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One hundred eleven years ofeditorialfreedom
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CLASSIFIED: 764-0557
March 13, 2002
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Sexual harassment case back in
1999 lawsuit filed against
School of Music professor
resumes in court today
By Jeremy Berkowitz
Daily Staff Reporter
After three years of delays, a sexual
harassment case filed in 1999 by former
Music student Maureen Johnson against the
University and former School of Music
Dean Paul Boylan resumes today.
The case will be heard before Judge
Melinda Morris this afternoon in Washte-
naw County Circuit Court. The hearing will
discuss a motion filed last year by the
defendants to dismiss the lawsuit.
"The goal is to make sure the University
takes these claims more seriously," Miranda
Massie, Johnson's attorney, said.
University Spokeswoman Julie Peterson
said the University feels the issue has
already been settled.,
"Appropriate responses were taken at that
time," Peterson said.
Johnson claims that former Music Prof.
Pier Calabria sexually harassed her when
she was a student during the 1997-1998
academic school year. The lawsuit raises
claims of sexual harassment, retaliation,
race discrimination and discrimination.
Johnson is suing for compensation and
According to a brief denouncing the
motion to dismiss the case, counsel for the
plaintiff alleged, "University officials first
failed to prevent the conductor's abusive
and unlawful conduct despite past notice of
it and then, after Johnson complained, they
failed appropriately to address it."
In the fall of 1997, Johnson was a mem-
ber of the University Philharmonia Orches-
ta directed by Calabria, who was then a
visiting, untenured professor in the, School
of Music.
The brief stated that the University was
aware that Calabria had made advances
toward other students before Johnson filed
her lawsuit.
According to the brief, Calabria said one
day to Johnson and other students during a
rehearsal, "It's a very sexual piece, I don't
feel you are seducing me, you should be
seducing me."
After confronting him about his behavior,
Johnson said she was demoted from her
high position in the orchestra.
She then brought her case to other Music
School officials, including Boylan. She
filed a case of sexual harassment and with-
drew from Calabria's class. Boylan prom-
ised her that Calabria's contract would be
terminated at the end of the year, the brief
But during the winter 1998 semester,
Johnson discovered that Calabria would be
returning for the next school year.
Johnson said Boylan was angered when
she confronted him.
According to the brief, he said, "What
are you doing here. ... I don't give out
scholarships and I let you drop out of
orchestra. What more do you want."
See LAWSUIT, Page 9
safety an
issue for
By Kara Wenzel
Daily Staff Reporter
Due to rising security issues in res-
idence halls, The University Board of
Regents will discuss ways to create a
safer living environment for students.
Last month, the board requested
Vice President of Student Affairs E.
Royster Harper provide them with
information on what can be done to
quickly improve residence hall secu-
A briefing on current features and
new safety initiatives for all residence
halls was prepared by Harper's office
and will be discussed tomorrow.
"I think we all feel the same
amount of urgency about this matter,"
Interim University President B.
Joseph White said.
Regent Andrea Fisher-Newman (R-
Ann Arbor) said she thinks an outside
opinion on security could be neces-
"Frankly I don't think we're doing
enough," she said at last month's
The University residence halls
have been the sites of numerous
incidents of crime over the past
three months. An unusual increase
in home invasions, peeping tom
incidents and burglaries have
plagued residents since the begin-
ning of the academic year.
"My promise is that our first
responsibility to you and your fami-
lies is to ensure your safety," Regent
Rebecca McGowan (D-Ann Arbor)
said about students living in the
McGowan said she hopes the
administration is talking "fast and
furiously" to other, more urban uni-
versities to gain insight into what
will work to stop crime at the Uni-
"I can't think of anything that
should preoccupy us more. What's
your purpose in being here if you
can't use all the resources we have?"
she asked.
Also at the meeting, Deputy Gener-
al Counsel Liz Barry will be appoint-
ed managing director of the new Life
Sciences Initiative.
See REGENTS, Page 9
Daycare major
issue of GEO,
By Maria Sprow
Daily Staff Reporter
Rackham student Suzanne Perkins-
Hart earns $1,500 a month as a Uni-
versity fellow but pays $1,700 a month
for full-time childcare for her two chil-
dren - four-year-
old Aidan and
17-month-old Eliza.
"I spend more
than all of the
money that I earn
on child care,"
Perkins-Hart said.
Pegler-Gordon, who gets paid $6,000
a semester, said it's nearly impossible
for unmarried women with children
to be GSIs at the University because
of the low wages and the high cost of
"I afford daycare because my hus-
band works," Pegler-Gordon said. "If
he didn't do that, I don't think I
could afford my dissertation." She
said she pays $700 a month for half-
time childcare for her two-year-old
daughter Mia.
Both Pegler-Gordon and Perkins-
Hart, along with several other parents
and graduate students, helped fill the
chairs last night around the negotiating
table between Graduate Employees
Organization and the University.
