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September 13, 1996 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-09-13

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Tonight: Mostly cloudy, low
around 520.
Tomorrow: Cloudy, chance of
rain, high around 63*.

One hiundredfive years ofedtord freedom

September 13, 1996

------- 1 INNIS: bil l I ll : iiil!lillll! I
m u m ......... I-- .......

No. 11 Michigan vs. No. 5 Colorado
Folsom Field (cap. 51,808), Boulder, Colo.
omorrow, 3:30 p.m.
ABC, Channel 7
Series history:
Each team has won one game, with Colorado
taking the last one in Ann Arbor, 27-26, on
a last-second play in 1994. Michigan won in
1974, trouncing the then-struggling Buffaloes 31-
o0 at Michigan Stadium.




'Date-rape' drug threatens students


By Janet Adamy
Daily Staff Reporter
In the wake of recent incidents at Pennsylvania
State University, University of Michigan Department
of Public Safety officials are recommending that stu-
dents here exercise caution in social situations, due to
the illegal drug Rohypnol.
Penn State officials reported Tuesday that more than
10 students at the Happy Valley campus are suspected
to be victims of the powerful "date-rape drug" that
causes blackouts and amnesia in its victims.
According to Jason Alt, editor of The Daily
Collegian, Penn State's student newspaper, the univer-
sity was aware of the drug's use in conjunction with
two sexual assaults during the spring semester and one
occuring at the beginning of this fall semester. Alt said
the school waited to release the information until last
Alt said that Penn State released a written statement
Tuesday saying it is taking a "pro-active" approach to
the problem.
"I thought it was interesting that they decided to be
pro-active when we were the first ones to make the

"Im sure that a much more urban campus like the
University of Michigan would have seen it by now.
- Christy Rambeau
Penn State News Bureau Manager

information public," Alt said.
Penn State did not release the information that an
additional 10 cases of the drug's use were suspected
within the first three weeks of school until contacted
by The Daily Collegian on Tuesday.
Penn State News Bureau Manager Christy Rambeau
said Penn State faculty had waited to release the infor-
mation about the suspected links of Rohypnol to the
two sexual assaults until more students came to campus
for fall semester.
"After getting people up to speed this summer and
this fall, we are just now at the point where we can
make the information more public," Rambeau said.
Commonly refered to as "roofies," Rohypnol is a
potent tranquilizer that is similar to Valium but signif-

icantly stronger. Rohypnol is difficult to detect
because it is colorless, odorless and tasteless and often
causes amnesia in its victims.
According to Joyce Wright, education coordinator
for the Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness
Center, the drug is commonly slipped into drinks and
can produce sedative effects leading to blackout within
20 to 30 minutes of ingestion.
Officials suspect that the drug found its way to the
United States from Mexico and Europe, where it is
used to cure insomnia and as a pre-operative anesthet-
ic. When taken with alcohol or marijuana, the drug's
effects are intensified and can lead to death.
Of the estimated 10 Penn State students who may
See DRUG, Page 3

to celebrate
#Weekend events kick off month-long
festival with music, dance
By Ann Stewart
Daily Staff Reporter
Latino/a community leaders at the University are "abrien-
do puertas" - opening doors to students. A month of festiv-
ities begins today, marking the start of Latino/a Heritage
"Our purpose is to celebrate and educate the community at
large about the historical contributions of Latinos, to foster
'de within the students and to create unity within the com-
inity" said Katalina Berdy, Latino coordinator for Multi-
ethnic Student Affairs.
The Latino/a Heritage Kick-off tonight will feature music
by the Nicaraguan duo Guardabarranco at in the East Quad
Theater. The duo will play music characteristic of the Nueva
Cancion movement that began in Latin America in the '70s.

U.S. positions
for expanded
attack on Iraq

Los Angeles Times
WASHINGTON - The Clinton
administration moved closer yesterday
to launching new, expanded airstrikes
against Iraq amid serious constraints
over which bases it could use as staging
areas and which tactics it would use to
prevent Iraq from downing - and cap-
turing - a U.S. pilot.
In another move to position U.S.
forces for possible action, the Pentagon
ordered the aircraft carrier Enterprise,
stationed in the eastern Mediterranean,
to head for the Persian Gulf. It is
expected to arrive there early next
The vessel, which carries more than
75 warplanes - including F-14 fight-
ers equipped for precision bombing -
will join eight radar-evading F-117A
fighters from New Mexico that are
scheduled to arrive in Kuwait today and
four B-52 bombers now on Diego
Garcia island in the Indian Ocean.
U.S. officials said the Army has
made plans to activate two Patriot mis-
sile batteries that have been "pre-posi-
tioned" - or placed in storage - in
the region. Crews will be flown to the
Middle East from Fort Bliss, Texas, to
man the weapons.
Although officials declined to dis-
cuss military plans, defense analysts
suggested that the most likely targets
would be mobile air-defense batteries
and anti-aircraft bunkers, military

