One hundred ten years ofeditori dfreedom
CLASSIFIED: 764-0557
October 13, 2000
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By Caitlin Nish
Daily Staff Reporter
MIP penalties
An Ann Arbor City Attorney's office inter-
nal policy adjustment may make the ramifica-
tions of receiving a minor in possession of
alcohol charge much greater for second-time
The policy clarification, which was put into
effect Monday, abolishes the opportunity for
the city attorney to offer second-time offend-
ers any type of plea bargain. Second-time
offenders will have the option of either plead-
ing guilty and sustaining a criminal convic-
tion on their permanent criminal records, or
entering a plea of not-guilty and going to
"Usually first-time offenders enter a guilty
plea and the court holds that plea under
advisement. If you go to a class and pay your
money it's dismissed under administrative
review," said Doug Lewis, director of student
legal services.
Under the first-time offender program, no
record of the charge remains on a student's
permanent record.
This charge not only concerns minors who
are found with open containers of alcohol, but
because the body is considered a container by
law, minors who appear to be drunk or who
smell like alcohol.
But, a second-time offense costs Michigan
residents their drivers' licenses for 30 days
and remains on their records as a criminal
Although the court can not seize the licens-
es of any students not registered in Michigan,
it can prevent those students from driving in
this state.
In the past, the Ann Arbor City Attorney's
office often allowed second-time offenders to
plead guilty and undergo a more intensive
first-time offender program. But, this is no
longer an option.
"In an effort to be more consistent in
light that the Secretary of State has a built
in first-offender break, starting this week
we weren't going to offer this option any
longer because we are getting people who
have been treated as first-offenders more
than one time," said Bob West, assistant
city attorney.
West also said that the option of being
treated as a first-time offender was at the
discretion of the city attorney trying the
See ALCOHOL, Page 7
MIP regulations
First-time offenders with
minor in possession of alcohol
charges have the option of tak-
ing a $100 educational course
and paying $50 in court fees to
extinguish all traces of the
charge from their permanent
criminal record.
All that remains of the charge is
a court record.
Inside: A Michigan legislator proposes
a bill for merchants to collect more
information when selling a keg. Page 3.
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The U.S. Navy released this view of damage sustained on
the port side of the USS Cole after a suspected terrorist
bomb exploded during refueling in Aden, Yemen.
U.S. sailors;
11 missing
WASHINGTON (AP) - In a sinister slip through Navy
security, suicide bombers in a small boat tore a gaping hole
in a U.S. warship yesterday at a refueling stop in a Yemeni
harbor on the Arabian Peninsula, U.S. officials say. The
blast killed six members of the crew, injured 35 and left 11
The crippled ship was tilting slightly in the harbor at
Aden, Yemen, but the Navy said it was not in danger of
No one has claimed responsibility, Defense Secretary
William Cohen told a Pentagon news conference.
V resident Clinton said the attack on the USS Cole, one of
the world's most advanced warships, appeared to be an act
of terrorism, the worst against the U.S. military since the
bombing of an Air Force barracks in Saudi Arabia in 1996
that killed 19 troops.
"We will find out who was responsible and hold them
accountable," Clinton pledged.
He dispatched to Yemen investigative teams from the
FBI, the State Department and the Pentagon. Clinton also
ordered a heightened state of alert for all U.S. military
~tallat ions around the world.
fter the attack,ambulances rushed to the port, and
Americans working with Yemeni authorities cordoned off
the area. The ship was listing but still afloat. Yemeni police
sources said without elaboration that a number of people
had been detained for questioning; it was not clear whether
any were suspects.
The State Department issued a worldwide alert, saying it
was extremely concerned about the possibility of violence
against U.S. citizens and interests. Americans were urged to
maintain "a high level of vigilance'
In a parallel travel warning, Americans were advised to
der all travel to Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, and those
ady there were told to stay at home or get to a safe loca-
tion. Americans were warned not to go to Yemen.
Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh talked with Secre-
tary of State Madeleine Albright, pledged his cooperation in
the investigation and visited some of the injured who were
hospitalized locally.
He insisted in a CNN interview that his country did not
harbor "terrorist elements" and said, "I don't think it's a ter-
rorist attack."
It was the first attack targeting the U.S. military in Yemen
e the Pentagon pulled out all 100 American military
personnel based there in January 1993 after bombings out-
side the U.S. Embassy and at hotels where some Americans
were staying. U.S. intelligence has blamed Osama bin
Laden's Al-Qaida organization for some of those bombings.
The Cole is a $1 billion guided missile destroyer home-
ported at Norfolk, Va. It had sailed through the Red Sea and
was en route to the Persian Gulf where it was to perform
maritime intercept operations in support of the U.N. embar-
go against Iraq. The ship has a crew of about 350 people.
See SHIP, Page 5
return to
By Laura Deneau
Daily Staff Reporter
Sitting on a bench across the street
from the Michigan Union, Frederick
Ludwig and his wife Jan reminisced
about the day they met at the Universi-
ty in 1932.
