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October 11, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-10-11

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4rntne etGOLF CLUB A HUMMER. New Courses in Public Administra- "Happy" Brows May Get Out.
Tournament is Arranged For -- Mem- ('oat-l1itea kep nitils sg lug1 at re
An iuitiloliant tdtlition to the etlirats ,li te al(-rilhii-. Tlii- wark iiaa ilieaB ~~s ariaGofr, nte ltli oa
Our special line bership Incrass RpidyOfi d ffloti ieay ttat l-rla o a-ll sa itire
of foein nd cers and Record Men. initnis -ounid ii.theinei(tt ut slitii ii-lv li-iii iiealwiitoqi
of oregn nd(o11ilililalVe admiistraivie law andtid l- te i-ihell er i lto lii(ltattenir
donmestic fabrics Iii, nit ii a i ot this iii exceil tiiiiiieiliil adinlolistra lo giveti iiy 11111for ite a wr aitiraryoexa oaiel.
a at i-i" e 'l'lietare inaniteatoit at sistaatl Iratessar'Fairtie. TheI i ri- s iea(tiii-ti lit-t i i 011
For the tall and Winter of tgohas li - loireraity%. le ieni(aliersliit tti tlaaotafi a ttiatit uttt 'Ii liiltar et~ue l- ar ity a t leah
rriv ed and is arrangedfr irinspec- teAoAbrgat-itswtittltatoe i oitttto tEt in iit i the il1l s-n kepi-l ar h l lt ofa
l y S1 :il, aIst r''ol 'tao11 iiii i leas 'rat Itistitutions, s ar o l i ve li 01tildent flefield li ost a a ( c teu teniiltlii- late. It apapears
io. The amaia tilatnin iel' te tot(ttit i-s Ion to- ula ~s tat niy a -geneiral liknawledlge of te littuilda iir-tlttg ~to tt ialra
give to lb- atyea nd fnis of tut it11W lilt11_1A1 f<111lt- tourolug tarlnil i f trtiths Ittod11111 a etiiia=of I~ liii (ltt in t 1 u tiu Iiiw r t a ti-
very suit, whether to lie used fcir ni tut iltlite-hl t heIl at I ra a 'ei 11 liiltlii-.1(lliiiasrlihioii. Ill ttiuitill i ut l iiiIha rd ork, bit theb X1(l-i rarl
pupsefoe-. O tl r s ensoitl isielit er Ttie 1iAdmrnistati-i-ttera art wot liii t a f- t, l
I tortprp ssorfrfuldes 1a e i msef alileofietiiii
iccasions. requested it.litld thle i aiiires 1a1a oattessftr thiose ~wis h i t i i l ).oili I ~li-ti 1111illagilostgai a
nlelilhe 'of the tolirnalent. eaniltintteI, speialistier tfialtik against the th alai
W ILDbi itCOi iititlilI-i tititile-, sitilo iitlt it itiit-tillrtlsviastvttai-atsillisnitir which the tilti
6. . ~I B G . oaaItiuugat of r. itt-ttitrri-lu . 1. fill oi thetiiaa airses wtittlii atlbeo p hil let-sia,11-ito oi t tdai tredia- quilt-
Fout.iind iMr. ltal. iior ito ll.. IMennen -~ as-it-i to illoa-s a hint enditiot en lte ta1 iit- aa i-I l i, te 1111 ia i ot-lo to
ob E.-Washington St. as Sheh sbiiikstol'. tiltoit'littftre i ttilt-itt-itwhlo l an iii i- in teri- II liiilii -lir o t-li
Octat10. itt leiretlt ofthe41,11 119,I (r e i- ll putbtlilI itftlirs l li t I - ll 11 lih
patntor's fori Mei- ita1ii- "igrioutad tiill IDr. I-alt-lit-. who itein oiliar-et- fathe L easysii - -ran n tw ig tt
111a1-fotb lttlii) 1 c 1th it ititheli
BAH -TOhe i'ostdroat.(le lu ba lisoat-illi-s 1111 udaiiati iulite o lari 5)and br ain tpedi it a ussua tespeaedii
ittit-i,,ol ?(t 1,tead liit l hiris n ala-'okiIav geis-t-i- Iii_-andno lit osit tihe
l t l t ti iti ii; o i a I('loiii IT h bIti- la ta ( ' u l o i ltli si i ttse l va n t- r th i t t e rs.I ) f el - h p o l115l h s c a l ~
