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April 13, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-13

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Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan .nder the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Publishe d every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
dlay and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Asociated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise creolitd in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
all other matters herein also reserved.
Enitered at tlie Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-cla nail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by maii $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 194243
National Advertising Service, Inc.
Col/ege Publishers Representative
Editorial Staff
Bud Brimmer . . . . . . Editorial Director
Leon Gordenker . . . . . City Editor
Marion Ford . .. Associate Editor
Charlottp Conover Associate Editor
Betty Harvey . . . . . . Women'S Editor'
James Conant . . . . . . . Columnist
Business Staff

Keep 'em flying
- ) V

Ziethere to-the &ditor
Conwint Praised do it, too, without being commis- the South, can be called a champion
sioned as officers. Furthermore, they I of democracy.
IT WAS with pleasure that I read would be quickly available if and No one would question the fact
the Case of William Claytor, and when they should be needed for field that Andrew Johnson made a great.
the Results of Daily Poll which ap- service. many blunders as president, but his-
peared in The Daily April 8 and 9; There is, it seems, a tendency on tory records that the restoration of
written by Jim Conant. It is not im- the home front to "sissify" the armed the Union, with the least possible
portant whether the University of service. bitterness, was the aim toward which
Michigan employs a Negro instructor Members of the Coast Guard per- he consistently strove. In July, 1861,
or not. But it is important if the sonnel assigned to land duty refer the House of Representatives adopteo
University refuses to employ anyone to their hotels and other lodging the Crittenden Resolutions which
of merit because of his race or creed. places as "ships" and glibly speak of stated "-that this war is not waged
Jim Conant is to be congratulated the first floor as the "main deck." upon our part in any spirit of op-
for having the courage to state his While our men at the front and on pression, nor for any purpose of
convictions and The Daily is to be the high seas are grimly facing the conquest or subjugation, nor pur-
congratulated for printing them. realities of war, here on the home pose of overthrowing or interfering
As long as students like Conant front, many are "playing house." with the rights or established insti-
and school papers like The Daily are -Jane O'Neill tutions of those States, but to defend
permitted to express themselves, the * and maintain the supremacy of the
hope for democracy will not die. If Fe ed EuoeConstitution and to preserve. the
our daily press and officials would e g E op Union, with all the dignity, equality,
take as definite a stand, then mem- I wish to applaud Mr. Raymond's and rights of the several States un-
bers of religious and racial minorities letter refuting Mr. Fink's recent edi- impaired." The Senate passed a
would have more faith in a better torial on the subject of working out similar resolution and President
post-war world. plans for feeding occupied Europe Johnson, in his plan for Reconstruc-
Such articles by Jim Conant should through the International Red Cross. tion, was merely putting this state-
have much influence on the campus. As a recent Belgian newsletter puts meint of policy into a concrete pro-
He has no axes to grind, he repre- it, "Theawhole question is whether gram.
sents no racial nor religious minority. the United Nations are fighting to Mr. K~ing states, "The movie puts
His background is the best that liberate oppressed peoples or. to lib- 1 over the thought that although the
American institutions can give. I crate a vast cemetery." It may also progresSive forces won the war, they
hope his zeal for democratic princi- be relevant to recall the comment of cQmnletely and correctly lost the
ples will not be diminished by lack H. N. Brailsford,. "The popular belief peace." It is true that the progres-
of success nor discouragement from that our hunger blockade won the sive forces won the war, but when
officials and students. last war is a delusion. It would be, the victory was completed, these
E. E. Neal more nearly true to say that it lost forces ceased to be progressive. They
I us the peace." became reactionary and intent only
Wiliam M. Fuson uponi evenge. They did not lose the
* peace; they simply delayed it for
In one of your recent crusades you Tennessee Johnsonapproximately fifteen years.
questioned all University women as Mr. King considers "Tennessee
to the reasons why they weren't in-THE LETTER in Friday's Michigan Johinson" dangerous because it shows
terested in the WAACS or WAVES. - Daily, concerning "Tennessee what could happen today. I consider
It seems to me that the chief reason Johnson," shows a point of view that it excellent for this very reason. We
we aren't signing up is that we have indicates misinformation on the part must gain from past history the
little respect for the military organi- of Mr. King. Seeing the picture knowledge'of what could happen to-
zation of the women's auxiliaries and without historical knowledge as a day, instead of hiding our heads in
feel that it is unnecessary to learn to background, might have given him the sand of forgetfulness. This. pie-
march to do the work. a wrong impression. Mr. King ture helps to make orie conscious of
Are the WAAC's, WAVES and speaks of "the successors of Thad- how very possible it is, that when
SPARS a military necessity to the deus Stevens, who championed de- this pi'esert world conflict is over
winning of the war, or is politics re- mocracy." I do not believe that and we have won the war, the Thad-
sponsible for their creation? Thaddeus Stevens, a man who deus SteVenses of the world will
There are many men beyond the twisted politicians around his little cause us to lose the peace because oc
draft age who would gladly do the finger and used every means to put their desire for revenge,
work assigned to these women, and through his policy of revenge upon Alilea Haywood