installations, petroleum reserves and
supply depots.
The F-117A Stealth fighters were
used initially in the 1991 Persian Gulf
War for similar operations, intended to
knock out Iraqi air defenses so crews of
conventional warplanes, such as B-52s,
could carry out their missions with less
While U.S. officials would not say
so. expectations are that any new raids
by U.S. forces would be larger than the
cruise-missile attacks mounted last
week, possibly even including targets
near Baghdad. The broader assault
would serve to underscore U.S. resolve.
Still, analysts said Washington faces
daunting challenges.
While the F- 1I7As can easily oper-
ate out of Kuwait, U.S. forces could
quickly face new difficulties if they had
to expand the strikes because other U.S.
allies, such as Saudi Arabia and Turkey,
have refused to allow the United States
to conduct such operations from their
Although military planners have a
long list of potential targets, strategists
must choose carefully, first to ensure
they have wiped out all potential dan-,
gers for U.S. pilots, and, second, to
avoid jeopardizing relations with
Muslim countries.
Analysts said that one of the biggest
fears for U.S. policy-makers is the
See IRAQ, Page 2

1't Quad Theater,
Sp,13, 8 p~m.
;Society of Profesional
. lpgnees'Mass MVeeting
Sept. 13, Wolverine Rm,
Ltftno/a He0rtage
ei nvenida Dance
Sept 14, Pendleton Rm.
ilkch{iaiunon, 9p~m. -
50 am. UJM 1D needed,
gu~ests only with students,
imitedi capacity, tickets

Even the dancing impaired
will be encouraged to shake it
at the annual Latino/a
Heritage Bienvenida dance
tomorrow night, which will
feature dance contests and a
variety of Latin music. Latin
singer Helena, Santiago and
her orquesta will perform in
addition to a Di.
"Music has always been a
bonding phenomena for
Latinos. It's part of our identi-
ty," said Latino Task Force
member and volunteer Maria
Alejandra Perez.
Students can take advan-
tage of free food and games
with prizes at the Welcome
Latino/a picnic Sunday while
meeting with Latino/a faculty
and leaders of Latino/a stu-

Opening the Ark
The Ark, an acoustic house, opened last night in its new location on South Main Street. The
original Ark was organized by a group of churches in 1965as a venue for student musicians.

B School students toast No. 1 ranking

dent organizations.
Students of all races are welcome to attend all the events.
"We want to share with other peoples and cultures some of
the richness of our culture," Berdy said.
The celebration includes opportunities to learn about dif-
ent Latino/a organizations on campus. Mass meetings are
planned for the Society of Professional Hispanic Engineers,
Alianza (Tuesday), La Voz Mexicana, and the Cuban
American Students Association (Wednesday).
"(The mass meetings) foster the realization that there is a
huge variety of Latinos on this campus,' Perez said. "It's very
important that people organize."
Events also include visits by successful Latinos who are
examples to students. Iris Morales will speak about her doc-
umentary film which depicts the Young Lords, a group rep-
resenting Puerto Rican Americans next Friday.
#Dr. Wilmer Perez is scheduled to deliver a motivational
speech Oct. 4. His presentation will include a slide show of
his travels and experiences in Latin America.
"My So Called Life" star Wilson Cruz is scheduled to
speak about the importance of role models for gay youth, par-
ticularly gay youth of color Oct. 10 and on the Diag the fol-
lowing day.
"(This) is an opportunity (for Latino/a students) to
exchange and share with somebody they admire and respect,
to mingle with their role models," Berdy said.
The celebration is scheduled to close with the Latino/a law
Onposium addressing topics relevant to the Latino community.
"The climate in the Law school, the University, and across
the country has been very negative toward Latinos," said Ann
Reyes-Schroder, chair of the Latino Law Students Association.
"We find non-Latinos discussing issues that effect Latinos and
this time we wanted to make Latino voices heard."
The symposium will begin Oct. 11 and will feature

By Jenni Yachnin
For the Daily

It's not so lonely at the top for the
University's School of Business
Administration students.
With balloons and cake yesterday, the
Business School celebrated being named the
No. I undergraduate business school in the
country in an article published in this
month's U.S. News & World Report.
"This is great" said Bethany Spotts, direc-
tor of the bachelor of business administra-
tion. "I feel like we're finally being recog-
nized. We've always had a great program."
Other attendees were similarly thrilled.
"It's about time. This is a tribute to hard
work," said Bradlee Benn, vice president of
BBA student affairs. "We've known for a
long time, but now the whole world knows."
BBA senior Jennifer Lasinski said the
ranking would help the school recruit and
market to incoming students.
U.S News & World Report looks at acad-
emic reputation, alum donations and faculty-
student ratios before ranking schools. They
also send polls to professors and other facul-
ty to help in deciding.
Assistant Dean of Business George Siedel
said years of hard work finally paid off.
"It is no surprise to those of us who have
been here a number of years," Siedel said.
"The bottom line is congratulations to those

Students at the School of Business Administration celebrate their No. 1 ranking by this month's edition of the U.S. News & World Report. The
party was in the student lounge of the Business School.


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