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September 13, 1999 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-09-13

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Wa +hEqr

Today: Mostly cloudy. High 73. Low 63.
Tomorrow: Partly cloudy. High 68.

One hundred eight years ofedtorzifreedom

September 13, 1999

z. ' yy

athletic Dept. relaxes
stadium bottle policy

By Anna Clark
For the Daily
Fans complained and the authorities listened.
*Michigan Stadium's policy on prohibiting fans from bring-
ing containers into the stands during football games -
including water bottles - was relaxed officially last week.
Athletic Department officials changed the policy after the
stadium's bottled water reserve dried up during the 90-degree
season opener against Notre Dame on Saturday, Sept. 4.
"We had three times as much water as usual," said Bruce
Madej, director of Athletic Media Relations. "And that still

wasn't enough for everyone."
Madej explained that the policy on closed containers in the
Big House still stands - but on warmer days, Athletic offi-
cials may remind ushers at the pre-game meeting to be less
strict with fans carrying unopened plastic water bottles.
"We'll be sure to make an announcement about our policy
in advance of the game," Madej said. "We want to make sure
our fans have enough to drink."
During the Notre Dame game, concession stands had sold
bottles of water for $3 each but ran out by halftime. After that,
See POLICY, Page 7A

® Concession
stands in Michigan
Stadium sell water bottles
during season opener
football game versus Notre
Dame on Sept. 4 but run
out by halftime
* Athletic Department
officials decide last week
to relax stadium policy
that prohibits spectators
from bringing containers
into stadium. Ushers will
use discretion on what
ticketholders can bring

graffiti found
in Markic~y


By Anand Giridharadas
For the Daily
A Mary Markley Residence Hall stu-
dent never expected to end his first
week at the University by finding two
swastikas in a bathroom stall.
It was just after five in the afternoon
on Friday, and he was getting ready for
religious services for Rosh Hashanah,
the Jewish new year. He entered the
stall in his floor bathroom and saw two
palm-size markings drawn in black
marker on the rear panel of a toilet
paper dispenser.
The event prompted an investigation
by Department of Public Safety offi-
cials and Housing administration.
"I was shocked and a little bit
scared," he said. "And I was even more
shocked at the timing."
The student, who did not want to be
identified, said the event awoke him to
"a harsh sense of reality.
"Coming to a big school, you expect
that people are going to have differing
views" he said. "But to have it be so
personal is very unwelcoming."
The incident at Markley brought a
rapid response from Markley staff and
an investigation by the Housing Safety
officials. Markley residents said
University officials visited the stall and
reported the swastikas to DPS.

"Acts of hatred such as this have no
place in our community," University
spokesperson Julie Peterson said.
DPS officers arrived on the scene
Friday evening but did not file a full
report. Spokesperson Lt. Doug Swix
said there were no suspects in the case
and the matter had been transferred to
the University housing office. The
markings were erased shortly after their.
The student who found the markings
said he was relatively certain they had
been drawn on Friday, but two students
on the floor said they might have seen
them a dayearlier.
After finding the swastikas, the stu-
dent said he immediately informed
Steve Couch, the resident adviser for
the second floor of Frost house.
According to the student, Couch said
that Markley has a history of similar
In recent years, a number of incidents
reportedly motivated by hate have taken
place at the University, including acts
of graffiti in Markley.
University Housing Director Alan
Levy warned against labeling the inci-
dent as part of a trend.
But Markley does have a relatively
high Jewish population, student sources
See MARKLEY, Page 2A

University President Lee Bollinger and more than 170 participants jog through the 5-kilometer Nichols Arboretum route designated for the Third Annual Fun Run.

Bollinger trades suit,
Stie forjogshorts
By Hanna LoPatin was a little harder to spot am
and Nika Schulte more than 170 participants w
Daily Staff Reporters laced ip their sneakers fort

"Running is the best way to think,"
Bollinger said in his greeting to the
participants. "I wish you good think-
ing this morning as you run."
Engineering sophomore John
Myers, a first-time participant, said he
wasn't able to get much contemplative
thinking done during his jog.
"I kept thinking, I hope I finish this
thing," Meyers said.
The run, which originated in
1997 as part of the inaugural cere-
monies for Bollinger, was held this
year on a winding and hilly course
in the Arb.
Office of Financial Aid employee
Edi Bletcher said although she partic-
ipated in previous fun runs, she was
excited about this year's because of
the location. Previous runs have criss-
crossed campus and ended in
Michigan Stadium.
'The Arb is great this time of
year," Bletcher said. "Even locals

don't always get a chance to come
down here."
Six members of the Michigan
men's cross country team came to the
run as a "relaxing prelude" to their
afternoon workout. Following tradi-
tion, the team planned to begin the
run alongside Bollinger.
LSA junior Mike Wisniewski, a
cross country team member, said run-
ning with the President wouldn't
change his pace that much.
"I've been watching him train on
the track and he looked pretty fit,"
Wisniewski said.
Although the team started the
run with Bollinger, they crossed
the finish line several minutes
before him.
Team Captain and Kinesiology
senior, Steven Lawrence explained
the team's early finish.
"Bollinger wanted to socialize with
some of his friends and told us to go
See RUN, Page 2A

