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November 13, 2002 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-11-13

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November 13, 2002
02002 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Vol. CXIII, No. 49

One-hundred-twelve years ofeditorialfreedom

Mostly cloudy
throughout the
day with a 20
percent chance
of precipitation.
Expect show-
ers tomorrow.


wwwmihigandaily. corn

Freshman class numbers

By Megan Hayes
Daily Staff Reporter
Although freshman enrollment has decreased
significantly this year, total student body enroll-
ment has gone up, University officials announced
The fall 2002 admissions figures released yes-
terday by the University indicate total enrollment
has increased by 1.9 percent since last year, and
that the total number of underrepresented minori-
ties has also increased.
The freshman class has 353 fewer students
than last year, at 5,187.
In compiling total enrollment numbers, the
University includes new freshmen, transfers,
graduate students and student retention.
Peterson said the reduction in the number
of freshmen enrolled is a result of the Univer-
sity's attempt to stabilize the size of under-
graduate enrollment. She said in the last three
years, freshman enrollment numbers have

exceeded the norm.
"Normally, our enrollment target is closer to
5,200," University spokeswoman Julie Peterson
said, adding that this year's target of 5,150 fresh-
man students was part of a planned decline in
terms of the University's long-term enrollment
The number of black students enrolled has
gone from 9.4 percent to 8.9 percent, according
to Peterson. Asian American student enrollment
also dropped significantly.
Although the number of black freshman stu-
dents enrolled is down, Peterson noted an
increase in enrolled Hispanic and Native Ameri-
can freshman students.
"Overall, our minority enrollment has
remained strong," Peterson said.
Paul Courant, provost and executive vice presi-
dent for academic affairs, said the overall enroll-
ment numbers indicate the University has
maintained its reputation as an excellent public
university, and it is growing to meet the demands

of prospective students.
"We are a high-quality institution with a lot of
demand to study here," he said. "I think that's
good news."
Courant said students' strong desire to attend
the University, combined with the increase of col-
lege-aged students nationally, have produced this
overall enrollment increase.
Despite the increase in the total number of
underrepresented minorities enrolled, Courant
said admissions standards have not changed.
"Our goal is to admit the best class we can
admit," he said. "Diversity is a very important
part of that."
Courant added the year-to-year numbers are
positive. Although growth makes more things
possible, he said, University admissions numbers
may have peaked.
"I don't see how we're going to get much big-
ger," Courant said. "We're pretty much full."
Lester Monts, senior vice provost for academic
affairs, said it is the task of the Office of Under-

hri Enrollment
Class of 2006
graduate Admissions to recruit a freshman class Race, ethnicity
that is not only academically qualified, but also or citizenship
very diverse. Black
"Diversity is one of the hallmarks of the Uni- Hispanic
versity of Michigan," he said. "It is essential in Native American
Asian American
the modern academy, and it helps the University White
maintain its standard of excellence." No indication/oth
"These numbers tell us that they achieved their International stud
objectives," Monts said. Total
Given the recent publicity the University has
received regarding its admissions lawsuits, Monts Overall undergrad
said labeling University admissions policies as Race, ethnicity
"race-based" tends to ignore the other factors or citizenship
used to select new students. Black
"Race is one of many factors used in this Hispanic
process," he said. "Diversity was an institutional Native American
priority before the lawsuits, and it will remain so Asian American
once decisions are rendered." White
Monts added this year's numbers are compara- No indication/oth
ble to those announced by the University in the International stud
past, but they surpass those of many of many Big Total
See ENROLLMENT, Page 7 SOURCE: University News<
Sales down

f iguresfor
er 401
dents 189
uate enrollment
er 1,523
dents 1,112
and Information Services


speaks of
df iculties
By Jennifer Misthal
Daily Staff Reporter
"The public has changed," said
Khalil Shikaki a political science pro-
fessor at Israel's Bir Zeit University.
"The pain and suffering has gone on
long enough."
Speaking to a packed room yester-
day afternoon in a lecture sponsored
by the International Institute, Shikaki
discussed the current problems plagu-
ing Israel, including the lack of gover-
nance for the Palestinian people living
in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Shikaki was one of a handful of peo-
ple directly involved in the Oslo
Accords of 1993, where he was part of
the first secret negotiations in October
Drawing on his personal experi-
ences as a resident of Ramallah, where
there is no longer any security pres-
ence, Shikaki said he does not see any
hope for reform.
"If there is no authority, what is
there to reform?" he asked, adding
people are still holding onto concepts
of law and order.
"I don't have a have a great deal of
hope for this process. I don't see
reform going anywhere. The only seri-
ous reform has been with money. Very
little reform has taken place in security
Over time, Palestinians and Israelis
have lost hope in the prospect of
peace, Shikaki said. Under the current
government of Israeli Prime Minister
Ariel Sharon, 11 percent of Palestini-
ans and 20 percent of Israelis feel
there is a chance at peace.
"The issue is not something that
makes me optimistic," he said. "State
building and peacemaking is very
depressing to tell you the truth."
See SHIKAKI, Page 7

