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April 13, 1943 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-13

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Vol. LITT No. 137



laps Blast
Allied Base
In Pacific
Eneimy Loses Many
Planes in Heaviest
Port Moresby Raid
By The Associated Press
AUSTRALIA, April 13 (Tuesday)-
The Japanese flung 100 planes at
Port Moresby Monday in their heavi-
est aerial attack of the war in this
theatre, but 37 of them were shot out
of the skies or badly damaged in new
losses so severe that the enemy's aer-
ial offensive apparently has been
curbed, Allied headquarters an-
nounced today.
In two days the Japanese have lost'
76 planes, the noon communique
asserted, adding that "it is believed
the enemy's air offensive has been
blunted and his immediate plans dis-
-Besides the toll of 37 Japanese
planes taken in the attack on Port
Moresby, main Allied base on New
Guinea, 15 other were lost in other
actions Monday, the war bulletin
Allied bombers soaring on wide,
punishing raids themselves sank an
enemy submarine off New Britain Is-
land, bombed enemy shipping in
different areas damaging at least two
of them, and slashed at Japanese air-
fields. One Allied heavy bomber
fought single-handed against 12
Japanese fighters intercepting over
Turn to Page 4, Col. 2
New Leaders
Of Manpower
To Be Chosen
Two Directors Will
Lead Spring Projects;-
Petitions Due Thursday
Outstanding student leaders who
will direct the campus manpower
into the vital war channels will be
selected by the Student War Board
this week to supervise the Manpower
Marvin Borman, present head of
the Corps, will retire to an advisory
position leaving the actual direction
of the spring projects to wo asso-
ciate directors. One will have juris-
diction over all campus activities in
addition to working with the Big Ten
organization which directs man-
power efforts in all the Big Ten
High Schools Will Help
The other director will supervise
community activities. His most im-
portant task this spring will be to
help establish the high school man-
power corps which will work with the
master collegiate organization. This
younger labor supply will furnish an
important reservoir of workers for
farm labor, hospital workers, and
scrap collectors.
One of these men will become head
of the Manpower Corps.
Because the positions are so impor-
tant, the central committee of the
Corps is waiving all class restrictions
and anyone may apply for the jobs.
Decision will be made on merit alone
with little consideration given to
class or age.
Petitions Due Thursday
Tryouts are to submit their peti-
tions, giving their qualifications, in

the mail box of the Union any time
this week until Thursday afternoon.
The Student War Board will begin
interviewing Thursday evening.
Borman stressed the importance of
the positions yesterday, saying that
these men would be the basis of the
organization and that he would
merely advise them.
TU' Draft Evader,
Arrested Here
Graduate Student To
Be Tried in Detroit
A court hearing will be held in
Detroit Friday for Anthony M. Drake,
28-year-old University graduate stu-
dent, who was arrested here last
Thursday by the FBI on a federal
warrant charging draft evasion.
Now working for his master's de-
gree, Drake, a resident of Syracuse,
N.Y.,- refused to waive a hearing on
the merits of a removal warrant tak-
ing him into the jurisdiction of the

Nazis Launch
Five Attacks
By Volkhovo
Germans Are Beaten
Back After Losing
2,000 Men in Battle
By The Associated Press
LONDON, April 13. (Tuesday)-
German troops springing fromI
trenches launched five heavy attacks
Monday at Soviet lines before Volk-I
hovo, 80 miles southeast of Leningrad,1
and were beaten back after losing
more than 2,000 men in a bitter
flare-up of hand-to-hand fighting on
this long-quiescent northern sector of
the Russian front, Moscow reported
early today.
2,000 Germans Killed
All the attacks were flung back, the
last one by a Soviet counterbow, and
the Germans left more than 2,000
dead on the fields and in the trenches
after fighting so bloody that prisoners
were listed as only "several dozen,"
by the midnight communique as re-
corded by the Soviet monitor. German
infantry swarmed from the long-
established trenches five times in as-
saults against Marshal Semeon Timo-
shenko's forces, with the last charge,
supported by heavy artillery fire,
driving a wedge into Russian lines.
"Our men flung the enemy back
by a counterblow and completely re-
stored the former situation," said
the communique, adding that all the
Germans' subsequent stabs also were
The Volkhovo sector has been quiet
for months, but the German attacks
brought some of the heaviest fighting
reported in recent days.
German Attacks Continued
The Germans continued their at-'
tacks against Soviet positions along
the thaw-bogged west bank of the
Donets below Balakleya, with 160
German reported killed.
On the Smolensk front, 200 more
Germans were killed as Russian ar-
tillery and machinegun fire peppered
Nazi positions.in an attempt to clear
the way for further advances.
Despite these actions, the commun-
ique repeated the faniliar phrase of
recent days that there were "no sig-
nificant changes" along the ,huge
Aptitude Test
For Students
Will Be Today
Examination To Direct
Students Into Civilian
And Military Pursuits
More than 2,000 students will take
the aptitude test at 7 p.m. today in
Hill Auditorium, the War Board dis-
closed yesterday.
For persons interested in the ex-
amination who thus far have failed
to obtain an application form there
are a limited number available at the
War Information Office in the
League today.
This examination is the largest
single aptitude test in University
history and is part of the Univer-
sity policy to direct students into
the military or civilian pursuit for
which they are best fitted.
"The importance of this test can-
not be overemphasized," Clark Tib-
bitts, War Board Director said, "and
we are pleased at the number of stu-
dents who are going to take it"