PRICES ritiat atill u li a t hetil tita ttiar it- -aifs st-r-trtithietiittiii.il- tthea th i>lt aiti--ii srns i t
BAT T OWVTE L _ ec ion flt c~t(. ttllitl1 n 1:18 Hev Iittl l i.-tto e t u-t wil timt
t riundir witliil al itufie p sl l at e Ietii- pishedity steiveiratape lrstlttiin --iititi il eit F I
Ao T HE hsItrallililttu lii iici-t li ii iof ti i-ttN-t Vul at i-t ii
A'11 t)utusea ndlt titlultteiiitt uu s il 1- st-it- nitill iouig Ia li- ta ili i it i it tt-lr and uitl
-ALL ss ne li t itui 15.Ifut positbgl t u-ilt - i a itls - its tctnom i ultitet.Il 4899 i e l eio n Tti - -to -rne i nol
PR1ICE.Statra. uts-'will tbetpladi 15t iiiv, ii nal I-~a,'ofte(olntteap ~s11 rai i
FORt-t:B.It-u l iiie s h out at: u-tillettd yl i-i- ______(,o\-. __________ t Actutu it tdlthtltut- iatitfi ate~l
_______________the______l____of the__1111111_round will bit-astItoi-oi-til s-ud-tof ttIle seetuis ii
d p ieo lac . liiiu i i tdtitr inero.L ockwood's Fial ilrt ecital o -f itthe ttla gred it i etsit an s willaughu
PiPES asid'tTO- IttiroatDr. uatt uutatutackleufsrit-ill liiAlark-ti
NEhAC -vn te eo e litt 15lidtltlt a' s lttittii.liii t) ( t t 1'l 'aIi t( e niht tiu(' r 1Iiel ll tl'uusi it histtgti u i'i
and insp e hatwehae moucan ttili iuit li- u-si il--aithtu t li-iiiitl - ttituuutaitililt yea i-tt-ttiuii-t-tit-arsu i ht. Th .
beat osr UNCHES. uush tutu h u-ifh-ir i s t-- te liith - lu- iat ltist-lttoliii11I-elt lt-iiartitI' I itt
3: S.JL Y,3 8S SaeS Stiuatlel- i-fuhistug: Iui ah lt ii-Sa itttu.iutt ot tterCllegbe e puicte an lns eet
li s of the ir paI.tne st-ott either It rtiiu gttsa tps iupasatii ibuta iwiti-he r ae. n if r n
1 ta1 t- I ofth t t I l itit t ' (lii i-lu it'' '" . ') h o~ c i n - o L a s e . t
EEHI LG Yorand - lracn 1u xi o keoA.lisri-Ua. l)\O r peniitn o ro. LitctrilodutstFitrst Rtau l rToC - b spp, ll: llItha s ligto
PIPES-CtGA S aadTt- hut-foit-tiltmatchesiwist-eli-aaitdill bl l u-tll ttu Ili, hu lt tuli t h et
NISE CTING O-eIn t s tor huttI l itut lrt-at-posstletilttitis this u t-i Suatutuusutu Itl - hlsiililtlti uu tb
caef snwl.lWe hadereof ei~a-l ostrhe nde is i - the iu iii tti-4lnot t-lu. Si l.ii4------lt patuuuu ii le~lt i i dshut is argpla-,ownel lu irt
plc n n iealo rfin st alI W itheuiuu li ne lt -k uet ul is itiiOe1eliii I Mrit 1 .15 i~ti Lockwood. i li ii ie lt uune lisi
andR tt taaiiti-lt ut u-o-ltti iiutut-ii-litt - - -11 iI liit-l111 l -ulgt i ls
and nspet wht w hav. Yo ca't -nu-asthesinglsr.VI. The anew aof lucesitug ea it th gill- - - - - -artent wi rl o \t3 ol(u - rtlsislt.
bet urLU CHt.tet('1111 telec t - lt-weekufor-the sit 1- 7luuuiau ritau l i n Fr - ihutit a i l i uuutt il--uu uf li ~ iii
R.E.J LL , 0 S S a sit. ,t-iltl ii 1 o re h- oa li i hutau- T isuill tir fist Alrttiati - - of I Sltat- hut -neR- eu icantiso Clis Melet
CO. tlES ad NIESIY AV. lliluuptai liii-7.lP.utA uro siutasti lit------------ -- lisped----tiin 1.a hi0 s t4 i iiiiHte. { 4uel u
_________________________________________ -ieu hlds, ias is ..lloava: E tuti s twutal l'it l 'to u t', 5 - iiil li tiisus Fi- u--l ssis o
HITLG and ~iII MNtFFtACN. Nursru il 7Nt1 itlltuuutu-usuust i auetli


