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February 13, 2004 (vol. 113, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

…Friday, February 13, 2004 Opinion 4 Shabina Khatri on social justice Arts 5 Preview of the 2004 Jazz Festival A look back at Students for a Democratic Society ... Friday Focus, Page 12 Weather 0 Sports :0 Women's basket- ball loses to MSU HI: 35 LO W*-22 TOMORROW: 3510 One-hundred-thirteen years ofeditorialfreedom Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 96 @2004 The Michigan Daily BUDGET 'U' faces tough budget choices...…

January 13, 2004 (vol. 113, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…Tuesday January 13, 2004 02004 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 75 E1tk 4wni 4ai4u One-hundred -hinrtn years ofedziafreedom C E r c TO DAY: 1 Snow show- morning andpartiy h33 cloudly, LOW: 14 skies in the afternoon. Tomorrow: 2416 Sisters recall roles in legal milestone By Farayha Arrine and Karen Schwartz Daily Staff Reporters Her mother was at home ironing and listening to the radio and ...…

November 13, 2003 (vol. 113, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…Weather Thursday November 13, 2003 ©2003 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 51 One-hundred-thirteen years ofeditorialfreedom T ODAY: Flurries and wind during the day and mostly clear but windy at night. LOWAY.,24 Tomorrovwrr Chef's cookbook University leaders protest budget cuts By Jeremy Berkowitz and Carmen Johnson Daily Staff Reporters LANSING - Michigan might need a new investment banker, a...…

March 13, 2003 (vol. 113, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…~ W~, ah Thursday ©2003 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 109 .... ....... TODAY: One-hundred-twelve years of editorialfreedom Snow will' fall in the morning, with partly cloudy skies by nightfall. 36 LO~23 Tomorrow. www.michigandaily. corn , a~a, , r xBlairt.proposes r listi provsion forIra UNITED NATIONS (AP) - The United States claimed progress yesterday in its campaign for a March 17 ultimatum threatening war...…

February 13, 2003 (vol. 113, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

…a aruewvwwvrwwv wwavi ,.. 9 ,. Thursday February 13, 2003 @2003 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 94 One-hundred-twelve years ofeditorzl freedom TODAY: Snow showers during the day and into the evening with winds up to 20 mph from the west. H:24 'tomorrow: 2811 2 wwwmichigandailycom CIA: N. Korean missile could strike U.S. * The United Nations said it may impose sanctions for the nuclear violation WASHINGTON (AP) - N...…

January 13, 2003 (vol. 113, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…Woather Monday January 13, 2003 ©2002 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 72 £-Lt isuuOai4g One-hundred-twelve years of editorialdfreedom TODAY: Windy with few snow showers during the day, mostly cloudy with wind from the West in the evening. LOW: 12 Tomorrow: 22/111 www.mkchigandailycom :::: i: 1 1: 1 1 i: I I I i:: I I 1 11 1 : 1 : I : I : 1 : 1 ; 1 im 1:11 : !;1 1 ; 1 ! 1 1 p ; '111 p III Ill I III 111 11 11111 : I ...…

November 13, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…eather Wednesday November 13, 2002 02002 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 49 One-hundred-twelve years ofeditorialfreedom TODAYR Mostly cloudy throughout the day with a 20 percent chance of precipitation. Expect show- ers tomorrow. 48 ~40 Tomorrow: wwwmihigandaily. corn Freshman class numbers By Megan Hayes Daily Staff Reporter Although freshman enrollment has decreased significantly this year, total student body e...…

September 13, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…Weather T ,O : September 13, 20 2 02002 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan One-hundred-eleven years of editorialfreedom Mostly cloudy with light wind during the day, staying mostly cloudy during the night. LOW: 57 81156 Vol. CXIII, No. 9 -::!: 1: 1 :1 !!: !:I I I 11:111 IN 1: 1111 11 offecitiIillill 11 MINE 1:11:1 ITAIIIIJAVATM !Ing ::: --------- - ------------ Webber surrenders, pleads noi By Steve Jackson...…