Elizabeth Carpenter
Pat Geilert
Jeanne Lovett
Martha Opsion
Sybil Perlmutter
Molly Winokur
Margery Woli'son
Barbara Peterson
Rosalie Frank . .

Local Advertising
* . . . . Service
National Advertising
Classified Advertising
. Women's Business Manager

Telephone 23-24-I
Editorials published in The Michigan, Daily
are wri//en by members of The Daily staff
and represent th views of the writers only.


T HE 200th:
Nation Comimiemorates
Jefferson AnniversarY
r HE NATION today commemorates the 200th
anniversary of the birth of Thomas Jeffer-
son, a great American.
At no time in our history has it beenmore
fitting to remember the man who said, "I have
sworn on the altar of God eternal hostility to
every form of tyranny over th mind ofma"
A strong advocate of the rights of the common
man, Jefferson believed that all men should
have equal opportunities. Hewas a steadfast
champion of the people's rights to life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness.
IN OUR WAR for the Four Freedoms-freedom
from want, freedom from fear, freedom of
speech, and freedom of religion-his words and
his principles are living ones that contain a les-
son for us all.
In Washington today a memorial will be'dedi-
cated to the third President, but throughout the
country citizens would do well to re-dedicate
themselves to his great democratic ideals. In
this "centiury of the common man" it is espe-
cially appropriate to pay tribute to one of our
greatest "common men." - Ethel Rice
Shortae I Caused by
Inequitable Distribution
DETERIORATION of health in many com-
munities and a possible slowing down of our
war program have been foreseen lately by the'
Office of War Information "unless remedial
steps are taken soon" in counteracting the effect
of "extensive depletion of t'he number of physi-
cians and surgeons in private practice."
This ratio, however, is out of proportion geo-
graphically. The OWI nation-wide' survey
found sections were there is one doctr to
5,000 or 6.0t0 persons. On the other hand,
some large citis have one doctor to every 500
or 600 people.
In some instances, whole states have unnatural
ratios. 'he doctor shortage is especially felt in
Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia,
Idaho. Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, New
Mexico, North Carolina, South Carolina, South
Dakota, Tennessee and West Virginia.
17OLUNTARY RELOCATION-shift of' doctors
Sfrom communities that have more than
enough to those in acute need-has been tried
mnd been pronounced inadequate by the Office
of War Information.
The Procurement and Assignment Service for
Physicians, Dentists, and Veterinarians, whose
duty it is to aid and control the recruiting of
these professionals by voluntary enlistment, has
prowrd inadequate. It has not carried out the
redi!4rbution so that the actual number of doc-
tors in a state corresponds to its quota based
On pul)t 1on1)
Causes for the inadequacy- of the voluitary
rclocation niain are numerous. Among the
chief ones are resistance of local medical
groups in their districts; the maintenance of
license requirements in a few states, which
prevent doctors from moving in during the
emergence; and the natural reluctance of the'
physicians themsclves to pull up, their roots
and irngrate to a community which may not
be attractir..
The crisis calls fpr redistribution on a basis
other than voiunty. Local resistance must be
overcome and better and fairer conditions pro-
vided for the physicians.
As far back as late last year, Harper's maga-
,7n ci~a Ool hi linfnn A pt i n i

