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April 13, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…THUDS ON IRON See Page 4 Y LwIt tta * it . 1 c* ''V Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LIX, No. 132 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1949 MILD PRICE FIV E NTS FBI Witness Claims Reds Seek Revolt Testifies at N.Y. Com nminist Trial NEW YORK - (/P) - American Communists were taught to incite civil war in the United States if this country became embroiled in war with Russia, a government witness testified yesterday. The witness, He...…

April 13, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 132) • Page Image 2

…WTHEMICHIGANDAILY DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Official The University Personnel Office Bulletin is constructive notice to all has received calls for students in- members of the University. Notices terested in part-time employment. for the Bulletin should be sent in Men who have had soda fountain typewritten form to the Office of the Mewhoavhdsdafuti Assistant to the President, Room 2552 experience and who have the Adminis...…

April 13, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 132) • Page Image 3

…1949 THE MICHIGAN DAMIY PAGE. THREE BACK TO WORK: Gridders Emphas ize Fundamentals Pitchers Named for Rig Nine Opener With the second week of spring fQotball practice underway, the gridders are showing vast im- provement and are making rapid strides toward regaining the sharpness which won them the national championship last sea- ,on. Coach Bennie Oosterbaan has aeen concentrating on such fund- amentals as timing, individual as- signment...…

April 13, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 132) • Page Image 4

…tHE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1949 I 1 Thuds on Iron NEW RUMBLINGS OF unrest from within the Iron Curtain have been heard re- cently. The latest sign of dissatisfaction with Moscow's domination of her satellites' do- nestic and foreign affairs comes from within Poland, where a new crisis within the leadership of the Polish Communist party has arisen. According to reports from Warsaw, Poland's Minister of Trade, Hilary Minc, has ...…

April 13, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 132) • Page Image 5

…WEDNESDAY, APRiL 13, 1949 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I I Junior Petitions Due Next Week Positions Open on JudiciaryCouncil, League Dance I nterviewIng, Committees Present sophomore women who pected to have the ability' to make will be handing in. their petitions recommendations to the League for junior positions on April 18, Council for appointments to will be interested in junior exec- League positions in cooperations utive posts on the Leag...…

April 13, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 132) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY W:nNEsDAY, APRIL 13, 1949 WEDNESDAY. APRIL 13, 1949 Educators Urge National 4 THE STUDENT would then use the money to attend any higher education institution approved by state or regional authority. According to the resolution, "scholarships must be of suffi- cient value to afford real relief to the able student who is now unable to attend for economic reasons ... " The proposal also urges that there be no discriminat...…

April 13, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…FREEDOM RPOAD ?t See Page 4 IY . Daii4 t LOUD YO SI 6(11 tIts Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 131 ANN ARBOR, MIChIGAN, TUESDA APRIL 13 1948 LewisHasakeilaces I'1CE FIVE CENTS arg es 'elo in o'- arsaCrislerNixes l~eu Lure ofG C----- -- Stays at 'M' Says Communists ngineered Revolt Gunfire, Riots Renewed in Capital; Colombia Severs Russian Relations BOGOTA, April 12-(P)-Secretary of State Marshall blamed in- ternational...…

April 13, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 131) • Page Image 2

…TWO TIlE MWITIGAN PATIN r, igig .T. .. .T............R.....3...9-- !P "N--" Pollock Gets New Faculty Appointment Regenits Name Seveni Others to 'U' Posts Six faculty appointments, a committee appointment, and a promotion were confirmed at the April meeting of the Board of Regents. Feature appointment was the naming of Dr. James K. Pollock, chairman of the political science department, as James Orin Mur- fin professor of Political Science...…

April 13, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 131) • Page Image 3

…____________THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE ,,-. , r 1 .q , ,. r, / Vn "~ U. I for yor, ~ atthe 100/ Saturday, April 17th You'll be in ca whirl, and love it .. . in our loveliest of evening gowns billowy skirted, dazzling designs that swirl you into the dance .., and one is for you for your starry night of splendor ... and for sparkling accompaniment, accessories of gleaming gold or silver ... or the twinkling of sequins to add g...…

