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October 11, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…if V OL. 1. No. 11. UNIVERSITY OF MIfCHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBEIR 11, 1890. PpRicE 3 CENTS. NO FOOT-BALL RUSH. SO THE SOPHOMORE COMMIT- TEE DECIDES. They Will Challenge the Freshmen to a Rugby Came and Tug- of-War Instead. At the Illuetinig of the sophlo- Ifli'e C lass;tis lmornling, after lllllcll discucssion, a oznitef ~fi, conlsisting of :Are-co's. Morgaln, Towi, (liflil, tWalker, and Chlarnl- leQy was apploinlted by tile presidlent to decide...…

October 11, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…r ate" " r a t r r J w. Vol,. I. No. 11. UiNIVERSITY OF MICHIIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1890. E X T .A . th 1-y.tlne S efald okik hncaroh -r d eball be- W r adAcesrottebliil 1d1tth25d.ln, andGrosh, Fr ill,, a t011011101V1-- points. 1 with the \ took it over. Jewett Uof M. mIke- the V 1-Chl, kicked goal. Score: Albion, 4; r g~'M~V~ M BOIadvanceing ball 15 yardls. Anolth- U. of 1l.,20. Timie was called Lc _____ er V grains- 10 yards m~ore, and ...…

October 11, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 11) • Page Image 2

…'AUV. of ~~Xi~ Potltitthri iholy (Su lays vrscited) during lte('sileoac trt, by THE U. OFr U.IDEPENDENT A4SOCINTION. ssriptiotn pricer ~ per yie, i nvariably n advane..Aniglreopi:3 vents. On sale at. Sheehan's andttPosit O'lier news tnatevery eening at 0 o'clock. Subscription may tie t4Kt at. the olicersf the 1ti,sierra lisase blocek, at Sheehant's, at etoltlt't's, or willh any of the editors. (tn utica tiooSshsiotli reacit the office by 10'. ...…

October 11, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 11) • Page Image 2

…~C. of 'nJf. Xiy. ituii bcdte l stiijilzia.selxce ted) durien thne C llene 31 tzt, hb THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT AbEOGMTION. Suwrpinpie,E 1 pe ier year, invariahly inadvaenre. Single coe3ec't ete. Oitaeti t Sheehan'sand Pest (Ofice nares tanti every evenit ntt t 'clc. Suhscrption mtay ihe 10(t at te looftte tDAILY, Optera houste bloch, at Siteehatte, at Stattietes, or withinay aftithe editeers. Cotsnnatnientiete- shoua eachithtie otine'byt iS A....…

October 11, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 11) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY iTiii 7WO $AM$ Messrs. YOIJMAN'S, KNOX' y and SIL VERMAAI S ness THE - [Z-COAT See it at M il7rlo= 1 111 = 0 lllltqrY VOORHEIS & DI T S To( BEST WORK IN THE CITY' STATE Sr1t. TAILORS, VRKCALE FBUaid DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. 'office. 3 Souti Fourti- Ave. ZALL AND D3EE JE3, Of Old U. of M. should have a University of 'Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, Qduality highest. Guaranteed every iiich of the road. Violin auid Guitar S...…

October 11, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 11) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY .ti ... TIh TWO SAMS Messrs. YOL/MAN'8, KNOX' and 8IL VERMA/'8 See the C ollar new THE -L"-COAT Sece it at 9- z o re Of Old U. of M. should have a University of Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, Quality highest. Gua ranteed every inch of the road. Violin aid Guitair Strings, 10 ets.; ilaliiji) and Madalolini Strings, 5 cts. Everything ini lreeortioii. L. 11. Clmaiei.nTtTfTr 'TIJE _MA 2r BROWN'S DRUG STORE CORINERlI INAND IHUON...…

October 11, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 11) • Page Image 4

…THE U,, OF M: DAILY. 17117317-V"' o-wardAveneDcte t vloat Ilottli it t. < LateD1 ZEL] 1~ i NEW BOOK STORES, 6 South Main Street. 44 South State Street, BLiJWI 1IS T EF FD- It is the Latest and Only. i Nothing T'lakes its PHace. See NOBLE'S Widow Display. Blacit Shtirts, Black Underwecar, Black Necekwear, Black Handkerchiefs, Black Caps, Black Suspenders, Black Hosiery, Black Elastics, Black Studs, Black Buttons. THE BLACK CRAZE. UNIVERSITY TEX...…

