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September 13, 1999 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1999-09-13

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 13, 1999 -
Indonesi,4a toalowpeaekeprs

The Washington Post
JAKARTA, Indonesia Bowing to intense
international pressure, President B.J. Habibie said
yesterday night Indonesia will allow armed foreign
peacekeepers into East Timor to end a wave of
killing and destruction by pro-Indonesian militia-
men and his own soldiers and police.
The announcement paved the way for an
Australian-led peacekeeping force of up to 7,000
troops to begin operating swiftly in East Timor,
possibly within days.
U.S. officials said the force will likely include a
small U.S. contingent, mainly to help with commu-
nications, intelligence-gathering and logistics, par-
ticularly airlifting troops from participating
President Clinton, in Auckland, New Zealand,

Indonesia's acceptance. But his national-security
adviser, Samuel Berger, cautioned that manv key
details remain to be settled., like the timing for
deploying the troop, their relationship with thou-
sands of Indonesian soldiers on the ground and the
composition of the new force.
"The devil's in the details here, " cqer told
reporters in Aucklandi. -There arc a lot of questions
that need to be addressd in the coming days."
In making his announcement, Hahibie conceded
that, despite a martial-law declaration six days ago.
his own military has be'n unable to control the vio-
lence that exploded in East Timor after an over-
whelming majority of its 800,000 residents voted
for independence in a UN.-sponsored referendum
Aug. 30.
That, he implied, was the reason Indonesia
reversed itself after days of refusing to heed

demands for an international pacekeeping force
from g overnmenIt around the worid.
"The lndonesian defense forces red to stabili/c
the situation in Last Tinor," Hlabi bie sad in a
nationally televised address at Merdeka, the presi-
dential palace. "At the same time. they' have to reC-
ognize that there are limits to what more they could
achieve . .. They have done their utmast in a very
complex and complicated situation. under very diV
ficult psychological constraints.
labibie did not elaborate, but his military chief.
Gien. Wiranto, had earlier conceded that his soL
diers would not shoot the militiamen whom they
considered "brothers in arms."
"Too many people have lost their lives since the
beginning of the unrest, lost their homs and secu-
rity," H abibie declared. "We cannot wait any
longer. We have to stop the suffering.'

Gas stations see slight price increases
CAMARILLO, Calif Prices at the gas pumps jumped less than a penny in
the past 3 weeks, due largely to an increase in crude oil prices.an industry analyst
said yesterday.
The national weighted average Friday, including all grades and taxes, was
SL.3178y up from SI .31 in the previous survey Aug. 20. said Trilby Lundberg, who
publi.hes the Lundberg Survey of 10,000 gas stations nationwide.
But the upward trend that marked gas prices in the summer may be comin
an end.
"With vacations ending and schools beginning, it's crude oil prices calling the
shots at the pump," she said. "if crude oil prices stay around the S23-a-barrel range
than fuel gasoline cuts can be expected."
The slight rise reflected a S2 increase in the price per barrel of crude oil to
523.55, Lundberg said.
Gasoline prices were kept in check nationwide thanks to a four-cent-a-gallon dip
in the West, which has started recovering from a gas shortage that hit the regioi in
the spring, Lundberg said.
Here's a breakdown of the individual price per gallon for self-service gas: regu-
lar unleaded gas in the past three weeks cost S 1.2653; mid-grade cost SI .3642,
premium gas cost S 1.4492.

for an Asian


summit, welcomed

Continued from Page 1A
men Maurice Williams and Jonathan
Goodwin, who have also been named in
the embezzlement scandal.
Bruce Madej, associate athletic
director for media relations, said
Michigan Football Coach Lloyd
Carr "has handled it as a team situa-
He declined to make any further
comments but confirmed that all three
players were still on the roster Neither
Goodwin nor Williams were allowed to

start in Saturday's game against Rice.
but Williams substituted during the sec-
ond play of the game for lineman Jeff
Backus. Jordan and Goodwin did not
participate in the game.
The charges of embezzlement refer
to an incident in June in which thou-
sands of dollars worth of merchanuise
passed through former Kmart employee
Sweetana Cummings' register without
Williams and Goodwin pled guilty
under the HYTA in late July. Cummings
has already pled guilty and is schedule
for sentencing September 30.