May 13, 2002 (vol. 112, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

…Jbne 1&11 Uafl 1&UIQ One hundred eleven years of edioral freedom Summer Weekly Monday May 13, 2002 9i a r rcsr cyr j c' ',r ^fii w ri A~?;. y d, iBMW ::25 NIMEN NEWS A Michigan State Supreme Court decision last week said local ordinances can not enforce a smoking ban in public areas. Page 3 OP/ED Although state courts have allowed for closed presiden- tial searches, the University would still benefit from an open proc...…

March 13, 2002 (vol. 112, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…it IUf One hundred eleven years ofeditorialfreedom 47PI ;a till NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 764-0557 Wednesday March 13, 2002 Yo( CX I o,3 .h rb~ ih2tl2Th ~lci n Sexual harassment case back in court 1999 lawsuit filed against School of Music professor resumes in court today By Jeremy Berkowitz Daily Staff Reporter After three years of delays, a sexual harassment case filed in 1999 by former Music student Maureen Joh...…

February 13, 2002 (vol. 112, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…Onehwz dceven yearr ofedndfiedom Y NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 764-0557 Wednesday February 13, 2002 - - --- --------------- Motorists hit hard by parking restriction By Rob Goodspeed Daily Staff Reporter A new parking restriction took many students by surprise last week when 1,012 motorists received $125 tickets for violating the city of Ann Arbor's new emergency snow parking ordi- nance. The rule prohibits parking du...…

November 13, 2001 (vol. 112, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…One hundred eleven years of editorialfreedom ti NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 764-0557 Tuesday November 13, 2001 I eq A 'Y Y I Taliban forces abandon Afghan Northern alliance celebrates return to Kabul a capital KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - Taliban military forces deserted the capital of Kabul today, after a series of stunning military victories by opposition forces. At dawn, residents shouted congratulations to one anot...…

September 13, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…One hundred ten years ofeditorialfreedom *ri NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 764-0557 wwv. michigandail y. com Thursday September 13, 2001 [Vo, °> ,No.1434 n Ars r,' i*Naft0201 Te Mchian ail ... for survivors NEW-YORK (AP) - As the smol- dering ashes of the World Trade Center slowly yielded unimaginable carnage, rescuers scoured the area that has become known as "Ground Zero" for anyone trapped under the rubble who may have survived the colla...…

August 13, 2001 (vol. 116, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…. : . . NEWS: 76-DAlLY CLASSIFIED: 764-1 K _ E } . ' t- #an One hundred ten nears of editorial freedom 557 Monday August 13, 2001 Stemn cei research funds limited By Maria Sprow Daily News Editor President Bush took the middle road in a controversial issue Thursday, announcing his decision to fund research on existing embryonic stem cell lines but denying funds for research on embryonic stem cells that have not aheady been cultured. "As...…

April 13, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 119) • Page Image 1

…One hundred ten years ofeditorlfreedom t NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 764-0557 wwwmichigandaily corn Friday April 13, 2001 w t ds " ' S; I egents examine undergrad life Housing rate increases and Rackham construction also pass unanimously by board Anna Clark Daily Staff Reporter University Provost Nancy Cantor wants to get beyond the U.S. News and World Report college rankings to get at to the heart of the undergraduate experience at ...…

March 13, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

…One hundred ten years ofedtorialfreedom rn NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 76440557 www michigandaily. coin Tuesday March 13, 2001 e .-z 't C 9 f - 0 KeportS Miartin to fire coach today, sources say S By Raphael Goodstein Daily Sports Editor The Associated Press and ESPN reported *t nightthat Michigan basketball coach Brian Ellerbe will be dismissed today, although Athletic Director Bill Martin told The Michigan Daily the decision "will be m...…

February 13, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…One hundred ten years ofeditoralfreedom *rnt NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 7640557 Tuesday February 13, 2001 L&. l o.,81 ' Nalpster must stop free trading SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Nap- ster must stop allowing the millions of music fans who use its free Internet- based service to share copyrighted material, a federal appeals court ruled yesterday. he three-judge panel allowed Nap- ster to remain in business but told a lo...…

December 13, 2000 (vol. 111, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

