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April 13, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-13

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Senate Military
Committee Asks



By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 12-A strong tide of sentiment for a draft "holi-
day" swept through the House today as it began debate on legislation ex-
tending the selective service law beyond May 15.
It was whipped up by members of the Military Committee and by Chair-
man Vinson (D., Ga.) of the Naval Committee. Enthusiastic reception by the
membership indicated strong support tomorrow when the actual voting
< begins

Cab Company
Owner Hits
New Ruling
Mayor Is Besieged
By Letters, Calls
As letters and telephone calls pro-
testing the proposed taxi ordinance
besieged Mayor W. E. Brown, Jr. yes-
terday, veteran Carl Breining Jr.,
owner of one of the cab companies,
said the measure would mean one
more "promiseunfulfilled" for the
city's returned veterans.
Terming the proposal "preposter-
ous," Breining said it would be a
blow to both veterans and small
businessmen who will "have to go out
of business Tuesday morning," if the
measure passes the Common Council
Monday. According to Breining, 17
of Ann Arbor's 61 cabs are owned by
their drivers; 10 are driven by vet-
eran .owners.
Difficulty Gtting Licenses
The 10 veterans have licenses they
gave up when they went into serv-
ice, Breining said. Although the
Council approved the issuance of 10
additional licenses to veterans, he
said, the Chief of Police issued li-
censes only to those who had them
coming because they held them pre-
viously. "Twenty or 30" applied for
cab licenses and were refused.
Answering the charge that licenses
are resold for thousands of dollars,
Breining said cab drivers are in ef-
fect selling a small business com-
plete with cab and license. He said
he could not see that it was wrong
to sell a car and business for $3,000.
In Detroit where licenses sell for $25,
they are resold for as much as $6,000,
Breining said.
No Gold Mine
"People are not getting rich in the
cab business here," he said, citing
his own personal experience of no
return as yet on his investment, and
two local cab companies which have
shown a loss for the past fiscal year.
The average weekly earnings of
Ann Arbor cab drivers are $39 for
a 72 hour week, Breining stated. On
the best Saturday night 12 hour
shifts they average one dollar an
hour. He favored meters set at 25
cents for the first half mile with five
cents for each additional quarter
mile and 10 cents additional for each
extra passenger. These rates would
approximate the present rate, he
Mother Rallies
Against Wound
Despondent Condition
Is Described by Rae
Mrs. Victoria Walker, 24, Ann Ar-
bor mother who killed her two young
children and wounded herself early
yesterday with a 22 calibre rifle, was'
reported in "good condition" after
three blood transfusion in St. Jo-
seph's Mercy Hospital, late yester-
Accordipg to her husband, Earl
Walker, who came home at 10:30 a.m.
yesterday to find his two-year-old
son Robert Earl and his three-year-
old daughter Patricia Edna dead,
Mrs: Walker tried to poison herself
three weeks ago.
"Send me away before it is too
late, before something happens," Mrs.
Walker told him before he went to
work yesterday, Walker said. "She
had the idea she was in the way," he
Prosecutor John Rae described
Mrs. Walker's state as "apparent de-
spondency," and said she had "gone
beserk." Mrs. Walker told sheriff's

deputies that she had not meant to
kill the children. At the hospital,
she said she wanted to die.
Neighbors reported that Mrs.
Walker had been in poor health since
a few months before her son's birth.

