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October 13, 1995 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-10-13

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night: Mostly cloudy, low
the mid 50s.
morrow: Mostly cloudy,
gh around 60.



One kundredfve years of editorl freedom

October 13, 1995

100", -.0 , "'O"'l-,

00 march
o support
Katie Wang
nd Scot Woods
aily Staff Reporters
In possibly the largest demonstration
n campus since the Black Action
ovement of 1987, hundreds of stu-
ents yesterday loudly protested recent
ttacks around the country on affirma-
ve action programs.
The traveling demonstration made
veral stops around campus, including
locking the entrances to the Business
dministration Building, where Repub-
can Gov. John Engler was speaking to
e Business School's Capital Growth
Students and activists spoke at vari-
us points along the march, demanding
continuation of affirmative action at
e University and a renewal of student
The protest, part ofthe National Day of
ction, began when more than 400 stu-
ents gathered on the Diag just after 11
.m. Similar protests were planned at
ore than 40 other campuses nationwide,
ut it is unknown how many took place.
The Alliance to Defend Affirmative
ction, a coalition of campus organiza-
ions and primary sponsor, had encour-
ged students to walk out of class.
"The whole biology class walked out
oday. Everybody knew about it," said
ngela Mustonen, a Residential Col-
ege senior.
"If we must walk out of classrooms
o address the importance of these is-
ues, then that's what we'll do," said
arti Bombyk of the Coalition Against
he Contract on America.
Wearing red arm bands symbolizing
nger and unity, students of all colors
arched peacefully through the Mod-
rn Languages Building, Angell Hall
nd the Michigan Union, chanting "No
ustice, no peace!"
Adero Flemming of the Black Stu-
lent Union said, "Justice is where ev-
ry person, regardless ofcolor, creed or
thnicity is judged equally on their char-
cteristics, without having to worry
bout racism."
The marchers then gathered at the
osenthal Cube in Regents' Plaza,
here a series of speeches took place.
tudents cheered as BSU Speaker
herise Steele addressed opponents of
ffirmative action.
"I have a message to anyone who
eels affirmative action is unnecessary:
Stop lying.' Affirmative action is not a
capegoat," Steele said, "It is justice."
Many ofthe demonstrators expressed
See RALLY, Page 7

rally for affirmative action

More women
class of 1999
By Amy Klein
Daily Staff Reporter
For the first time in University history, women outnumber
men in the entering class -2,587 to 2,562. Total enrollment
for first-year students, which has been steadily climbing,
experienced a 5.3-percent increase over last year, reaching a
record 5,149.
Associate Vice President for University Relations Lisa
Baker said the increase in the number of women my be due
to diversity programs like the Michigan Mandate and the
Agenda for Women.
"I think we've sent signals that this campus is women-
friendly," Baker
said. "Women can On the Rise
succeed here. In The number of women in the first-year
terms of students class hit an all-time high this year and
it's the emphasis on exceeding the number of men in the
safety, for faculty class for the first time ever. Here is
it's tenure opportu- the size and the percentage of women
nities and for staff in the last six enrolling classes.
it's flexible hours." women Men
Despite a visibly 4,70 93 4892
unnoticeable 25- 4,631
person majority,
members of
women's issues or-
ganizations on cam-
pus say they have
seen an increase in
female involve- "F
"This is a fabu-
lous place for
women to be right
now because there
are so many
women's groups on
campus," said
Emily Berry, chair 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
Emil Bery, cairJONATHAN BERNDT/Daily
of the Michigan
Student Assembly's Women's Issues Commission. 'My
commission has been increasing in numbers by the week."
Beth Meder, president of the Society for Women Engi-
neers, said that although female enrollment in the School of
Engineering has only just reached 30 percent, the gradual
increases in women are still noticeable.
"You're starting to see more women in classes, but certain
majors are very underrepresented with women," Meder said.
"Right now, though, we're consistently getting more women
involved in organizations on North Campus. I see the Col-
lege of Engineering as a great place to be a woman."
in addition to supporting the Univers iy's diversiotyI'iU-
tives, the statistics for the entering class also reveal a willing-
ness to work with the state Legislature. More than 62 percent
of first-year students hail from Michigan, pushing total in-
state enrollment up to 66.2 percent.
"We're trying to increase the number of students from the
state ofMichigan per our discussions with the state Legislature,"
Baker said. "We're mindful of the Legislature's wishes and you
will see a signal of our commitment in the increases."
While the entering class has experienced a significant
increase, total undergraduate enrollment at the University is
slowly climbing - up 1.4 percent from last year,
Enrollment in the Rackham School of Graduate Studies,
however, dropped by 193 students. But interim Rackham
Dean Robert J. Weisbuch, said the school will not suffer from
the decrease.
"One of the big issues in graduate education these days is
over-population," Weisbuch said."I'drathersee that numbergo
down by a couple of hundred than up by a couple of hundred."