DREW e...
WASHINGTON, April 13.-Behind the pro-
posed banning of the press from the Interna
tional Food Conference was a test of whether
the press and the public should be in on future
international conferences, particularly the Peace
When the press censorship code was first
devised, the State Department wanted criti-
cism of foreign policy and diplomatic discus-
sions barred from press comment, but other
Government departments refused to back it
up. So 'also did Chief Censor Byron Price.
Later, however, the State Department squeezed
into the censorship code a very loosely worded
rule, banning "premature disclosure of diplo-
matic negotiations or conversations." Just what
"diplomatic' means, no one quite knows and its
interpretation largely depends on the judgment
of tht censor.
However, the real test came with announce-
ment of 'the - International Food Conference,
when the President volunteered the statement
that the press would not be permitted in the
neighborhood of the town (Hot Springs, Va.),
where the conference was to be held.
After this announcement, the President
asked Press Secretary Steve Early what he
thought 'of the idea. Early reacted against it.
The President, not nleased, went on to push
his 'oint home, exulaining to Steve that he
didn't want newsmen buttonholing delegates
to find out what was happening.
Early shifted his ground, concurred with his
Chief. However, OWI Director Elmer Davis
did not. When he heard this news, he emphati-
cally differed with his boss in the White House,
argued that newsmen must be permitted to cover
the Food Conference, and this was no time to
begin infringing on the right of the public to
know what was happening.
le. won his' battle. The victory is not so
important regarding the Food Conference.
lUnt it is imnortant as a precedent whien it
comes to writing the peace-an event in
which ie mother of ckry soldier son will be
vitally interested.
Copyright, 1943. Unite Features Syndicate)
Governor DWsregards
ity Pity Function
6OV. JOHN W. BRICKER of Ohio came partly
out of his isolationist shell last week, peered
around, anid realized for the first time that there
is a war going on.
However, he still refused to commit himself
on a definite policy of foreign relations, prefer-
ring to lash out at the so-called propagandists
whom he accused of using the terms "isola-
tionist" and "internationalist" as "name-calling"
Governor Bricker, who is being mentioned
as the next Republican candidate for the
Presidency, has long pursued a policy of stub-
born oppesition to any proposal advocated by
the Administration-more out of dislike for
the source than for the principles involved.
L AST JANUARY he violently attacked the
independent administrative agencies. In
branding his opponents as "name-callers" last
week he had apparently forgotten that in his
speech at that time he loosely applied the term
a....,if..- c 117" -11,,--

Id Rather
Be Right
NEW YORK, April 13.-I have just seen a pre-
view of a fascinating English film, soon to be
released here. It is called "Next of Kin", a
droopy sort of title, sure to keep customers out
of the theatres. It should have been called
"The Girl Next Door", or something of the sort,
for it is the story of how any small bit of mili-
tary information, unimportant in itself, and
spoken to someone unimportant, perhaps even
the girl next door, may travel far and be just
the missing bit that the enemy needs. The pic-
ture tells it in fictional form, showing how infor-
mation dropped in a dancer's dressing room, at
a bar, in ahotel lobby, makes the circuit to Ber-
lin and leads to the killing of; a thousand men.
The big "democratic" point comes when an
officer, talking to his command, tells the men
simplythat each one has to be his own, security
policeman. That is all. An hour and a half of
content and about ten seconds of comment,
which is the right proportion.
What I like about the film is that though it is
a thriller, and exciting, and often comical and
even gay, it is serious; serious in the sense that
it tackles a serious, specific problem.
Too much of our propaganda work, though
serious. in tone, is actually frivolous in effect,
because it comes down to someone haranguing
in a vague way about democracy, purpose,
bravery, courage, without outlining a specific
job, or telling the audience what to do. "Next
of Kin" (what a title!) focuses on the quite
narrow problem of persuading the audience to
keep its mouth shut. It does a job of work.
That is how one fight a serious war, not with
a yawp, but with information.
For example, the Wall Street Journal gives it
as its opinion that a principal cause of absentee-
ism is the worker's failure to understand the
cumulative effect of one-day and two-day de-
fections. There's a film. Spice it up all you like
with spies and dancing girls, but show how a
one-day's absence in one department of a plant
holds up production of gimpuses, which, as
everybody knows, are vital parts of the badina,
without which no tank can function. Show what
it means to have a schedule destroyed. Let
Hitchcock loose among the freight trains. But
play it fair.
Show how some of the absenteeism may have
been caused by dalliance with a babe, but show,
also, how some of it was caused by the worker's
inability to find a room to sleep in. The result-
ing picture might use a hundred frivolous de-
vices, yet it would be a deadly serious picture;
serious because it set out to do a job of work
and did it,
Such a movie would be a much greater
contribution against absenteeism than Cap-
tain Rickenbacker's recent denunciations. The
Captain was serious enough. The net total of
his activity was not.
You measure seriousness, not by mood, but by
choice of activity, by method, and by result. Of
course, the question is whether, in addition to
ending absenteeism, you also want to score de-
baters' points. The latter activity is frivolous, no
matter how it is done, or by whom
"Next of Kin" (I don't know how anyone could
have chosen that title) does not have to prate
about its makers' ecstatic eagerness to win the
war. The fact that they chose a serious, though
quite limited and narrow, jQV of war work, and
did it, shows that. They are so intent on win-
ning the war that they went to a lot of trouble
to persuade people to keep their mouths shut.
What could be clearer?