… One hundredten years ofeditorklfreedom EWS: 76-DAILY LASSIFIED:7640557 ,ww. mlchigandaity. com 's- :x>'A .i .i. e.l'" ~e?" ter. t ; C F~% . ; < .. . " d Wednesday December 13, 2000 ourt rules 5-4; Gore expecte to respond today WASHINGTON (AP) - A divided Supreme Florida Supreme Court could not be completed ourt reversed a state court decision for recounts by a midnight deadline for selection of presiden- Florida's contested election last ...…

November 13, 2000 (vol. 111, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…N N One hundred ten years ofeditorialfreedom f NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 764-0557 Monday November 13, 2000 q I@B W -4 II 'r nu 'a cantor to remain as 'U' provost Wisconsin names John iley new chancellor of Madison campus By Jen Fish Daily Staff Reporter After a six-month search, the regents of the University of Wis- consin system have chosen Madi- on campus Provost John Wiley as the new chancellor of the institu- t...…

October 13, 2000 (vol. 111, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…One hundred ten years ofeditori dfreedom at NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 764-0557 Friday October 13, 2000 _ i'f :. 1 k a ,+ A2 By Caitlin Nish Daily Staff Reporter bolsters MIP penalties An Ann Arbor City Attorney's office inter- nal policy adjustment may make the ramifica- tions of receiving a minor in possession of alcohol charge much greater for second-time offenders. The policy clarification, which was put into e...…

September 13, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 764-0557 Campu bails 01 after ra goodsj By David Enders Daily Staff Reporter rrran *rni Ls ut in One nundred n1ine years ofeditorialfreedom Wednesday September 13, 2000 Woman killed by commuter bus By David Enders and Jacquelyn Nixon Daily Staff Reporters Janis Marchyok was a mother of three who volunteered much of her time to community theater and histori- cal preservation. "Being a s...…

April 13, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…One hundred nzne years ofeditorialfreedom NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 764-0557 wwmlchigandaily com Thursday April 13, 2000 i I~ iiiii , 'U' alum donates $22M for grants By Josie Gingrich Daily Staff Reporter The University may be able to attract more top-notch out-of-state stu- dents with a $22 million donation given by Alumni Association Presi- dent Richard Rogel and his wife, Susan, which will be used for out-of- ate financial aid. The do...…

March 13, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…I One hundred nine years of editorial freedom t4&WO i NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 764-0557 Monday March 13, 2000 4 . r 1 I Occupation to end after 37 days SCC to leave once artifacts are removed By Tiffany Maggard and Robert Gold Daily Staff Reporters Students of Color Coalition spokesman Joe Reilly announced last night that SCC is in the process of ending its occupation of the Michigamua office space on the...…

January 13, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

… 4v I twtt I ''. i 3x C q -Lc .w ..k W1 Wginhar~ki wwM u uur u Today: Mostly cloudy. High 30. Low 25. Tomorrow: Sunny. High 35. One hundred nine years ofeditorzWfreedom Thursday January 13, 2000 ------------ ---1 4p IAVN ,Il.i Minority housing pushed at J'western University of Michigan provides no minority Greek housing By Jose Gingrich Daily Staff Reporter A proposal adopted by Northwestern niversity's Associated Student Government ear...…

December 13, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

… M E M O RAT I V E M I L L E N N I U M E D I ENT ERING T HE YEAR 2000 T I O N Monday December 13, 1999 v.:o£at . ,,.J.. _.. : .rSS.haha r .a.-3, .k.i sn r:. >.. ?t%. eG^a. <..x _._. S makes education ilable to masses illennium, students from learned the great books. irts at the University of University pro- national football reates, the polio : into space and tury, there was no great institution of Seale;" said Princeton kJ Shapiro, wh...…

October 13, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…OFIt i UU Brt feather Way: Showers. High 68. Low imorrow: Partly cloudy. High 52. 56. One hundred nine years of editonralfreedom Wednesday October 13, 1999 'U'hopes %or prestige, recognition By Jodie Kaufman Daily Staff Reporter Now that Prof. emeritus Martinus Veltman been awarded the Nobel Prize in physics any University faculty expect they will see increased prestige and recognition in the future. "There are few people who have won No...…