October 11, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 11) • Page Image 4

…THDE U. OF M. DAILY. -.-..T HF NEW- CLOTHING HOUSE, 71,73, 175VV'ccdwa rd Avenue, D t tJ Mih a Li i s \n u LLY Elii i BLYI _11T2B F Da It is the Latest and Olyl. Nothing Takes its Place. See NOBLE'S Window Display. Black Shirts. Black Underwear, Black Neckwatr, Black Ifandkerchiefs, Black Caps, Black Suspenders, Black Hosiery, Black Mastics, Black Studs, Black Buttons. NEW BOOK STO RES, 6 South Malq Street, 4 Soutl1 State Street, UNIVERISITY T...…

October 11, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…Adombu----d Awm tt A. l A VoL. 11.-No. 9. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1892. PRICE, THREE CENTS. the S. C. A. makes itself useful to ET N TH AND students. The association has been very for- Refers to the S. C. A. of Michi- tunate in securing for its general secretary this year C. A. 1lowc, '92 gan University. fit, aid last year president of the Founced in 1 5-A Sketch of its Athletic Association. 'r. 1ossen History-The Bui...…

October 11, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 9) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'Z C. of 1W1F. Tai V. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription price $2.511 per year, invariably nadeanee single copien s ents.tSubscrip- tirne may be left at the ofie of the DALY, at Stofiet's, with any of the editors or authorized solicitors. Communications should reach the oftice by 7 o'clock P. m. if they are to apper the net riay. Address all matt...…

October 11, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 9) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE STUDENTS. WE ARE AGENTS FOR GENTLEMALEN:- I li ag 3f ts We wish to call your particular attention to the fact that ou ,Sid VerqIaIR's$a s Stocik, as usual, includes a general and complete line of high class cltig oug\e' ANt) ILODGEMIAN'S MACKINTOSlIES. EXQUISITE FURNISHIINGS. PERRI1IN"S GLOVES. We wish to announce that we are going out ot the Read}' Made made up with all the dletail, care and skill. whdch characte...…

October 11, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 9) • Page Image 4

… THE U. OF M. DAILY. JLJ3 THAT' SHABBY HAT-! RRKJ'D, dc -,ITieri n A" WILL SCARCELY DO IN AINN ARBOR. - r n hailthe line ofIYoutthtt glad to return, attd we. ate. certaitly pleased fto see yott, - bttvot know atppeatrate.s go a long ways. CA LK IN E'MUSICAL GOODS..} WTT MRO 3 'AI C H 10 C ES ALVI WILEY, 2] Years in the Busine$,. Excelsior Laundry, Fns rJIS. St tE r.O1 [ROR I M.CITY LAUNDRY.1 .t.urt oFAeRO tat t tt ote. t tlee~atuttt~t~.M.o M. ...…

October 11, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…1t ( y I C 4 11 ti ."" 3 e ,. f Yi w j r E, .. t - ( ( ,, ',' _ "fh -mss' ' i i - r; .5 JYERSITY OF MIChIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11. IsOS. I0~sv~, Tssuuc CENTS. Vo. IV.--No. 10. U SETTLED BY COMPROMISE. The Lecture Association Fight Happily Ended.--An Excel- lent Course Arranged' Ever since the split in the Lecture Association last spring, caused by she attempts of bothi is and laws to hold supremacy in the affairs of hie association, the ...…

October 11, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 10) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'It c. oN if we are to judge from communi- ~~ cations which are sent to us for eubishd ail (un~aysexeptd)durngpublication. Let us reiterate once .~alincdDaiy Suslay eceped domagain what we have so often ntated the College year, bya THE U. OF IN, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION before that the DAILY aimn to ncain- -- tain an independent and non-parti-' Subscription peice $21.50 per year, invariably snadnuna Single copiea 3 rents. ...…