Sharing popularity with Vinson's
amendment to extend the draft law
until Feb. 15,. 1947, but to prohibit
inductions before Oct.b15, 1946, was
a proposal by Chairman May (D.,
Ky.) of the Military Committee to
raise the minimum draft age from 18
to 20. Vinson's idea is to give vol-
untary enlistment a trial.
Call for Extension
As it came to the floor of the House
with Military Committee approval,
the measure calls for a straight nine-
months extension, with a service
liability of 18 months, a ban against
induction of fathers and a ceiling on
the strength of the armed forces.
Tied in with that, but in a separate
measure, is a House committe pro-
posal to raise the pay of privates from
$50 to $75 a month and give boosts,
proportionately smaller as rank in-
creases, to all grades up to colonel.
The pay bill is proposed to spur
voluntary enlistment.
Report Measure
On the Senate side of the capitol,
the Military Committee yesterday re-
ported out a measure for the full
year's draft extension urged by the
Administration, with limitations sim-
ilar to those which the House Com-
mittee approved.
Along with the draft extension, the
Senate group ased out for cons idera-
tion on the floor a whole armload of
pay raise plans, ranging from a raise
for enlisted men only-$15 a month
for privates down to $2 for top ser-
geants-though an extra $50 a month
for everybody serving overseas, to a
straight 20 per cent increase for all
officers and men.
Students, Should
Act on Ideas,
Tumin Claims
Declaring it the responsibility of
college students to act upon ideas on
which they are on theoretical agree-
ment, Dr. Melvin Tumin of the De-
partment of Sociology at Wayne Uni-
versity asserted that it is the apathy
of people in general that guarantees
"rule by wilful majority."
Dr. Tumin spoke before a joint
meeting of the IRA and the Wayne
chapter of the NAACP which was
held last night at Robert Owen Co-
operative House, A discussion held
comparing the work of the two
groups, led to a joint resolution stat-
ing that the organizations would
work together wherever possible to
solve their mutual problems.
As one of the main reasons why
people, particularly collegeastudents,
failed to cooperate in inter-racial
brotherhood in every sense of the
word, Dr. Tumin pointed out that it
is difficult for white students to
feel anything of immediate signifi-
cance to them in the racial prob-
lem. "They expiate their guilty feel-
ings by talking," he explained "while
a few people do all the work." Or-
ganizations, to be active, can not rely
on a few active people.
Since the college is a training
ground where students are exposed
to every idea, apart from the influ-
ences and activities of the world, it
is then that they are most free to
act to remove the "profit discrimina-
tion that is natural in our system."
The problem can be solved, he
concluded, by forming a nucleus of
active political activity, which must
abolish discrimination on social lines
as well, working against fraternities
and sororities, which tend to segre-
gate groups on color or religious lines.

UN Trustee
Plan Viewed
By Rappard
Applied Scholarship
Stressed by Ruthven
Whereas the Covenant of the
League of Nations required mandat-
ed areas to be demilitarized, the
United Nations Charter permits trust
territories to play a part in main-
taining international peace and se-
curity, Prof. William E. Rappard,
rector of the University of Geneva,
Switzerland, said in the general lec-
ture of the Michigan Academy of
Science, Arts, and Letters yesterday.
Pointing out that some of these
territories may even become so-called
"strategic areas" and be placed under
the supervision of the Security Coun-
cil, Prof. Rappard declared that per-
suasion may now be supplemented
if not replaced, by coercion.
Ruthven Speaks
Emphasizing that the only worth-
while achievements of man are those
which are socially useful, Dr. Alex-
ander G. Ruthven, president of the
University, speaking at the fiftieth
anniversary dinner of the Academy
last night, said that all efforts should
be made to reduce the lag in time
between the discovery and the prac-
tical application of the results of
investigation by scientists and edu-
As an essential function of the
Academy, Dr. Ruthven suggested that
a committee be set up to present
promptly to the appropriate public
agency the results of the scholarly
activities of members of the Aca-
demy whenever these represent ad-
vances beyond the stages of hypoth-
esis, theory, and experimentation.
Respect for Knowledge
"The recommendations of indivi-
dual scholars may be depreciated by
so-called practical men, but there is
fundamentally a respect for know-
ledge even among politicians, and
group decisions of those who have
knowledge can usually with little dif-
ficulty overcome a considerable a-
mount of inertia, political influence
or governmental ineptitude," Dr.
Ruthven said.
Advocating the training of more
"hybrid" scientists, Prof. Alfred L.
Nelson of Wayne University, presi-
dent of the Academy, speaking at the
dinner, said that scientists should be
provided with an understanding of
other fields to enable them to appre-
ciate the significance of problems in
the overlapping regions.
Let Nazis Keep
Swiss Assets,
Rappard States
Turning over Nazi assets in Switz-
erland to the Allies "is contrary to a
regime of private property, and to
Switzerland's position as a neutral,"
Dr. William Rappard declared in a
Daily interview yesterday.
Member of the Swiss diplomatic
mission to negotiate Allied claims
to the funds under the Potsdam
agreement, Dr. Rappard asserted
that the German assets "don't belong
to anybody but the owners."
"We can't just jump on the band-
wagon at the end of the war," he
said. No one "hates the Nazis more
thanuwedo," he pointed out, but as
for turning over the privately-owned
funds, "it just isn't done."
Clarifying the position of the
Swiss, Dr. Rappard said that they
would agree to liquidate the German

