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April 13, 1945 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-04-13

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1' YDY , AP'R-FLo, 1945

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Yanks Ready for
Dash Into Berlin

ByT'he Associated Press
PARIS, Friday, Arril 13-U. S. Ninth Army tanks smashed across the1
Elbe River on a six-mile front just 57 miles from Berlin yesterday and
U. S. First and Third Armies in sweeps of nearly 50 miles thundered at
the gates of the great city of Leipzig, 75 miles southwest of the capital.
Second Division Ready
A field dispatch said only orders from Lt. Gen. William H. Simpson
were needed to send the Second Armored Division dashing on into Berlin.
which could possibly be reached to-
day. Wholly unconfirmed French re-
M ports said Allied parachute troops
had been dropped at Brandenburg,
barely 20 miles from greater Berlin,
The electrifying crossing of the
Lbe-last big river barriler before
'r Ohe devasta ted capital-came with
C h te er inch speed that supreme headuar t-
ers was unable to confirm it, a
s pokesman saying that SHEAF was'
Fati c Icompletely out of touch with Ninth
vt nArmy spearheads.
Wil ko n s4u First, Third Near Leipzig
The U. S. First and Third Armies,
The faculty of the School of Music after their long gains, were under a
security blackout, but a field report
and members of the classes of 1929-45 said it was possible that one of them
inclusive, will be initiated into Pi would reach Leipzig by today. They
Kappa Lambda, national music hon- last were reported 23 to 24 miles
or society, at 4 p. m. EWT (3 p. m. from the city with nothing in front
CWT) today in the Rackham Lecture of them.
Hall. From out of the security blackout
sProvosto came the news that the First Army's
thD Unvesi y dan me A ut Second Aimored Division had reeled
president-general of the honor so-o 28-mile gain ntfirst
ciety, will install the Chi (Univer- north flank and had driven more
sity) chapter. The School of Music than two miles beyond Sangerhauseii
constitution provided that graduates
of classes, starting with 1929 first Advanc is Sensational
year in which music students were The advances of these two powel'-
granted awUniversity degree), should ful armies, bidding for a quick deci-
be included in this organization when sion in the war in Europe by balk-
a University chapter was established. ing a die-hard stand in southern
Germany, were expeeted to be west-
Student members of the society are ern front sensations once the black-
selected from the upper one-fifth of out is lifted.

NodRostockBol ;Sec
.AAnldam _
- B emehaven W ren7STTTIN
j bur Ludwicslust
r>V2Erd1EN'A' ~ GERMANY Schwedt
Munstet *
L+ tenda Kuestr n
Pnden / . Frankfurt
9z~ I ~AYMagdeburg
,' t fi5tt. ARY Gben
Goslar Dssu ~-
KaSSCĀ® itt t Y Aulebien H ll
Muehlhausen LEIPZIG oc Goerhitz
______ Erfurt DENm~
NlNT1 IEAUHES ELBE AT MAGDEBURG-Arrows show locations of British and American drives
in'o Germany including the advance of the [. S. Ninth Army o the Elbe River at Magdeburg-fib
miles from the western ouL-kirts of Berlin.

Roosevelt Chronology
1882-Born Jan. 30, at Hyde Park, N. Y.
1910-Elected to New York Senate.
1913-Appointed assistant Secretary of the Navy on March 17.
1920--Vice presidential running mate with James M..Cox.
1921-Stricken with infantile paralysis in August.
1929---Bomb addressed to him accidentally discovered and destroyed.
1932--No vember election gave him a record-breaking vote.
1933----Assassin's bullets missed him but killed Chicago's Mayor Cer-
mak and wounded four others.
-Inaugurated on Marcn 4 as the thirty-second President of the
United States.
-Proclaimed ten-day banking holiday in nation's financial crisis.
--Launched NRA and other governmental alphabet agencies in war
on depression.
1935--Uttered famous "back to horse and buggy days" comment after
Supreme Court voided NRA.
1936-Elected for second term in greatest ballot landslide in Presiden-
tial -election history.
1937--Inaugurated as thirty-third President.
1937-Offered Supreme Court Reorganization Bill, which touched
off famous fight and met ultimate defeat by Congress.
-Condemned aggressor nations, recommending that they be
1939-Proclaimed United States' neutrality after start of European
-Reconvened Congress to repeal Neutrality Act and permit sales
of munitions to belligerents.
1.940-Elected President again, becoming first third-term President in
1941--Took office for third term.



