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February 13, 2003 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2003-02-13

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February 13, 2003
@2003 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Vol. CXIII, No. 94

One-hundred-twelve years ofeditorzl freedom

Snow showers
during the day
and into the
evening with
winds up to 20
mph from the

2811 2


CIA: N. Korean missile could strike U.S.

* The United Nations said
it may impose sanctions for
the nuclear violation
Korea has an untested ballistic missile
capable of reaching the western United
States, top U.S. intelligence officials
confirmed yesterday. In Vienna, the
U.N. nuclear agency declared North
Korea in violation for its nuclear pro-
gram and reported the country to the
Security Council.
The U.N. move, which sends the dis-

pute to the Security Council for con-
sideration, could lead to punishing
sanctions which North Korea has said
it would consider an act of war.
International Atomic Energy
Agency chief Mohamed ElBaradei,
meanwhile, said in Vienna the agency
would continue to press for a peaceful
solution, but he said months of intran-
sigence by North Korea's communist
regime had left the U.N. nuclear
watchdog no choice.
"The current situation sets a danger-
ous precedent," ElBaradei said. He
said North Korea was only a "month or

two" from producing "a significant
amount of plutonium" that could be
used to make weapons, now that IAEA
inspectors no longer controlled the
country's nuclear programs.
In Washington, U.S. intelligence
officials told Congress that North
Korea has a ballistic missile capable of
hitting the western United States and
possibly targets farther inland.
The weapon is an untested, three-
stage version of its Taepo Dong 2 mis-
sile, Vice Adm. Lowell Jacoby, director
of the Defense Intelligence Agency,
told reporters. CIA Director George

Tenet, who joined Jacoby before the
Senate Armed Services Committee
yesterday, acknowledged that North
Korea has a missile that can at least
reach the West Coast.
Their statements seemed to be the
strongest from U.S. officials saying
that Pyongyang can strike the United
States with a long-range nuclear mis-
sile launched from the interior of
North Korea.
However, U.S. intelligence officials
said later North Korea has demonstrat-
ed no new missile capabilities in the
last year. The officials, speaking on the

condition of anonymity, said Tenet and
Jacoby's statements were based on the
same information that led U.S. intelli-
gence to conclude a few years ago that
North Korea was close to being able to
flight-test a three-stage Taepo Dong 2.
Without flight-testing, the reliabili-
ty of such a missile fired in anger is
questionable. For several years, North
Korea has held to a voluntary morato-
rium on flight tests of its long-range
missiles, although American officials
say the country may renew them at
any time.
White House spokesman Ari Fleis-

cher sought to play down the state-
ments, saying they reflected old intelli-
gence. He said, "This old news is why
it's important to proceed with deploy-
ment of missile defense and also why
the president is focused on multilateral
diplomatic talks to deal with North
Some Democratic senators, howev-
er, criticized the Bush administration's
handling of the North Korean standoff.
"It seems to me that's a threat that's
as imminent, or perhaps more so,
directly to the United States than is
Iraq," said Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va.

Tenure-seeking female faculty
find decreasing disparity at 'U'

By Tomlslav Ladika
Daily Staff Reporter

tenured pro
of females
past decade

Though the University has a higher percent- In additi
age of minority faculty members than most recruit fem
other research schools, it still lags behind most improve th
Big Ten schools in its percentage of female fac- ing science
ulty pursuing tenure. dent Lester
Of the University's tenure-track faculty in Science
2001, 25 percent were female, ranking Michi- the nation
gan eighth in the Big Ten, according to statistics female fac
provided by the Association of American Uni- istry Prof. C
versities Data Exchange. "It has
The statistics also reveal the proportion of females in
females teaching lecture courses is higher than has to do w
the proportion who have received tenure. career to fo
Females comprised 57 percent of all University LSA fre
lecturers in 2001, but 34 percent of associate dent andV
and assistant professors, as well as 17 percent of member, s
Bomb scare at
A2 Fed. Bldg.
a false alarm

ofessors, were female. The percentage
in all four categories has risen in the
on to encouraging all departments to
ale faculty, the University is trying to
e number of female professors teach-
and engineering, Senior Vice Presi-
Monts said.
and engineering departments across
have greater difficulty recruiting
ulty than other departments, chem-
Carol Fierke said.
to do with a discouragement of
math and science, and I also think it
uith the perception that it is a difficult
llow and have a family," she said.
shman Marissa Lefler, a biology stu-
Women in Science and Engineering
aid because science and engineering

"are traditionally male-dominated fields, and
perhaps more competitive, it can be intimidating
for females if they are in the minority."
To improve the recruitment and retention
of female faculty in science and engineering
fields, the University is using a $3.75 mil-
lion grant received from the National Sci-
ence Foundation in 2001 to fund its
ADVANCE Institutional Transformation for
five years.
The initiative created a variety of programs
aimed at educating departments on gender-equi-
table hiring practices, providing financial sup-
port to female faculty to achieve their career
goals and encouraging female students to pur-
sue careers in science. It also allocates funds to
departments looking to recruit female faculty or
improve their departmental climate.