assets and return them to their own-
ers in German marks, rather than
in the form of foreign exchange. This
would meet the first part of the Al-
lied demand, he said, which is based
on the fear that the funds might
be used as a "war potential."
"We have every reason to be afraid
of the Nazis ourselves," he pointed
out, declaring that "we're the coun-
try whose constitution is most op-
posed to Nazism."

Polish Act
Exile Agent
By The Assciated Press
NEW YORK, April 12-(P,-Po-
land's request for United Nations
action against Franco Spain was laid
before the Security Council to the
"surprise" of the Spanish Republi-
cans and without consulting them, a
representative cf the exiled Republi-
cans said here today.
Fernando De Los Rios, special en-
voy of the Spanish Republicans sent
here this week from Paris, said the
Polish action had come suddenly and
with no previous announcement.
Franco Spain itself reacted vigor-
ously to the charges by Poland that
the Madrid regime is threatening
world peace and is harboring German
scientists carrying on work on new
weapons in this atomic age.
A Franco spokesman denied the
charges and particularly a Paris re-
port that there was an atomic re-
search plant nearToledo operated by
a German scientist.
Further, dispatches from Madrid
said the cabinet will propose that all
nations in the United Nations frame-
work who have diplomatic relations
with Spain appoint a commission to
visit Spain and investigate charges
of atomic bomb research experi-
The Polish delegation was working
at top speed to have its case ready in
the event it is called up next Mon-
day afternoon by Chairman Quo Tai-
The Council will hold its next
meeting at 3 p.m. (E.S.T.) Monday.
It is not likely, however, that Po-
land will have an opportunity to talk
then. On the provisional agenda
ahead of the Spanish case is Russia's
demand that the Council drop the
Iranian dispute from its agenda-
and Iran's request that the Council
hold it pending until May 6 to see
whether Russia keeps its promise to
leave Iran by that date.
MYDA Favors
Polish Mo.on
A telegram in support of Polish
anti-Franco motion now before the-
U. N. was sent to the Action Commit-
tee to Free Spain Now by MYDA yes-
terday, Mert Chernotsky, president,
The telegram reads:
"Michigan Youth for Democratic
Action supports your activities in be-
half of the Republican Government
in Exile and wishes you success in
your demand that the United States
support Poland's position for a
blockade of Franco at the United Na-
tions Security Council."
MYDA urges other campus organi-
zations to take similar action, Cher-
notsky said.
Postponing of
Clinton Flood
Control Seen
Local differences may incline the
government to abandon the proposed
flood control project for the Clinton
River until the people can agree on
what they want, but their agreement
will not guarantee going ahead, for
the government engineers have their
own ideas of what constitutes solv-
ing of the problem, Prof. Harlow O.
Whittemore said yesterday.