Above: A protester pounds against the glass of the School of
Business Administration during a demonstration in support
of affirmative action. Several hundred protesters surrounded
the building where Michigan Gov. John Engler, a Republican,
was speaking to Business School students. Students rallied
outside the building at around 2 p.m. In a protest that
started yesterday morning on the Diag.
Right: Students walk from the Diag to the Modem
Languages Building at about 11:30 yesterday morning to
show their support for affirmative action programs. Several
hundred students walked out of their classes at 11:15 a.m.
to attend the protest.

Thousands rally at Berkeley to restore programs

The Daily Californian
(BERKELEY, Calif.) - Thousands of stu-
dents at the University of California at Berke-
ley boycotted classes and gathered yesterday
as part of the National Day of Action to restore
the school's affirmative action policies.
The protest included approximately 5,000
people at its peak during the keynote address
delivered by the Rev. Jesse Jackson.
Many organizers viewed the walkout as a
success: Hatem Bazian, a representative of the
student group Diversity in Action, said the
large turnout was impressive.

"I think it was tremendous," Bazian said.
"There was no space from one end to the other
(of the plaza). It has been positive, overall."
The bulk of the rally took place between l1
a.m. and 4 p.m., at which point protesters
marched across campus and attempted to block
traffic on a nearby interstate.
But the daylong event, which was held in
conjunction with Indigenous People's Day,
held on Columbus Day, began before dawn on
the highest point of Alcatraz Island with a
Native American sunrise ceremony. As the
first rays of sun appeared, as many as 100

people watched traditional dance and partici-
pated in prayer.
"Indigenous people went through a similar
struggle, although it was much more serious,
than what we are going through now," said Kevin
Riley, who helped organize the walkout.
When the protest at UC-Berkeley started
later in the morning, Van Jones, a member of
the San Francisco-based Law Committee for
Civil Rights, spoke the first words of the day.
"Friends and enemies, congratulations. The
University of California at Berkeley isclosed,"
See BERKELEY, Page 7

honor 35
ears of
eace Corps'
y Megan Schimpf
aily Staff Reporter
Inspired by a vision and words from
5 years ago, Peace Corps alumni used
oothbrushes and polish yesterday to
ring luster to John F. Kennedy's
"This is important for renewing our
focus on serving our nation and serving
other nations," said Joseph Dorsey,
campus coordinator for the Peace Corps.
"It serves to refocus on an idea that still
has validity today."
Eighteen members ofthe Peace Corps
Fellows program polished the plaque
on the steps of the Michigan Union
marking the spot where Kennedy intro-
duced the idea of the Peace Corps.
"This brings together a family of
people who have a strong bond, who
have a lot of shared experiences that are

4th Ward candidates vary in
approaches to crime, budget

By Maureen Sirhal
Daily Staff Reporter
Change and efficiency. These are the
ultimate goals that the 4th Ward candi-
dates are working for in their stances on

issues like the city
Candidates in
the 4th Ward -
which covers the
southwest area of
campus - in-
clude Democrat
David Bryan
Smith, Republi-
can Patrick
Putman and Lib-
ertarian David


nity Oriented Police program.
Raaflaub said he supports legalizing
"victimless" crimes such as alcohol pos-
session, and illegal drugs like marijuana.
In addition, Raaflaub said he wants to see
restrictions lifted on weapons possession
so citizens can better protect themselves
from the threat of crime.
The candidates are acutely aware ofthe
budget concerns and the prospective defi-
cit that the city faces in coming years.
"The financial situation of the city is
one issue that needs immediate atten-
tion," Putman said. "Council needs to
start listening to the experts."
Putman said the council spends too
much time and taxpayer money
Smith contends that through use of the
Budget Review Committee, the council
can look for ways to control the budget.
"We do have about 70 million in the
general fund," Smith said. He added he
did not think the problem was as dire as
other candidates made it sound.
"We need to listen to what the Bud-
ogt Review committee has to sav"

Smith said.
Libertarian Raaflaub said he has al-
ways supported the privatization of the
city services. "I did a proposal several
years ago for the city on privatizing the
fire department and found the savings to
the city would be around 15 percent."
The candidates expressed different
perspectives on city-University rela-
"The (city and the University) have
very big problems," Putman said. "The
University own 40 percent of the tax-
able property in Ann Arbor. That is
about 17 million. I think some concrete
contribution could be made" either in
the form of money or services.
Putman added that he wants to see
some of the University resources, such
as research, tapped by the city.
Smith agreed that both the University
and the city could benefit each other, but
said the quality of life in the city shouldbe
a higher priority to the University.
Raaflaub, however, opposes such in-
teraction. "The city should pursue a free
market and leave the University alone."

Joe Bell and Joe Arch, members of the Peace Corps Fellows program, polish the
plaque that rests at the entrance of the Michigan Union in honor of the 35th
anniversary of John F. Kennedy's announcement of the Peace Corps.

The candidates said they see a rise in
violent crime as a major issue.
"I certainly think council should be a
leader in public safety," Putman said.
"Council has to take a lead in educating
Smith said he supported expanding
the nanire rnvenue like the Commu.

idea into reality."
Kennedy, then a Massachusetts sena-
t. n~w ~rno7t{n raa Fr+1 -nr ~rr -

a school night was almost unheard of,"
Bartus said. "But my friend's father pre-
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