The session focused on a discussion
about childcare and what the Universi-
ty can do to meet parents' needs. Life-
sized drawings of GEO members'
children were pinned up around the
room and many parents brought their
children with them to listen in on the
See GEO, Page 9
Rackham student John Thiels admires the snow screen near the Museum of Art on South State Street. The snow screen
symbolizes the melting of the ozone layer and its effects on the environment.
Homing will not seek
secon d term - as reen
"I'm in the position of relying heavily
on my parents - who are kind enough
to support me which is an unfortu-
nate position to be in as an adult."
But Perkins-Hart, who is married,
said she believes she is luckier than
many othergraduate students who are
working for the University and also
paying the expense of raising children
in Ann Arbor. Her husband also works
for the University and has a higher-
paying position.
Rackham student and mother Anna
By Louie Meizlish
Daily Staff Reporter
University Regent Daniel Horning (R-Grand Haven) said
yesterday that he will not be seeking a second eight-year
term on the University's Board of Regents. Fellow Republi-
can Regent Andrea Fisher-Newman of
Ann Arbor said yesterday that she will
seek her party's nomination to run for a
second term.
Horning, an executive benefit and
estate planning specialist, was first elect-
ed to the eight-member board in 1994
with 24 percent.
Interim President B. Joseph White
praised Horning for his "sheer dedica-
tion, energy and enthusiasm."
"He represents the views of many H
people in west Michigan and I think it's good that those
views have been represented," he added.
Regents are nominated for a spot on the November general
election ballot by their party at its August convention. The
top two candidates in the general election are granted seats
on the board.
Horning gained attention in the fall of 2000 for his outspo-
ken opposition to English Prof. David Halperin's class enti-
tled "How to Be Gay."
."I'm offended," Horning remarked after sitting in on one
of the lectures in September 2000. "There's no excuse for
having this course. I'm bitterly disappointed in the University
of Michigan."
The news that Horning will not seek re-election is not
likely to result in a shift of control on the board. Democ-
rats currently hold a 5-3 majority. The 2002 elections
could conceivably allow the Democrats to hold their cur-
rent majority or increase it by one to two seats, thus Horn-
ing's decision should have little impact on the board's view
regarding the lawsuits challenging the University's use of
race in admissions. .
Newman expressed an interest in continuing her role as
regent to see the resolution of ongoing issues concerning the
See HORNING, Page 9
MSA modifies Entre
Photo Illustration by EMMA FOSDICK
A new study shows that husbands are picking up more around the house, leaving
more time for their wives to do other jobs.
Wives bring ome
bread as husbands
cook in kitchen .
* Plus,
Wolverine Access
ByTomslav Ladika
Daily Staff Reporter
Students can look forward to several Entree Plus
and Wolverine Access improvements in the future.
Entree Plus will be available at the concession
stands in Michigan Stadium this fall, and Wolverine
Access' hours have been extended from midnight
to 2 a.m., representatives of the Michigan Student
Assembly reported at last night's meeting.
Kinesiology rep. Rick Mestdagh -said an e-mail
he received from Athletic Director Bill Martin con-
firmed that during next football season - on a
one-year trial - students will be able to use Entre
Plus to pay for concessions at three stands in the
student section of Michigan Stadium.
LSA rep. Sarah Boot, who has been working for
several months with Mestdagh, the Athletic Depart-
.l ,,t,+ arA fltant.iei_ the concesinnaire at Michiorin
lines go faster because you don't have to count out
Students will also be more willing to pay several
dollars for food using Entre Plus because they
know their parents will foot the bill, Mestdagh said.
Boot said last week, Administrative Manager of
University Housing Larry Durst agreed to provide
three M-card scanning machines, but no one had
agreed to pay to implement the scanners at Michi-
gan Stadium. But in the e-mail, Martin said the
Athletic Department will install the cables,
Mestdagh said.
Boot said she anticipates no problems with
the scanners because the restaurants at the
Michigan Union that accept Entree Plus have
had no difficulties.
Mestdagh added that the Entree Office will
educate the concessionaires on how to use the
By Maria Sprow
Daily Staff Reporter
According to a study released yester-
day by the University's Institute of
Social Research, the American home is
undergoing slight, though important,
renovations. The study, which focused
on how husbands and wives spend their
time and how work is divided within
modern relationships, found a new
household fixture - househusbands.
The study took information from
ily time-usage diaries from 1965, 1975,
1985 and 1999, and divided the time
spent into the categories of leisure,
housework and market work. Partici-
hours a week they spent cleaning,
cooking and grocery shopping.
The results showed that husbands
and live-in boyfriends are spending
significantly more time doing house-
hold chores and are working less hours
per week outside of the home than they
did in 1965. That finding is reversed
for women, who are spending less time
doing household chores and more time
at outside jobs.
"I think gender roles are becoming
more equal over time," Sociology Prof.
Hiromi Ono said.
One of three University scientists who
published the study, Ono said she
believes this is good news for many
Michigan Student Assembly President Matt Nolan presides
over last night's meeting at Pierpont Commons. At the
maeting. MSA announced extended hours for Wolverine