VOL. Lill No. 137
Al notices for the Daily- Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
pan, of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
University Band: If members of the
University Band need to be excused from
classes a few minutes early oi Wednesday,
April 14, to march in the Victory Bond
parade, please notify your instructors indi-
idually and permission will be granted.
A. G. Ruthven
Naval Reserve Class V-I: Unless they
have already done so, all v-1 men who
regard themselves as pre-medical or pre-
lental students must register at the War
Information Center, Michigan League
Building. This registration must be ac-
complished before April 17 if exemption
from the V-1 qualifying examination is
B. D. 'Ihumla,
Armed Services Representative
Commencement Tickets: Tickets for
Commencement may be obtained on re-
quest after May, 10 at the Information
Defsk in the Business Office, Room 1,
University Hall. Because Hill Auditorium
will be used for the exercises, and because
of its limited seating capacity, only three
tickets will be available for each senior.
Please present identification card when
applying for tickets.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
School of Education Convocation: The
eighth annual Convocation of undergrad-
uate and graduate students who are candi-
dates for the Teacher's Certificate curing
the academic year will be held in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre on Thursday, April
15, at 4:15 p.m. This Convocation is spon-
sored by the School of Education; and
members of other faculties, students, and
the general public are cordially invited.
Vice-President Yoakum will preside at the
Convocation and Dr. Karl Bigelow, Direc-
tor of the Commission on Teacher Edu-
cation of the American Council on Edu-
cation, will give the address.
Syracuse University Luncheon: There
will be a luncheon in honor of the new
Chancellor of Syracuse University, Dr.
William P. Tolley. at the Michigan League
an Wednesday, April 21. at 12:15 p.m. It
is hoped that all alumni and former
students and faculty members of Syra-
cuse University will make a special effort
to attend the luncheon. Phone 2-1176 for
reservations which must be in by April 17.
Kenneth L. Jones

and may obtain particulars by calling
extension 454.
Students who plan to enter one of the
following professional schools: Alediclne,
Law, Dental Surgery, Nursing, Bfusiness
Administration, Forestry and Conservation
at the beginning of the fail term on the
Combined Curriculun must file, an appli-
caton for this Curriculum in the Office
of the Dean of the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, 1210 Angel -iall,
on or before April 20. After this date
applications will be accepted only upon
the presentation of a satisfactory excuse
for the delay and the payment of a fee
of $5.00.
Aeronautical, Civil, and Mechanical En-
gieening Seniors: Mr. Charles Woodhams
and an Engineering Representative will
visit the Campus on Thursday, April 15,
to interview May and September gradu-
ates for positions in the Engineering De-
partment of the Fort Worth Consolidated-
Vultee Aircraft Corporation, Fort Worth,
Tex. Interviews will be held in ?oom 3205
East Engineering Building. Interested men
will please, sign the interview schedule
posted on the Aeronautical Engineering
Bulletin Board, near Room B- East Engi-
neering Building.
Candidates for the Teacher's Certificate,
for May, 1943 are requested to call at the
office of the School of Education Tues-
day or Wednesday, April 13-14, to take
the Teacher's Oath which is a requirement
for the certificate.
Mechanical Engineering Seniorp: Mr.
E. W. Oldham of the Firestone Tire &
Rubber Company will interview Seniors
for employment today in Room 214 West
Engineering Building.
Interview schedule is posted on the bul-
letin board at Room 221 W. Engineering
Bldg.; interviews for May and September
Women students are needed to help with
raking, mowing, trimming hedges, and
planting on the University grounds. Pay
is 60c per hour-lours are voluntary. Any-
one interested may sign up immediately
in the Undergraduate Office of the League.
University Lecture: Dr. Horace 14. Byers,
Secretary of the Institute of Meteorology,
University of Chicago, will lecture on the
subject, "Thunderstorms," under the 4us-
pices of the Department of Geology, on
Thursday, April 22, at 4:15 p.m. in the
Natural Science Auditorium. The public
is invited.
Lecture: Mrs. Carolina de Escalante, of
Mexico, will give the fourth of a series of
talks on Latin America on the subject,
EVERYDAY MEXICO," under the auspi-
ces of the Latin American Society of the

