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One hundred six years of edito al freedom
February 13, 1997
'b.: 4 '4~"" -' ., ~
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*of Lent
By Jeff Enderton
Daily Staff Reporter
The blessings of ashes on the faces
of students at local churches yesterday
symbolized their rebirth from sin.
Ash Wednesday marks the day
when Christians celebrate the sacri-
ces made by Jesus and begin the
spiritual season of Lent that ends in
"It's a time for renewal," said LSA
senior Natalya Varlick.
Several area churches held more
masses than usual yesterday, and
people crowded the churches for a
chance to begin their Lent worship.
"We had 400 people this morning,
and we expect to have at least that
any for the next two services" said
artha Rushmore, a liturgist at St.
Thomas Catholic Church on
Elizabeth Street.
The church held masses yesterday
at 7 a.m., noon and 4 p.m.
"It is a time to get ready for Easter,"
said Engineering senior Dan Griffin.
The Ash Wednesday celebration
also gives Christians a chance to look
back on their contributions.
"It's a beginning of looking at how
can better serve the charity of
wealth,' said Father Bob Irish of the
Transfiguration Catholic Church on
South Harris Street.
The day is celebrated in church
with the burning of palms from Palm
Sunday. Then, the priest blesses the
ashes and makes the sign of the cross
on patrons' foreheads.
The masses usually include com-
munion, the ceremonial breaking of
e body and blood of Christ. Lent
See LENT, Page 8A
Clinton hails
air safety report
Proposals toughenaviation
safety and security
WASHINGTON - A White House panel
chaired by Vice President Al Gore presented
President Clinton yesterday with dozens of new
proposals to toughen aviation safety and security,
such as using computerized databases to spot
potential terrorists and radically changing the way
the nation's air traffic system is funded.
Civil libertarians and Arab Americans
denounced Gore's proposals on computerized
"profiling" of passengers, saying the recommen-
dations are unconstitutional and will prompt
biased treatment of people with Arabic-sounding
names. The profiling program is expected to be
phased in soon.
Other proposals have been called controversial:
one would require that children under two years old
be assigned their own seats on airplanes, instead of
sitting on adults' laps as they're currently allowed to
do. The panel also called for expediting by five
years deployment of a satellite-based computer net-
work for guiding pilots in flight. It would replace the
Federal Aviation Administration's aging air traffic-
control computers.
Clinton warmly hailed the report, some of
which would require congressional action, saying
it "lays out a clear plan of action to ensure that
America's airways and airplanes will remain the
safest and our passengers the most secure in the
world. ... We will bring our air traffic control sys-
tem into the 21 st century by converting to space-
age satellite technology."
The FAA has warned for years that requiring
that infants have seats could prompt families to
travel instead by car, which is not as safe as air
travel. Flight attendants have complained that
everything in aircraft cabins is secure except
small children.
But the most controversial item in the Gore plan
is its endorsement of computerized passenger
"profiling" to select potential terrorists who
should have their bags scrutinized.
Government officials said airlines will be asked
to collect dozens of categories of data to construct
passenger profiles - for example, whether tickets
were bought using a credit card (since use of cash
could be seen as a tipoff of possible trouble); how
recently tickets were purchased (buying them only
minutes before a flight may create suspicion); and
a traveler's destination (Libya would raise a red
flag). Traveling with a child would remove some
suspicion, as would renting a car on arrival, and
using two-way tickets.
Many foreign countries have successfully used
such profiling techniques for years, along with
aggressive interviewing by security personnel, to
single out potential terrorists. Amtrak police and
the U.S. Customs Service have also employed the
tactic to spot drug couriers.
The panel put in place numerous safeguards,
such as barring the airlines from collecting data on
passengers' race, religion or nation of origin. It also
said searches must not stigmatize travelers, and that
airline files cannot be permanent.
Yet Arab American and civil liberties groups
said the policy violates the right to privacy, won't
improve air safety and will cause humiliating trav-
el delays for people with Arabic-sounding names.
First-year LSA student Andrea Morrow receives ashes on her forehead during an Ash Wednesday service
yesterday at St. Mary's Catholic Church on Thompson Street.
Fitzsimmons reflects on lost
bid for congressional seat
By Jeffrey Kosseff
Daily Staff Reporter
Joe Fitzsimmons summed up his feelings
about his failed 1996 campaign for a seat on
the U.S. House of Representatives in two
words - "no regrets."