Continued from Page IA
ahead,' he said.
Michigan men:s cross country
coach Ron Warhurst said he was
excited about the event and praised
Bollinger for his desire to interact
with students and faculty members in
a celebration of the beginning of the
academic year.
"He really gets the community and
students involved in campus life,'
Warhurst said. "H shows support for
athletics a: well as academia"




Earn $10 in a 1 hour computer-mediated
negotiation experiment that is being held in
the business school in the early Fall.
Days: Friday, Saturday, or Sunday
Times: 1:00, 2:30, and 4:00 PM.
To be included in the pool of possible
subjects, register at:
To participate, you must be over the age of
18 and a Michigan Student.

Clad in a free Fun R un T-shirt
given to all the participants, Sue
Chandler's golden retriever "Maizy"
led the way for the last group of pa-
"We were the last ones to finish in
the inaugural run and are hoping to
maintain that record," said Kay
Dawson, a former University
Warhurst said he'd like to see next
year's run take place later in the day
in order to attract even more partici-
pants who could exercise during their
lunch hour.
Continued from Page IA
said, and in recent years has been the
target of anti-Semitic vandalism.
In September 1997, students discov-
ered drawings of swastikas and derogato-
ry language in the hall, and the housing
staff arranged for reconciliatory meet-
In October 1996, controversy flared
up when two black students were
accused of marking swastikas on the
door of an LSA first-year student.
The residence staff of Markley is dis-
cussing how to address the recent inci-
dent. Levy said a hall meeting is
expected within days.
One LSA student, who lives on sec-
ond floor of Frost in Markley and asked
that his name not be used called the
incident "a serious early dose of reali-
He said the hall needed to work
toether to "help everyone once again
consider this a welcoming place to
University Provost Nancy Cantor
called Friday's development "an extra-
ordinarily distressing event. She
acknowledged a gap between adminis-
trators' commitment to diversity and
the realities of campus life.
"There is somewhat of a disconnect
between belief and behavior," she said.
"We need to better understand what it
means to be a diverse community"
Or Exercise
Your Life???
SEPTEMBER 15, 1999
4:15-5:45 P.M.

Teaching creation up
to Kansas districts
DOUGLASS, Kan. - It's now up
to Kansas' 304 school districts to
decide whether to spend class time on
a topic that's not required and will not
be tested on statewide assessment
Teachers in Kansas still are free
to present evolution, the theory that
all life on Earth shares a common
ancestor nearly 4 billion years old.
And no one is required to teach cre-
ation, the biblical view that God cre-
ated all species during the course of
six days.
Parents can try to influence the cur-
riculum through their elected school
But often, as in Douglass, those
parents are deeply conflicted - believ-
ing on the one hand that their children
should hear about evolution but con-
vinced on the other that it's blasphe-
So in the end, both evolutionists and
creationists agree, what Kansas kids

learn about ourorigins will depend in
large measure on their teachers -and,
quite possibly, on their teachers' per-
sonal beliefs.
"They'll be able to teach what
they want to teach," said Mary
Douglass Brown, a Board of
Education member.
Senator re-admitted
to hospital for fatige
Thurmond (R-S.C.) has been admitted
to the Walter Reed Army Medical
Center for tests and observation after
complaining of feeling weak.
Thurmond, 96, the oldest senator ever,
was admitted Saturday night, his pr,-S
secretary, John DeCrosta, said yesteri.
DeCrosta said doctor expected the sena-
tor to be released this afternoon.
Physicians wanted to find out why
he has been fatigued, DeCrosta said in
a statement. "Doctors will also evaluate
the various medications Thurmond is
taking and may decide that changing
prescriptions and dosages will assist


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North Korea halts
missile testing
BERLIN - North Korea agreed yes-
terday to what amounts to a freeze in its
missile-testing program, clearing the
way for improved relations with the
United States and its key Asian allies,
Western officials said.
Senior U.S. and North Korean delega-
tions, headed by U.S. special envoy
Charles Kartman and Deputy Foreign
Minister Kim Gye Gwan of North Korea,
announced after five days of discussions
in Berlin that their countries have pledged
"to preserve a positive atmosphere con-
ducive to improved bilateral relations and
to peace and security in Northeast Asia
and the Asia-Pacific region."
Although North Korean officials said
nothing publicly to interpret the pledge,
Western diplomats familiar with the
talks said that, while it fell short of a
treaty-level commitment, North Korea
acknowledged that any further missile
tests would run counter to its promise
not to do anything to damage relations

