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April 13, 1948 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-04-13

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f AInt t O B s tols'11-C a n a d a -tI.S 1"c ai e w )

The Canaida - United States
Commiittce on Education, an or-1
ganization of educators of both'
nation's formed to encourage "ed-
ucation as a force to streng then
and impr"ove the good relations
existing bctween the two coun-
tries,"bganif 5 fifth annual+
meeting here yesterda.
As a par't of thie convention,+
Abbe Arthur Maheux of Laval
University of Quebec, P.Q., will
deliver a public lecture on "Can-f
MSC Closed]. t
Coitimu nisis +
LANSING, April 12 -- W) - -
Michigan State College President
John A. Hannah told the Calla-
han "Un-American, Activities"+
Committee today that Commu-
nists have little chance of operat-
ing on the M.S.C. campus.'
Hannah said that theoretically
the college administration would
permit young Democrats and
young followers of Henry A. Wal-
But Hannah reminded the coin-
mittee that under college rules no
student organization can be
formed without official approval
and without a faculty sponsor.
The M.S.C. president said
"They can't get a faculty sponsor
because we won't tolerate a Com-
munist on the faculty."
Hannah said the entire problem
was "academic" because "As far
as I know there is only one Com-
munist in our student body. "And
hie is on probation." M.S.C. en-
rollment is 13,900.
Asserting his and the college's
opposition to any form of sub-
versive activity, Hannah said "it
vNas at Michigan State College
more than a year ago that AYD
(American Youth for Democracy)
petitioned to form a group on the
campus and was turned down be-
cause it was Communistic and
used an innocent name to gather
in gullible people.

ada-Unitedl St.0tes R elations" it 8
p.m. today in Kelloggf Auditorium.
At its initial meeting yesterday,
the Committee elected Dean
Jano 13. Edinonson of the Un-
versity 's School of Education
chiarman of the -United Mtates
delegation. Prof. ElgM. Hunt
of Columbia University was chos-
en c retary.
Cani-auian Ch.irmain
The Canadian> chairman and
secretary are. respectively, Dr.
Charles E. Phillip,, of the -Univer-
sity of Toronto, and F. K. Stew-
art of the Canadian Education
Association of 'Toronto.
President Alexander G. Ruth-
yen anid Dean Hayward Keniston
of the literary college spoke to
the delegates at a complimentary
dinner last night.
The Conmmittee, which was
formed in 1944 by the American
Council on Education. with the
support of the Carnegie Endow-
ment' for International Peace,
continued yesterday a discussion
on the revision of textbooks in
both nations.
Canadian History 'Ignored'
Dean Edmonson, referring to a
committee report on the subject,
pointed out that American texts
"practically ignore" Canadian
history since 1763.
"There is much more emphasis
on United States history in Can-
adian texts," he said, "but that.
emphasis is largely on differences
and controversies."
It is the committee's work, Dean
Edmonson continued, to gain
grea ter emphasis on "common
movements and mu tual aspira -
tions . . . with greater attention
to cooperative undertakings."
Howard E. Wilson, who as as-
sistant director of the Carnegie
Endowment's Division of Inter-
course and Education was instru-
mental in the formation of the
committee, attributed the present
incomplete texts "largely to leth-
argy on the part of American au-
Dr. Phillips pointed out that
understanding mu st h a ve a
sounder basis than motion pie-
tures and radio. The interchange
of selected persons from. both
countries and more informative
films are other means under con-
sideration, he said.

Week To Sto-art,
With Blaniqie
The International Students As-
sociation will start its celebra-
tion of International Week at l'7
p.m. Sunday with a Turkish
dinner at the Women's Athletic
People attending the dinner
will be treated to genuine orien-
tal food, prepared by University
students from Turkey. The menui
includes such delicacies as kahzve.
a beverage, and baklava, a special
honey-and-nut pastry. The meal
will be followed by a short pro-
gram of entertainment.
Tickets may be purchased f'or{
$1.50 apiece at the International
Center. Only a limited 'number
are available.
The banquet is part of a city-
wide program to promote better
understanding among Americans
and their foreign visitors. Else-
where on campus, church guilds
will sponsor afternoon teas to
which students from foreign
countries have been invited.
Read Dailiy Ads!