September 13, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…ItL R. r Wa +hEqr vveawe Today: Mostly cloudy. High 73. Low 63. Tomorrow: Partly cloudy. High 68. One hundred eight years ofedtorzifreedom Monday September 13, 1999 z. ' yy athletic Dept. relaxes stadium bottle policy By Anna Clark For the Daily Fans complained and the authorities listened. *Michigan Stadium's policy on prohibiting fans from bring- ing containers into the stands during football games - including water bottles - was rel...…

April 13, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…N AIirni *rti Weather Today: Sunny. High 58. Low1 Tomorrow: Sunny. High 60. 33. One hundred eightyears of edtorial freedom Tuesday April 13, 1999 Details of science institute addressed By Nick Faizone Daily Staff Reporter As the concept of a life science com- plex at the University inches closer to becoming reality, questions abound in the minds of many faculty and staff mem- To address these concerns, University President Lee Bollinge...…

January 13, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…It News: 76-DAILY Display Ads: 7640554 Classified Ads: 76440557 One hundred eghtyears of edtwal fr-eedom Wednesday January 13, 1999 .,: . , , a. a.. ,. k; , _ :.:. ;.J m , Ss ., ,.. a...k:. x , ....<. , . . ,....:.., ), ,. { s s 4 i :a. z y ty, s r~i w: by . ~ . .. ... ..;...,, .;:; ~ . k , .. s. s ' .,.what r^1 , n.., r,. .. 7 ::.+ E "'< , $",s .<< . . c . a . . . r .., ,sa S dV e w~ s > .;x, .,, : .,.r; :; : 'iRf? C r s . ? 5 .:, sry fi...…

November 13, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…-I-- - -: i 1 g. 41v WAc It -..qWt,_qqr Un 1 Friday November 13, 1998 News: 76-DAILY Display Ads: 764-0554 Classified Ads: 764-0557 One hundred eight years of editori'1lfreedom Mla7:: Michigan vs. Wisconsin Phi Delt charter reinstated Who: No. 6 ranked Wisconsin (9-0) vs. No. 15 ranked Michigan (7-2) Where: Michigan Stadium (capacity 107,501) When: Tomorrow at noon Line: Michigan by 3 Television: ESPN Wast Year: Michigan won at Wisc...…

October 13, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…I E i Ian Untti News: 76-DAILY Display Ads: 764554 Classified Ads: 764-0557 One hundred ezkht years offeditor~aIdfreedom Tuesday Ocobr13 19 Daily In-depth Milosevic plans pul it NATO's airstr to roops * ' ,. * U'researchers look for in-body remedies trigger desired Los Angeles Times Facing imminent attack from NATO's bombers, fighters and cruise missiles, Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic agreed to withdraw troops from violen...…

July 13, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…id~i~uu~4aF News: 76-DALY Display: 764-0554 Classified: 764-0557 Judges deny interventi ons One hundred seven years offeditorialfreedom Mlonday July 13, 1998 1edler ofthe nack By Susan T. Port Daily News Editor Detroit courts last week denied the motions of two coalitions of students seeking intervention in the two lawsuits challenging the University's use of race n its admissions policy. In a ruling handed down last Monday, U.S. Distric...…

April 13, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

…ppr, Air Unill News: 76-DAILY Advertising: 764-0554 One hundred seven years of edftoial freedom Monday April 13, 1998 II I i i a 1! 11! i:! 1! 11: 2! 11 i 111! 1. Clinton ponders next step in Ireland World leader WASHINGTON (AP) Stressing the importance of U.S. involvement in Northern Ireland, the chair of the peace talks said yes- terday he hopes President Clinton will visit the region to encourage people to accept an historic peace a...…

March 13, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…ws: 76-DAILY rtising: 764-0554 12 One hundred seven years of ediiori lfreedom *rnt Friday March 13, 1998 uw. A'' t Sat'kg'..;' , WIR y. U w3 zzaia Mt, M& 1 01, k tate Mike Spahn. aily Staff Reporter The state House of Representatives yesterday that - once approved ler - will ban assisted suicide in d impose criminal penalties on olved in aiding the death of an indiv The bill, sponsored by Sen. Wil egenmorter (R-Hudsonville), passed 66 to...…

