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April 13, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-04-13

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FRIDAY. ARiiL 13, 1945

Fifty-Fifth Year

Historica ords o Roosevelt




_ - __ .

Edited and managed by students of the University of,
Lehigan under the authority of the hoard In Control
Student Publications.
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ck Strickland
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Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1944-45
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

New President

1 ARPY TRUMAN, who assumes the office Va-
cated by tlbe death of President Roosevelt.
faces a rask the magnitude of which cannot be
overestimated-his is the job of carrying out
those ideals for which his predecessor fought
so courageously.
Sorrow for the loss of the great man who,
led the nation for thirteen critical years, the
years of the Great Depression and the devastat-
ing war which is not yet won can be mitigated
only by giving effect to those plans for a peaceful
and prosperous world which the President initi-
President Truman must now bear that bur-
den. He enters the Presidency with a reputa-
tion as an outstanding administrator and for-
mer Senator who gained the respect of his
colleagues both for his statesmanship and
uncompromising honesty.
The first concern of Truman is with the plans
for peace and particularly the San Francisco
conference scheduled for April 25. He has an-
nounced that that conference will not be post-
poned, demonstrating not only willingness to
face a difficult assignment but confidence in
the people on whom the success of that confer-
ence ultimately depends. Support from the
Senate is assured by that body's admiration for
him. Public support which the late President
enjoyed as a product of his demonstrated and
recognized ability to lead the nation in time of
peril, must be given unquestioningly to his suc-
This issue is beyond partisan politics. Just
as regret for the death of the President is un-
tempered by party consicerations, so must the
public accept and support the man who will
carry on his work. World peace, world security,
world justice are goals the achievement of
which none will obstruct. These are the aims
which President Roosevelt sought to incorporate
a. Yalta and the conference which preceded
Yalta and which Dumbarton Oaks and subse-
uen conferences were to accomplish. On us,
the ci-izens of tih United states and the United
Nations, rests the responsibilty (f putting into
practice these goals.
The President was truly a war casualty. He
died fighting. The words of Abraham Lincoln
at Gettysburg serve agnain to remind us: "It is
for us, the living, rather, to be dedicated here
to the unfinishe' work which they who fought
'here have thus jar so nobly advanced. It is
rather for us to be here dedicated to the
great 'task remaining before us-that from
these honored dead we take increased devo-
tion to that cause for which they gave the last
full measure of devotion; that w*e here highly
resolve that thee dtatd shall not have died in
By virtue of his office Truman is dedicated to
that 'unfinished work.' The men on the fronts,
fighting, dying, are devoted to that task. Here
at home, remote from the horrors of war, we

Quaranti.g War ..
President Roosevelt in his address on "Quarantining
War" at Chicago, Oct. 5, 1937, said:'
"SOME NINE YEARS AGO the hopes of man-
kind for a continuing era of international
peace were raised to great heights when not more
than 60 nations solemnly pledged themselves not
to resort to arms in furtherance of their na-
tional aims and policies. The high aspirations
expressed in the Briand-Kellogg Peace Pact and
the hopes for peace thus raised have of late
given way to a haunting fear of calamity.
"If those days are not to come to pass-if
we are to have a world in which we can
breathe freely and live in amity without fear-
the peace-loving nations must make a con-
certed effort to nuhold laws and principles on
which alone peace can rest secure.
"The peace-loving nations must make a con-
certed effort in opposition to those violations
of treaties and those ignorings of humane in-
stincts which today are creating a state of inter-
national anarchy and instability from which
there is no escape through mere isolation or
"Those who cherish their freedom and rec-
ognize and respect the equal right of their
neighbors to be free and live in peace must
work together for the triumph of law and
moral principles in order that peace, ,justice
and confidence may prevail in the world.
"There must be a return to a belief in the
pledged word, in the value of a signed treaty.
ST'here must be recognition of the fact that na-
tional morality is as vital as private morality.
"When an epidemic of physical disease starts
to spread, the ceemnmunity approves and joins
in a quarantine of the patients i order to
protect the helth of the community against
the spread of the disease.
"War is a contagion, whether it be declared or
undeclared. It can engulf states and people
remote from the original scene of hostilities.
We are determined to keep out of war, yet we
cannot insure ourselves against the disastrous
Lincoln's teath,
THE UNEXPECTED NEWS of the death of
President Roosevelt has suggested to many
minds a parallelism between the tragic termina-
tion of his career and that of Lincoln's. The
news of Lincoln's death came as a stunning blowv
to the nation on April 15th, 1865, at a time of
great national rejoicing over our emergence from
the crisis of the Civil War. The shocking an-
nouncement of Roosevelt's death comes almost
on the eightieth anniversary of that date, and
at a time when we are beginning to emerge from
another grievous national crisis of war.
Lincoln left unfinished the great problems of
national reconstruction growing out of the
Civil War. He had only begun in a tentative
way to formulate the policies he thought
should be followed in making the United
States whole and sound again. Roosevelt,
likewise, having led us through a war crisis
to the certainty, if not the realization, of vie-
tory, had only begun the great task of pres-
erving the fruits of victory through establish-
ment of a sound and lasting peace.
There is still further parallelism in the cir-
cumstances of the preceding presidential elec-
tion and the presidential succession. Lincoln
had won reelection in 1864 not as a candidate
of the Republican Party, but as a "Union" Party.
candidate. He had had the support of numer-
ous Union Democrats and Independents who had
placed preservation of the Union above all other
considerations. To cement this alliance of for-
ces Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, a Union
Democrat, had been selected as his running mate.
As fate willed, he succeeded to the Presidential
office only a few weeks after Lincoln's second
inauguration. Roosevelt's victory in 1944 was
likewise not a purely partisan victory. Sup-
porting his candidacy were numerous Repub-
licans and Independents who had placed the
issue of the nation's war leadership above all
other considerations. Again, as in 1864, the
vice-presidential nomination was made with a
view to unifying various elements, particularly
in the South and in the border states, behind
the President. Now, by another stroke of fate,

