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July 13, 1998 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1998-07-13

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News: 76-DALY

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Judges deny
interventi ons

One hundred seven years offeditorialfreedom

July 13, 1998

1edler ofthe nack

By Susan T. Port
Daily News Editor
Detroit courts last week denied the
motions of two coalitions of students
seeking intervention in the two lawsuits
challenging the University's use of race
n its admissions policy.
In a ruling handed down last
Monday, U.S. District Judge Bernard
Friedman denied the motion of 41 stu-
dents to become co-defendants in the
lawsuit challenging the University's
Law School. The request was filed on
March 26 to enter the second lawsuit
against the Law School. Their petition
was backed by United for Equality and
Affirmative Action, Coalition to
Defend Affirmative Action and Law
Students for Affirmative Action.
"We did not oppose the motion to
intervene," said University spokesper-
son Julie Peterson.
Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Patrick
Duggan denied a similar motion to inter-
vene from 17 high school students. The
motion was filed in February by several
groups, including the NAACP Legal
Defense and Educational Fund, the
American Civil Liberties Union, the
Mexican American Legal Defense Fund
and Citizens for Affirmative Action's
Preservation. The motion targeted the
lawsuit against the use of race as a factor
in the admissions policy of the College
of Literature, Science and the Arts.

Both coalitions were attempting to
help defend the University's practice of
affirmative action.
Miranda Massie, an attorney for the
Law School coalition, said she will
appeal the judge's decision.
"I was surprised by the decision,"
Massie said.
Massie described the coalition of
students as having "a tremendous per-
sonal stake in affirmative action. A
much greater stake than any University
can have."
Drawing attention to past discrimi-
nation, gender issues and the validity of
the LSAT scores was one of the coali-
tion's objectives, Massie said.
"I am absolutely certain the
University will inadequately represent
the interests of the students," Massie
said. "The University of Michigan is
notorious in this region for its wretched
record in racism in particular but also
on sexism."
University President Lee Bollinger
said the school did not oppose the inter-
ventions, and that the University's
defense team would adequately defend
its practices.
"We took a general neutral position
on this case," Bollinger said. "My
belief is the University will fully
defend the policy. (The University) will
make the constitutional argument as
See LAWSUITS, Page 2

A cherry-red Ford hot rod makes a statement at the Main Street Classic Car Show on Friday afternoon.
'U' adits fewer students
By Susan T. Port admit fewer students was based on last year's incoming class.
Daily News Editor Last fall "more students took us up on our offer than we
In an attempt to avoid the strains a large incoming class expected," Peterson said.
would present, the University admitted fewer students this year. Peterson said the large class created pressure on housing,
Of the 21,025 applications it received this year, the courses and a variety of student services for first-year students.
University accepted 12,351 students, according to records "We guarantee all incoming freshman students the right to
from June 15. Last year, the University received 18,784 appli- housing," Peterson said. "Last fall, we had students living in
cations and admitted 12,826 students. lounges. It was a challenge."
University spokesperson Julie Peterson said the decision to See ADMISSIONS, Page 2
LSA student to
face riot charge

Northwest uses
lab to visualize
terniinal designs
By Tal Nuriel
For the Daily
Detroit Metro Airport, the Northwest Airlines hub, will
soon undergo a massive change. Northwest is currently
working on its Midfield Terminal project, a $1-billion cre-
ation which will introduce two new concourses with a total
of 74 gates, a 12,000-space parking garage, an intricate
system of roads and a power plant. The new terminal will
replace Northwest's current facilities at Metro Airport and
will attempt to improve the airline's service in Detroit.
To help undertake this large-scale plan, Northwest has
commissioned a group of researchers at the University to
develop a virtual reality model of the entire project.
The specialists, headed by Klaus-Peter Beier, a research

By Gerard Cohen-Vrignaud
Daily News Editor
LSA senior Jessica Curtin, a leader
of the Coalition to Defend Affirmative
Action By Any Means Necessary, will
face charges of rioting and malicious
destruction of property for acts that
allegedly took place May 9 when
demonstrators protested a rally held by
the Ku Klux Klan at City Hall.
The felony charge of rioting carries a
maximum penalty of 10 years in prison.
Curtin confirmed her own arrest,
adding that she will face charges in the
near future.
More University students could be
arrested in the future as Ann Arbor

Research scientist Klaus-Peter Beier uses imaging equip-
ment to view a virtual model of a new Northwest terminal.
scientist in the University Naval Architecture and Marine
Engineering Department, will translate existing sketches of
the terminal into Virtual Reality Modeling Language. Beier
will then publish his virtual reality models on the web for
See TERMINAL, Page 2

police attempt to find the more than 30
unidentified suspects for whom they
have outstanding warrants.
Shanta Driver and Luke Massie of
Detroit, two leaders of the National
Women's Rights Organizing Coalition,
were also arrested on criminal misde-
meanor charges and could face up to 90
days in jail for allegedly damaging
gates and fences during the KKK rally.
All three will be represented by
George Washington, a detroit-based
attorney and staunch supporter of
NWROC. Miranda Massie, a lawyer for
Washington's firm, described the
arrests and the prosecutions of counter-
See ARRESTS, Page 7

E. Fredric Dennis begins his
new role as LGBT director this
month. Page 3.

Girl Power rules at Lilith Fair a
Pine Knob from July 6 to July
7. Page 9.

Assistant wrestling coach Joe
McFarland is being considered
for the head position. Page 14.



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