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August 13, 1997 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1997-08-13

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e dsigan &zilg
One Izundred sixc years of edhtorifreedom

August 13 , 1997

Roberson announces intent to resign


Term full of 'U' sad to
turbulence see AD go

Athletic Director Joe Roberson announced his inte
made to appoint a successor.

By Heather Kamins
°f and Mark Snyder
Daily Staff Reporters
After five turbulent years, University Athletic
Director Joe Roberson is seeking solace the easiest
way he knows how - by leaving the position.
"I'm an old man," Roberson told The Michigan
Daily. "I'm 61 years old and originally agreed to stay
here for three years and have stayed here for five. It's a
much different job than when Don Canham was here."
In a mid-May interview, Roberson said the job has
changed tremendously under the pressure of media
x.scrutiny and national exposure.
"It's a much more stressful job," Roberson said.
"There's a far greater emphasis on NCAA oversight.
There was a time where the athletic director ran things
independent of everybody else, but that time is gone.
There are many people looking over your shoulder and
helping you be athletic director."
MsRKFRIEDMN/Daiy Roberson first informed University President Lee
at to resign after five years in the post. No pians have been Bollinger of his intention to step down in February. At
See AD, Page 3
July: Full-time duties begin May: Moeller resigns Feb.: Basketball scandalSpring: NCAA investigation
n begins

By Chris Farah
Daily Sports Editor
Members of the University's athletic
community expressed sadness yesterday
upon learning of athletic director Joe
Roberson's plans to resign.
Although rumors and speculation
about Roberson's impending resignation
have circulated for some time, student-
athletes seemed generally taken aback
by the news.
Roberson's decision to leave the top
position in the athletic department
comes during a time when the
University faces NCAA investigation
for alleged improprieties committed by
the men's basketball team.
"I was kind of surprised," said Nicole
Forrester, a member of the women's
track team. "I don't think his resignation
is appeasing anyone. I don't know how
true the allegations are, and I don't think
See RESIGN, Page 13
March: 'U' hires lawfirm to
investigate allegations
Aug.: Roberson announces 1998
plans to retire CHRIS FARAHfDtai

Sept.: Roberson hired

1994 Oct.: Nike contract 1995

March: Swimming 1996M1997
champs 19 March: Hockey champs 9

Microsoft aids ailing Apple [E

By Christine M. Palk
Daily Staff Reporter
rvival of the fittest?
rwin may have believed that only the
fittest would succeed, but this may not be
the case for Microsoft Corp. and Apple
Computer, Inc..
For the two major companies, which
announced one of the biggest alliances in
computer history last week, it is more of a
symbiotic relationship.
The agreement between the two compa-
nies will include a broad patent cross-
licensing agreement, various versions of
so are and applications for both the
M ntosh and IBM-compatible computers,
collaborations on Internet software and
most significantly, an investment by
Microsoft of $150 million in non-voting
Apple stock.
In terms of how this consortium will
affect the University, which uses both IBM
and Macintosh computers, Jill Arnold,
director of corporate and external relations

for Information and Technology Division,
said "it appears, all in all, to be a positive
thing for the University."
"We try to be sensitive to students' choic-
es of platform. This (agreement) just means
that students will continue to have a choice
at the University," Arnold said.
"We will be watching for technology
changes the two companies may be working
on so that we can use them for our benefit,"
she said.
The arch-rivals reached the deal at 2 a.m.
last Wednesday. Hours later, Apple director
and co-founder Steve Jobs and Microsoft
chair and CEO Bill Gates announced the
deal in Boston.
The alliance of the two "enemies" may
seem strange, especially for Microsoft,
which has in the past dominated the com-
puter industry and subsequently relegated
Apple to a much smaller market.
Likewise, many loyal Mac users are con-
fused, disappointed and wonder why Apple
stooped to "begging" Microsoft for money.

N MIcrosoft will invest
-....,.".."." $150 million in Apple.
8 Versions of software
and applications for
both Macs and IBM.
Appl I Collaborations on
Intemet software.
So what are the benefits for both compa-
John Pinette, a Microsoft spokesperson,
said the alliance is essential for Microsoft's
growth because Mac users depend on
Microsoft software and are a large popula-
tion of Microsoft customers.
"Clearly for us, it is a benefit when con-
sidering our eight million customers who
use the Mac platform," Pinette said. "We
see our backing of Apple as necessary."
In reality, the two companies have always
been co-dependent behind the scenes - to
See ALLIANCE, Page 2

Cheating slows
boar--d scores
By Jason Stoffer
Daily Staff Reporter
The largest cheating scandal in the five-year history of the
medical board exam has sent shock waves reverberating
through the nation's medical community.
Scores for the test, which students at the University must
pass before beginning their clinical training, were not mailed
to students until yesterday because exam officials needed
more time to investigate the cheating allegations. The scores
are usually released two to three weeks earlier, said Wayne
Davis, the University's associate dean for Medical Education.
Thompson Bowles, president of the national board of med-
ical examiners, the test's administers, informed medical
schools in a July 29 memorandum of a major breach in the
examination's security. Although officials will not comment
about the source of the cheating allegations, evidence was
uncovered that some medical students obtained access to test
material prior to taking their boards.
The memorandum does not specify the geographical
region, the number of students affected or the specific indi-
See SCORES, Page 3

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