the Vice-president is being called upon under
similar circumstances to complete a presidential
term only a few weeks under way. It is to be
hoped and expected that I-harry S. Truman
will prove to be more politically adept than was
Andrew Johnson, and will be more successful
than the latter in realizing the aims and funda-
mental policies of his predecessor.
Lincoln and Roosevelt died in the line of
duty while serving as Comn-mander-in-Chief of'
a nation at war. No less than the soldier in
the ranks who died on the field of battle, they
gave their "last full measure of devotion."
As Lincoln's death was most deeply mourned
by those whom he had helped to free from op-
pression, so Roosevelt's death will be mourned
by the common people and by the oppressed
the world over. Walt Whitman in his mov-
ing "0 Captain! My Captain!" and "When
Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed" gave
voice to the nationwte feeling of personal loss
on the occasion of Lincoln's death. His words
are equally moviog and appropriate today.
-Prof. Joseph E. Kallenbach

effects of war and the dangers o involvement.
We are adopting such measures as will mini-
mize our risk of involvement, but we cannot
have complete protection in a world of disorder
in which confidence and security have broken
"If civilization is to survive, the principles
of the Prince of Peace must be restored. Shat-
tered trust between nations must be revived.
"Most important of all, the will for peace on
the part of peace-loving nations must express
itself to the end that nations that may be
tempted to violate their agreements and the
rights of others will desist from such a cause.
There must be positive endeavors to preserve
peace. -
"America hates war. America hopes for
peace. Therefore, America actively engages
in the search for peace."
Fmi .r IFIe dori Es ..
Piesident Roosevelt, in an address to Congress (a.
6, 1941) said:-
N THE FUTURE days, which we seek to
make secure, we look forward for a world
founded upon four essential human freedoms
_ "The first is freedom of speech and ex-
pression-everywhere in the world.
°B'he second is freedom of every person to
worship God in his own wayeverywhere in
the world.
"The third is freedom from want-which,
translated into world terms, means economic
understandings which will secure to every
nation a healthy peaceful life for its inhabit-
ants-everywhere in the world.
"Tihe fourth is freedom from fear-which,
tanslated into world terms, means a world-
wide reduction of armaments to such a.point
and in such a thorough fashion that no na-
tion will be in a position to commit an act
of aggression against any neighbor----anywhere
in the world.
War With JapaJni~
President Roosevelt, in his broadcast on the war
with Japan, December 9, 1941, said:
"THE TRUE GOAL we seek is far above and be-
yond the ugly field of battle. When we
resort to force, as now we must, we are deter-
mined that this force shall be directed toward
ultimate good as well as against immediate
evil. We Americans are not destroyers--we are
builders. -
"We are now in the midst of a war, not for
conquest, not for vengeance, but' for a world in
which this nation, and all that this nation rep-
resents, will be safe for our children We expect
to eliminate the danger from Japan, but it
would serve us ill if we accomplished that and
found that the rest of the world was dominated
by Hitler and Mussolini.
"We are going to win the war and we are
going to win the peace thiat follows.''
Fourth Inaugural . . .
President Roosevelt in his Fourth Inaugural Ad-
dress on January 20, 1945, said:
We Americans of today, together with our
Allies, are passing through a lleriod of supreme
test. It is a test of our courage-of our resolve
-of our wisdom-of our essential democracy.
If we meet that test-successfully and honor-
ably--we shall perform a service of historic
importance, of historic importance which men
and women and children will honor throughout
all time..
As I stand here today, having taken the solemn
oath of office in the presence of my fellow
countrymen-in the presence of our God-I
know that it is America's purpose that we shall
not fail.
In the days and the years that are to come
we shall work for a just and honorable peace,
a durable peace, as today we work and fight
for a total victory in war.
We can and we will achieve such a peace.
We shall strive for perfection. We shall not
achieve it immediately-but we still shall strive.
We may make mistakes-but they must never
be mistakes which result from faintness of heart
or abandonment of moral principles.
We have learned that we cannot live alone,
at peace; that our own well-being is depend-
ent upon the well-being of other nations, far
away. We have learned that we must live as
men, and not as ostriches, not as dogs in

