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October 13, 1998 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-10-13

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One hundred ezkht years offeditor~aIdfreedom


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Daily In-depth


pul it
NATO's airstr



* '

* U'researchers look
for in-body remedies

trigger desired
Los Angeles Times
Facing imminent attack from NATO's bombers,
fighters and cruise missiles, Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic agreed to withdraw troops
from violence-wracked Kosovo province and
allow wide-ranging international verification, a
last-minute compromise that could end the threat
of airstrikes.
But the U.S.-led military alliance, suspicious of
Milosevic, intensified the pressure, authorizing the
first airstrikes in as little as four days if he does not
follow through.
"Balkan graveyards are filled with President
Milosevic's broken promises," President Clinton
told reporters.
U.S. envoy Richard Holbrooke, who held what
had originally seemed to be last-chance talks in
Belgrade with Milosevic, flew to Brussels, Belgium
yesterday evening to report to NATO Secretary-
General Javier Solana and ambassadors from the 16
member countries of the Western alliance.
According to NATO sources, Holbrooke said a
forum originally founded to narrow the East-West
divide of the Cold War -- the Organization for
Security and Cooperation in Europe - would be
allowed by Milosevic to deploy 2,000 observers in
Kosovo, an ethnic Albanian enclave inside
Yugoslavia, to see that the minority's rights are
Monitoring will be carried out by "a robust, on-
the-ground and in-the-air verification system,"
Clinton said.
"We will remain ready to take military action if
Mr. Milosevic fails to make good on his commit-
ments this time," the president said.
White House press secretary Joe Lockhart said
no U.S. combat forces would be involved in the
monitoring of compliance, but that some U.S.
civilians may be members of the verification force

&e threat may
are filled with
Milos evic's
promises. "
-President Clinton
carrying out what Clinton said would be "an intru-
sive international inspection"
If Milosevic follows through, the deal would
represent a major 11th-hour concession by
Yugoslavia to the United States and its allies, who
are pressing for an end to the brutal crackdown
that Milosevic launched in February against the
separatist Kosovo Liberation Army.
At least 270,000 people in Kosovo have fled
their homes, and hundreds of people have been
On Sept. 23, a U.N. Security Council resolution
demanded that the Yugoslav government declare
an immediate cease-fire, withdraw its forces and
enter a political dialogue with the ethnic minority.
Clinton announced that Milosevic had agreed to
abide by that resolution.
Last night, Holbrooke refused to make public
details of his negotiations to reporters, but said he
would be returning to the talks in Belgrade today.
It was unclear exactly what needed to be worked
out with Milosevic.
See KOSOVO, Page 2

By Gerard Cohen-Vrlgnaud
Daily Staff Reporter
Doctors have long known the best weapon
against disease is the patient's own body.
University gene therapy researchers, like Polio
and small pox vaccine researchers before them,
are reaffirming this doctor's lore by attempting to
trigger the body's defenses to attack serious dis-
eases like arthritis, AIDS and cancer.
Gene therapy involves the delivery of strands
of DNA to cells in an individual's body. Once
introduced, the DNA causes the cell to produce
proteins, which may attack diseases in the body
orjump-start the body's immune system to fight
the ailment.

Since the early '90s, the University has been
a leader in the nation's blossoming field of gene
therapy research. Last fall, the University reiter-
ated its commitment to such research when it
allocated $3.6 million to found the Center for
Gene Therapy.
"The goal is to harness the new techniques of
genetics to enhance medical treatment," said
Gilbert Omenn, executive vice president for
medical affairs. "We have sufficient strength
already and we could place Michigan among the
most outstanding institutions in the country."
The center is headed by internal medicine
Prof. Gary Nabel, whose own research has
See GENES, Page 7

ABOVE LEFT: Internal medicine
research associate Tim Sassanella
works with a fermentor yesterday.
ABOVE: Sassanella examines the
results from a bio-aerosol testing
strip during his work on gene

Gay student dies after beating

Los Angeles Times
LARAMIE,Wyo. - Students at the
University of Wyoming, already
shocked by the savage beating of a gay
student last week, returned to school
yesterday to find flags on the leafy
campus riding at half mast. The flags
snapping in a cool fall breeze sent a
silent signal of more horrid news to the
student body.
"I looked up, saw the flags and
thought, 'Oh, my God, Matthew's
dead,"' said Shannon Rexroat, a
senior who edits the campus newspa-

rd I

per. "The entire
campus is in
shock and out-
raged. I teach an
orientation class
for freshmen.
Most of them
can't imagine
anyone with
enough hate in
them to do this.

By Lee Palmer
For the Daily
The memory of gay University of
Wyoming student Matthew Shepard
who died yesterday after being beaten
this past weekend, will resonate with
students as the University celebrates
National Coming Out Week.
A rally on the Diag this Friday at
noon, scheduled before Shepard's
death, will provide an opportunity for

the community to come together to
honor Shepard, said Frederic Dennis,
director of the Office of Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual and Transgender
"I do think the University admin-
istration works very hard to provide
a safe and welcoming space for
LGBT students," Dennis said. "It is
communicated that the University
See WEEK, Page 7

Campus to honor Shepard

Many of their parents sent them here
because it is supposed to be so safe."
See CRIME, Page 7

LSA first-year student Chris Stolky is one of the last to leave East Quad residence
halt yesterday as a Housing security official closes off the courtyard.
Leak forces East
uad evacuation

Indigenous Peoples'
Day encourages
diversity in education

By Carrie Solomon
For the Daily
Natural gas leaked out of an under-
untd distributing main on Willard
Street yesterday, and its fumes permeat-
ed the ground through fourth floors of
Tyler and Greene Houses in East Quad
residence hall.
Residents, Residential College
students and staff were displaced
from the building between 10:45

Environmental Health Service," said
Alan Levy, director of Housing Public
"Between 300 and 400 people were
evacuated by six to seven DPS officers
and Housing personnel," Levy said.
"We decided to take a conservative
approach and even evacuate a little bit
more than what was suggested.
Michcon only advised evacuating

By Nika Schulte
Daily Staff Reporter
Hoisting orange neon signs pro-
claiming "Genocide No More" and
"Murderers Don't Deserve Holidays,"
about 100 University students and
community members gathered on the
Diag yesterday afternoon to celebrate
Indigenous Peoples' Day.
The rally, sponsored by student
groups including Native American
Student Association and the Black
Students Union, began as a walkout. It
served as a way for students to express
frustration with the national celebra-
tion of Christopher Columbus' voyage
to America and voice issues Native

as he welcomed the crowd.
"It is important that we celebrate
Indigenous Peoples' Day," said Reilly,
an SNRE junior. "It shows that we are
not accepting this holiday or the histo-
ry told to us. We are confronting it."
One way students hope to confront
the existing history is through the
development of a Native American
studies program at the University.
But Thurman Bear, a supporter of
Native American students at the
University who spoke at the rally, said
the lack of education about Native
Americans is not a problem isolated
in the University community.
"Between today. Oct. 12. and

Thurman Bear, keynote speaker at yesterday's Indigenous Peoples' Day rally on
the Diag, called for more education on Native American issues.

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