October 11, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 10) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILYA1 o~an.zc rea. .......aea ... The Bible Chairs. THE CHEQUANVEGON ORCHESTRA. LEw fH. CLEMENTI. The Bible chairs at present es- SO, S.MAINSTS. lDireltor soil Maager. EXCE SIO LAU DRY tablished here by the Disciples' EXCELSI UO LAUNDRY church and occupied by Profs. Wil- Gosa WorktGGaraieed. CGood.ealed cr let and Lockhart, form the begin- a. dli..end F. OVER, Prp.ring and nucless, it is expected, for SAU S i ' Wah~Et the Theol...…

October 11, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 10) • Page Image 4

…? _. w E t ' r 53 id U . G di..gip e S (. .Wsinow. i lien,if shess thein n'i ar nDI ou IT.'yo 'an. 01 hertha itisnt.Gents'>I-owg. Sluppers in all Irth£ Jatost tylts. Calkins' Pha\ Imacy AT THE TES B w di h R \ a te o 34 Sn. STATE STREET. OU'TFITTER, & wE~wJsAo i~, NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. Have a Full Assortmsent of UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, new and second hand, and all kind(s (of STUI)ENTS- SUPPLIES, which they...…

October 11, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…~IJ U.of lt,. VOL. V. NO. 11. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1,894. PRICE-THREE CENTS. THE GLEE CLUB EXAMINATION. Begin Well. THE FOOTBALL FIELD. NO GO STUDENT Seven Vacant Places te Be Filled. Thii'Wibster L.iterary society held Old Men Back-The Prospects fcr GO 48 Candidates Competing for a its first regular mheeting last nright iii a Running Tears Much Mere Ty olanoilitbos Plc nteCu. Webster hall. The meeting was larie-...…

October 11, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 11) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Pulislhedl Daily (Sundatys eeted) duelng the College year, by THE U. OfM. INDEPENDET ASSOCIATIN OFFICE: Titmes building tN. Maln St., opposite post affice. Subsiptton price $2.:5(0per yea',invareiably in advanee. ;j i'e cis 'ent's. Subscrip- tiates may be left at the officeofthetIALY n, at Statlet's, at state at. aew ltni, withI any tf the editors at auitoizedlealaitala. Coamaaicatiane.should reachetillfac te by 7oeclock p...…

October 11, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 11) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. MIHIGANG NA1 - Time Table (tRerised) July 1, 1894. Mail and Ex----45 Mil--------8 43 N. Y. Special--5 10 N.Y. Special.... 7 05 Eastern Ex----10 25 N. S.kiniled.--. 5 25 S.M. Paciic Ex--12 15 Atlantic Es-_- r4 . M. D.N.Express--- 540 Western Es....- S 5l G. iR. Express --- 11 03 hi. Nt. Es.---1025 0. W. RtUGLES 1.W HAYES, G. P. &T1Ag,Chicago. Act., Ace Arbor. FRANKLIN HOUSE DETROIT, MICH. It is wellbeftore leaving home, wsh...…

October 11, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 11) • Page Image 4

…THE U. 0OF M. DAILY. Make I Your Business. Wben you buy Musical Instruments, made it your business to get Value for Your Money. Its easy to biuy some music goods low, but tbat kind is not always "1Cheap." lbsNTh best list e eb'L ceapest, always was, alwvays wiii be, you know it and so doss tbe entire World. We soil and recommend lbs best. 'E C AN SIILL OU A MANDOLIN for.$.0-not tbe bes-a Washburn or a Ricca will cost more. WE (A N SELL YOU A G...…

October 11, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VI. No. 11. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1895. Four PAGES-3 CENTS. PAYS JUST FIVE IJIN DUIEL SONE GUITAR CLASSICAL FELLOWSHIP DOES 0 Is enough for one person to ANULYTfODR Ol play on at one time. One0 Was Established In Memory of guitar is not enlough, hlow- ftI Prof. Elisha Jones, Formerly ever, to supply 3,000 Stu-IM Head of Latin Department--Two dents. That's why we have 11 Years of Classical Research. constanltly ini s...…

October 11, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 11) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY . + f j Prof. TROUBLE AT CHICAGO. y Po.Bemis Says the University "" Defends Monopoly. MICHIGAN REPRESENTED Ono the Faculty of the University of Washington. WE I)0N'T (Guarantee P ublished hally (Sunday excepted)B urinsg the Oollefbsyear, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFICsE: Times bu 11,11 n- N. Hi st., eppesite p1 loffilie. Ashort tume 1t1) IProf. E. IW. 1110mb lliellig;alifurishes imml~y illembl, s '0115 liaskedl to ...…