Students will find eatiher of our
stores, Headquarters for Law
and Medical Books, and all Unli-
versity Text Books.
We offer some second -bIand
books at Low Prices.
White Writing paper 15 and 20e per lb
Linen -Writing Paper 20 and 25c
+ Ream (250)---------------...25c
Box of Envelopes (200).... 250
100 Cards engraving and plate .... $125
Meat S8udent's Note Book-...20c
First-glass Fountain P'en--.. $1.00
We 'sell drafting instruments and
supplies at Speial prices.
Sweaters and Athletic Goods.
Before Buyid Your Needs Try Us.
Wabr's Bo0okstores
Up Town Down Town

1. 1t7 II.aut.a
2. it. A. Ittulet
4.1T. P. Mlcluscsieli.
:-.T. u.FTreblood.
it. T. B.Cooley.
7. 1). F. Ziunnermiuu
8. W. W. h'lorer.
P. t. Ic orersill.
tii 7' L.=Markley.-
1.I Ods. ir.P. tocelysl.
2. Mis. P. C.Freer.
:. Miss Lois Avery.
-C Mrs. J E.B Seighard.
3 .Miss Ruth Durheinm.
i. Miss Grace Brinkerhoff.
7. Miss Nancy Phelps.
8. Miss leabelks Has-Icr
h. Mliss Bessie IRonan.-
10. Ali-s Mai-orietRonsan.-
Two n sewe lu6h-s will hi- addiedl.toths
u,-tns-se sosuelinue Ilis fa1, but they asill
slot tie includeud in asie course f or thse
fall -lournaument. The golf club has
aertaluly. nosy reached a point -vhich
places flue genie as one of the usost ins-
asetasit.brancehes of Itnirereity sib-

1I-r tie us.........-.-........-thinu
siltlts littastoil -.... gsuitne-L~iszt
'Ridei of the '<lt-ries a agsu-t-Ihtuaasiiu
Students Address Republican Club.
A log;e susibus of altuihisslandsuit i-
sans attended':lisa. nassauseahi:ng hsel
intsheii armoury last es-ising to histcn to
the auhausases gist-usby It sumbnhe of
prouinsesut college repiublican sudlents.
Tlue ranks of flue'McKinley & toose-
- -eli lu~ ( hsa have uls-eei orgtaiedarc
at esilurinsgasid 'the enshssi siloiiruss
hsight, as was, hemonstrated bteisaf --
quonht sait prolongediaiplasuse aslue(hb
Was sgohseniShe -speakers. - Cr. Carmsoly
encoasgedi thlese, organisshuin hissht
adadreas. Messs.'-Sosienselihk ihin-
ge :,,tm lMaxey shi~ktivers-ug illy silith
(101. IF->usswaus -llah s1ilii!tuand ax-
pari-ssedlhilt guelsit hl~esrtll :hit isteutr-
est uand douternmiuationi showsn by "lisa
muteisug. It wvas announiced 1-111t Sec.
Vtls. of tile Hague conferenest-ill
addressthue seandanis'aI'fIcitizes satthcle. rnr"netSuda vnig

s ee tusilii-fuairnitie anudthinthepiend-
siits,4. Bothfactiouns htaeusI-icket bus
the fieldandsh leu-u suitalso sevals
utisurat-tutions at wourk. The SIdepend-
eits ueave ouna ttd Br. Edward W. Pits-
neytof tid Ailgssfor apsesidhent.liT
taisht-sihirunises to ax twasn.
Wmn. J. Bryan will arrive at Ann
Arbor at 1 :15 iocal today and speak
from the court house steps.
Democratic Students.
All memers of the. University of
it-higan tiemocratdic club and all other
dlem-aci-atle students are requested 'to'
uneet at iti-lie democratic Club room, 32f>
SoustluStale si., at 12:44 p. o.share.
toihaiy. 1-rainhire tuthensoratic stu-
theists still go in au body ho listen to She
uddressa of Br. Bryan. Thstse demo-
erotic students -vhso have the chub
budge wvorn at Chic Mohawvk banquet iss
Dehiult last sprfiug should bring thsem
smong.Flue band will be dowvn to) lead
tile ~ ~ ~ JT"G )str-i I lto S. Free.


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