Marine Reservists: There will be a meet-
ing tonight at 8:30 in the Union.
Greek 166 (Mythology): The mid-term
test will be held on Thursday, April 15.
Campbell Wonuer
English 31, See. 8: There will be no
meeting on Wednesday.
C oncerts
Student Recital: Sara Titus, viollnit,
will give a recital in partial fulfillien't
of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Music at '8:30 tonight in
LydoI Mendelssohn Theatre. A pupil of
Wassily Besekirsky Miss Titus will be
accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Maud
Tbe' program is open to the public.
Organ Recital:. The final Wednesday
afternoon organ recital in the curret
group will be played by Mrs. Frieda Opt
Holt vogan, of the School of Music fee-
ulty. Her program will include works by
Nfarcello, Bach. Vierne, Franck, Liszt, and
DeLamarter. The public Is cordially ,Ii-
The, twentieth annual exhibition of
work 1y artists of Ann Arbor and vicinity
Is being presented by the Ann Arbor At
Association in the EXhibition Galleries
of the Rackham Building, 'through April
23, daily, except Sunday; 2 to 5 after
noons and 7 'toe1 evenings. The publIc
is cordially Invited.
E~veints Today
The English Journal Club will mcet
tonight in the East Conference Room org
the Rackham Building. Mr. Ralph Eberly
will read a paper entitled "A Critical 'Test
"or Poetry: Is It Truthful?" Graduate
students and mpembers of tpe faculty are
cordially invited.
Varsity Glee Club: Serenade this eve-
ning.9eet In the Glee Club room of
the Union at 10:15 p.m.
The Red Cross Surgical Dressing Unit
will meet this afternoon, 1:00 to 5:30, at
Ihe -illel Foundati n. Girls are requested
to wear white blouses.
Sophomore women: Interviewing for the
central committee of the Junior Girls
Project will be held today through Friday,
april 16, from 3:36 t ''5:30 p.n. Be sure
and bring your eligibility card.
Michigan Dames general meeting In
the Michigan League building tonight at
8:15. Election of officers for the coming
year. Guest speaker: Mr. Fred Bent.
Christian Science Organization will meet
tonight at 8:15 in Rooms D and E of the
Michigan League.'
Coming Events
Phi Beta Kappa: The Annual Initiation
Banquet will be held at the Michigan
Union on Tuesday, April 20, at 6:30 p.m.
Dr. William P. Tolley, Chancellor of 9yra-
cuse University, will speak on "The Fxature
of Liberal Education." Reservations should
be made at the office of the Secretary,
Hazel M. Los, Observatory, by Thursday
evening, April'15. Members of other Clbap-

Dinner in honor of Professor A. Ii University of Michigan, on Wednesday,I
White's 79th Birthday: Reservations fo April 14, at 8:00 p.m. in the Rackham
this dinner must be made through Pro- Amphitheatre!
this inne mus be mde trou 15Pro Faculty, students and townspeople are
fessor G. G. Brown's office by April 15. Fciysuet n npol r
fessr G.G. rowns oficeby Aril weicome to the lecture, which will be de-
Any friends inadvertently omitted from livered in English and without charge.
the invitation list are cordially invited,lv dn is d to cr
tire, and information. Washington Academic Notices
seems serious enough today; every- Bacteriology 31 Seminar will meet today
body is talking about "problems", at 4:15 p.m. in oom 1564 East Medical
such as how to get farmers out of Building. Subject: "Lymphocytic Chorlo-
the army and how to restore state's meningitis." All interested are invited.
rights. But it is a spurious Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet
serinuness. Innnsamuentiality re- . .

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