Prof. Whittemore, member of the
Clinton Authority, said he favors the
project if it does not interfere with
the 100-acre sand bathing beach on
Lake St. Clair proposed by the Hu-
ron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority.
He characterized this beach as a
"fine development" and said it would
be "highly objectionable" if the flood
control project should interfere with
If necessary to prevent this, he
continued, Army engineers should
work out some other method of dis-
posing of the surplus water. This,
he said, could probably be done.
WVASINGTO'N, April 12-(MP--A
flood project for the Clinton'iver in
Michigan might well be imperiled
by local differences Chairman Whit-
tington (D-Miss) of the House Flood
Control Committee said today.
"If you don't want a project up
there," he said, "there's no better
way than to divide."
Whittington made the comment at
the committee's hearing on proposal
for construction of two-mile diver-
sion channel helow Mt .lemenst tn

'U' Dorm Construction
Program Suffers Setback
As Bricklayers St opWork

JAPANESE CAST BALLOTS - Two women cast their ballots as other
Japanese line up to vote at the Yotsuya ward office, Tokyo, to select
representatives for a new national legislature.
Plurality Assured for Japanese
Liberals', Coalition Foretold

TOKYO, Saturday, April 13-(IP)-
Assured plurality, President Echirp
Hatoyama of the Liberal party (in
reality, a conservative group) today
issued a call for a coalition bloc to
force the resignation of the Shide-
hara cabinet and its replacement by
the first partisan government in
more than 15 years.
With only five house seats yet to be
decided, the Liberals held a safe lead
but fell considerably short of any
majority as returns from Japan's
national electionwere counted. Near-
ly 26,000,000 persons voted-almost
double the largest previous vote cast
in this country.
Returns early today showed 35
women definitely electedsand two
others appeared certain of election
in this party lineup of seats consid-
ered won: Liberals 132, Social Demo-
crats 99, Progressives also conserva-
tive 98, Independents 80, Commun-
ists four and minority parties 50.
The press reported a growing sen-
timent within the cabinet of Premier
Shidehara for a resignation en masse
soon, in view of election returns con-
sidered discouraging to reported ef-
forts to continue in office.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Wataru
Narahashi, elected as an indepen-
dent, and Home Minister Chuzo Mit-
suchi, made no comment on reported
plans to form a political bloc for
perpetuation of the Shidehara Gov-
ernment. Spokesmen for the top
three parties issued statements call-
ing for the cabinet's resignation.
TEns iatt Orders End
Monday is the last day orders for
the 1946 'Ensian will be accepted.
Students may place their orders
at the 'Ensian office in the Student
Publications Building, Editor Flo
Kingsbury said.
Norma Johnson, accounts man-
ager, announced that the theme of
the 'Ensian will be "new perspec-
tives in an old setting" and that the
yearbook, bound in yellow and blue
leather, will feature interesting car-

The final outcome of the political
maneuvering probably will depend
on behind-the-scenes agreements.
The government's greatest strength
lies among certain elements of the
Progressives, although one of its
leaders, Takao Saito, joined in re-
questing "its resignation.
Hatoyama, the Liberal president,
announced he would confer Monday
with Suehiro Nishio, powerful labor
leader of the Social Democrats and
newly elected representative. The
Socialists showed surprising strength
in the election, but the party also
split into right and left wing factions.
The left wing opposes cooperation
with the Liberals.
Pravda .defines
SovietIssues with
U.S., British
MOSCOW, April 12-(A')--Pravda
expressed today, in an editorial eulo-
gizing the late President Roosevelt, a
Russian definition of some of the
foremost questions troubling the
Soviet people about their wartime
allies-the United States and Great
The Communist party newspaper
sounded opinions on such matters as
Soviet anxieties over any American
"politics of force," and an Anglo-
American military alliance against
the U.S.S.R., on Fascism and reac-
Hailing Roosevelt as an "irrecon-
ciable opponent of the old isolation-
ism," Pravda said "he was also an
opponent of those non-isolationists
who supposed, and suppose now, that
politics in the United States must
consist of politics of force, in striving
for the rule of American interests in
the whole world.
"Roosevelt well understood, and
experience in the late war has fully
verified, that in the modern world,
such politics of the rule of one
power or bloc of powers is doomed to