the manger.
We have learned to be citizens of the world,
members of the human community.
We have learned the simlle truth, as Emer-
son said, that "the only way to have a friend is
to be one."
We can gain no lasting peace if we approach
it with suspicion and mistrust-or with fear.
We can gain it only if we proceed with the
understanding and the confidence and the cour-
age which flow from conviction.
The Almighty God has blessed our land in
many ways. He has given our people stout
hearts and strong arms with which to strike
mighty blows for our freedom and truth. He
has given to our country a faith which has be-
come the hope of all peoples in an anguished
So we pray to 1Pm now for the vision to see
our way clearly--to see the way that leads
to a better life for ourselves and for all our
fellow men-to the achievement of His will
to peace on earth.

Ann Arbr's-Reaetion to News
town-its citizenry and student all of this in a campaign speech six Ask anyone-Goldman and Rosen-
body-is politically unconscious. months ago."--as though cerebral berg' are no wet blankets.
Being skeptical of this allegation, hemorrhages are predictable phen- But it ever there was a time to
Bengskptcl f hi llgaioomena. pause anmd use our heads, with an
and a rare opportunity affording it-,unknown p u antmty ithe Wh4te
self, we decided to investigate the 'Not in the least shocked" accoid- Houuenandthe wid tm're ble. this
situation. ing to his own statement, this man is the time. 1[ is usless to hope
This was no ordinary day. Franklin was not thinking; he was calculat- that Ann Arborites can be awak-
D. Roosevelt, the only chief execu- ing.cued bymre exhortation. How-
Live we could remember. was dead. m.ee ymr xotto.Hw
tive wcoleeb'w.ever if they will let themselves be
Like Diogenes, but minus the lan-. Anong students at the main i -
] .. . , properly impres sed, shrlckc~ed r
tern, we were searching for a wise brary and those sipping beer in the stne -into w by this
man, a thinking man. Inside the P-Bell, an-mo ig restavranteurs, cab- mnntou ocrncthen pos
Daily office itself all was turmoil; bies, theatre-goers, in the League, sibly tes mir a, lwill Iavebeen
outside, serenity seemed to reign Ii11I"i on the street, there seemed prrmed.
in the air and on the faces of most to el universal ignorance concern- I e doubt it.
people. Our quest was not for h Harr Truman, now president -Bernad Rosenber
weepers, but for thinkers. of the 'i.S.A. lie might as well Bob Goldman
One man filled the bill. He was have been "Uncle harry." If our
obviously not a long-time resident of- l
Ann Arbor and this may account k
for his deep interest. There he sat, wita clmeanlate. So-ne serTak will hono this man for
a pensive colored man, lost in the montyent s of im-n e- .things,her wide the
thought from which we roused him.
be found to "litlate" him, but -(disai('emnent of n-many of his coun-
In his words, he was thinking of by and large, he will be able to trymen with some of his policies and
that "earthly saviour." make or Brea himself with these his actions. It will honor him above
Elsewhere activity was in full swing. people. It is nevertheless amaz_ all else because he had the vision to
At he music school pianists were ing that one can attain the office see clearly the supreme crisis of our
hard at work. Sorority sisters at the of vice-president snrounded by tines and the courage to meet that
school, as in other centers, engaged this cloak of know-nothingness. crisis boldly. Men will thank God
in their usual procedures. Even ourcunty gow-vernment friend en their knees. a hundred years from
Pool rooms, theatres, bowling alleys ,solenmnlyplg hs suppot to tihe now, that Franklin D. Roosevelt was
and beer gardens were doing "a good new presidemit in the White House, in a position to
Thursday evening's business." "Uicle give leadership to the thoughit of the
Harry" was well-attended by a re- With chit-chat, peals of laughter, ! American people .anud direc'tion to
sponsive audience. Everywhere people small talk, and the general don't- the activities of thei- government, in
were willing to talk glibly about, but that dark hour w , :apowerful and
not dwell gravely upon, what had gived-a-dsn attitude prevalent, we iuthless barba-k ish m henapeed to o -
occurreditruded oursvs into this verbal errun the civilization of tiie western
One proprietress of a pop-corn melee. We were not sobriety boys. World. --New York Tines
stand had heard about President
Roosevelt's death, but, and this is
characteristic, she was tot worried
over her sons in the armed forces
to consider any possible consequen-
ces of the event.

