L. Beaumont rarks The economic value of an early
Perry M. Hayden Wnm. H. Good graduation is being appreciated by
Eugene L. Dunne Clyde L. .Hagerman students everywhere. The sooner a
lohn C. lKaskin Henry Freud person can prepare himself for his life
C. L. Putman Clayton Pur~ly prpr se o sm
T:. D. Armantrout J. T1. Sanzenbacher work and take his'place in the world's
William H. Reid, Jr. Clifford Mitts affairs the greater *will be the possi- I
Harold L. H.ale T1 o'naq .Mc',aehren
Win D. Roesser Louis M. Dexter bilities of his attaining an early suc-
Allan S.- Morton C. Wells Christie cess in life.
James A. Dryer . Edward B. Reidle
Herbert W. Cooper This belief along with the general
decadence of the old notion which
held that three months vacation were
absolutely necessary for every stu- I
. ATUdDAY, MAY 2 d , has made possible the summer
- sessions. A student, by spending part
Ni ght Editor--P. M WAGNER of his summer in study, may now cut
.-- the conventional four years required
S I i.A lN 11TRSCHOLASTICS for graduation, to three or even less.
i By entering upon the -combined cur-
Michigan's press convention for riculum and attending summer ses-
high sihool editors and her inter- sions students have been able to take
scholastic meet for prep'tracksters their bachelor's degree and graduate
should be regarded as two of the most from the Law school in five years,
important ( vents of the school year an accomplishment which ordinarily
in point of value to the University. would require eight academic years.
While in Ann Arbor the high school Such advantages are now being of-.
journalists receive considerable in- fered in nearly every college and
struction in the many different phases school in the University.


f 1 ' ,
" ,,,
e ,..
, -
1! 1


(Philadelphia Public Ledger)
Beginning in a modest way, Penn-
sylvania is to have an old age pension
system, the third State in the Union
to adopt this kindly form of legis-
When Governor Pinchot signed the
bill creating the Pension Commission
a motion picture was completed which
shows every stage of the law through
the Legislature. It will be used for
national propaganda 4urposes, a use
to which the motion picture is being,
put with increasing frequency and
The old age pension, as it will be
exemplified here, is not a scheme forE
the pauperization of the poor. Rather,
it is in line with the excellent Moth-
ers' Assistance Fund, which helps
keep families together. The aged pen-
sioners will receive not more than a
dollar a (lay; less than this if they
have any income of their ;own. It is
the purpose of the law to make it
possible for old men and women past
seventy years of age and incapable
of supporting themselves to live in
modest sufficiency at home, instead of
in institutions as wards of the State.
It is always a melancholy sight to
see an aged husband and wife, who'
have spent perhaps fifty years to-
gether, sundered by poverty in the
last years of their lives, as they
must be if they go to "the poorhouse."
By and large, couples who have reach-
ed the age of seventy years together
deserve the brief bounty of the State
for the days that are left to them. If,
only to save the tears of parting shed
by these dim old eyes, the Pension
Fund will be worth all it costs to the
taxpayers of Pennsylvania.
(Chicago Daily Tribune)
Eliot Wadsworth for the United
States has agreed with representatives
of the -allies that America will nego-
tiate with. Germany for the payment
of $250,000,000 for Rhine trooo main-
tenance, that the payments shall go

S .



This ferocious beast is a bear. Ie
has Just been out hunting for huck-
Le1erries, which he thinks are the


IM 2§/
The 11.ilmi an's workrotoli ought
to be
111 1) plimbilg fitted pe -feey.13-
--From in e pro vrbs
of Hr. Quick.
The kitchen -hould receive the
proper pli.1mlping att attiomn. The
right sort of tubs and fi tu1rcs
make it easier for her.
y att ftk12 r, 3 v
f k C a tf s If r , 1

