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April 13, 1946 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-13

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Truman Pledges To Carry On,
Fight for Roosevelt Principles




Dedicate Estate as
Ngtional Shrine
By The Associated Press
HYDE PARK, N. Y., April 12 -
President Truman today pledged to
"carry on in the way of Franklin D.
Roosevelt" as he dedicated the late
President's Hudson river estate as a
national monument.
The former President died a year
ago today.
Standing bareheaded on the stone
veranda of the Roosevelt stone and
stucco mansion, Mr. Truman said
"we shall continue to fight" for his
predecessor's "progressive and hu-
mane principles of the New Deal" and
"principles of international coopera-
Isolation Impossible
The President said Mr. Roosevelt
"saw clearly that we cannot con-
tinue to live isolated from other na-
tions" and "recognized, above all
that our hope for the future of civili-
zation, for the future of life itself, lay
in the success of the United Nations."
He added that the former chief
executive's foreign policy "called for
fair, sympathetic and firm dealing
with the other members of the family
of nations."
The President spoke before an au-
dience of several thousand, including
many government leaders as well as
the ambassadors or ministers of 18
foreign countries.
Millions more heard him via a
world-girdling radio hookup.
Mrs. Roosevelt Present
Behind the President on the white-
pillared front porch were Mrs.
Eleanor Roosevelt, Interior Secretary
J, A. Krug, and many others who had
been friends and associates of the
late president.
Mrs. Roosevelt was dressed in
black. She stepped forward to a post
First Thought
Of Academy
"The Michigan Academy of Sci-
ence owes its inception to Prof. Jacob
E. Reighard, former head of the De-
partment of Animal Morphology at
the University, who felt the need of
bringing together the teachers and
other persons in the state who were
interested in research," states a
pamphlet in the Michigan Academy
of Science, Arts and Letters exhibit
in the General Library.
The exhibit is commemorating the
fiftieth anniversary of the Academy's
founding which has held annual
meetings since 1894, except in 1896
and 1914, all but four of the meetings
were held in Ann Arbor.
On display are accounts of various
Academies of Science, including sev-
eral printed in the seventeenth cen-
tury, in the United States and many
European and Asiatic countries.
Because it was impossible during
the war to secure' foreign periodicals
and society publications micro-film
was used and distributed to the li-
braries by several scientific organi-
zations. The exhibit displays two
rolls of films from France and Rus-

spt aking at the dedication of Hyde
Park as a national shrine.
-------- - ~ - --------- ~ ----- ~ ~~-
behind a battery of microphones, and
in formally presenting the house, her
husband's rose garden grave and its
New Business
Course Offered
For Veterans
A short course in business manage-
ment for veterans, similar to the one
offered on campus, will be given in
Detroit beginning April 29 by the
University Extension Service and the
School of Business Administration,
it has been announced.
The course will meet mornings and
afternoons daily except Saturday and
Sunday at the RaO;ham Educational
Memorial. The program covers a per-
iod of four months, and includes four
complete units, in merchandising and
accounting, banking and finance,
business law, and a unit devoted to
business lectures and conferences
with business men who have had
specialized experience in the various
Adaptation of this program for
the Detroit center has been super-
vised by Prof. Charles L. Jamison of
the School of Business Administra-
tion, and the faculty will include men
selected and approved by that school.
Approximately 20 hours each week
will be spent in the classroom.
-. - - -

surrounding green acres, she said:
"My husband's spirit lives in this
house, in the library, and in the quiet
garden where he wished his body to
Recognition for Roosevelt
Speaking of his predecessor, Mr.
T umnan said:
"All over the globe plain people
join with leaders and statesmen in
recognition that it was largely be-
cause of him that civilization has
survived. Only history can do him
full justice.
"The progressive and humane
principles of the New Deal embodied
the great hope which in an hour of
extreme crisis President Roosevelt
gave to the American people. As car-
ried out in practice the New Deal be-
came the realization of that hope."
Good Neighbor Policy
"In the foreign field, President
Roc,,evelt's guiding thought was that
this nation as a good neighbor must
play an active, intelligent and con-
structive part in world affairs. He
saw clearly that we cannot continue
to live isolated from other nations.
He knew that what happens on other
continents must affect the welfare
of our country."
In pledging continuance of the
foreign and domestic principles and
policies of Mr. Roosevelt, Mr. Tru-
man said changes might be re-
quired to meet changing conditions
and he concluded:
"May Almighty God, who watches
over this republic as it grew from
weakness to strength, give us the wis-
dom to carry on in the way of
Franklin D. Roosevelt."
Slosson Will
Talk On World
Prof. Preston Slosson of the his-
tory department will present the case
for a Federated World Government
as a prelude to a rally later'this term
at 8 p.m. Monday in the Union.
Sponsored by the Committee for
Liberal Action, the open meeting is
being held in conjunction with re-
cent appeal by a veterans' organiza-
tion at Northwestern University. This
group is sending out two teams of
four students each to speak on a
World Government at campuses
throughout the country.
A system of international inspec-
tion and control and a strong inter-
national government were proposed
as the only defense against the
bomb at a conference on interna-
tional control of the atomic bomb
which Prof. Slosson recently attend-
ed at Rollins College.