October 11, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 11) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. NOTHING FINER IN TiE-liE-LWANDI IIAMMERS:iL AUG11 BRO'. Fl kO *4jO E CO T Manufactured for the present season, are only sold by us. PRICES: Suits from $15 to $20. Overcoats, from $15 to $24. E. & W. Collars and Cuffs, Cutter and CrossetMA K N OHte Neckwear, High Class Furnishings. Wp 1E SELL THE BEST $10 AKN SHIN THE WORLD. 37S. Main St. LaiNDNSCH ITT1 &l APEEL. ~jHG NG L iIAt the Grand Oera House. j NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. ...…

October 11, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 11) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. A 6G SPALDING & BROS. Football Supplies a specialty. T' Eery requisite for the ga6me Jacket, asts. Jer- sys, Sweaters, Shoes. aps, Belts, Stocigs, Merril's ra Nose Mi,I:I RaIth~r Moth- ~ es Shin Gards, Head Iarsess. Spaleig's Gfiheill Itersollegiate rootall mst b used in all Match Games. Price, $5 00. SSalding's tllcial ootlell Gnle Ness ttaes-Pictures : o lthe LadigPlayers. * Prise 10 ts.lHadsomely "lIAstted Footal Catalo...…

October 11, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…1e . , f lay 1 . low FOUR PAGES. VOL. VIII. No. 10. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1897. VO.VI.N.1.AN ROMCIA, ODY COEt1,19.FutPGS bargains -IN Books. Students Bookstore STATE STREET, Opposite University Entrance. Second-hand Books bought, sold and exchanged. Law, Medical and College Text- books at ct prices. CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE CITY FOR Blank Books and Stationery Agents for Waterman's Foun- tain Pens, Mathematical Instru- men...…

October 11, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 10) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sunays excepted) during the Clego eerat THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OrricFc Times buiding '29 S. Main St. be- twenu Liberty and William St. MANAGING EDITOR J. F. THeOAS, '0 L. ISLSINESS MANAGER . i.hANs, 'IS L.. EDITOR 11. IB. SossMs-A, '90 L, Athletics. E. L. GEsunoz, '3 L - Mo-Idnday BUTLErs Lu, 'O, - Toeday G. D. ftoecv, 'OS. - Wedneday fT.R. WOOneenw,'5, - - Thursday A. Curnee., 'ii, -- - ...…

October 11, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 10) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. PUBLAO OPINION Has put the stamp of approval opon our.... .. .. .. .. .. .. A UT-UMVN EXIIT We have talked to you about our fine line of clothing made for us especially by liammersiough Bros. and The Stein=Black Co. Now we take pleasure in talking to you about our FINE FURNISH1NG GOODS. Our Furnishing Depar tmnent is exhibiting a bewilderingly beautiful stock of Nteckwear, Colored Shirts, Gloves, Underwear, Ho...…

October 11, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 10) • Page Image 4

…T~pl tUNIVEJRSITY OF MIHIGAN DAILY. D eep the Feet Warm w 9 A hot water bottle is just 4 9 the thing for cold feet and 4 a sure relief for most aches4 9 and pains. 65c, $1.00, $125 4 9 and $2.00 are the prices. 4 * $1.00 gets a good ce that 4 we can warrant not to leak.6 yCALKINS' - PHARMACY. MEN'S FURNISIINS. We have greatly enlarged this de- partment of The Store giving it a prominent and convenient section the first flor net to the entranc...…

October 11, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 14) • Page Image 1

…4 VOL. IX, No. 14. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1898. FoUR PAGES. RESOLUTIONS PASSED Practice Was Ragged. Registration Fals Off. The 'Varsity's practice yesterday The whole number of students that By the Unicersitu Senate for Profs. afternoon was very ragged and the had enrolled in the University up to work of the men was discouraging to last night shows that there has been T T CooleuWaltr and igh. the coaches. Fumbling was the order...…

October 11, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 14) • Page Image 2