In a bowling alley, one of our lead=-
ing county officials gladly exchanged
a few words on this subject between
frames. He gave us what we hope is
not the GOP party line, "I predicted

FRJAV, APRIL 13, 1945
VOL. -LV, No. 120
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mern-
hers of the University. Notices for the'

02 tAnetin sial by e0.send in typewritten y
.A rUform to the Assistant to the President,
d N, 10..1 An ell Hal, by 2:30 ). in. of the day
preceding publieatio l(10:30 a. M. sat
r E DEATH of President Franklin urdays).
D. Roosevelt at4this particular CENTRAL WAR TIME USEI) IN
inoment is a tragic and irreparable 'r1E DAILY OFFICIAL4
loss to the American people and to
peace-loving peoples throughout the _ULIIN.
world. lHe was to them the leader -~~-
most representative of democratic Notices
hopes atid aspirations.
His viewpoint was a broad one. School of' Music Assembly: Rack-1
He looked beyond a peace treaty ham Lecture Hall, today, 3 o'clock1
which would merely bring the warCs
to a successful conclusion. He CWT for the public installation of
desired to build a world organiza- Chi chapter of Pi Kappa Lambda,
tion which, by securing to people national music honor society. Pro-
everywhere freedom from want fessor Walter Allen Stults of North-
and freedom,.rom fear, would western University, President-Gen-
achieve a lasting peace. w .
As he stated in one of his most re- eral of the society will ofciate. Dr.
cent messages to Congress, "We can- James P. Adams, Provost of the. Uni-
not succeed in building a peaceful versity, will accept the charter.
world unless we build an economic- Twenty-five members of the faculty,
ally healthy world." For this reason fourteen members of the graduating
he urged upon Congress the continu- class of 1945, and several graduates
ance of our Trade Agreements Act,, of past years will be initiated. Dr.
the establishment of the Interna- Otto Kinkeldey, professor of music
tional Monetary Fund ana the In- and librarian at Cornell University,
ternational Bank for Reconstruction will be given honorary membership.
and Development, the freeing of the The ceremonies are open to the pub-
air for peaceful civil aviation, and our lie.
participation in the Food and Agri- -
cultural Organization of the United To the Members of the University
Wgtions. Council: There will be a meeting of
In his message on the Bretton the University Council on Monday,
Woods proposals, he declared that April 16, at 3:15 p.m., in the Rack-
"the world will either move toward ham Amphitheater.
unity and widely shared prosper-
ity or it will move apart into neces- Senior Electrical and Mechanical-
sarily competing blocs. We have a Engineering Students: Mr. W. B.
chance, we citizens of the United Wines, of Western Electric Company,
States, to use our influence in Chicago, Ill., will interview for pros-
favor of a more united and coop- pective positions with that company,
crating world." . today, in Rm. 218 West Engineering
On the domestic scene President Building, and in Rm. 271 West Engi-
Roosevelt had for his objective the neering on Saturday morning. April
preservation and the restoration of 14. See the Bulletin Boards of Elec-
democracy. The assurance of con- trical and Mechanical Engineering
tinued democracy meant to him the Departments for interview schedules.
averting of social dangers and the ----
attainment of economic stability. This Attention Pre-Medical Students:
he felt could be accomplished by a jThe Medical Aptitude Test will be
better spread of income, steady work given today from 2 until 4 o'clock
for the employable, a high standard -CWT) in 25 Angell Hall. Anyone
of living, protection for the aged'
oppituityfomtheyoug, nd heplanning to enter a medical school
?pportunity for the young, and the in the fall of 1945 or in the spring of
preservation of private enterprise: 1946 and who has not pl'eviously tak-
Although the outbreak of war in- en the test should take the examina-
terfered greatly with the accomplish- tion at this time. Further informa-
ment of all of his objectives, Presi- tion may be obtained in Rm. 4, Uni-
dent Roosevelt lived to see material versity Hall and tickets are still
progress in his social and economic available at the Cashier's Office.
program. It was for this reason that Present your cashier's receipt at the
lie won and held the support of the examination.
great mass of the American people.
1°Now with the military victory in T all male students of fime Uni-