Bus blaze burns out

By Maria Sprow
Daily Staff Reporter

Business senior Becky Trevino (right) and Engineering senior Ramon Martinez help Becky's sister Sandra
Trevino-Ferrer prepare for her math exam tomorrow. Becky is the first in her family to attend college.
Statistics show only few
Hispanics attend collegae

By Soojung Chang
Daily Staff Reporter
Business senior Becky Trevino is the first person
from her family to go to college. In fact, she had to
convince her parents to let her attend the University
because they wanted her to go to a school closer to
home like the University of Michigan at Dearborn
or Wayne State University.
In spite of this, Trevino said she has flourished at
the University. One of the few Hispanics in the
Business School, Trevino is also getting a double
degree in the School of Engineering and is the presi-
dent of Sigma Lambda Gamma, a Hispanic sorority.
According to a Monday article in the New York
Times, Trevino is the exception rather than the rule

among Hispanic students. A recent article cited a
study by the Pew Hispanic Center that indicated
only 16 percent of Hispanic high school graduates
earn a four-year college degree by age 29.
In 2001, there were 1,034 Hispanic students
enrolled in the undergraduate program at the Uni-
versity and the 2002 freshman class is 6.1 percent
The article cited several factors that experts
say are responsible for the difficulties that His-
panic students face in higher education. They
include language and culture barriers, financial
problems, a lack of role models and inadequate
preparation from schools. It also noted a cultural
emphasis on extended family that causes many

A bomb scare yesterday morning caused the evacuation
of the Federal Building on Liberty Street, which houses the
Ann Arbor post office. The scare came just days after the
Bush administration declared that the terror alert be raised
to "high risk" orange, the highest level since 2001, when
the alert scale was created.
Ann Arbor Police Department Sgt. Ed Stuck said the
scare occurred at 10:45 a.m., when a postal worker moving
a package accidentally dropped the box, causing it to break
open. The postal worker discovered two hand grenades
inside the box.
The workers called the AAPD and immediately evacu-
ated the building. The U.S. Marshal's service and the
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms also respond-
ed to the call.
Investigators and police bomb dogs searched the
building. Stuck said the search lasted for less than an
hour, finding no evidence of any wrongdoing. The
building's normal operations resumed after the evacua-
tion ended.
Stuck said the grenades were determined to be dummy
grenades - hollowed-out grenades that do not contain
fuses or explosives. Dummy grenades can be legally pur-
chased at most army supply stores and are used for any-
thing from paperweights to training devices and
memorabilia, he added.
See SCARE, Page 7A

Ann Arbor firefighters put out a small blaze yesterday that
started when a bus engine backfired through the air filter.
MIT opens mino1,rity
programsto others

By Jeremy Berkowitz
Daily Staff Reporter

Emergency contraception
explainedl in discussion

When Princeton University adminis-
trators announced late last week the
suspension of the Woodrow Wilson
School Junior Summer Institute - an
academic summer program exclusively
for underrepresented minority students
studying public policy - they raised
concerns of a possible lawsuit. The
University of Michigan's two lawsuits
regarding the use of race in admis-
sions, expected to be heard by the U.S.
Supreme Court April 1, have opened
the possibility for more lawsuits to

attack the procedures universities use
to attain diversity.
This week, legal worries spread to
the Massachusetts Institute of Technol-
ogy, where administrators announced
that two summer math and science pro-
grams - originally reserved for under-
represented minorities - will be open
to all, starting this summer.
Both programs are seven weeks long
and are intended for incoming fresh-
men who might need more orientation
to the university before embarking on
their first year of college.
When the Center for Equal Opportu-

By Katie Glupker
For the Daily

"Here's the bottom line: we know that sex hap-
pens," Lisa Kane-Low, nurse, midwife and
Women's Studies lecturer, said yesterday at a
teach-in about emergency contraception. The pur-
pose of the event was to provide students with
accurate information about their post-sex options
for birth control.
Kane-Low was one of several presenters at the
event, sponsored by Students for Choice and the
Student Health Advisory Council.
Emergency contraception pills "are medication
that prevent pregnancy after intercourse has
already occurred," said Susan Ernst, University
Health Services director of gynecology. She
added that the pills cause neither birth defects nor
the termination of a preexisting pregnancy.
Ernst also presented information about Plan B,
the emergency contraception pill that UHS pre-
scribes. She said Plan B, a two-dose medication,

taken within 72 hours of intercourse.
To demonstrate that publicity helps to educate
more youth, Kane-Low referred to a certain
emergency contraception hotline that was receiv-
ing an average of 133 calls per day. When the hot-
line ran a 30-second commercial on MTV for two
days in a row, the number of calls increased to
over 4000 per day. "There is clearly a need for
information," she said.
Availability of emergency contraception is no
longer the problem, said Katrina Mann, graduate
liaison with Students for Choice. She added,
"People just need to know about this."
Traci Jarrett, UHS sexual health advisor, told
the audience that emergency contraception can
produce unwanted side effects such as vomiting
and nausea.
Emergency contraception "should not be used
as your primary birth control method," Jarrett
said. She discussed several other forms of contra-
ception including condoms, diaphragm/cervical
caps, birth control pills, time-release hormone

Knowing your cop
helps to fight crime

By Brian Lundin
For the Daily
A push to prevent crime before it hap-
pens by fostering relationships between
police officers and students is the latest
program being planned by the Depart-
ment of Public Safety.
The Team Community Oriented
Policing Program deviates from tradi-
tional policing philosophy and focus-
es instead on pro-active, problem
solving efforts involving all members
of the community, DPS Sgt. Pat

of community policing," said Alessi,
architect and coordinator of the TCOP
The campus will be divided into
three districts: Adam District, south of
South University Avenue and west of
State Street; Charles District, includ-
ing Medical, North and East campus-
es; and Baker District, encompassing
all areas between the Adam and
Charles districts.
Each district will be assigned about
nine officers and its own problem-
solving team comprised of DPS offi-

Prof. Lisa Kane-Low informs students about emergency
contraception pills during her speech in the Michigan Union


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