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September 13, 2000 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-09-13

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CLASSIFIED: 764-0557
bails 01
after ra
By David Enders
Daily Staff Reporter




One nundred n1ine years ofeditorialfreedom

September 13, 2000

Woman killed by

commuter bus

By David Enders
and Jacquelyn Nixon
Daily Staff Reporters

Janis Marchyok was a mother of
three who volunteered much of her
time to community theater and histori-
cal preservation.
"Being a secretary wasn't some-
thing that was her passion," said
Wendy Uhlmrann genetic counselor in
the Medical School's division of med-
ical genetics. "Theater was her pas-
sion. She loved theater."
Ann Arbor police are still investi-

gating how Marchyok, a 48-year-old
Howell resident and -secretary in the
internal medicine department, was
struck and killed by a University bus
during a heavy downpour Monday.
The 5:45 p.m. accident occurred in the
intersection of Glen Avenue and East
Catherine Street, where the bus, a
commuter coming from North Cam-
pus, was turning.
AAPD Sgt. Michael Logghe said
Marchyok was initially struck by the
side of the bus before being dragged
and run over. Police are not sure
whether she was in the road or on the

sidewalk and there were apparently no
witnesses who actually saw the acci-
No charges have been brought
against the 22-year-old University stu-
dent who was driving the bus.
The driver told police he could not
see Marchyok because of the heavy
rain that was falling at the time. Uni-
versity spokeswoman Diane Brown
said the student had been employed as
a bus driver since 1998.
At least 20 people were on the bus
at the time of the accident and were
transferred to another bus.

"I thinkjgust the fact that an accident has
occurred will always increase everyone's
- Diane Brown
University spokeswoman

Ann Arbor is still recovering after
the city's heaviest rainfall in 20 years
flooded roads and buildings both on
and off campus earlier this week.
University weather observer Dennis
Kahlbaum said 3.58 inches of rain fell
4 Ann Arbor between Sunday
evening and yesterday morning,
including 1.6 inches in the span of an
hour Monday evening.
"We had some water in the Lawyer's
Club, East Quad, Newberry, West
Quad, Couzens, Alice Lloyd, Baits,
Bursley -just about all of that was in
our storage areas," said Archie
Andrews, associate director of resi-
dence operations.
°tudent rooms affected included
e basement rooms in Baits Resi-
dence Hall and a single room in West
Quad Residence Hall, all of which
needed the carpet removed for drying,
Andrews said.
Residence halls were not the only
campus buildings that had problems.
"The majority of buildings on cam-
pus" experienced some flooding, Uni-
versity spokeswoman Diane Brown
n ."We were getting calls from
paces that we don't normally get calls
Students renting houses and apart-
ments off-campus dealt with basement
flooding and roof leaks.
See RAIN, Page 2
dies in
avid Enders
Staff Reporter
University Music Prof. Gary Bird
Was expected to hold auditions for the
musical "Assassins" last night, but
shocked students were instead greeted
by grief counselors.
Bird was confirmed dead yesterday
after having been reported missing in
France since the beginning of classes
last week.
ird's son Tyler, of West Jordan,
Utah, said last night that he received a
letter from the U.S. Embassy in France
saying his father had been found dead,
apparently of natur-
al causes, in his
"They are per-
forming an autop-
sy," Tyler Bird said.
Bird said the let-
ter told him there
was no evidence of
foul play in his
father's death.
Bird Bird, 49, was a
veteran performer and director of more
than 60 plays and musicals across the
country. He was an assistant professor
in the musical theater department of the
School of Music.
According to Bird's School of Music
bj raphy, he headed the degree pro-
g i in musical theater at East Caroli-
na University from 1991 to 1994. He
also taught at Utah State University
and Brigham Young University.
Most recently he directed an off-
Broadway production of "The Robber
Bridegroom" for the Manhattan The-
ater Ensemble.
"Ie was writing a book about per-

formance," Tyler Bird said. "That was
l ife and his love."
Second-year musical theater student
Monique French was in Bird's Intro-
duction to Musical Theater class last
year and this semester is taking Musi-
cal Theater Performance, a class Bird
was expected toteach.