All braids, shapes and



Get yours at

Straw Hat Time is here

of iwspaper work This knowledge. The summer session, contrary to berries. On his way back he met a
gained from the talks by college men general opinions, is not a make-up giraffe, (whose nose can be glimpsed
who have had practical experience in i school nor is It a refuge for old-maid- in the background) and he said to
the journalistic field should cnble ish school teachers. On the other the giraffe "Where are your rub-
these high school students to elevate hand last year's registration showed bers?"
the status oCtheir papers to some- that seventy-five percent of all peo- The giraffe shrugged his shoulder
thin more than a mere receptacle for ple enrolled were classified as regu- and sniffed "How do I know? Mana
the standardized type of material lar students. Conditions at the Uni- told me they were in the back hall
w)lich such publications. versity during the summer are on a but I looked under all the raincoats
. -igh school papers should seek to par with, if not excelling those dur- and between the go'oshes and they
revolutionize the old accepted theory 'ing the regular academic year, for weren't there."
of a set style to follow at all times. not only are the classes smaller but Then the bear growled and said
A display of originality is advisable the teaching staffs are composed of never mind i have an engagement
if ju(liciously used in connection with older and more experienced men as a with the photographer and came and
the ol(1 ideas. Limite.d in circulatiof w hole. posed for the engaging snapshot
to small areas, high school publica- This year outside inquiries and ten- above.
tions are apt to develop a policy that tatatlye registrations have increased * *
is narrow minded and lacks consiler- thirty percent over any previous year. Noice
ation for the broader topics of inter- During the past few summers enroll-
est to any one who might read the inents have doubled in nearly every ity by wch unknwnodeneth e he
paper. Teg University in the country. Students I circulated unsportsmanlike matter un-
this convention is doing an immeas- are beginning to realize the inesti- (ir their good name.
Erable service to the future of high mable value of summer work and eachk May 1S, 1923.
s hool publications by encouraging year mole people are taking advan- , ,
t heir editors to give greater consid- tage of these opportunities. Whig .
oration to the rules of real journal- Michigan has not lagged in the de- This notice, lke the piece of work
ism. velopment of its summer session it is it denies, is anonymous. This one
Perhaps the greatest benefit at- felt however that too small a propor- Isn't half as funny as the other one,
tached to the interscholastic track tion of regularly enrolled students which says among other things, "te
meet is that an affair of this sort are taking the best of these advan- Class of '2o, Commonly and Current-
brings together high school athletes tages. ly Known as the Sophomore Class,'
from all over Michigan and even from has Failed to Function not only as
distant states. Have you ever had a prof who drew a Class but as Individuals." And
One of the faults of the student be- such wierd illustrations of philoso- later on, "the Sophomore Class is sup-
fore coming to a university has always phical theories for his classes that posed to instruct First Year men in
been that the high school is regarded they showed his complete ignorance; a proper respect for Ancient and
as the criterion of all accomplishment. on philosophy one? If you haven't Honorable Traditions of Old Michi~

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Fashion 'Park Clot biers
Next to Wuerth Theatre Downtown



L**-,-< 7-- -I



through the reparations commission _ __ _ _ _
subject to Belgian priority, and that
the United States shall not pass any,
recovery act. WYV LcL T S
This is, we think, the cap sheaf onI,
an episode of futility and humiliation.
The United States alone of the nations
occupying German territory did not 'ICINU -
receive its money when the Germans S--- ~;
paid for all the troop upkeep, and j SOUP
ever since that trickery it has been Cream of Asparagus
put in the position of a loan shark Wafers
trying to enforce a contemptible claim. ! Olives Celery Radishes
It is an episode to make an Amer-
can sick, and we suggest, as we have m Roast Young Chicken with
before, that the American govern- Dressing
inent forget this debt. We are not Early JunegPeas
pressing France, Belgium, Italy, or Mashed Potatoes
any other debtor nation even for in- Rolls
terest on money borrowed, and we
. Combination Saad
are degrading ourselves in submitting C Head Lettuce,,Tomato and
to terms proposed for the recovery H LCucumber -
of troonpmaintenance money:m

I -



,, f

o ers

Go Hland in Hand

1 1'

{Send your Favorite
A ~iouquet


spirit is developed which tends to yet, you may meet some such and we
enter the interests of the student recommend that famous eourse to all

What the yearlings seem to be


7 'o-..MPQP-

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