In a statement issued last week
Dean of Women Alice Lloyd said,
"Whether a coed takes the test or
not will be recorded in the Dean of
Women's office."
According to present plans the test
will be given in Hill Auditorium.
Should there be an overflow the
Rackham Building will be used, Tib-
bitts said.
A second section of the examina-
tion will be given at 7 p.m. Thursday
in the Rackham Building for trans-
fer students only. This part com-
prises the freshman tests that trans-
fer students have not taken as yet.
More Than 650 Students
Write Senior Examination
A group of more than 650 senior
and graduate students wrote the
Graduate Record Examination last
night in the Rackham Building.
This is the aptitude and basic
knowledge test givep to seniors in
the literary college and other seniors
and graduates each year.
The tests were designed to survey
Parh individual's antitudes and the

3-B Group
Wiped Out
In New Bill
Service Act Revisions
Designed To Postpone
Drafting of Fathers
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 12.--Selec-
tive Service revamped draft classes
today preparatory to inducting into
the armed services this year every
able-bodied male between the ages
of 18 and 37, inclusive, except the
1. Men employed full-time in es-
sential farming.
2. Men irreplaceable in essential
non-agricultural jobs.
3. Men whose induction would
mean "extreme hardship and priva-
tion" to dependents.
3-B Classification Eliminated
The changes in classification swept
away dependency deferments for
childless married men, added thou-
sands of men to the "fathers class,"
created a special class for men whose
induction would mean extreme hard-
"The University Hospital will
not be greatly affected by the new
draft regulations. We may lose a
few more workers, but the few
doctors whom we have left are
over-age and so they will not be
affected by the change," Dr. Albert
C. Kerlikowske, assistant director
of the University Hospital, said
ship, and eliminated altogether the
3-B classification established a year
ago for men with dependents and
engaged in essential occupations.
Manpower Commissioner Paul V.
McNutt, who has general charge of
Selective Service, told reporters the
revision of regulations is intended to
postpone calling fathers "as long as
possible," but it was indicated that
the job of raising the armed forces
to a total of 10,800,000 men by the
year's end would necessitate lifting
the present ban on the induction of
fathers by about July 1.
House Passes Kilday Bill
The revision of regulations was
coincidental with a new outcry in'
Congress that family men should not
be drafted so long as any others are
The viewpoint in Congress is em-
bodied in a bill by Representative
Kilday (Dem.-Tex.) which passed the
House, 143 to 7, today and now goes
to the Senate. It woud give defer-
ment priorities to men with depen-
dents and also place draft quotas on
a state-wide basis, directing that no
local board shall call married men
while other boards within the same
state were able to draft single men.
Australia Asks
For More Help
Envoy Says 'We Are
Bearing Brunt of War'
WASHINGTON, April 12.- (/P)-
Australia is bearing the brunt of the
war with Japan in the Pacific and
needs more help quickly, Dr. Herbert
Evatt, Australian minister for ex-
ternal affairs, said today.
In Washington on a special mis-
sion to the United States and Great
Britain Dr. Evatt told a press confer-
ence his country was aware of the
Allied decision to, defeat Germany
first, and accepted that decision. But,

he added:
"We rather feel that the so called
'Beat Hitler First' strategy has been
much misunderstood in the United
He expressed his views to reporters,
after a meeting with President
Roosevelt and Harry Hopkins.

Eighth Army Drives on

75 Miles




To Occupy Sousse;


Efia dav111e

L in

Im periled

Where 54 Were Rescued

Montgomery's Veterans Take Kairouan
As Allies Bomb Rommel's Rear Guard;
Patton's U.S. Forces Capture Faid Pass
By The Associated Press
northward with almost reckless speed toward a final accounting with Mar-
shal Erwin Rommel's Africa Corps, the British Eighth Army occupied Sousse
today, almost within gunshot of the new Axis mountain line anchored near
Though impeded by demolitions, Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery's
eager veterans covered the 75 miles from Sfax, which they captured on
Saturday morning, in exactly 48 hours. Rommel's rear guard put up only
slight opposition as it raced a final 25 miles under a hail of aerial bombs to
join the bulk of German and ItalianT_ -- - - _