April 13, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 131) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1948 Freedom Roadt WHILE THE DRAFT LAW being un- wrapped by Congress has met with the usual general gripes from various groups all over the country, one particular group of Americans has come out so strongly opposed to iti that they itm- to face treason charges rather than he drafted. Testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee the end of last month, A. Philip Randolph, head of the Union of S...…

April 13, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 131) • Page Image 5

…eims 13, 1 94 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUMMER EMPLOYMENT: Camp Counselor Positions Are Available To even the most ardent liberal education advocates the counselor remains an essential part of the camping picture. Nearly two-thirds of the sum- mer jobs available through the University Bureau of Appoint- ments are for camp positions. The jobs themselves range from direc- tors to assistant unit leaders. Many of the positions are for spe- cial counse...…

April 13, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 131) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAlYTEDAPIL13 EAXTS PLAY ROLE: f AInt t O B s tols'11-C a n a d a -tI.S 1"c ai e w ) The Canaida - United States Commiittce on Education, an or-1 ganization of educators of both' nation's formed to encourage "ed- ucation as a force to streng then and impr"ove the good relations existing bctween the two coun- tries,"bganif 5 fifth annual+ meeting here yesterda. As a par't of thie convention,+ Abbe Arthur Maheux of Laval Universit...…

April 13, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 131) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE -d Coaches Satisfied With Sprig Trips t j D Ho in e a sif Ali, odaGy Sports SoIlf . . Even though Michigan's Big Nine Golf Champions were dumped a couple times on their tour of the southern circuit, Coach Bert Katzenmeyer stuck an optimistic smile through his new- ly acquired sun tan to express his, satisfaction on his team's progress to date. It was the combination of two, hot collegiate teams and the long ...…

April 13, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 131) • Page Image 8

…EIGHT T HE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. APRIL 13, 1548 4 TORKS, ET AL: Two Emergency Calls Give Deputy a Busy Day By CRAIG WILSON Life is just one little thing after another for Deputy Kenneth W. Dilloway, who pilots the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Of- fice ambulance. Dilloway normally handles rou- tine desk work in the Sheriff's office but yesterday he played the starring role in a "beat the stork" chase to St. Joseph's Mercy Hos- pital, and...…

April 13, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…TIN PAN ALLEY INSPIRATION See Page 2 Lw uyrn 4& 43attjq OPOI"qqwp-- FAIR, WARMER VOL. LVI, No. 113 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS Senate Military Committee Asks Draft Extension By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, April 12-A strong tide of sentiment for a draft "holi- day" swept through the House today as it began debate on legislation ex- tending the selective service law beyond May 15. It was whipped ...…

April 13, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 113) • Page Image 2

…4 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY e* np ,. -- it Turkey Asks For U.S. Financial Aid Near Eastern Political Situation Will Not Influence Decision, Officials Say By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, April 12-Turkey has applied for an American loan of about $500,000,000 to finance industrial development, it was learned today. Government and diplomatic officials confirmed the Turkish applica- tion but stressed that American consideration at this t...…

April 13, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 113) • Page Image 3

…aiUIAX, u u, TnTi MtICHIGAN DOAILY Ypsilanti nne Bows to Wolverines; .Practice Game Gives Second Team, 3,-1, Win Outfielder McKeachic Drives in Winning Run; Detroit Amateur Squad Plays Here Today By WALT KLEE Taking advantage of two errors and a wild pitch in the eighth inning, the Michigan baseball team's B Squad scored two runs to win a 3-1 prac- tice game from the Michigan State Normal team from Ypsilanti. Yesterday's victory was the fi...…

April 13, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 113) • Page Image 4

…I hI1-i 5 AN DAIV Fidtgat a l Fifty-Sixth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Stafff Margaret Farmer . ...... Managing Editor Hale Champion . . . . . . . Editorial Director Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . . . City Editor Emily E. Knapp . . . . . . . Associate Editor Pat Cameron . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Clark Baker . . . . . ...…

April 13, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 113) • Page Image 5

…Ili I C it I y ) A 1"%7 PAC.It$ P IH I I pN IY I ~ r r uu ri+rr. It League Bridge Patty Traditional Affair To Feature Student Will B Held Today Wasp-\citS, lh(l Shoulders WIll Mar CCLds' Easter Suits Acts Spring, Summe Table, Door Prizes Will Be Awarded Making its post-war debut, th Coed Annual Bridge Party will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. today in the League Ballroom. Of special interest with the com- ing of spring will be a style sh...…