A (a dciii Ic Noices
Civilian freslunen in thme College 'of
Literature, Science, and the Arts may
obtain their five-week progress re-
ports in the Academic Counselors'
Office, 108 Mason Hall, according to
the following schedule: Surnames
beginning P through Z. Wednesday,
April 11. Surnames beginning I
thi-ough 0, Thursday, April 12. Sur-
names beginning A throtgh H,Fri-
(ay, April 13.
Organ Recital: Frieda Op't Holt
Vogan of the School of Music facul-
ty, and director of music at the Pres-
byterian Church, will be heard in
recital at 3:15 CWT, Sunday after-
noon, April 15, in Hill Auditorium.
Her program 'will include composi-
tions by Reubke, Handel and Bach,
and will be open to the public.
The hillel War Service Committee
will meet at 2 CWT. The meeting
will be held in the Classes Room at
the Foundation.
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet today at 3:30 p.m., in Rm. 319
West Medical Building. "Phospha-
tases-Some Properties of 'Alkali'
Phosphatases" will be discussed. All
interested are invited.
Coffee Hour: Professor and Mrs.
A. H. Hawley will be the guests at
the Lane Hall Coffee Hour this after-
noon at 3 o'clock. Students desiring
to spend a pleasant social afternoon
or to meet members of the faculty
are always welcomed at this weekly
Mortar Board: There will be a
short meeting at 4:30 before the
honor society dinner. All members
will be expected to attend.
Open House: Lane Hall will again
welcome anyone seeking- an all-ar-
ound good time in songs, games, and
dancing Saturday evening at 7
Regional Biochemical Conference:
A group of biochemists from the Re-
search Laboratories of the Children's
Fund of Michigan and from the De-
partment of Physiological Chemistry
of Wayne University Medical School,
together with those from the Univer-
sity of Michigan, will hold a regional
biochemical meeting on Saturday,
April 14, from 9 to 11:30 a.m. (C.W.-
T.) and from 12:30 to 2 p.m. (C.W.-
T.). The morning meeting will be
held in Rm. 158 of the University
) ealth Service Building, and the
fternoon meeting in the Amphi-
t heater of the Horace H. Rackham
School of Graduate Studies. All in-
terested are invited to attend. Copies
of the program may be obtained at
the office of the Department of Bio-
logical Chemistry, Rm. 317, West
Medical Building.
A k .,-4 n ,,h-. .

sight, and on the eve of the San
Francisco Conference, called to
draft a char ter for the general
organization of the United Nations
for security and peace, the Presi-
dent is dead. The greatest tribute
which we can pay to his memory
is to bring to a successful conclu-
sion the task which lie has so nobly
-Prof. Everett S. Brown

versity: There will be no refunds or
renewals on lockers pur-chased for
the Fall Term 1944-1945 at Water-
mnan Gymnasium or the Sputs Bul-
dimg aftei April 14, 1945 .
Students, C+; leg;e of Literature,
Sc~(ience the Arts: Applications for
schiolarships should be made before
Ap-il 14. Appic-atiormfoms may be
obtained at 1220 Angell Hall and
should be filed at that- office. .
Spanish Play: The Sociedad His-j
panica lecture serics tickets are good'
for 25 cents toward purchasing a
play ticket by surrendering lecture



JBy Crockett Johnusoii.
Haven't you ever walked through a locked
door.Gus? I'll teachyou how right now.


azae >rzr o" AnIII-Semitism: The
Workshop will hold its next meeting
on Monday, April 16, at 6:30 CWT at
the Hillel Foundation. Featured will
be Dr. Franklin H. Littell, Director
of the Student Religious Association,
in a discussion on "The Religious

, .. You need help, O'Mailey? Tht company

Gus and I can walk through locked
donr,c an't weGuWe'll aet 'ou




4 1

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