University buses have continued
running as normal after the accident
and counseling is available for other

"I think just the fact that an accident
has occurred will always increase
everyone's awareness," Brown said.
See DEATH, Page 7


profou nd ly

gratefu I'

School o fficially
named for Ford


By Yael Kohen
Daily Staff Reporter

Sixty-five years after Gerald Ford
graduated from the University, the
former president returned to campus
yesterday, bringing with him a legacy
of public service as well as friends,
family and former members of his
Ford's experiences and lifetime
achievements were recognized by the
University as he accepted the honor of
having the School of Public Policy
renamed after him.
Despite a stroke suffered while
attending the Republican National
Convention in Philadelphia last
month, the fragile Ford mustered up
enough energy to travel to Ann
Arbor for the Hill Auditorium cere-
"I'm profoundly grateful," Ford

said after a parade of esteemed state
and University officials, including
Gov. John Engler, University Presi-
dent Lee Bollinger, Public Policy
Dean Rebecca Blank and University
Regent Rebecca McGowan, spoke of
the former president's legacy.
Many state politicians were in the
audience, and among the family,
friends and some former members of
his administration who shared in the
event including his wife, Betty, and
former Secretary of State Henry
Kissinger, who assured the audience
his warm sentiments described a man
he considers not just an employer but a
Kissinger, as keynote speaker at
yesterday's ceremony, spoke of
Ford's personal qualities as an
attribute in leading the nation during
the tumultuous period after Richard
See FORQ, Page 2

$6.5M already raised for

Ford School expansion


LEFT: Former
President Gerald Ford
shakes University
President Lee
Bollinger's hand while
Gov. John Engler,
former Secretary of
State Henry Kissinger,
and Provost Nancy
Cantor look on
yesterday at the
School of Public
Policy renaming
ceremony In Hill
RIGHT: SNRE senior
Elizabeth Hamilton
and LSA senior Aaron
Stark protest
Kissinger's foreign
policies during a vigil
on the Diag last night.

By Yael Kohen
Daiy Staff Reporter
The Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy has received
$6.5 million in donations as it begins a period of major
expansion including new faculty, new buildings, additional,
courses and efforts to attract more stu-
dents. 141think 1
The money was collected during the
past four months from nine donors It'll get t
including former President Ford, after
whom the school officially was renamed on the Mn
in a ceremony yesterday.
Two of the nine donations will estab-
lish professorships within the Ford Former
School. The Annenberg Foundation and
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ira Harris each donated $2 million, which is
the minimum in order for a professorship to be established.
A $1 .4 million donation by Citigroup accounted for the
majority of the remaining funds.
"The dean is in conversation with Citigroup at the
moment," University Vice President for Development Susan

Feagin said.
Feagin said University administrators have made several
suggestions as to how the donations may be spent.
The University still has some way to go to reach its long-
term goal of $30 million, which has prompted officials to
participate in "intense and active" levels of fundraising.
Fundraisers are hoping to gather
t S great. money from Public Policy alum and
those who wish to honor Ford.
fe school Former Public Policy Dean Edward
Gramlich, a member of the Federal
Reserve Board, said the school has
changed dramatically since Public Poli-
- Edward Gramlich cy Dean Rebecca Blank took over last
Public Policy dean year.
"I think it's great. It'll get the school
on the map," Gramlich said. "I think Becky Blank has taken
things to a new level."
Gov. John Engler, who also visited campus yesterday, said
that as the school grows he would like to see his office and
the Ford School "have a relationship that's formulated and

Kissinger policies
protested in vigil,


By Elizabeth Kassab
Daily Staff Reporter
"Try Kissinger for War Crimes"
screamed a banner on the Diag.
Another banner proclaimed "Ford
Kissinger Public Policy = 1/2 Mil-
lion Deaths."
Henry Kissinger's leadership as
the U.S. Secretary of State during
numerous coups and wars in Asia,

South America and Africa was the
target of an evening vigil in the
Diag last night.
The vigil was held to remember
the "uncounted numbers" of peo-
ple who died as a result of
Kissinger's foreign policy- deci-
sions, said Thom Saffold of the
Direct Action Center, which orga-
nized the event.
See VIGIL, Page 2


: _

Hig gas pnces return to Michigan
By James Restivo students who plan to drive home or around
For the Daily Ann Arbor in the near future. Gassing up

After a summer of high gas prices, LSA
sophomore Joanna Bluestone said the cur-
rent cost to drive is "ridiculous." And it's
getting worse.
After prices leveled off last month, the
cost of gas is now on the rise again - at
$1.60 to $1.80 per gallon, according to
AAA Michigan.

John Griffin, executive director of the
Association Petroleum Industries of Michi-
gan, said the price increase can be tied to
supply and demand.
"Crude oil at $35 per barrel is at the
highest in 10 years and gas reserves are
depleted all over the world," Griffin said.
Griffin, whose company works with
about 400 companies in the state that deal

Prices at Ann Arbor gas stat s
Packard Amoco, 2995 Packard R
Meijer, 3145 Ann Arbor-Saline Rd
Regular: $1.67 Premium:
Ann Arbor Shell, 32 4 enaw Ave.
Regular: $1.69 emi *: $1.87

T m

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