April 13, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 113) • Page Image 6

…rAGE SIX THE MIC11IGAN DAIY Truman Pledges To Carry On, Fight for Roosevelt Principles ASSOCIATED PRESS PUG TURE NEWS Dedicate Estate as Ngtional Shrine By The Associated Press HYDE PARK, N. Y., April 12 - President Truman today pledged to "carry on in the way of Franklin D. Roosevelt" as he dedicated the late President's Hudson river estate as a national monument. The former President died a year ago today. Standing bareheaded on the ...…

April 13, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

… - --.a POIIMNIW 'Afid I Sol -!OKI r4 t "It I uaht WEATHER Partly Cloudy, Increasing Winds VOL. LV, No. 120 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1945 PRICE FIVE CENTS NATION MOURNS LOSS O EDR 1I * * * * * * Solemn P eMa rumn, Promises To Follow FDR's World Policies Statement by New President Told r By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, April 12- Harry S. Truman, who 11 years ago was Missouri county judge, be-. came the 32nd Presi...…

April 13, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 120) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1' YDY , AP'R-FLo, 1945 .. . . ..... . .... - ,. i _ .. ,,: Arm es 0, S -Ole) Leipzig Yanks Ready for Dash Into Berlin ly AuST N BEALMEAR ByT'he Associated Press PARIS, Friday, Arril 13-U. S. Ninth Army tanks smashed across the1 Elbe River on a six-mile front just 57 miles from Berlin yesterday and U. S. First and Third Armies in sweeps of nearly 50 miles thundered at the gates of the great city of Leipzig, 75 miles...…

April 13, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 120) • Page Image 3

…S A_1PRrZ 15, ll- THE AlIC HTGAN T.AIT~ r -, _ _ . Campus, City Receive Death Notice 'With Shocked Incredulity, Sorrow 10b te T o w~> sevelts Ideals Leade rk v ..:F te From By PAUL SISLIN The reaction of campus and city to the news of the death of Presi- dent Roosevelt was that of shocked disbelief. First radio announcement came at 5:45 p.m. as Ann Arborites were pre- paring for dinner. In the Michigan Union students were filing th...…

April 13, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 120) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY. ARiiL 13, 1945 Fifty-Fifth Year SIGNIFICANT ADDRESS1ES: Historica ords o Roosevelt . A YI ,_ _ - __ . w Edited and managed by students of the University of, Lehigan under the authority of the hoard In Control Student Publications. Editorial Staff ryn Pb 'garetf aul Sisli ank Ma ave Loew avis Ken 1i SCu :illips. . . Managing Editor arner . . Editorial Director a . . . . . . . . City Editor in . . . Associ...…

April 13, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 120) • Page Image 5

…FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1945 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Engineers To Give Annual BallI Today in Union Rainbow Room Dancers Will Hear Louis Prima's Band Braving the hex of Friday the 13th, the School of Engineering will present its annual Slide Rule Ball froni 8:30 p.m. to midnight EWT (7:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. CWT) today in the*Rainbow Room of the Union. Louis Prima and his dynamic new band will furnish the music for the dance. Lilly Ann Carol, his star fe...…

April 13, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 120) • Page Image 6

…ETHE MICHIGAN DAILY FFIDIAY, AUR.i 13, 1945 ist Has Star German Club e Harry' Chooses Otto As President took place Wednesday night with the opening of "Uncle Harry." Tall, slim, dark-haired Betty wears Trautwein Named the same gown worn by Eve Le Gal- To Vice-Presidency lienne in the New York Productiony of "Uncle Harry." The costumes of Approximately 100 students of the Deutscher Verein elected Herbert A. Otto president of the club at their...…

April 13, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…u ii r fria #aitt Weather fair andi Wa.;.Er VOL. LIV No. 118 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS Russians. Railroa d Race 46 Miles III Thrust 'ow' on 1 Crimean in Swift Sevastopol Yank Bombers Smash Messerschmitt Plants Italian-Based Planes Strike into Austria; AAF Runs into Bad Weather over Germany By The Associated Press LONDON, April 12.-American 15th Air Force heavyweights from Italy dealt a thu...…