JordLan pleads
guilty to fraud


By Jeannie Baumann
Daily Staff Reporter
Michigan linebacker Anthony Jordan
pled guilty but was not convicted last
week on an embezzlement charge that
involved two other Michigan football
players and the Kmart in Ypsilanti
"His plea was made under the Holmes
Youthful Trainee Act," said Jordan's
attorney Nick Roumel. "If the judge
accepts his plea, according to the HYTA,
then his case is sealed from public record
and his guilty plea is not accepted by the
court," Roumel explained.
The HYTA is a special statute for
first-time offenders under the age of 21,
in which all charges can be expunged

University President Lee
Bollinger is often spotted jogging
at campus facilities, but early
Friday morning as he made his way
through the Nichols Arboretum he

Third Annual Fun Run.
Bollinger said he hoped the 5-
kilometer event provided runners
with a chance to get some exercise
for their bodies as well as their

'U' reactor prepares
for 50thaniversary

Put a pep in your step

Seva Gunitskiy
ly Staff Reporter
Although the University is well-known for its
extensive research facilities and laboratories, few
students may know about the two-megawatt
nuclear reactor located on North Campus that has
provided research capabilities to companies and
scientists for nearly half a decade.
To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the
Michigan Memorial Phoenix Project, out of
which the reactor was constructed, the
University will be hosting a two-day sympo-
m Oct. 21 to 22, featuring more than 30 pre-
sentations representing a wide range of topics,
with Rep. Joe Knollenberg (R-Michigan)
scheduled as the keynote speaker. The focus of
the symposium will be on the future of nuclear
The project began in 1948, during a era of anx-
iety about the potential of nuclear warfare.
Conceived as a war memorial, the reactor was
built to commemorate the several hundred
iversity students and faculty who perished dur-
World War II. After nearly a decade of raising
the necessary funds and drawing up blueprints, the
reactor went on-line in 1957.
"The main purpose of the reactor is to explore
peaceful uses of atomic energy," said Christopher
Becker, reactor manager. As far as the scope of
possible research projects involving the reactor,

of science and technology.
Through the decades, the reactor has been used
for a variety of projects, from studying diseases of
Egyptian mummies to dating ancient rocks. As a
public facility, the reactor is open for use to the
entire University community, as well as industry
and government representatives. It is, in fact, one
of the few nuclear research facilities that can oper-
ate around the clock.
"We are one of the three leading facilities in the
country, in terms of power level and amount of
research," MMPP Director:John Lee said.
The University is one of 28 institutions to main-
tain a nuclear reactor on its campus, but that num-
ber is dwindling due to high maintenance costs of
the facilities.
But students living in Bursley Residence Hall
don't need to spend their time worrying about
nuclear meltdown, Lee said in more than 40 years
of operation, there have never been any significant
problems with the reactor.
"Anytime you have radiation, there is always a
risk of danger," said history Prof. Nick Steneck, a
University historian. "But it is a very low-power
reactor, nothing like a commercial reactor.
"There have been a few reportable incidents, a
small amount of radiation leakage for a variety of
reasons," Steneck said. "But it is no more haz-
ardous than a chemistry laboratory."
Those interested in attending the symposium

from the defendant's record if they
adhere to all terms of the sentence
given by the jddge.
Jordan was charged with a misde-
meanor of aiding and abetting an
embezzlement, and a second charge of
conspiracy to embezzle was dropped.
Jordan is scheduled for sentencing Oct.
28 in the Washtenaw County Court.
Roumel said that the athletes
received the same treatment that any
other University student would have
received from the court.
"Their hope and intent is that every-
one can put all this behind them and
concentrate on their studies," Roumel
said. He also represents offensive line-
See JORDAN, Page 2A
400 crowd
South U.
d urigbar
By Nick Bunkley
Daily Staff Reporter
A quiet Sunday night was interrupt-
ed by a brawl that pushed hundreds
onto South University Avenue, while
police attempted to subdue the crowd
by spraying the aggressors with mace.
The incident began inside the All
Star Cafe, 1321 South University Ave.,
when, police believe, someone began
throwing glass at the rappers who were
performing on the lower level of the
People began spilling onto the street
in front of the establishment, where the
fight escalated, and police arrived after
the bar staff called 911.
Ann Arbor Police Department Sgt.
Craig Flocken said more than 400 people
had crammed into the street by the time
about 25 officers from AAPD,
University Department of Public Safety
and Washtenaw County Sheriff's
Department arrived shortly before 1 a.m.


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