Employment of
Non-Local Man
Causes Walkout
Laborers Expected
To Return on Monday
The University's dormitory con-
struction program suffered its first
major setback in the tense local
building dispute yesterday as 13
bricklayers walked off the job.
Louis C. Hackbarth, secretary of
the local Bricklayers, Masons and
Plasterers' Union, said the walkout
was staged because of a foremen's
Raymond C. Daly, construction
superintendent for the George A.
Fuller Co., University contractor,
said he understood the bricklayers
would not return to work until Mon-
Investigation Planned
Local construction officials were
informed by J. S. Gray, secretary
of the International Bricklayers' Un-
ion, that the union's national officer
assigned to investigate charges that
the University's program has stalled
local veterans' housing construction
would arrive here Monday.
Of the 13 bricklayers who walked
out yesterday, seven were from out
of town.
Hackbarth said that most of Ann
Arbor's construction workers were
employed in the University's build-
ing projects.
Conference To Clear Air
The building controversy contin-
ued to present a confused picture,
but both union and const'ruction
company officials expected the air
to be cleared Monday in conferences
with the official of the International
Bricklayers Union.
The major issue at stake is the
Fuller Company's employment of
skilled workmen on a six-day week
basis with double pay for the sixth
day. Local construction company of-
ficials contend that prospective vet-
eran home-buyers cannot compete
with the University for labor on this
Bricklayers Union Planned
According to reliable sources, the
International Bricklayers Union au-
thorized a six-day week and double
pay over the protest of the local
The international union's pre-war
ban on a six-day work week was re-
sumed last November but has been
relaxed in the case of the' Univer-
sity's building program.
Communists in
China Confined
Battle Is in Progress
Over Railway Juncton
KAIYUAN, Manchuria, April 12
(/P)-A Chinese Government com-
mander placed Communist members
of a truce team under confinement
today and announced that a critical
battle was in progress for possession
of the important railway junction of
Szepingaki, 55 miles north of here.
-The whole truce agreement of last
January-and with it China's pros-
pects for peaceful unity--confronted
a major test on these windswept
plains, echoing today to gunfire and
bickering voices.
(General Marshall, who arranged
the truce, left Washington to return
to his job as special American envoy
to China.)
The truce team of Government,
Communist, and American army
members, arrived Tuesday in this
Government-held city on the fringe
of the battle area.

Lt. Gen. Liang HWA-Sheng, Gov-
ernment deputy commander for the
northeast (Manchuria), said that
since then the Communist activities
in the area had increased. In conse-
quence, he ordered the Communist
members of the team confined to
quarters for their own safety.
'Kind Lady' Shown
The final nerformanof f-m ? tn..

Unknown Authority Orders
Adjournment of Court Martial

'Gradual Withdrawal' Agreed
On by British, Dutch Officials

LONDON, April 12-(P)-The U. S.
Army court martial of Staff Sgt.
James M. Jones, Litchfield detention
camp guard, was abruptly recessed
today at the request of an unnamed
"high authority" after witnesses tes-
tified that certain camp officers knew

defendant, charged with assault on
Lichfield prisoners, had sought un-
successfully at the opening of the
hearing to get a change of venue.
contending that "prejudice.' existed
in connection with the case.

LONDON, April 12 -(IF)- British
and Dutch officials agreed tonight
on "a gradual withdrawal of troops"
from Indonesia, and their replace-
ment by Dutch forces.
A brief communique gave no de-

ing Governor-General H. J. Van
Mook of the Netherlands East Indies.
British troops, mostly Indian, were
sent to Indonesia by Allied Head-
quarters to disarm and round up
Japanese troops there, and they have
nlacorl ana s ivi a uma wt n-s

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