Cops ;I aIx1A~~ hi i
M i's sheriff" r e co'0- i yJ IC ttU
opera t iye bunc'h when it covnes toi
tracking down crimina ls and also lTr('linbf'nt W lceI,.Kurtz..
When it, comes to having fun. Demnocrat i( secoi l\V'dader-
Sheriff Moran. of East Tawx ., imm. wentf down Ito defeat as 11.
called Washtenaw County sheriff b n eort e
with the gladr tidings Sunday. ,;biclsad Dfnr
"the smeltfare in.''" ll'lthir cit v couincileasin
For the benef ,it of local l;a I ecent Ann Arbor citielction.
enforcement .men Iwith a piscai- Republican Gene 1). traMain n hirbes wce de-> K ltr i, j
says th',t everyone is getting ". IlIceb now <consistls ('I Roberta.
smelt by th}e pailful. Many of the rNi cls and FIt ch: for he irst!
localolicr are looking over!wr Mar~k MYMTe,,('n
their ;pare-tille selwdule. vward; Frank M. Reed, ,r.. :and
_- _.------__- __F1ed J. Williams;, tird ward;
Henry T. Conlin an. d IEdwardt L.m
t ~~Schumacher, the two Demoitcrats.
recelected to the foulrth ward,
ig~1Also onl the list are Henry C.
I'ToI J' 1 jEckstein and Autgust WN. Dorowv
fifth ward; Prof. A. D. Moore and~
Three University students from Mrs. Ruthi A. Dana. of the" ; ili
South America will be sent, by the district; and ,John E.,wi;ixr nd
International Centel- to Flint to-! Mrs. Jessie Coller. of the sevnt
day to take part in 'a Pan-Ameri- district.
can Day celebration. --
Alberto Villalon, former Chiil- 111)(1 3 II4)
can Senate reporter, will give an
address on Chile's political situa- TIhere will be a special meeting
tion. Roberto Gordillo, of Mexi- of Unzion memnbers, April 22,
co. singer, and Mario Berreda, of for the pturpose of voting on pro-
Peru, guitarist, will also paxtici- l)osed revisions to the consttitu-
pate in the program. tion.
The celebration is sponsored by The amendments wvill concern
the Junior Chamber of Commerce student representation in the
of Flint. Union.

Apprximaely 2,550 fechir
al(i iol admiitrato~rs tar:' '\l Ceet ed
to, at! tend the 82nd meec tng' of the
M ~ciganSeholmater'Clubl. to
be eldat heUnierstyThurs-
day andtida.ily. A>pril 22 and 23.
1n21 <tclioni) to the regula1:r se-
}ries of e'duciat ional confere-nces.- to
bs elicd. there will be a High
Sc ':o' 1 Fo lrens Day, featured by
tA"ei'( harxpishi) high school de'-
bate lbet ween!iLansing East erni
igh-1 School and Detroit's Persh-
S The Honors Convocation, lion-
omang1,013 University stlikdent's
tfor. schohist ic achievement, -will
be held 4oii April 23.
Principal speakers at the genl-
,oral session of' the Schoolmasters,
will be Ralph WN. Tyler, chairman
of the education department at
th University of Chicago, and
' asn Ernest 0. Melby of the
Nc York University School of
Speaker at, the Honors Convo-
cation will be Dr. Lawyrence Gould,
president of Carleton College.

10 !:1, I1 M -'7IS I:MIII
NevwI -Forn11e( IRa I i oGidd
I ~k~Pi; All'" a k;ZN lerprises

'v slike Rfy <'1hi bo o
'1 11I'. P.a sooias we .etIthe
obir( (4don c[f Edwin C0. Bnrroxx
01 thIll dc- ngSexic.plans"
It: ft's roadast ;,erlocal sta(-
irst '1'O
M:igt lnow writ ers art, Iis l
woki a n thle first prog rain:
series. wit hwxill ue 'sa Ov''
tecituue 0 (laitatic 1:1a
aihr cot iOcn\ cli_,t he I a \',Schoo
lediol its,'aldx IPa'cGids itidr lega
The :15-i -)tit a cekly (r1 up--
ut be lo'k rig in "sus ee
Als l(';ic:; t12 the(Guid'fmmbr
actinu audithms held recenltly in
tile Broadcasting Servie's Angel
IlaIll studios.

iventh)e 15-odd writers and
10 ~t0(t~ti it and sounid effects
tx', n( 1 Iwat, to take their
urns~t lthe mike.
l3'ie he courjit-case show,
otlr wiers a re working on con-
sn tyf h nnouncer's spiel in
1o weinIth imusic) and 15 and
:.l ii it1e dra.matic shows. The
(Thld.in(idetalyis still on the
iloi-out for dramatic script writ-
theGul has still other pro-
ri da- up its sleeve, includ-
ing lanstoo'<a dranmatic series on
tsi'kn.ownu explorations - like
( 'llumbl;ttsitird{ voyage and the
Vikigs' arly New England land-
Whtv~en the University's FM sta-
L i mWU;OMT is ready for broad-
cas Outh uild will produce
Longer p'1,.rograms--even one-to-
ttvt lioti' aaptaitions of famous
early Amecrican pllay-s.
PI Ce1LIeti
On Do Pe Charg~e
henry Simpson, 47, was sen-
tenced to a one-to-four year
term in Southern Michigan Pri-
soJackson, for illegal posses-
sion of marijuana, April 5, in the
Wa:htcnaw County Circuit Court.

f .
; :
t , ,.



,:i y.. .. ..