… 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Prot. Worcester on the Philippines. +j, + Prof. Worcester in the Oct. Cen- Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the tury, says of the Philippines, after Colege year, at considering the impossibility of hand- THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. g thems back to Spain: "But can we not withdraw and OrFrcE: The Inland Press, enning Block. leave the civilized natives to work BothiPhones 147 ___ thPhones__47. _out...…

October 11, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 14) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 GYM SUITSAND OUTFITUS. M 'THINnGiRK 6ENIIIJL "TeNaaaFal~ls Route." CENTRAL STANIDARID TIMIE. Taking Effect Aug. 14, 1898. Mail and Express. ........3 47 P. M. N. Y. &Boston Special ....... 4 58" Fast Eastern ............94" Atlantic Express ........... 45 A5. M. D~etroit Night Express........ 5 55" Grand Rapids Express ..........11 Mall&Express. .........9515 A.1.. Hasten. N. Y. S&Chicago....... 8 i3" Fas...…

October 11, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 14) • Page Image 4

… THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. r o6 S. MAIN ST., and W ATERMAN'S W1 W1 WETMORE 342 S. STATE St., Cor. William St., IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN MAKES ITS MARK All around the world. CARRIES UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, Second-hand and New, Note Books and Students' Supplies, of all kinds, Fountain Pens and Miscellaneous Books, AND OFFERS ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. JdOS. W. KOLLAUFI, DOEALER= lIN Fone Domestic and Fore...…

October 11, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…, , I = I ' ; ;.P ," Y, x 1, u!"J ff , . "f ' ' VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, ARCH, WEDN'ESDAY, OCTOBER It, 1iSP9 . AfPHLETPIC BOARD MEET- ING. HardclPractice. ,was this H Fine Fall and Winter H E Suitings, Golfl Suits, E Fancyj Vestings. T DRESS SUITS A SPE-CIALTY T A We Carrty the Largest A 6Stocli L In the Cityj. L 0 l1ll CAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 We a iko a specially sif Chocoates as - sido lice. Wel' sell lots of them anti oar stock is always fr...…

October 11, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 15) • Page Image 2

…2 blished Daily (Sundays ecepted) dur4ite College year, attI THE UNIVEUSITY OF M;CrnGAN OttOFFC:T m''IofInn rs,oonningtFlo. DIAN tGI O 2EDITORI. F.00 oE7tAM)l, '0IL. 0. 11. iIANS. '0O L. EDITORIS. ATHLETICS, .. It(. ft. 1hobo To. '01 0E T. I. Wy tono, '00 L. A. 1t1D 0.0(0.1OL A. G. 1 tltoto.0 . 2.E. J.. ILWoto'1'0, L. J.M1o.08t0'o~i,'00, AN. ID. (Itt ..o. '00 T1. TIhe 'olo'rc ool (price0of the' It ttt IsoX2.50 fit n0(.10ehca. N'tice, 'omitt(((...…

October 11, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 15) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICH IGAN DAILY. Ii117 SUHMI MICHIGAN ENTRAIJL'~- 13h Niagara Fails Rolto" etc~r h Piai~os to Rentf CI \INSTANDARD.188T1ME)'118o LI' iS' __ Schaberi lo Poic ~StorG )I- 'EA .e A ra8 r 1 .\ rE . . , N, . o lmSpcia ............. t114 W1. Liborty St. Sell Phone 254 I 4 cn x ( .a.The Fine Tailorin ~ OUR v "TO ofTrde the PERFHT N STYLE A111 FIN1SH~f G..8;11 . CJ (.'tt l0i"1a..I1 AA11 '...i L ily. T B U1R HFIELD, 106 EAST[U RON S TR...…

October 11, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 15) • Page Image 4


October 11, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

…be o o VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TH-URSDAY, OCTOBER, 11, 1900. ~. G F a ti 12 4rntne etGOLF CLUB A HUMMER. New Courses in Public Administra- "Happy" Brows May Get Out. Tournament is Arranged For -- Mem- ('oat-l1itea kep nitils sg lug1 at re An iuitiloliant tdtlition to the etlirats ,li te al(-rilhii-. Tlii- wark iiaa ilieaB ~~s ariaGofr, nte ltli oa Our special line bership Incrass RpidyOfi d ffloti ieay ttat l-rla o a-ll sa itire of foe...…

October 11, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 16) • Page Image 2