G O B S 0 N C 0 R R E G.I D 0 R T 0 U R -- Five 1. S. sailors on a liberty tour of Corregidor inspect a 12-inch disappearing
gun, part of the defenses of the stronghold. Left to right are SI/C N. D. Coon, Clearfield, Pa., SI/C T. D. iiughston, Dallas, Tex.j
Y3/C W. D. Burkhardt, McKeesport, Pa., SI/C I. A. Freeman, Santa Cruz, Calif., and MM12/C O. N. Watson, Asliand, Kas./

State Orchards Damaged by Frost

DETROIT, April 12 -(A')- Michi-
gan's fruit orchards faced freezing
temperatures tonight for the fourth
time this week, according to the De-
troit Weather Bureau.
Continuing rising temperatures for
the weekend were in prospect, how-
ever, and the Bureau held out some

R I T A G I V E S-Actress Rita
Corday contributes her check as
the nationwide cancer. c'ontrol
campaign opens.

the loss of half the sour cherry buds
and two-thirds of the sweet in the
Grand Rapids area, according to
Walter Toenjes, superintendent of
the State Horticultural Experiment
Plums, pears and peaches have
been damaged severely in parts of
Van Buren, Berrien and Shiawassee
counties, it was reported.


F I R E - Streams of water poured by fire fighters on a blaze at Fitchburg,
Mass.. in five-above-zero weather left this wintry scene.

hope that the cold
its mid.
This week's frosts

snal) was near
have resuttted in


(Continued from page 4)
10:00 a.m., ADAMS to KATZ,
B, Haven Hall; KAY to ZEEB,
1025 Angell Hall.


The University of Michigan Sym-
phony Orchestra, William D. Revelli,
Conductor, will present a program at,
8:30 Thursday evening, April 18, in
Hill Auditorium. Jeannette Haien, a
graduate student in the School of
Music, will appear with the orches-
tra in Beethoven's Concerto No. 5 in
E-flat Major, "The Emperor," for
piano and orchestra. The public is
Exhibit jons
College of Architecture and De-
sign: Water colors and oils by Mr.;
Karl Kasten, Instructor in Drawingt
and Painting in this College. Ground,
floor corridor. Open daily except Sun-
day, 9 to 5, through April 20,. The
public is invited.
Michigan Historical Collections:
"Early Ann Arbor." 160 Rackham.
, Open daily 8-12, 1:30-4:30, Saturdays
Events Today
Saturday Seminar at 7:30 in the

Guild 110i1s e 3apt ist cltreh >. Rep-
resentat ives of hillel Foundation will
lead a discussion on Zionism.
Unitarian Student Groue hay-bide
tonight. Make reservations by call-
ing 3085. Group meets at 110 N.
State Street at 7:00 p.m.
tUniversity of Michigan Band meet
in Hill Auditorium Monday at 4:15.
Asseciation of University of Michi-
gan Scientists will meet Monday,
April 15, at 7:30 p.m. in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. There will be a busi-
ness meeting followed by a discussion
of the Atcheson Report on interna-
tional control of atomic energy at
8 p.m., to which the public is invited.
Prof. W. Kaplan will initiate the dis-
cussion by presenting a summary of
the Report.
Th11 I-Vychology Ioural Review
Conumittec of the Psychology Club
will meet on Wedncsday, April 17, at
7:30 at the Psychological Clinic, 1027
E. Huron Street, for a demonstra-
tion of the clinic's Electroencephalo-
graphy equipment and a review of
three journal articles related to EEG.
Miss I. E. Hollingsworth will discuss
Personality Types and EEG, Miss

Annette Lambie will review a paper
on EEG and Conditioning, and Physi-
ological Correlates of EEG will be
discussed by Allan Katcher. This
meeting is for members only.
The International Center: The In-
ternational Center in conjunction
with the Latin American Society and
American Legion will present a pro-
gram on Pan American Day, Sunday,
April 14, at 7:30 p.m. in the ballroom
of the Union. Highlighting the pro-
gram will be a group of Pan Ameri-
can songs and dances offered as a
preview of the Pan American Ball.
Included in the program will be a
brief talk by Prof. Edgar G. John-
ston, a movie, "Wings Over Latin
America," followed by refreshments
and a Community Sing in the Cen-
ter. Foreign Students and Friends of
the International Center are invited
to attend.
Veterans' Wives' Club will meet at
7:30 p.m., Monday, April 15, in the
Michigan League. All wives of stu-
dent Veterans are invited to attend.
Spanish play: La Sociedad His-
panica will present two one act plays:
Rosina es Fragil and Las Codornices
on Tuesday, April 16 and Wednes-
day, April 17 at 8:30 p.m. in the
Lydia MendelssohnaTheatre. Sale of
tickets will start at the Theatre on
Monday, April 15 at 2 p.m. Members
of "La Sociedad" will pay the federal
tax only.

S A R I - Actress Joan Win-
field models a modern version
of the Indian sari fashioned from
a white background print scat-
tered withhuge poinsettias in
shades of scarlet.

Telephone 3008

We Deliver!

C I S K I E R H U R T I N A L P S - Instructors in an American Red Cross first aid and
ski natrol course rush to the aid of Pvt. Joseph Krupla of Swarthmore, Pa., (foreground) who suf-


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