for basketball
season tickets

By Joe Smith
Daily Sports Editor

If second-year Michigan basketball
coach Tommy Amaker ever had a hon-
eymoon period of support from stu-
dents, it's over now-
That's according to the latest numbers
from the Michigan ticket office, which
show that just 601 student season ticket
packages have been sold so far this sea-
son - representing a 20 percent
decrease in sales at this time last season,
when students had purchased 748 pack-
Despite a $26 decrease in price for
the full-season packages, student ticket
sales are on pace to be at their second
lowest total in the past decade and just a
few more than the 594 sold in former
coach Brian Ellerbe's final season in
2000-01, when the Wolverines finished
This comes as a surprise to Michigan
Marketing Director Tom Brooks, who
said he actually expected an increase in
student ticket sales due to the buzz cre-
ated by Amaker's top-10 recruiting
"But when you have an 11-18 team
the year before, it's hard to create buzz,"
LSA senior and Michigan Super Fan
Brian Groesser said. "It is hard to create
buzz based on potential. But if they get

M student ticket sales
Year Coach Overall Full +
1992-93 Fisher 4,542 1,678
1993-94 Fisher 4,267 1,999
1994-95 Fisher 3,905 2,455
1995-96 Fisher 3,830 2,404
1996-97 Fisher 2,796 2,796
1997-98 Ellerbe 2,200 2,200
1998-99 Ellerbe 712 712
1999-00 Ellerbe 944 944
2000-01 Ellerbe 594 594
2001-02 Amaker 781 781
2002-03 A maker * 601 601
* Sales as of Nov. 12
+ Split-season gave students a half-year ticket
package and were available until the 1996-97
3,100 total student tickets are available for
each game.
SOURCES: Michigan Athletic Department, staff research
off to a great start, you never know"
Brooks said potentially more students
come in and purchase packages in what
he calls the "last-minute rush" up until
the first regular season home game on
Nov. 30.
But last year, the "rush" translated
into 33 more ticket packages for a final
total of 781. Plus, in the aftermath of the
University's self-imposed sanctions last
week, a number of students have men-
tioned they would like to refund their
See TICKETS, Page 3

Above: Students stand outside the Michigan Union last night to remember the
plight of the Palestinian refugees.
Left: Khalil Shikaki, a political science professor at Israel's Bir Zeit University,
speaks to a full house yesterday afternoon.

Law Sckoolprofessor talks about
ethnic cleansinzg' ofPalestiwirns

By EIzabeth Anderson
Daily Staff Reporter

Visiting Palestinian scholar Sahar Francis decried the eth-
nic cleansing of Palestinians in Israel and the occupied terri-
tories at last night's lecture, entitled "Ethnic Cleansing in
Palestine: Past, Present, and Future."
University Law Prof. Francis is a Palestinian woman who
has worked as a human rights attorney since 1996 focusing

on the rights of political prisoners.
Francis' lecture, sponsored by Students Allied for Free-
dom and Equality, repeatedly emphasized that alleged ethnic
cleansing by Israelis against the Palestinians violates interna-
tional law. She cited the Geneva Conference, the Internation-
al Criminal Code Statute and documents from the United
Nations to outline her case. Francis defined ethnic cleansing
as "cleaning an area of a particular racial group by another
See FRANCIS, Page 7

First-hand accounts 1

Peters awaits vote
totals in AG race as
Cox starts transition

Gehlek Rimpoche, who worked under the Dalai Lama, speaks

Stephens refuses to
concede the race for a
seat on the University
Board of Regents
By Jordan Schrader
Daily Staff Reporter
As Mike Cox prepares to become
Michigan's first Republican attorney
general in more than 40 years, his oppo-
nent still hopes revised counts could
reverse the election.
Unofficial tallies compiled by the
Department of State show Cox lead-
in- efofo Vanor,, Dtaro (D-lnm_-

Refusing to concede, Peters is waiting
for official election returns, which the
Board of State Canvassers will certify
Nov. 25. The board is now examining
results in precincts throughout the state.
Another Democrat in a different race,
Greg Stephens, is also waiting for certi-
fication without acknowledging defeat.
Stephens unofficially placed third in the
race for two open seats on the University
Board of Regents.
Peters spokesman Mark Fisk said it's
likely some counties will find errors in
their election-night tallies. Even the
original results are unclear, as different
organizations have reported different
nnmhe-m her, h c

Sidewalks approaching the Diag are adorned with political messages for the
upcoming MSA elections.
Election season
briongs chalk, tl

By Carmen Johnson
Daily Staff Reporter

It is easy to tell when the student
government campaign season has
begun - intricate chalkings sprawl
across campus concrete after a dry
niwht and colored nosters decorate the

and University of Michigan Engineer-
ing Council elections are a week away.
On Nov. 20 and 21 students can vote
online at anytime during the 48 hour
voting period by accessing the voting
website, vote.wwwumich.edu.
"Campaigning started a little late
this vear because most narties waited



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