April 13, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 118) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1944 A i J Dewey,_Roosevelt Dr. Ockenga MacArthur, Will Speak on Stassen GainI Protestantism Majority Vote, Cn-re- ational Pastnr 0 Still Lead in Presiden tial Nomination Graduate School Gives Additional Scholarship Awards to Students To Give SRA Lecture Tuesday at Rackham Dr. Harold John Ockenga, lecturer on social philosophy and president of the National Association of Evan- gelicals...…

April 13, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 118) • Page Image 3

…Diu y 1: ,.y iiK.Y_' a. i ii: THE INI 17- ZA 1LY - -.. Nine's Intra=Squad Tilt Canceled by Weather Use Time for Workout; Emuer Swa Nrrsou Shows Great P'rom-iise as First Sacker The Wolverine baseball team was prevented from playing the third scheduled intra-squad game by icy April winds and a muddy field, but Coach Fisher took advantage of the time to put the pitchers and the in- fielders through a rigorous workout. Working out at first ...…

April 13, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 118) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, APRt*I 3; 1944 _ _ Fifty-Fourth Year d RatUher ABe Right B y SAMUEL GRAFTON - . - . -r Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated ...…

April 13, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 118) • Page Image 5

…THURSDAY, APiIL 13, 1944 THE MTCIVA.N . DAILY PAGE m Assembly Ball Petitions Due By Wednesday Dance To Be Held Together With Panhel's Annual Party; Eight Positions Are Available Petitioning for Assembly Ball Com- mittee will begin tomorrow and con- tinue through Wednesday, announced Doris Barr, president of Assembly Board yesterday. Eight positions are available on the committee: general chairman, tickets chairman, program, publicity, dec...…

April 13, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 118) • Page Image 6

… .. _. 1." 7 -War*i T l\TTT\T\T-u Tf T.i 'r li-r i --T. 7 -1. p 7. M i i aamuel Will Talk Sunday At Rackham 'Jewry in World of Tomorrow' Is To Be Discussed in Lecture Maurice Samuel, author and lec- turer, will speak on "Jewry in the World of Tomorrow" at 3 p.m. Sun- day at the Rackham Auditorium, under the auspices of the B'nai Brith Hillel Foundation. For the last 15 years Samuel has been traveling throughout the world interpreting Jewi...…

April 13, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…- -.. - - - - - . - -~ -- - -w -- - - - - - -- - - I1 Jr N 'Allk E lftt r '4 mtj~ '~ I -I eaniei~' Cei~iz~ Vol. LITT No. 137 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS laps Blast Allied Base In Pacific Eneimy Loses Many Planes in Heaviest Port Moresby Raid By The Associated Press ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN AUSTRALIA, April 13 (Tuesday)- The Japanese flung 100 planes at Port Moresby Monday in their heavi- est aeria...…

April 13, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 137) • Page Image 2

…W A-JLAAW AL WT w TI"H E MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY APRIUl343A.l Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan .nder the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Publishe d every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- dlay and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Asociated Press is exclusively entitled to the us...…

April 13, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 137) • Page Image 3

…VMSDAY; APRIL 13, 1943 T RE M I CH11G-AN D A4LY - -~ - -~ - - ----w- - - - -- - V.- - I Varsity Nine To Meet Notre Dame at South Bend oday Surgical Dressing, Women's War Council Jobs Are Open New Administrative Supervisor Petitioning To Be Held Today Petitioning for the new position of Administrative Supervisor on the Women's War Council will be held today, it was decided yesterday at a neeting of the council. Interviewing for this...…

April 13, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 137) • Page Image 4

…~c-~ r~i~ 11 E I ~ ~ iAu t.) AL Cordell Hull Urges Three=Year Extension of Reciprocal Trau de Plan G0P Allacks Stir Anger Of Secretary of State 1ull States That Reciprocal Trade Is Basis F'or Essential International Cooperation By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, April 12.-Secre-! tary Hull motored up Capitol Hill to- day to urge continuance of the Re- ciprocal Trade Treaties Program and found himself the brunt of a Repub- lican atta...…

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