-Associated Press Photo
This Coast Guard picture shows the ledge behind the grounded
Russian freighter where 54 survivors were landed in a 24-hour, two-
stage pull to the cliff top after the freighter went aground in the North
Pacific. The smashed freighter is shown in the foreground.

forces now concentrated behind em-
placements running from Enfidaville
40 miles northwestward to Pont-Du-
Kairouan Taken
It was announced officially that the
Eighth Army had captured 20,000
prisoners since March 20.
Kairouan, Moslem Holy City and
big Axis aerial base 34 miles south-
west of Sousse, was abandoned to
British and American forces yester-
day, and surviving:German armor was
streaming across the plains north-
ward to escape being caught in an
Allied entrapment. One tank force
was intercepted 12 miles northwest
of Kairouan and field dispatches said
18 of the mobile forts were destroyed.
The second U.S. Army corps under
Lieut. Gen. George S. Patton Jr., took
Faid Pass without opposition, partly
avenging the defeat suffered there
when Rommel struck westward in his
drive toward Tebessa early in the
Tunisian campaign. -
Allied Planes Active
American and British air forces
continued to strike terrible blows,
converting scores of enemy vehicles
into shattered wreckage and virtually.
wiping the Axis form the skies. A
total of 41 enemy planes were de-
stroyed yesterday against a loss of
only 14 Allied craft.
Thirty of the enemy planes downed
yesterday were big three-motored-
transports, trying suicidally to cross
the Sicilian straits with gasoline
and other supplies for Rommel's
forces. American airmen alone have
Turn to Page 4, Col. 3
Students To
Be Honored

Nation, Campus Pitch In
lo Push War Loan Drive


Treasury Says Response,
Of Buyers Tremendous
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 12.-Ameri-
cans on the home front, using their
money as ammunition against the
Axis, today swung into the opening
phase of the 13 billion dollar WarP
Bond Drive with such gusto that the!
Treasury said: "Tremendous."
Everywhere from coast to coast
pledges were signed, bonds were
bought as the public pitched in and1
chipped in with their earnings to
help pay the cost of the war and
lend some of their excess cash to
Uncle Sam.
In the December War Loan Drive
the goal was nine billion dollars-
but 13 billion were raised. In this
drive the Treasury has set its sights
on at least an equal sum: 13 billion.
The Treasury has repeatedly
pointed out that in buying bonds
Americans will be doing a favor not
only for their country but for them-
War costs are great, six billion dol-
lars a month. Americans, rich and
comparatively poor, will have to pay
the freight of the military machine.
At the same time-by lending some
of their surplus spending money-
those same Americans will be saving
themselves a headache by removing
that ever-present source of rising
living costs and inflation: idle mon-
By idle money the Treasury doesn't
mean money in bank savings ac-

University and City Sale
Gets Off to Good Start
University and Ann Arbor Bond
Drive committeemen rolled down
their sleeves last night after a "grat-
ifyingly active" first day of selling
war bonds to reach the county quota
of $6,500,000.
Mr. Warren F. Cook commended
the city's first day of the bond
drive but reminded citizens that
"we have a long way to go." The
local slogan for the drive will be
"Fighting power today, buying
power tomorrow." "This," Mr.
Cook said, "characterizes the drive,
its aims and purposes."
On the campus front, no student
organization has yet appeared to
handle the drive, but by the end of
the week Judiciary Council will have
appointed the central committee of'
JGP to sell bonds. Gordon Griffith,
chairman of the campus campaign,
said that students could buy their
bonds through the University's cash-
ier's office, thus eliminating a separ-
ate men's committee.
Greatest single event planned to
publicize the drive is the gigantic
military parade 'to be staged at
4:15 on Wednesday. The monster
two and a half ton amphibian will
make its civilian debut at this time.
Members of the local Red Cross
will drive other Army mobile units.
Faculty members have been invited
to ride in the jeeps with W. B. Rea,
Assistant Dean of Men, and Mrs.
Byrl Bacher, Assistant Dean of Wo-
In the air as well as on the streets
the parade will show potential bond
buyers what they will purchase. An
air-armada of Army and Navy planes
will escort the hour long procession
across the city.
On Thursday retail stores will open
an hour later than usual because of
a War Bond Rally scheduled to meet
at the Wuerth Theatre at 8:45 a.m.
Father, Daughter
Die in House Fire
A four-year-old girl and her 27-
year-old father received fatal burns
in a fire which destroyed their frame
house near Plymouth at 1:30 a.m.
Marjorie Davidson, the dead child,
was trapped in the house when walls
caved in. Her farther, Leonard, and
a sister .Janet six years old. suffered