(Continued from Page 4)
Faculty Women's Club: Play
Reading Section, 1:45 p.m., Mary
B. Henderson Room, Michigan
Michigan IDamnes: Rackhain As-
semnbly Hall, 8 p.m. Drama group
in charge of program.
Sigata Xi: Openi meeting, Wed.,
April 14, 8 p.m., Rackham Am-
phitheatre. Prof. D. L. Katz, De-
partment of Chemical Engineer-
ing, will speak on the subject,
"High Pressure Oil and Gas
American society for Ilubl1ic
Administration: Eveing social
semlinam'z, sponsiored by the Uni-
versity Cha,,pter. Mlr. Robert F.
Steadmnan, Professor of Govern-
mnent at Wayne University, will
discuss the administrative prob-

lems of the Federal Scientific Re-
search Program, Thurs., April 15,
8 p.m., Kalamxazoo Room, Michai-
gan League. Open to interested
Df'fta Sigma Pi, Pnoferssional
Business Fraternity. 7:30 p~m.,
Wed., April 14, Michigan Union..
Pledge meeting, Room 110 Tap-
pan Hall.
Gilbert and Sullivan society:
Full rehearsal. April 14, 7 p.mi.,
Michigan League. Costume incas-
uremnents will be taken. Attend-
ance is compulsory.
Openaing rally of the campus Al-.
lied .1 -wish Appeal campaign:
Wed., April 14, 4 p.m., Hill1el
Foundation. Speaker': Muriray Ar-
onoff, clewv member of "Exodus
19347.'' Tchn; icolor hfil, 'Assign-
merit Tel-Aviv,'' na rated by
Quce1tin lReynolds.
Riie club: Wed., 7:15 pIm.,
ROTC range. New rncinbers wel-
Pre - Aledica I Society : W e d~.
April 14, 7 :3() p.11 , Room s 13118-20,
NJich'ig an Union. Dri. [Reubcen I"
Kahn1., clackf of t lie Serology L. ab-
oratory and Scrolof',J( Consulta-
Lion Service, wIill spe tauoii"Medi-
cal Research as a Career. All pre-
medical and medical students in-


As told to Mfr's. Golu l Mer'owtof Jerusaleml
ban Arab whoitnessed the flassiici'C.



A N uaried Jel si t Ilemnizwas hs ie ; I
by Imzlreds of Arahos.
.1'hirty-fi ye JewviA iimys-hoy s, not warrors -
tried to ci'onie to thf e ,a 4ije.
' a*RRelIiia'- t idt drugh1 the }hillsl thaec skrtei
~z the Arah village .* miad ame to gripswth the
iila r tif es.
They foight for s1 $-'n 11"cur,5 without hfood, with-~
oPitt rest-w4itlli h Iope --oight 1to the very elui.
'l'ir last je-wish youthI was killed o ithi a stone in
,1.his if appenPi'a cx ccv 1'day .. . "J r'ight now }A1.1o
eit 7nilreadl.

EHcclu~ldlefof Jewish omenr, wwi avdcl Cildreni
have 1w enitfbrually muirdereil while di'endcing
tlI('iit liN 's andl fIVSc,.
hFlie courageous jexiNs of 1Pa~letine:are' fgbtinga
for tile houtlil w 1at41was x oted t hiell)by the
tliiilil Ntins
hwlay are fighiting not only for tlhemse lves, baut
for Ihele ars of luoums an'ls ~of lhomeless who 'wush
to Joithem.


+ 'I 1 l f
" ,
"' .
F +
f '

Will thlevy;goon ti IImig"

ari too -vt - alone -


without aii'cs - i'ithollt your help?~
What arc ( yi.ii loiial"1)0111 tit
What are you going to gi xe


n AmIo1' Sr>iior a t 2I)
at l u t ,"e pen 'that's first tchioice! N.
Sim, tapered, perfectly b1-
anced, the"5 "starts writingin-
stant1l' and smnoothy-~-wte'isfdry
with ttink.' .lhellp waor gradutate

''rc,q yourself to a wondehrftil
experience. Corne in for a free
ride on a Whizzer-powered hike.
You'll appreci-
ate its smooth, yoU Can Ride
effortless per-
formance and 6Mls o
amazing ease of eY
pope ratio~n.
_ 77 7 L~

WHAT MUST BE DONE IN 1948 . .. 1 Im igrat ion and reception in Pale';iink' of
475,000 horot-h-s Jews, i ncludling 2-1,000 chlidre'n.
1. N'iipplenit u I'ary id1 for 2.5(0,00 displa'c'IJews 4. hIousinog, ret raining and settlemient for the n~'w-
in Gehrntu any, Aw tt,a, It aly and C( :viru comers ill Pale'stine.
2. i', i'clie almilitiitiot. aim1recmonstrut'tion for otn' 5, H'm'm'luioiI and iadint nm'nt of ri'ftgee~ v ito will
mttillitont .J -vw itlt lascrii and \ern .'uLi rop~e. enter ite i t it i'tSlteill I9018.

-,,. I

All student and faculty con-
tributions should be sent to:
Hill and Haven, Ann Arbor

1948 Destinty Campaign -for $250,000,000 miimum
for the relief, rehabilitation and resettlement programs of:

Doris Seder,

Robert Freed,

I Co-Chai rmen,
I Campus Division

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