with the United States. As a result, they
said, the accord seemed to go a long
way toward easing tensions created by
Pyongyang's plans to test the
Taepodong 11, an advanced and -lon -
range model of a missile that caused
alarms across the region when it was
test-fired over Japan a year ago.
Schroeder faces
setbacks in election
BERLIN - Voters in two German
states turned massiely against
Chancellor Gerhard Schroedes
party in elections yesterday, deepen-
ing his problems as he tries to impose
tough spending cuts on a reluctant
The conservative Christian
Democrats took about 51 perceit of
the vote in the eastern state of
Thuringia, allowing them to end'their
alliance with the chancellor's Social
Democrats and govern alone.
- Compiled from Daily wire repo.

The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are
$85. Winter term (January through April) is $95, yearlong (September through April) is $165. On-campus sub-
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EDfTE KtAl: S:1'AFt. neazner namma mustut its usimi


NEWS Jennifer Yachnin, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Nikita Easley. Katie Plona. Mike Spahn, Jaimie Winkler.
STAFF: Lindsey Alpert, Phil Bansal. Angela Bardoni. Jeannie Bauman. Risa Berrin, Marta Brill. Nick Bunkley. Adam Brian Cohen. Gerard
Cohen-Vrignaud, Sana Danish, Nick Falzone. Lauren Gibbs. Robert Gold. Jewel Gopwant Michael Grass, Seva Gunitskiy. Ray Kania, Jody
Simone Kay, Yaei Kohen, Sarah Lewis. Cori McAfree. Kelly O'Connor, Jeremy Peters, Asma Rafeeq, Doug Rett. Nika Schulte. Callie Scott,
Emina Sendijarevic. Jennifer Sterling, Avram S. Turkel.
CALENDAR: Adam Zuwerink.
EDITORIAL Jeffrey Kosseff, David Wallace, Editors
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Emily Achenbaum, Nick Woomer.
STAFF: Chip Cullen. Jason Fink. Seth Fisher. Lea Frost. Jenna Greditor, Scott Hunter, Thomas Kuijurgis, Mike Lopez. Steve Rosenberg.
Branden Sanz, Killy Scheer, Jack Schillaci, Jennifer Strausz, Paul Wong.

SPORTS Rick Freeman, Managing Editor
EDITORS: TJ. Berka. Chris Duprey, Josh Kleinbaum. Andy Latack.
STAFF: Emily Achenbaum. Josh Borkin. Evan Braunstein. David Den Herder. Dan Dingerson. Jason Emeott, Mark Francescutti, Geoff
Gagnon. Ron Garner, Raphael Goodstein, Arn Gopal. Chris Grandstaff, Michael Kern. Vaughn R. Kug. Chris Langrill, Ryan C. Moloney,
David Mosse, Stephanie Offen. Stephen A. Rom. Kevin Rosenfield. Tracy Sandler. Michael Shafrir. Nita Srivastava, Uma Subramanian. Jacob
Wheeler, Jon Zemke.
ARTS Christopher Cousino, Jessica Eaton, Editors
WEEKEND. ETC. EDITORS: Amy Barber. Toyin Akinmusuru
SUB EDITORS: Gabe Fajuri (Music. Jenni Glenn (Fine/Peforming Arts), Catin Hall (TV/New Medial. Gina Hanaday (Books, Ed Sholinsky (FilmI
STAFF: Matthew Barrett, Jason Birchmeier. Alisa Claeys. Jeff Druchniak. Cortney Dueweke. Brian Egan, Steven Gertz, Jewel Gopwani.
Chris Kula, Erin Podolsky, Aaron Rich. Adlin Rosli Chris Tkaczyk. Jonah Victor. Ted Watts, John Uhl, Curtis Zimmerman.
PHOTO Louis Brown, Dana Linnane, Edit
ARTS EDITOR: Jessica Johnson
STAFF: Dhani Jones. Jeremy Menchik, Sara Schenk. Michelle Swelnis
ONLINE Satadru Pramanik, Editor
STAFF: Toyin Akinmusuru. Seth Benson, Rachel Berger. Amy Chen. Todd Graham. Paul Wong.


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