…THE UNlVRRIIY. OF MICHIGAN D A£LY ".,.p Colegtter, t THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MANAGING EDITOR, . H. HYS. '1 BUSINESS MANAGER, EDITORS: ATHLETICS, - G.1. Hmttler,'1 . A. H. MCDOIGAL.l'1E. W. A. KSIGII,'01 L. Miss L. K. SRINlt]10'3 Ca t, Dosltoli'] H. H. Wooeott, 'Ito 'The tlubcritintttl p1cc othe 0AILY.0it $2.0t forthe Iollt~eg year;', Imitt a1regla eiv1i'ey lic1 tttit atehndedt i ait te DILYn office befoe 8p.III,ttortmailtit'o tttie eitorte...…

October 11, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 16) • Page Image 3

…THE UTNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. r aGO GGGO5GGG :OGGG G~GGGGG~sGsGG:GGOsGG: ifn __G: o a4 Sole AgT KNOX IF You are particular about your Hats, buy the " VARSITY " and know you are correct............. HATS 111'MAIN ST. I+. MICHIGAN CENTRAL The Most Renowned Ladies Shoes' lamClcstI "~The Niagara Falls Route." -____,Coc s t CENTRAL STANDARD 'TINE. The Glove Fitting, For The Hygienic U. of M. Pins 50G to $1.00. Fine Taking effect Septemb...…

October 11, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 16) • Page Image 4

… THE UNIVERSITY OF 'MICHIGAN' DAILY' ..H UIERI..~MCHGN AL A FULL :LINE GYMNASIUM, FOOTBALL, GOLF GOODS Can be found at Our Store S e h n & C.30 S T T T E T Burchffield's Fine Tailoring Trade... Our sartorial skill is equal to the best ini the state Of Michigan, EX0EPi iN( NONE. ARTI5TKCALLT l N ECMANICALLX We will be glad to prove it to yrou, Truly Yours, S. BURCHFIELD' 106 E. Huron CALK INS, When we fill a prescription it con- 'talus ex...…

October 11, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

…e E)AI F~IRST YEARc. ANN ARBOR, MICH3., RRTOAY, OCTOBER 11, 1901. No. 16 'VARSITY ON EDGE. Debating Societies Meet. Last Scrimisage Before Meeting the l'' till iavo looI ii'''ii i lyelrxvV ''))' l x'x'tl" 1zl (r~i l i'x'iil it'Iit((lv Th Big Men From Indians i ; Satis- 'ii uxxuixxx'x' xictxii' °1iis [x i-i' :111d rlw factory to Coach and Rooters, fullxv x"i xxrt ':111i1i'i :1sv iv')ll f't~ luit isi ase tt l ii ": l ;Illi il lxfoi ilw) ixiixil ...…

October 11, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 16) • Page Image 2

…THE MICIILIUAN DAILY-NEWS WILD 60.: LEADING MERCHANT 1f1ILOR , OUR FALL LINE is the best we have ever shov' in, containing ALL THE' Black and Blue Styles, and a very fine line of Fancy Suitings and Trouserinigs in the latest patterns and color= inlgs. The targ~est assortmient in the state. WILD 60. ioN lE. Washingtont St. T uttu Frutti One of our famous tFounitaini beverages, served in origin- at style at QUARRY'S CAMPUS DRUG STORE, R. E. JOLL...…

October 11, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 16) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS T KLO K In our xvtndcnrsytai then ike la lxxxixi iji -a st and xlii Xxxii x cii itei 1iii ixxrgxt uxddhex)t ~I1I~%~l1A.,~..II,-efete tx l:of New Fall Suits eand Overcoats i xcviit iIDeloitxiand:)f iiengo 't'atmosieinpletx i mx of Men's Furnishingsa as i ity.Th + .I. oleaget,, i iin III lxxu fr xithiieielicxiie(I XPSILA NTlINI)EI hAi-A\1NI ITAN SINI RTS a11 11( tX XI)IATS. V IIIiMS, 1IYIiN & H[[iE. 200-202 S. Main Street...…

October 11, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 16) • Page Image 4