Raise Metal
In Steel Dust
Rhenium Has Catalytic,
Electrical and Secret
Uses for War Products
Associated Press Science Editor
DETROIT, April 12.-Rhenium, a
rare, silver-colored new metal which
is heavier than gold or lead, has been
discovered in useful amounts in flue
dust of American steel mills.
The discovery was announced to
the American Chemical Society here
today by A. D. Melaven and J. A.
Bacon of the University of Tennes-
see. Rhenium was isolated in 1925
by German chemists and named
after provinces lost to Czechoslavakia
in the World War.
Metal Has War Uses
The new metal has some war uses
which are secret. It resembles tung-
sten, molybdenum and manganese.
Among all metals, tungsten alone
will standtmore heat than rhenium
before melting. It is useful in spe-
cialized electric light filaments. It
has electrical uses like those of plati-
num. Rhenium is also a catalyst,
minute quantities of it being useful
either for slowing down or speeding
up reactions in some patented chem-
ical processes.
The American rhenium comes
from a molybdenum ore found in the
western United States. The flue dust
is collected and wet with water. The
water washes out virtually all the
rhenium in the form of a compound
resembling the potassium perman-
ganate used as a home antiseptic.
Chemical Treatments Used
The matter washed out by the
water is known as potassium perr-
henate, and is 30 per cent pure
metal. Two further chemical treat-
ments recover the metal.
The report says: "While further
investigations are contemplatedat
the University of Tennessee, present
indications are that the United States
need not be dependent in the future
on Germany as a source 'of this
promising metal."
Union Bachelor
Sundays 'Out'
Men with Dates May
Use Game Facilities
The Union Board of Directors offi-
cially voted away "bachelor Sun-
days" recently in favor of continuing
its policy of permitting dates to use
Union facilities on Sabbath evenings.
The Union, long a mecca for har-
ried men seeking a peaceful Sunday
evening, opened its doors to Univer-
sity women for the first time on
March 14 in a tentative trial to pro-
vide campus-sponsored entertain-
ment for Sunday night dates.
The trial proved successful, so suc-
cessful that beginning next Sunday
Union members, service men, and
dates may use the billiard room; ping
pong room, bowling alleys and soda
bar from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. every
Sunday evening.

Dr. Leland
At Honors

To Speak

Seven hundred twenty-three stu-
dents will be honored in the'20th An-
nual Honors Convocation to be held
at 11 a.m. Friday in Hill Auditorium.
Of the 723 to be guests at the Con-
vocation, 207 are seniors in the upper
10 per cent of their class, 70 juniors,
84 sophomores and 125 freshman.
The freshmen, sophomores, and jun-
iors have maintained at least a
half-A, half-B average.
Eighty will be honored from the
graduate school, holding fellowships
and scholarships. Other honor stu-
dents number 110 and 100 have been
invited for special awards.
Featured speaker for the Convoca-
tion will be Dr. Waldo Gifford Leland,
director of the American Council of
Learned Societies. He will speak on
"Scholars in Government."
Dr. Leland graduated from Brown
University in 1900, received his A.M.
from Harvard in 1901 and then in
1929 received his Litt. D. from Brown.
He served as an exchange lecturer
with French universities from 1923
to 1924 and also was in charge of his-
tory work at Carnegie Institution in
Paris from 1907 to 1914.
In 1927 he was made permanent
secretary and executive director of
the American Council of Learned
Societies, which office he still holds.
Other than his lecturing and work
in education Dr. Gifford is also a
well-known author. He has written,
in collaboration with C. H. Van Tyne,
"Guide to Archives of Government of
U. S."; "Introduction to American Of-
ficial Sources for Social and Economic
History of World War," with N. D.
Mereness; "Guide to Materials for
American History in the Archives and
Libraries of Paris."
Dr. Leland, while in Ann Arbor,
will also address the convention of
the Michigan Schoolmasters' Club.

Service Men, Women Can Get
Correspondence Course Credit

Members of the armed services may
now receive credit for all work at the
undergraduate level taken by cor-
respondence study through the Uni-
versity Extension Service as a result
of a resolution passed Thursday by
the Board of Regents.
Action of the Regents follows a
resolution issuing from the Extension
Service requesting amendment of the
ruling granting credit only at the
freshman level to extend credit to
higher levels for service members,
hrtih TTnnit itvstnnts nd non-

ment in the University following their'
service periods.
According to Dr. Charles A. Fisher,
director of the Extension Service, the
action by the Board of Regents will
make it possible to offer a greatly,
expanded program of correspondence
courses to meet the heavy volume of
requests being received from mem-
bers of the armed services.
' Application of the credit earned by
correspondence study toward a de-
gree will be subject to the regulations
of the particular school or college in
which the credit is heing sought.

April Issue
To Feature

of Gargoyle
Ration Hints


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