February 13, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…ews: 76-DAILY dvertising: 764-0554 WE1v Iri One hundred seven years ofediftori5l freedom Friday February 13, 1998 --------- ---- 133 undii Engier's budget proposal ives U' 1.5-percent increase; egislators express concern Ike Spahn Staff Reporter LANSING Gov. John Engler released his bu. et for fiscal year 1999 yesterday, which includ ust a 1.5-percent increase in funding for 1 niversity - a disappointment to many Univers >ficials and sta...…

January 13, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

… r6Frun BIrni News: 76-DAILY Advertising: 7640554 One hundred seven years ofeditorialfreedom Tuesday January 13, 1998 Housing fair drawes crowdu New policy limiting upper-class Dptions in residence halls prompts Students to seek alternatives y Reilly Brennan Daily Staff Reporter Candy! Balloons! Popcorn! And bigger crowds. Thousands of students came to the Off-Campus Housing Fair yesterday in the Michigan League to rowse more than 40 dis...…

November 13, 1997 (vol. 108, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…News: 76-DAILY Advertising: 764-0554 it,,t ti One hundred seven years ofeditorndfeedom Thursday November 13, 1997 __ I 'U' loan default fate low By Jeffrey Kosseff Daily Staff Reporter it's official. The numbers are tallied. Michig is No. 5 in the Big Ten. In an annual report released yesterday, the U a rtment of Education reported that t l!versity's student loan default rate for fist year 1995 was 4 percent - significantly low than th...…

October 13, 1997 (vol. 108, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…wej News: 76-DAILY Advertising: 764-0554 One hundred seven years of editorf'dfreedom Monday October 13, 1997 I -~~~,$o u f42..- ,-e . ~i ~- - AM .;:. I I Successor expected within JJO days By Dan Stillman Daily Sports Writer University Athletic Director Tom Goss said yesterday that the national search: for a new basketball head coach would be short, but not that short. "It will probably take me about 10 days to decide," Goss said from ...…

August 13, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 14) • Page Image 1

…e dsigan &zilg One Izundred sixc years of edhtorifreedom Wednesday August 13 , 1997 Roberson announces intent to resign I Term full of 'U' sad to turbulence see AD go Athletic Director Joe Roberson announced his inte made to appoint a successor. By Heather Kamins °f and Mark Snyder Daily Staff Reporters After five turbulent years, University Athletic Director Joe Roberson is seeking solace the easiest way he knows how - by leaving the po...…

March 13, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…Ghe iran "Iti ws: 76-DAILY ivertislng; 764-0554 One hundred siv years ofeditoria freedom Thursday March 13, 1997 .-. C---,-N-.----------The------g an--ai.y follinger reaffirms support for Fisher y Katie Wang aily Staff Reporter In light of criticism surrounding recent '' violations, University President Lee oWger and Athletic Director Joe Roberson sued a joint statement reaffirming their sup- ort for Michigan basketball coach Steve Fishe...…

February 13, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

… *ail News: 76DAILY Advertising: 764-0554 One hundred six years of edito al freedom Thursday February 13, 1997 'b.: 4 '4~"" -' ., ~ .~ ~ -I S S *Ashes mark beginning *of Lent By Jeff Enderton Daily Staff Reporter The blessings of ashes on the faces of students at local churches yesterday symbolized their rebirth from sin. Ash Wednesday marks the day when Christians celebrate the sacri- ces made by Jesus and begin the spiritual season...…

January 13, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

…trirni IrnF Weather Tonight: Partly cloudy, low around 100. Tomorrow: Partly sunny, high around 270. One hundred six years of editorialfreedom Monday January 13, 1997 'U mourns loss of theatre prof. in Comair crash By Alice Robinson Daily Staff Reporter Bouquets of violet-colored daisies and delicate red roses adorned Betty Jean Jones' office door this weekend paying tribute to the accomplished 47-year-old associate Rackham dean and th...…