"I went from being a complete unknown to
getting 42 percent of the vote," Fitzsimmons
told the University chapter of the College
9ublicans last night.
itzsimmons said his best memories of
the campaign are when he went door-to-
door campaigning for two to three hours per
"I enjoyed meeting people," Fitzsimmons
said. "Everyone was very receptive."
But he said there was one problem with
going to people's houses to campaign.
"The toughest part of going door-to-door
were the attack dogs in Westland,"
*simmons said.
Fitzsimmons said he will run for office
Panel -talks
on sexua
By Heather Kamins
Daily Staff Reporter
Only 18 people occupied Angell Hall
Auditorium A last night during a panel discus-
sion on sexual orientation, making it the sec-
again, but he is undecided as to which office he
will pursue. He said he will make a decision
within six months to one year.
Nick Kirk, president of the University
chapter of the College Republicans, said
Fitzsimmons is a great campaigner and has
a good chance at winning
in 1998 if he runs.
"I think Joe invested a
lot of time and effort," f hn
Kirk said. "In 1998, when
Joe comes back, if I were i
Lynn Rivers, I'd be very t
afraid:'." =
Fitzsimmons also has
fond memories of cam-
paign fundraising. _ _ _
"Getting someone to
write a check on the first
meeting when they don't know you is a hoot,"
Fitzsimmons said.
Fitzsimmons said President Clinton's 23-
percent lead over Bob Dole in the 13th
Congressional district was too strong to over-
"The magnitude of the Clinton victory
was too strong," Fitzsimmons said. "You talk
about coattails, wow, that's what they really
Talot of
I effort"
- Nick Kirk
ege Republicans
clobbered us on. We
were swimming
Fitzsimmons also
said many conserv-
atives stayed away
from the polls
because they were
not interested in the
Dole campaign.
"He's a great guy,
but not a great candi-
date' Fitzsimmons
Earl Lewis, professor of history and African American studies, sits with one of the 11 books he
recently co-edited, titled "The Young Oxford History of African Americans."
'U'prof. presents new
historical inform--ation-
Fitzsimmons said he is also skeptical about
By Collin Overby
For the Daily
Students seeking more information about
African American history have something new
to turn to, thanks to history and African
American studies Prof. Earl Lewis.
Lewis, who is also an associate Rackham
dean, has spent the past five years compiling
information for an 1 -volume set of books
titled "The Young Oxford History of African
Americans," which he co-
Geared mainly for a 13-to 21-h
year-old age group, the set of
books includes previously recon
unpublished illustrations and
facts extending from the slave series
trade to the civil rights move-
"The opportunity was pre-
sented to me by the Oxford
University Press," Lewis said
adding that there was a void of good historical
writing for teen-agers. "I was inspired by my
own kids to undertake such a tedious task."
Josenh Trotter. a history and African
bringing together some of the best research by
the use of the best scholars," Trotter said. "I
highly recommend the series to scholars, as well
as young readers."
The volumes tell real-life stories and supply
glimpses into the minds and lives- of African
Americans through letters, diaries and docu-
Rebecca Scott, chair of the University's histo-
ry department, commended Lewis for the col-
lection's creativity.
"It is :very
and Divers
ity Days event in the last two days
with low attendance.
While Diversity
Days coordinator
" t Adam Schlifke, an
oys LSA junior, said he
was disappointed by
the lack of participa-
F 1 y tion at last night's
M Y exciting when one
of the country's
, en Atheleading special-
ists on a historical
subject takes on
the task of pre-
-Joseph Trotter senting that histo-
History. professor ry to young peo-
ple" Scott said.
"Earl Lewis is a
very innovative scholar, and the series reflects
his boldness."
The project began in 1992, and was recently
completed. Co-edited by Robin D.G. Kelley, a
Ronni Sanlo, director of LGBPO, listens as Michael Burke, a Mary Markley residence hall advisor,
recounts his "coming out" experiences.
Days is to begin discussion on these types of
issues. Once people start talking about these
icr PC mnrP mm mle itrttalisng-"
homosexual person to comfortably attend last
night's program. But he said the program is an
imnArtant tn toward digolving stereotvnes.
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