--Decreed state of unlimited emergency to defend Americas from
-Drafted Atlantic Charter with Winston Churchill in confer-

Jipanesc Plans Student Rlef
PAeeded in China

Nazis Cai okt tin
Austrian Caspi-tal1
RCI Arm ored Fres
Cut~~~~~~ (ll' atLfl

ences at sea.
-Became a war President as japan attacked Pearl Harbor on Dec.
7 and Germany and Italy declared war on Dec. 11.
--Held conferences with Churchill in Washington.
1942---Submitted huge war-production programs to Congress.
-Second Roosevelt-Churchill meeting held in Washington.
1943---Met Churchill at war council in North Africa and again in Wash-
n g toil.
__.-Pacific war plans mapped at conference in Quebec.
-Attended historic war conferences with Allied leaders at Cairo
and Teheran.
1944-Elected to fourth term as President.
--Made trip to Pacific for war consultations.

other siiips 1)aiiitoed

Anila rat Affordn
(li W~ar Says K iang

A lecture by Dr. 'Otto Kinkeldey,
professor of music and librarian of
Cornell Universi. ,, on "What We } K
Know About Music at 8 p.in. EWT hf
(7 x). m. CWT) in Rackham will cholacrs 1iunS
conclude the day's actirities.
-De Tomorro
_ Tomorrow is the last day petitio
may be submitted for scholarshi
totaling approximately $3,000 wh:
are to be awarded students in t
College of Literature. Science, a
the Arts.
No scholarship is automatica
.a..,. r T.,- TTT.. -- . --

GUAM, April 13. Friday- 4)- "The Chinese Communists do not LONDON, April 13, Friday-(/P) -Held second Quebec meeting with Churchill.
Japanese warplanes renewed their advocate communism, but are striv- Russian armored forces, leaving 1945--Inaugurated for fourth term.
suicidal attacks on American am- ing for a democratic government in doomed Nazi forces in Vienna only -Attended Big Three conference at Yalta.
phibious forces off Okinawa yester- a seven-mile escape gap, yesterday
day, sinking one destroyer arid dam- Iwhich they wiil be recognized." Dr. cut the Austrian capita l's last life-
aging several other surface units, Kiang Wen-Han, executive director lines with the Czechoslovak city of V 'E
Fleet Adm. Chester W. Nimitz said of the National Student Relief Comi- Bruenn (Brno) while spearheads el sK.
in today's comunique. mittee in China, said in an address burst within 33 miles of that war
All damaged U.S. ships remained yesterday at Lane Hall. arsenal city in an invasion of south- 'eeded1Aid7-fo m E x er7tS
in action. 'ein Moravia. Aee'i r
Expressing great confidence in the In the ruobie-strewn streets o
One hundred cleven Japanese attainment of agreement. Dr. Kiang Vienna, tommy-gunners of Marshal '.--.......---- -- - -- ....
planes wei'e shot down in an after- said, "Neithrer party can afford to Feodor I. Tolbihin's Third kain-1 AHNTN pi 2- ) lmttosi uhta envrhs
noonaack afd~tt tltter cwi had been: a A(''a'ile't~ WASHINGTON, April 12.-- (/')- limitations is such that he never hes-
Sd start another civil war; the people ian Amy battled in bittehouse-to-Harry S. Truman entered the White itatesto call on others whose qua-
downed in a mo'ning raid. -would not allow it. house fighting and cleared Nazi holl- House tonight in one of the most fications on matters of high impor-
'Nimitz said, "Large numbers of Devoting a great part of his ad- out troops from 60 blocks of the Jew- critical periods in his nation's his-: tance he may consider superior to
enemy aircraft made desperate at- dress to the problems of student re- ish quarter of Leopoldstadt between toiy with humble confidence that he his own.
tacks on our foices in the Okinawa lief., Dr. Kiang said, "From 80 to 90 the Danube and the Danube Canal. is big enough to meet the burdens ,r
area." These presumably were Vice- per cent of Chinese students urgently _i3. Whose ability to pick the
Adm Richmond K. Turner's am- n dele of a wartime presidency. brains" of others raised the Tru-