November 13, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

…40 at Weather Tonight: Chance of snow, low around 20°. Tomorrow: Chance of snow, nigh around 330 One hundred six years offedntonrlfreedom Wednesday November 13, 1996 ------------------- -- ------------------ -------------------- ---------- . ,. Islas OWN. r, -1 W- r, T 7!, 11 ek -- ------------------- ----------- ------ MDS to appeal copyright case to high court nn r a 5 r Y x 1 yy y r .} 77j it I C ) .4m ply Copyshop continues to prin...…

September 13, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…irran urn-t Weather Tonight: Mostly cloudy, low around 520. Tomorrow: Cloudy, chance of rain, high around 63*. One hiundredfive years ofedtord freedom Friday September 13, 1996 ------- 1 INNIS: bil l I ll : iiil!lillll! I m u m ......... I-- ....... MIC IGA Who: No. 11 Michigan vs. No. 5 Colorado Where: Folsom Field (cap. 51,808), Boulder, Colo. hen: omorrow, 3:30 p.m. Television: ABC, Channel 7 Series history: Each team has won one gam...…

March 13, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

…*4 I.E tria rYi Weather Tonight: Partly cloudy, low 33°, Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy, high 57. One hundredfive years of editonal freedom Wednesday March 13, 1996 IN 'P, ri. , Womack 3rd top 'U oficer to leave post By Jodi Cohen Daily Staff Reporter Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice Presi- dent Farris Womack became the last of the University's top three officials in just more than a year to announce his resignation. Womack's deci-...…

February 13, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…Bather onight: Light snow, low round 20%. omorrow: Light snow, high f 30%, E it I1a *rni One hundredfive years ofeditorialfreedom Tuesday February 13, 1996 '015 , r aft f a" = 4 J . u"i.: r, . e rMA,* ',, a;Y > yy '"C + + . olewi Iowa uchanan trong 2nd DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) - Sen. ob Dole (R-Kan.) scored a shaky vic- o in Iowa's Republican presidential ses last night as Pat Buchanan merged from the GOP field to ready a onservative chall...…

November 13, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

…i;s w t ic UnIt One Izundredfrve years of editorilifreedom °e ,. r t Weather Tonight: Mostly cloudy, light snow likely, low 240. Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy, light snow likely, high 36. Monday November 13, 1995 , 'CI - ,..( Duderstadt gives his support to new Code ® Duderstadt expects regents to approve draft at meetings later this week By Josh White Daily Staff Reporter President James J. Duderstadt said Friday that he supports the propos...…

October 13, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…eather night: Mostly cloudy, low the mid 50s. morrow: Mostly cloudy, gh around 60. 'Elan ti One kundredfve years of editorl freedom Friday October 13, 1995 Zito 100", -.0 , "'O"'l-, roups 00 march o support nrity rogaras Katie Wang nd Scot Woods aily Staff Reporters In possibly the largest demonstration n campus since the Black Action ovement of 1987, hundreds of stu- ents yesterday loudly protested recent ttacks around the country on af...…

September 13, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

…v~ ,I;"/ We"ather Tonight: Chance of showers, high 75°. Tomorrow: Morning shower, high 75-. itt mx t t til- IROPW One hundredfour years offeditorialfreedom Wednesday September 13.1995 Emmons= NATO to expand attacks on Serbs ,. ZAGREB, Croatia - NATO yester- day brushed aside Russian demands to halt its air campaign against Bosnian Serb forces and announced an expansion of its attacks including the possible introduc- tion of the Steal...…

April 13, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

…I.E Weather 'onight: Partly cloudy, w mid-30s. "")morrow: Cloudy, high :-0 the mid-50s. One hundred four years of editorial freedom *rni Thursday April 13, 1995 -. .-?t' o. 12 I ------------- U' professor recommended 'as next dean of ublic Health 1 Y Ronnie Glassberg oily Staff Reporter The co-chair of a committee that restructured the chool of Public Health has been selected as the school's ean, marking the end of a two-year transitio...…

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