October 11, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

…; .: - 'P 1 . v "l. - . . 3_ - r' .. v ,,.. _.. ,- .. -. _ , _. _ ti. ._ . - - t .. :.' / I E--+ f. ' '!. ' i, ,-. l; ... .- ,., t. . . _ 1. ./ f. i, w -° " J'. : '.."' 1. r. H v --+ _ J-' ". " ' ; , :i , 7 .. c-* .- r:. 1 " ' ++r f ,^a f. "' - - r 7: Y .. .. .. =r. - .- : f Y '_ %, .. : . ... -i. . : _ ' a a fl r - %r. , ; ' ' _ % r a _ r... .-- .r .. r . -- J: r -,/' rJ '-' ' St. 'I. +- , . -- -; t'" . P. _ -- p: "- _ ,- - °' 0 f, /. ,f by ....…

October 11, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 17) • Page Image 2

…1 xis ICIII(XN .. I LA.L-Y;K 1KW? Tailor.... have just receiv- ed a new line of! Woolens for fall . and winter. The' montln he c, . of " 4 f.r;f a t Foot L i Ei ( P.d s l SdpF d le-eig i Intercollegiate. - 4.00 Rugby 'Special' -2.50 Rugby "Special" No. 2 2.50 Foot Ball Clothing fromi xxthe li,-t xlixmd th I i lxx' xixt f\'i xx Thiie xl lx l .,ilxfiii lxx NiINAOIiNli lxxii ot, BUSixIESS IANAiFR~, EIiTOiRS, xxiRL E' -I-*cl'1-4111 lit 1- :; i 1 '...…

October 11, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 17) • Page Image 3

…THE MICIIIGA'D)AILY--NEWS ATUUMN APPAREL' FO N OF FASHION, This is worthy YOUR ATTENTION I1' yo u ale aLaboratory Course in BACTERIOLOGY, BIOLOGY, HISTOLOGY or PATHOLOGY (in-I1,1iIN(. RAMNS &- IAXtERDIASHI IRY, ,red ad son ol hitionaind exer y sit na l t xli i1iniiiiiitInstrum eouts er & Supplies;ea ni~nii ale btez~h u- seJlfuen s i i~tha tiio mn d 0it ri cualyteup l men wo kno howto drs wlex and iiit cltt vdis. e xhve ill the Ihandsomie poci ...…

October 11, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 17) • Page Image 4

…r' "r 11'V- f'r^ .. w ,,A..--~~^.r--- ./1^c'* +,~+". . , ' rfil fL .-... .M I- I C IYU I,"* -!'M - .A > -"r', T" .. /"rL 't*ri...t r L , ±.r\"Zg Y.i t rrc- - r .'___dewy a] 'a N 2. iiIv ial.,') PUIl N SHOJESA. F O . N eavy {oxfords ini the dullizisiI th r sw,,ell this fall. Our stock of lheavySh ~i _ nvoxx comBplee. e rcarry r uhht e - Xgoodf iiQaly1 ,Fit es T5 tyr-ae. rw r ~r^F c--+a, f as- (a n" *q ,s +rar lo poop"" Or r n Pam R7MPR lu+ a °"...…

October 11, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, ?MICH., SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1903. No. 1 2 BELOIIPROV[D[EASY. **f********f********************** JAMES[ WflhICOfrB RU[Y. f R[SUJLTS OF YESTERDAY'S 6AEiSfrlff Taken into Camp in Short Order by * * Hoosier Poet Opens S. L. A's Course Yost's Babes-Michigan's Score j e lMcigan ........ 79 Blot......... ... -Large and Enthusiastic Au- LareceWiscoinsin. . . 4f11Lawrence..........0 Now 186-0 in 112 Minutes o...…

October 11, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 12) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. FallI Aiinounoeint.. TIhe fLrgest andl lMo-t Comiplete- Lne of WOOLENS inl Ann Arbor will be fonnd at (A. iH. Wild & (n's, i108 1Fast Washingl Lii SI,. Grat iMains ha1(11h0n-i- h n it i .t he selieti on o all suiting:. I I-un-ring-. &' ovi-eciat inigs for this sana.fl 0. II. WILD CO. 108 E. Wash. St. THE MICHIGAN DAILY ioiiiid l as second e- s 11mtth LItLtheIAnn ArlwaPstIfice.I I'llied dainly I(MondiiliircnSLi LI-LI InrIi...…

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