Frederick, a 1935 graduate of the
Medical School, met Jan, '33, at a Sun-
day tea held at her sorority, Zeta Tau
But Frederick said it wasn't love at
first sight.
"It took me three years to convince
her to marry me," Frederick Ludwig
The couple join alumni from across
the nation who are returning to campus
this weekend to celebrate the 104th
annual homecoming.
"Homecoming is a convenient
moment during which everybody can
rally around a common experience,"
said Ken Blochowski, director of stu-
dent programs for the Alumni Associa-
tion. "It's an event that brings the
whole Michigan family together."
Three hundred and fifty alumni of
the Michigan Marching Band who
graduated as far back as the 1920s will
be coming to participate in half-time
ceremonies at the football game
against Indiana University,
"They each bring their own version
of what the Marching Band was like
-ISA junior Jessica Alger goes for a ride on a gyrotron during hom aig fastivItIes on th Diag yesterdai
SAE hosts 70th annual Mudbowl
By Maria Simon
For the Daily
It's time for Sigma Alpha Epsilon frater-
nity to get down and dirty in the annual
Homecoming weekend Mudbowl.
The big game against Delta Sigma Phi
fraternity is scheduled for 12 p.m. Satur-
day outside the SAE house on South Uni-
versity and Washtenaw avenues just
before the other big game - Michigan
against Indiana University at the Big
The Mudbowl competition, a tradition
dating back to 1930, follows flag foot-
ball rules. Participants play two 20-
minute halves.
The game will take place on the SAE
lawn in a mudpit, which younger members
of the house dug and chopped, said SAE
vice president Abe Kane.
"It was a good way to get to know the
people in the house," said Will Garcia, a
first-year SAE member who helped in dig-
ging the pit.
The Ann Arbor Fire Department will
spray down the pit Friday night and again
Saturday morning before the game, Kane
"This yearly event is a great way to get
both students and alumni involved in the
Homecoming tradition. It's supported by
See MUDBOWL, Page 5
Peace Corps celebrates anniversary at 'U'
By Jodie Kaufman
Daily Staff Reporter
Students who climb the Michigan Union
steps every day may never have noticed the
tiny bronze plaque in the shadow of the
Union tower, but Mark Schneider has been
waiting for years to see it.
The plaque marks the spot where John E
Kennedy, in a late-night campaign stop dur-
ing his 1960 run for the presidency, pro-
posed a program that eventually became the
United States Peace Corps.
"I've never been to the exact steps which
served as the birthplace and I'm very excit-
ed about- it," Peace Corps Director Mark
Schneider said.
Tomorrow, the 40th anniversary of
Kennedy's announcement, begins a year-
long commemoration of the Peace Corps.
Since March 1, 1961, when Kennedy
signed an executive order creating the Peace
Corps, more than 161,000 Americans have
joined the program, serving more than 134
Currently more than 7,000 Peace Corps
volunteers are helping people in 76 coun-
tries around the world.
Hundreds of the University's 2,000 grad-
uates who have joined the Peace Corps will
participate in this weekend's celebration.
Additionally, former participants have
contributed photographs to the Peace Corps
exhibition on view at the Union until next
The events for this weekend include a
candlelight walk beginning tonight at 10:20
p.m. on the steps of the Harlan Hatcher
Graduate Library and continuing to the
steps of the Union.
University alumni who have served in the
Peace Corps will speak from the steps
where Kennedy made his announcement.
At 11p.m., Schneider will deliver the
keynote speech, followed by a reading of
Kennedy's campaign speech.
"It is important for students to recognize
the important role U of M plays in the Peace
Corps," said Denise Mortimer, a returned
Peace Corps volunteer and SNRE graduate
student. "From all of the hullabaloo this
See CORPS, Page 7
Michigan Stadium
:30 p.m. tomorrow
Glickman, Byrum
target urban sprawl
diana has already lust three ames,
ut cannot be taken lightly bythe
olverines. Michigan beat the
Hoosiers last year on a 20-yard Hayden
Epstein field goa!.
Indiana's Antwaan Randle Ei is prolific
through the air but could be even more
dangerous on the ground. The junior
has 478 yards rushing this season.
By Hanna LoPatin
Daily Staff Reporter
As congressional candidate Dianne
Byrum spoke against urban sprawl
from the front steps of a Washtenaw
County farm yesterday, she was forced
to speak over the dozens of cars and
trucks that roared past exemplify-
iniz the very problems of which she
remain in its current state forever.
Programs like this, which give farm-
ers an edge in protecting their land from
urban sprawl, were the subject of the
speeches from Byrum (D-Onondaga),
Rep. John Hansen (D-Dexter) and U.S.
Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman.
"Land use is a very important issue,"
Byrum Said afterward. "It deals with the
duality of life for all families."
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