phibious support ships which landed
the Okinawa invasion force Easter
The afternoon attack, in greatj
strength, also reached to the Yank
land forces. for Nihmitz said shore-I
based anti-aircraft as well as ships'
guns and carrier planes shared in
downing the 111 Japanese planes.
Nimitz also disclosed the presencek
on 'Okinawa of four more divisions.
bringing to six the number officially
ashore on Okinawa and nearby is-
Two of the newly-named divisions
were Marines: the 6th and 1st. The
other two are Army: the 27th and
96th. -
WASHINGTON, April 12.- AY-
Congressional and Treasury tax ex-
perts have agreed on ways to provide
quick tax relief for business after
V-E Day, but they do not include
immediate rate reductions.
The relief is proposed in elimina-
tion of uncertainties, speeding of
refunds, and increased exemptions.
If Congress accepts the recommen-
dations, there will be no general re-
ductions in tax rates until major
fg-hting is over in the Pacific.. This
pliesto individuals as well as cor-
The combined staffs of technical
men-some of the Treasury payroll,
some hired by Congress--have been
working together in new-found har-
mony for nine months.
They made their V-E Day recom-
mendations to leading tax-minded
senators and representatives of both2
parties. The report hasn't been made
public, but has been seen and dis-
cussed by various members of Con-
g'ess. Recent statements on Capitol
Hill, when put with other evidence,
h ave made the main outlines of the
r eport increasingly clear.
--W -- - -


reeur c
Infiatio i has so hit China that V ed fl
$60 as he picefor a bowl of rice I
and $120 for a bath in many sections r
of China when Dr. Kiang left China De j Ven ooa y
a month ago, he said. Y./
The Medical Aptitude Test of the
Association of American Medical
]t; -w-DColleges will be given between 3 and
C ' .L 5 p.m. EWT (2-4 p.m. CWT) today in
Rm. 25 Angell Hall, Mrs. R. Kinwon
DhI~,llvkR announced.j
"This test is required for admission
to the "U" medical school and will
---- not be repeated before next year. It
FOR RENT is important, therefore, that all pre-
RFT 0 a med students who have not already
ROOMS FOR RENT at 1208 Oakland, taken the test and who plan to enter-
one single, one double on insulated medical school during the fall of 1945
third floor. Shower. Students pre- or the spring of 1946 should take the
ferred. Phone 3197. test at this time." she added.
T___ i~

He entered it with a determina-
Lion to call upon the best brains of
the country to help guide him
through the perils of war, peace
negotiations and reconversion.
Those reporters who travelled with
him on a transcontinental speech-
making tour for the vice-presidency
last fall and who were in daily con-
ference with him before and after
his election, think of him as a man:
1. Whose courage has been dem-
onstrated time and again as a
campaigner and as chairman of
the Senate War Investigating
Committee who never hesitated to
lambast those high in administra-
tion favor.
2. Whose knowledge of his own
Office and Portable Models
of alt makes
314 South State St.

man Committee to a status rarely
enjoyed by a congressional com-
4. Whose friendliness and modesty
is the same as it was when he entered
the vice-presidency and as it prob-
ably was when he was a farm boy
down in Missouri.
He always said he did not like to
think of even the possibility Mr.
Roosevelt might not live through the
four years of his fourth term.
i7/o weriA
, The appropriate gift
for any occasion . . . a
wide variety of f resh
at .. .
d203 East Liberty

LOST: Black and white striped
Schaeffer pen lost Friday on cam-
pus. Call 394 Jorgan.
LOST: One blue barreled gold topped
Eversharp fountain pen on Wash-
tenaw or State street. Reward! Call


Is Fulfilled Again.
NEW YORK, April 12.- (A)-
President Roosevelt's death today
carried on an American tradition
that Presidents elected at 20-year
intervals die in office.
The list includes: 1840-William
Henry Harrison; 1860-Abraham
Lincoln; 1880-James A. Garfield;
1900-William McKinley; 1920-
Warren G. Harding; 1940-Frank-
lin D. Roosevelt.

CAMELET BROTHERS, tailors, 1119
S. University. Remodel clothes for
men and women. Relining, reweav-
ing. Also make hand-made button
FOR SALE: Farms and lands, Ann;
Arbor, 5 miles west, 50 acres,
$6,000.00. Good . for post war I
building. Restricted, good road.
Call evenings and Sundays, Ann
Arbor 6196.
- - - - - -
given--Lassie come home. Doc.
{WANTED: Sewing. refitting, repair-
ing, restyling of ready made gar-
ments or the making of new ones
for women, girls, and small chil-
dren. Miss Livingston, front room,
2nd floor, 315 So. Division St. Walk


Mksica Maestro ... Have a Coke
JaIn.' I L
-r "/4l / & -f
- NG
T; >-t

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ __ __ - III


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